172 research outputs found

    Game engine for cultural heritage. New opportunities in the relation between simplified models and database

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    Architectura et societas: reflexiones sobre composición, ornato y estética

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    En el ámbito arquitectónico, la composición el ornato y la estética son factores determinantes y correlativos, al menos desde la Antigüedad clásica. Y lo son, entre otras razones, porque lo compuesto difiere de lo impuesto, como lo natural y hábil difiere de lo torpe y lo artificial. La composición, el ornato y la estética comparecen en la labor del arquitecto cuando lo que se persigue es algo natural y no artificial. Estética viene a ser entonces, no solo una ciencia de lo bello, sino la síntesis de naturaleza y libertad, de regla y creación.Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura y Edificación de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena; Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena; Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de la Edificació

    The colour of stones and mosaics in Ravenna: new images of ancient monuments using the latest generation of unconventional photogrammetry

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    [EN] This paper focuses on texture accuracy for a reliable simulation of construction materials present in some important historic monuments on the World Heritage List, dating back to Late Antiquity in Ravenna (Italy). A series of novel strategies will be explained in order to take advantage of automatic texturing solutions of 3D digital models created by Structure from Motion (SfM) applications. These monuments will be used as case studies toillustrate a shadow removal technique on Lambertian surfaces (stone, mortar, bricks, etc.) from apparent colour texture and a rapid approach for optic simulation of mosaic decoration. The latter consists of splitting a single apparent colour texture into a set of images whose purpose is to supply render engines more suitable shaders for representing coloured mosaic tiles in an optically reliable way[ES] El propósito de este trabajo es destacar el papel de la precisión de la textura para una representación fiable de los materiales presentes en algunos relevantes monumentos de Rávena (Italia), pertenecientes a la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial y que datan de la Antigüedad Tardía. Una serie de estrategias se explicarán con el fin de aprovechar las ventajas de las soluciones automáticas de texturizado de modelos 3D creados con aplicaciones Structure from Motion (SfM). Estos edificios serán los casos de estudios para ilustrar una técnica innovadora para la eliminación de las sombras de la textura aparente del color y un método rápido para la simulación de decoración taraceadas de mosaico. Este último problema consiste en dividir una única textura en un conjunto de imágenes cuya finalidad es ofrecer a los motores de renderizado los shaders más adecuados para la representación en una forma ópticamente fiable de las teselas coloreadas de mosaicoCipriani, L.; Fantini, F.; Bertacchi, S. (2015). El color en las piedras y en los mosaicos de Rávena: nuevas imágenes de los monumentos antiguos a través de la fotogrametría no convencional de última generación. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 20(26):190-201. doi:10.4995/ega.2015.4052SWORD1902012026Cipriani, L., Fantini, F., & Bertacchi, S. (2014). 3D models mapping optimization through an integrated parameterization approach: cases studies from Ravenna. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XL-5, 173-180. doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-xl-5-173-201

    Una metodología inteligente para la digitalización de colecciones museísticas

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    [ES] El documento describe una metodología que cubre los procedimientos de levantamiento y las aplicaciones informáticas con el objetivo de convertir herramientas generalistas (teléfonos inteligentes) en dispositivos de adquisición rigurosa de BIC almacenados en los museos. Dos problemas diferentes se enfrentan: a) como las caracteristicas de dichos objetos a escala micro/meso afectan su documentación; b) desarrollo de una solución multipropósito para una adquisición de bajo costo y fácil de usar para digitalizar y visualizar artefactos BIC. Se presenta un procedimiento basado en un kit de adquisición digital destinado a lograr modelos y texturas confiables, así como representaciones de color precisas. Se han seleccionado varios objetos para probar la coherencia y flexibilidad de los métodos y técnicas propuestos, y los resultados se comparan con los de las técnicas de adquisición estándar.[EN] The paper describes methods and techniques covering both surveying procedures and computer applications aiming to convert widespread tools as smartphones into reliable ranging devices in the field of Cultural Heritage (CH) museums small object. Two different issues are faced: a) how different features affect the documentation of micro-/meso-scale objects displayed in exhibitions; b) development of a multipurpose solution for a lowcost and easy-to-use acquisition to digitize and visualize these objects. A procedure based on a surveying kit aimed at achieving reliable models and textures, as well as accurate color renderings is presented. Several objects have been selected to test the consistency and flexibility of the proposed methods and techniques and results are compared with those from standard acquisition techniques.Gaiani, M.; Apollonio, FI.; Fantini, F. (2020). A comprehensive smart methodology for museum collection digitization. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 25(38):170-181. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2020.12281OJS1701812538APOLLONIO, F.I., GAIANI, M., BASILISSI, W., RIVAROLI, L., 2017. Photogrammetry driven tools to support the restoration of open-air bronze surfaces of sculptures: an integrated solution starting from the experience of the Neptune Fountain in Bologna. ISPRS, XLII-2/W3, pp. 47-54. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W3-47-2017BERTOLLINI, M., CARAMIS, A., D'ELIA, M., PRISCO, M.R., TALICE, S., 2018. La valorizzazione del patrimonio museale: i percorsi museali 2015. https://www.slideshare.net/slideistat/ (10 March 2019).CABEZOS BERNAL, P., ROSSI, A., 2017. Técnicas de musealización virtual. Los capiteles del Monasterio de San Cugat. EGA, 29, pp. 48-57. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2017.7340GAIANI, M., BALLABENI, A., 2018. SHAFT (SAT & HUE Adaptive Fine Tuning), a new automated solution for target-based colour correction. Colour and Colorimetry. Multidisciplinary Contributions, XIVB, pp. 69-80.GAIANI, M. (ed.), 2015. I portici di Bologna Architettura, Modelli 3D e ricerche tecnologiche, Bologna.GARCIA‐CODOÑER, A., LLOPIS VERDÚ, J., TORRES BARCHINO, A., VILLAPLANA GUILLÉN, R., SERRA LLUCH, J., 2009. Colour as a Structural Variable of Historical Urban Form. Color Research and Application, 34, pp. 253-265. https://doi.org/10.1002/col.20491GARCÍA-LEÓN, J., SÁNCHEZ-ALLEGUE, P., PEÑA-VELASCO, C., CIPRIANI, L., FANTINI, F., 2018. Interactive dissemination of the 3D model of a baroque altarpiece: a pipeline from digital survey to game engines. SCIRES-IT, 8(2), pp. 59-76.HABEKOST, M., 2013. Which colour differencing equation should be used?. International Circular of Graphic Education and Research, 6, pp. 20-33.ISO/CIE 11664-6 (2014). Colourimetry - Part 6: CIEDE2000 Colour-Difference Formula.LOWE, D.G., 2004, Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints". International Journal of Computer Vision, 60 (2), pp. 91-110. https://doi.org/10.1023/B:VISI.0000029664.99615.94MOKRZYCKI, W.S., TATOL, M., 2011. Colour difference Delta E - A survey. Machine graphics and vision, 20(4), 383-412.NOCERINO, E., LAGO, F., MORABITO, D., REMONDINO, F., PORZI, L., POIESI, F., ROTA BULO, S., CHIPPENDALE, P., LOCHER, A., HAVLENA, M., VAN GOOL, L., EDER, M., FÖTSCHL, A., HILSMANN, A., KAUSCH, L., EISERT, P., 2017. A smartphone-based 3D pipeline for the creative industry - The REPLICATE EU Project. ISPRS, XLII-2/W3, 535-541. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W3-535-2017OTTANI CAVINA, A. (ed.), 1988. Palazzo Poggi da dimora aristocratica a sede dell'Università di Bologna Bologna: Nuova Alfa.REINHARD, E., KHAN, E.A., AKYUZ, A.O., JOHNSON, G., 2008. Colour Imaging: Fundamentals and Applications. New York: A K Peters. https://doi.org/10.1201/b10637RODRIGUEZ NAVARRO, P., 2012. La fotogrametría digital automatizada frente a los sistemas basados en sensores 3d activos. EGA, 20, pp. 100-111. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2012.1408RUSSO, M., 2012. Integrated Reverse Modeling Techniques for the Survey of Complex Shapes in Industrial Design. In J. Apolinar Munoz Rodriguez (ed.), Laser Scanner Technology. Shanghai. https://doi.org/10.5772/35140SHARMA, G., WU, W., DALAL, E.N., 2005. The CIEDE2000 Color-difference formula: implementation notes, supplementary test data and mathematical observations. Color Research and Application, 30(1), pp. 21-30. https://doi.org/10.1002/col.2007

    Graphic survey and three-dimensional modelling of the Negro Tower or Arráez, post-coastal tower of the sixteenth century in El Algar (Region of Murcia, Spain)

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    [EN] Post-coastal towers or rural fortress towers, built in the sixteenth century on the Mediterranean coast, had the mission of protecting the population and enhancing the repopulation of these areas, heavily punished by incursions by berber pirates. The Negro Tower or Arráez Tower, in El Algar-Cartagena (Region of Murcia, Spain), is one of those post-coastal lookout towers and was built in 1585. It is shaped like a truncated pyramid, square plan and a height of about 14,00 m. Originally, it had three floors and a terrace. Despite its degree of protection (it is a monument), its current state of conservation is semi-ruined. It has no cover, the vault of the first floor has collapsed and presents cracks that threaten its stability. Therefore, a research project has been developed that has included, among other aspects, the graphic survey with two complementary techniques: digital photogrammetry and 3D laser scanning. The result is an exhaustive graphic documentation that allows understanding the construction and allows the consolidation and volumetric recomposition of the tower. With this work, it is intended to contribute to the conservation and recovery of the heritage value of the Tower, as well as the integration of the historical monument in its natural and landscape environment.García-León, J.; Collado-Espejo, P.; Fantini, F.; Jiménez-González, F. (2020). Levantamiento y modelización tridimensional de la Torre del Negro o de Arráez, torre post-litoral del siglo XVI en El Algar (Región de Murcia, España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 309-316. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2020.2020.11377OCS30931

    La mappatura dei modelli digitali ottenuti mediante sensori attivi: verso nuove e più ampie prospettive di utilizzo

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    Il problema della mappatura del colore sui modelli digitali 3D ottenuti da sensori attivi apre numerose opportunità di ricerca e di riflessione dal momento in cui gli attuali sistemi di rilevamento laser scanner presentano limitazioni circa l’acquisizione del colore apparente, sia dovute alle condizioni logistiche del rilevamento, sia imputabili alle caratteristiche delle fotocamere montate su tali apparecchi. Il caso di studio qui trattato riguarda il progetto pilota per la valorizzazione e la salvaguardia delle chiese barocche in stile Ispano-americano facenti parte del patrimonio architettonico della città di Antigua Guatemala (Guatemala) fortemente danneggiato nel corso del secolo XVIII da un sisma di grande entità. L’obiettivo del progetto è quello di costruire modelli digitali 3D in grado di rappresentare accuratamente l’attuale stato di conservazione delle strutture e delle superfici esterne che presentano in molti casi un ricco apparato decorativo caratterizzato da affreschi policromi. Il rilevamento della Chiesa della Compagnia di Gesù eseguito attraverso scanner laser a variazione di fase non è però in grado di produrre texture del colore apparente a risoluzioni sufficientemente alte ed in condizioni favorevoli da consentire una adeguata mappatura sotto il profilo radiometrico; pertanto si è provveduto ad eseguire una apposita campagna fotografica finalizzata all’ottenimento di mappe di alta qualità corrette grazie a strumenti di editing bitmap che fanno largo uso dei vantaggi tipici dei formati .HDR e .RAW. Le texture del colore, integrate da mappe di normali e di scostamento, hanno permesso di realizzare modelli ottimizzati e multifunzione capaci cioè di fornire rappresentazioni interattive di alta qualità (fruibili via web attraverso applicazioni real-time), così come elaborati finalizzati alle pratiche di manutenzione e restauro attraverso disegni 2D. Il binomio costituito dalla sinergia di applicativi fotogrammetrici e di editing evoluto di immagini a 32 bit conferisce alla mappatura dei modelli digitali una affidabilità ad ampio raggio, tale da renderli congrui con le più elevate esigenze di conservazione e diffusione

    Prevalence and development of chronic critical illness in acute patients admitted to a respiratory intensive care setting

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    Introduction- Chronic Critical Illness (chronic CI) is a condition associated to patients surviving an episode of acute respiratory failure (ARF). The prevalence and the factors associated with the development of chronic CI in the population admitted to a Respiratory Intensive Care Unit (RICU) have not been yet elucidated. Methods- An observational prospective cohort study was undertaken at the RICU of the University Hospital of Modena (Italy). Patients mechanically ventilated with ARF in RICU were enrolled. Demographics, severity scores (APACHEII, SOFA, SAPSII), and clinical condition (septic shock, pneumonia, ARDS) were recorded on admission. Respiratory mechanics and inflammatory-metabolic blood parameters were measured both on admission and over the first week of stay. All variables were tested as predictors of chronic CI through univariate and multivariate analysis. Results- chronic CI occurred in 33 out of 100 patients observed. Higher APACHEII, the presence of septic shock, diaphragmatic dysfunction (DD) at sonography, multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacterial infection, the occurrence of a second infection during stay, and a C-reactive protein (CRP) serum level inceasing 7 days over admission were associated with chronic CI. Septic shock was the strongest predictor of chronic CI (AUC=0.92 p<0.0001). Conclusions- Chronic CI is frequent in patients admitted to RICU and mechanically ventilated due to ARF. Infection-related factors seem to play a major role as predictors of this syndrome

    ATHENA project: guidelines for the substainable use of ancient theatres

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    Since the UNESCO established the need for Management Plans for the sites inscribed to World Heritage List, those tools have gained increasing relevance. ATHENA is an international cooperation project included in the program EUROMED HERITAGE IV of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION and is aimed at sharing, within the Mediterranean Basin, the best practices for sustainable use of ancient theatres. These buildings play a fundamental role for cultural and economic development, but need special care when used for staging activities: from the point of view of users (safety, comfort, etc.) and for monument preservation. The IRP has developed a managerial tool for contemporary uses divided into three parts: Preliminary Activities for spreading knowledge about theatre, Fundamentals, which are a series of definitions and procedures for the management of ancient theatres in general, and the third part, which will be a manual for carrying out diagnosis and proposals for the theatre.Domenech Carbo, MT.; Juan Vidal, F.; Benlloch Castello, A.; Fantini, F.; Insa Calabuig, A. (2011). ATHENA project: guidelines for the substainable use of ancient theatres. Arché. (6):119-126. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/33285119126

    Dissecting the Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis:Cause or Solution

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    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is one of the most aggressive forms of idiopathic interstitial pneumonias, characterized by chronic and progressive fibrosis subverting the lung’s architecture, pulmonary functional decline, progressive respiratory failure, and high mortality (median survival 3 years after diagnosis). Among the mechanisms associated with disease onset and progression, it has been hypothesized that IPF lungs might be affected either by a regenerative deficit of the alveolar epithelium or by a dysregulation of repair mechanisms in response to alveolar and vascular damage. This latter might be related to the progressive dysfunction and exhaustion of the resident stem cells together with a process of cellular and tissue senescence. The role of endogenous mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) resident in the lung in the homeostasis of these mechanisms is still a matter of debate. Although endogenous MSCs may play a critical role in lung repair, they are also involved in cellular senescence and tissue ageing processes with loss of lung regenerative potential. In addition, MSCs have immunomodulatory properties and can secrete anti-fibrotic factors. Thus, MSCs obtained from other sources administered systemically or directly into the lung have been investigated for lung epithelial repair and have been explored as a potential therapy for the treatment of lung diseases including IPF. Given these multiple potential roles of MSCs, this review aims both at elucidating the role of resident lung MSCs in IPF pathogenesis and the role of administered MSCs from other sources for potential IPF therapies

    Risk factors for pulmonary air leak and clinical prognosis in patients with COVID-19 related acute respiratory failure: a retrospective matched control study.

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    Background- The role of excessive inspiratory effort in promoting alveolar and pleural rupture resulting in air leak (AL) in patients with SARS-CoV-2 induced acute respiratory failure (ARF) while on spontaneous breathing is undetermined. Methods- Among all patients with COVID-19 related ARF admitted to a respiratory intensive care unit (RICU) and receiving non-invasive respiratory support, those developing an AL were and matched 1:1 (by means of PaO2/FiO2 ratio, age, body mass index-BMI and subsequent organ failure assessment [SOFA]) with a comparable population who did not (NAL group). Esophageal pressure (ΔPes) and dynamic transpulmonary pressure (ΔPL) swings were compared between groups. Risk factors affecting AL onset were evaluated. The composite outcome of ventilator-free-days (VFD) at day 28 (including ETI, mortality, tracheostomy) was compared between groups. Results- AL and NAL groups (n=28) showed similar ΔPes, whereas AL had higher ΔPL (20 [16‐21] and 17 [11‐20], p=0.01 respectively). Higher ΔPL (OR=1.5 95%CI[1‐1.8], p=0.01), positive end‐expiratory pressure (OR=2.4 95%CI[1.2‐5.9], p=0.04) and pressure support (OR=1.8 95%CI[1.1-3.5], p=0.03), D-dimer on admission (OR=2.1 95%CI[1.3-9.8], p=0.03), and features suggestive of consolidation on computed tomography scan (OR=3.8 95%CI[1.1-15], p= 0.04) were all significantly associated with AL. A lower VFD score resulted in a higher risk (HR=3.7 95%CI [1.2-11.3], p=0.01) in the AL group compared with NAL. RICU stay and 90-day mortality were also higher in the AL group compared with NAL. Conclusions- In spontaneously breathing patients with COVID‐19 related ARF, higher levels of ΔPL, blood D‐dimer, NIV delivery pressures and a consolidative lung pattern were associated with AL onset