332 research outputs found

    Conceptual design of the DEMO neutral beam injectors: Main developments and R&D achievements

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    The objectives of the nuclear fusion power plant DEMO, to be built after the ITER experimental reactor, are usually understood to lie somewhere between those of ITER and a 'first of a kind' commercial plant. Hence, in DEMO the issues related to efficiency and RAMI (reliability, availability, maintainability and inspectability) are among the most important drivers for the design, as the cost of the electricity produced by this power plant will strongly depend on these aspects. In the framework of the EUROfusion Work Package Heating and Current Drive within the Power Plant Physics and Development activities, a conceptual design of the neutral beam injector (NBI) for the DEMO fusion reactor has been developed by Consorzio RFX in collaboration with other European research institutes. In order to improve efficiency and RAMI aspects, several innovative solutions have been introduced in comparison to the ITER NBI, mainly regarding the beam source, neutralizer and vacuum pumping systems

    Controlled production of atomic oxygen and nitrogen in a pulsed radio-frequency atmospheric-pressure plasma

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    International audienceRadio-frequency driven atmospheric pressure plasmas are efficient sources for the production of reactive species at ambient pressure and close to room temperature. Pulsing the radio-frequency power input provides additional control over species production and gas temperature. Here, we demonstrate the controlled production of highly reactive atomic oxygen and nitrogen in a pulsed radio-frequency ( ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0022-3727/50/45/455204/daa8da2ieqn001.gif] 13.56 MHz) atmospheric-pressure plasma, operated with a small ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0022-3727/50/45/455204/daa8da2ieqn002.gif] 0.1 % air-like admixture ( ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0022-3727/50/45/455204/daa8da2ieqn003.gif] \rm N_2 / ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0022-3727/50/45/455204/daa8da2ieqn004.gif] \rm O_2 at ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0022-3727/50/45/455204/daa8da2ieqn005.gif] 4:1 ) through variations in the duty cycle. Absolute densities of atomic oxygen and nitrogen are determined through vacuum-ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy using the DESIRS beamline at the SOLEIL synchrotron coupled with a high resolution Fourier-transform spectrometer. The neutral-gas temperature is measured using nitrogen molecular optical emission spectroscopy. For a fixed applied-voltage amplitude (234?V), varying the pulse duty cycle from 10% to 100% at a fixed 10?kHz pulse frequency enables us to regulate the densities of atomic oxygen and nitrogen over the ranges of ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0022-3727/50/45/455204/daa8da2ieqn006.gif] (0.18±0.03) ? ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0022-3727/50/45/455204/daa8da2ieqn007.gif] (3.7±0.1)× 10^20 ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0022-3727/50/45/455204/daa8da2ieqn008.gif] \rm m^-3 and ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0022-3727/50/45/455204/daa8da2ieqn009.gif] (0.2±0.06) ? ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0022-3727/50/45/455204/daa8da2ieqn010.gif] (4.4±0.8) × 10^19 ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0022-3727/50/45/455204/daa8da2ieqn011.gif] \rm m^-3 , respectively. The corresponding 11?K increase in the neutral-gas temperature with increased duty cycle, up to a maximum of ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0022-3727/50/45/455204/daa8da2ieqn012.gif] (314±4) K, is relatively small. This additional degree of control, achieved through regulation of the pulse duty cycle and time-averaged power, could be of particular interest for prospective biomedical applications

    Start of SPIDER operation towards ITER neutral beams

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    Heating Neutral Beam (HNB) Injectors will constitute the main plasma heating and current drive tool both in ITER and JT60-SA, which are the next major experimental steps for demonstrating nuclear fusion as viable energy source. In ITER, in order to achieve the required thermonuclear fusion power gain Q=10 for short pulse operation and Q=5 for long pulse operation (up to 3600s), two HNB injectors will be needed [1], each delivering a total power of about 16.5 MW into the magnetically-confined plasma, by means of neutral hydrogen or deuterium particles having a specific energy of about 1 MeV. Since only negatively charged particles can be efficiently neutralized at such energy, the ITER HNB injectors [2] will be based on negative ions, generated by caesium-catalysed surface conversion of atoms in a radio-frequency driven plasma source. A negative deuterium ion current of more than 40 A will be extracted, accelerated and focused in a multi-aperture, multi-stage electrostatic accelerator, having 1280 apertures (~ 14 mm diam.) and 5 acceleration stages (~200 kV each) [3]. After passing through a narrow gas-cell neutralizer, the residual ions will be deflected and discarded, whereas the neutralized particles will continue their trajectory through a duct into the tokamak vessels to deliver the required heating power to the ITER plasma for a pulse duration of about 3600 s. Although the operating principles and the implementation of the most critical parts of the injector have been tested in different experiments, the ITER NBI requirements have never been simultaneously attained. In order to reduce the risks and to optimize the design and operating procedures of the HNB for ITER, a dedicated Neutral Beam Test Facility (NBTF) [4] has been promoted by the ITER Organization with the contribution of the European Union\u2019s Joint Undertaking for ITER and of the Italian Government, with the participation of the Japanese and Indian Domestic Agencies (JADA and INDA) and of several European laboratories, such as IPP-Garching, KIT-Karlsruhe, CCFE-Culham, CEA-Cadarache. The NBTF, nicknamed PRIMA, has been set up at Consorzio RFX in Padova, Italy [5]. The planned experiments will verify continuous HNB operation for one hour, under stringent requirements for beam divergence (< 7 mrad) and aiming (within 2 mrad). To study and optimise HNB performances, the NBTF includes two experiments: MITICA, full-scale NBI prototype with 1 MeV particle energy and SPIDER, with 100 keV particle energy and 40 A current, aiming at testing and optimizing the full-scale ion source. SPIDER will focus on source uniformity, negative ion current density and beam optics. In June 2018 the experimental operation of SPIDER has started

    Three-month-olds, but not newborns, prefer own-race faces

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    Adults are sensitive to the physical differences that define ethnic groups. However, the age at which we become sensitive to ethnic differences is currently unclear. Our study aimed to clarify this by testing newborns and young infants for sensitivity to ethnicity using a visual preference (VP) paradigm. While newborn infants demonstrated no spontaneous preference for faces from either their own- or other-ethnic groups, 3-month-old infants demonstrated a significant preference for faces from their own-ethnic group. These results suggest that preferential selectivity based on ethnic differences is not present in the first days of life, but is learned within the first 3 months of life. The findings imply that adults’ perceptions of ethnic differences are learned and derived from differences in exposure to own- versus other-race faces during early developmen

    Absolute ozone densities in a radio-frequency driven atmospheric pressure plasma using two-beam UV-LED absorption spectroscopy and numerical simulations

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    International audienceThe efficient generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cold atmospheric pressure plasma jets (APPJs) is an increasingly important topic, e.g. for the treatment of temperature sensitive biological samples in the field of plasma medicine. A 13.56 MHz radio-frequency (rf) driven APPJ device operated with helium feed gas and small admixtures of oxygen (up to 1%), generating a homogeneous glow-mode plasma at low gas temperatures, was investigated. Absolute densities of ozone, one of the most prominent ROS, were measured across the 11 mm wide discharge channel by means of broadband absorption spectroscopy using the Hartley band centred at lambda = 255 nm. A two-beam setup with a reference beam in Mach--Zehnder configuration is employed for improved signal-to-noise ratio allowing high-sensitivity measurements in the investigated single-pass weak-absorbance regime. The results are correlated to gas temperature measurements, deduced from the rotational temperature of the N2 (C 3 {{{\Pi }}}u \to B 3 {{{\Pi }}}g , upsilo = 0 \to 2) optical emission from introduced air impurities. The observed opposing trends of both quantities as a function of rf power input and oxygen admixture are analysed and explained in terms of a zero-dimensional plasma-chemical kinetics simulation. It is found that the gas temperature as well as the densities of O and O2(b{}1{{{Sigma }}}g ) influence the absolute O3 densities when the rf power is varied

    Characterization of ERK Docking Domain Inhibitors that Induce Apoptosis by Targeting Rsk-1 and Caspase-9

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 and 2 (ERK1/2) proteins play an important role in cancer cell proliferation and survival. ERK1/2 proteins also are important for normal cell functions. Thus, anti-cancer therapies that block all ERK1/2 signaling may result in undesirable toxicity to normal cells. As an alternative, we have used computational and biological approaches to identify low-molecular weight compounds that have the potential to interact with unique ERK1/2 docking sites and selectively inhibit interactions with substrates involved in promoting cell proliferation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Colony formation and water soluble tetrazolium salt (WST) assays were used to determine the effects of test compounds on cell proliferation. Changes in phosphorylation and protein expression in response to test compound treatment were examined by immunoblotting and <it>in vitro </it>kinase assays. Apoptosis was determined with immunoblotting and caspase activity assays.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>In silico </it>modeling was used to identify compounds that were structurally similar to a previously identified parent compound, called <b>76</b>. From this screen, several compounds, termed <b>76.2</b>, <b>76.3</b>, and <b>76.4 </b>sharing a common thiazolidinedione core with an aminoethyl side group, inhibited proliferation and induced apoptosis of HeLa cells. However, the active compounds were less effective in inhibiting proliferation or inducing apoptosis in non-transformed epithelial cells. Induction of HeLa cell apoptosis appeared to be through intrinsic mechanisms involving caspase-9 activation and decreased phosphorylation of the pro-apoptotic Bad protein. Cell-based and <it>in vitro </it>kinase assays indicated that compounds <b>76.3 </b>and <b>76.4 </b>directly inhibited ERK-mediated phosphorylation of caspase-9 and the p90Rsk-1 kinase, which phosphorylates and inhibits Bad, more effectively than the parent compound <b>76</b>. Further examination of the test compound's mechanism of action showed little effects on related MAP kinases or other cell survival proteins.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings support the identification of a class of ERK-targeted molecules that can induce apoptosis in transformed cells by inhibiting ERK-mediated phosphorylation and inactivation of pro-apoptotic proteins.</p