113 research outputs found

    Le minoranze islamiche nella Bulgaria post-comunista: ingerenze statali e libertà confessionale

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    Contributo segnalato dal Prof. Paolo Moneta, ordinario di Diritto ecclesiastico nella facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’’Università di PisaSOMMARIO: 1. Profili istituzionali delle relazioni tra Stato e confessioni religiose nella Bulgaria post-comunista: la posizione dell’Islam. 2. Le ingerenze del Governo bulgaro nell’organizzazione interna delle rappresentanze islamiche secondo la Corte di Strasburgo. 3. Alcune osservazioni sull’ingresso della Bulgaria nell’U.E. e sulle problematiche dell’Islam bulgaro – balcanico

    Il diritto penale canonico: tra potere coercitivo e carità pastorale

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    Contributo sottoposto a valutazioneSOMMARIO: 1. Il diritto penale canonico: una disciplina oggetto di contestazioni - 2. La dimensione pastorale del sistema penale canonico - 3. Principio di legalità ed aequitas canonica - 4. Il delitto: profili generali - 5. Le recenti riforme in materia di delicta graviora - 6. I delicta graviora contro la fede - 7. I delicta graviora contro i sacramenti - 8. Il delitto di tentata ordinazione di una donna – 9. I delicta graviora contro la morale: il delitto di abuso di minore e il delitto di pedopornografia - 10. Considerazioni conclusive

    Silicone Líquido Utilizado Com Finalidade Estética Como Potencializador Da Ocorrência De Linfedema Genital Pós-radioterapia: Relato De Caso

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    Lymphedema consists of extracellular fluid retention caused by lymphatic obstruction. In chronic forms, fat and fibrous tissue accumulation is observed. Genital lymphedema is a rare condition in developed countries and may have primary or acquired etiology. It generally leads to urinary, sexual and social impairment. Clinical treatment usually has low effectiveness, and surgical resection is frequently indicated. CASE REPORT: We report a case of a male-to-female transgender patient who was referred for treatment of chronic genital lymphedema. She had a history of pelvic radiotherapy to treat anal cancer and of liquid silicone injections to the buttock and thigh regions for esthetic purposes. Radiological examinations showed signs both of tissue infiltration by liquid silicone and of granulomas, lymphadenopathy and lymphedema. Surgical treatment was performed on the area affected, in which lymphedematous tissue was excised from the scrotum while preserving the penis and testicles, with satisfactory results. Histopathological examination showed alterations compatible with tissue infiltration by exogenous material, along with chronic lymphedema. CONCLUSION: Genital lymphedema may be caused by an association of lesions due to liquid silicone injections and radiotherapy in the pelvic region. Cancer treatment decisions for patients who previously underwent liquid silicone injection should take this information into account, since it may represent a risk factor for radiotherapy complications.135218518

    L\u2019Aquila, 6 aprile 2009: la gestione dell\u2019emergenza, la promozione della coesione e della salute sociale

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    Il presente lavoro nasce nell\u2019ambito del Progetto Vela, che si pone come obiettivo generale "la promozione della salute\u201d in comunit\ue0 colpite da emergenza sia naturale che umanitaria. Il Progetto \ue8 un\u2019iniziativa elaborata da un gruppo di ricercato- ri afferenti all\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Padova (dipartimento FISPPA \u2013 Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata), nato nell\u2019ottobre 2011 con l\u2019obietti- vo di indagare quali siano state le ricadute negli assetti interattivi della comunit\ue0 aquilana, ossia come essa configuri la propria realt\ue0 sociale, in seguito al sisma del 6 aprile 2009. L\u2019incipit dell\u2019articolo consiste in una riflessione teorico-conoscitiva sulla relazione tra \u201ccatastrofe\u201d, \u201csalute\u201d ed \u201cemergenza\u201d, che ha porta-to ad assumere la rilevanza di indagarli per come sono configurati dai membri della comunit\ue0, anzich\ue9 considerarli entit\ue0 statiche di per s\ue9. Coerentemente con questi assunti, attraverso appositi protocolli di indagine, sono state indagate le modalit\ue0 discorsive che configurano la "salute" del territorio aquilano prima del sisma, nelle ore di urgenza del post-sisma, allo stato attuale e in proiezione futura. I protocolli sono stati somministrati a diversi ruoli (cittadini, commercianti, insegnanti, forze dell\u2019ordine, operatori della protezione civile, medici e psicologi), in modo da raccogliere il testo di tutte le voci della comunit\ue0 aquilana. Quanto emerso ha mostrato che gli aquilani tuttora configurano la loro comunit\ue0 come "catastrofica" e dunque associata all\u2019evento sismico; dunque quest\u2019ultimo ha pervaso, e pervade, la biografia della comunit\ue0 aquilana (sia in prospettiva passata, che presente, che futura) con alto tasso di potenziale disgregazione sociale

    Cutaneous Metastasis As The First Manifestation Of Occult Malignant Breast Neoplasia

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    Cutaneous metastases from primary internal malignancies represent 0.7-9% of patients with cancer. We report a 65year-old female patient referred for evaluation of normochromic papules on the trunk and upper limbs that had been present for three months. A skin biopsy revealed diffuse cutaneous infiltration by small round cell tumors. Immunohistochemistry was positive for AE1/ AE3, CK7, estrogen receptor and mammaglobin. The final diagnosis was cutaneous metastasis of occult breast cancer, since the solid primary tumor was not identified. The location of the primary tumor can not be determined in 5-10% of cases. In these cases, 27% are identified before the patient's death, 57% at autopsy, and the remaining 16% can not be located.915110510

    The importance of superficial basal cell carcinoma in a retrospective study of 139 patients who underwent Mohs micrographic surgery in a Brazilian university hospital

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    OBJECTIVE: Mohs micrographic surgery is a specialized surgical procedure used to treat skin cancer. The purpose of this study was to better understand the profile of the patients who underwent the procedure and to determine how histology might be related to complications and the number of stages required for complete removal. METHODS: The records of patients who underwent Mohs micrographic surgery from October 2008 to November 2013 at the Dermatology Division of the Hospital of the Campinas University were assessed. The variables included were gender, age, anatomical location, histology, number of stages required and complications. RESULTS: Contingency tables were used to compare the number of stages with the histological diagnosis. The analysis showed that patients with superficial basal cell carcinoma were 9.03 times more likely to require more than one stage. A comparison between complications and histological diagnosis showed that patients with superficial basal cell carcinoma were 6.5 times more likely to experience complications. CONCLUSION: Although superficial basal cell carcinoma is typically thought to represent a less-aggressive variant of these tumors, its propensity for demonstrating “skip areas” and clinically indistinct borders make it a challenge to treat. Its particular nature may result in the higher number of surgery stages required, which may, as a consequence, result in more complications, including recurrence. Recurrence likely occurs due to the inadequate excision of the tumors despite their clear margins. Further research on this subtype of basal cell carcinoma is needed to optimize treatments and decrease morbidity

    The importance of superficial basal cell carcinoma in a retrospective study of 139 patients who underwent mohs micrographic surgery in a Brazilian university hospital

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    OBJECTIVE: Mohs micrographic surgery is a specialized surgical procedure used to treat skin cancer. The purpose of this study was to better understand the profile of the patients who underwent the procedure and to determine how histology might be related to complications and the number of stages required for complete removal. METHODS: The records of patients who underwent Mohs micrographic surgery from October 2008 to November 2013 at the Dermatology Division of the Hospital of the Campinas University were assessed. The variables included were gender, age, anatomical location, histology, number of stages required and complications. RESULTS: Contingency tables were used to compare the number of stages with the histological diagnosis. The analysis showed that patients with superficial basal cell carcinoma were 9.03 times more likely to require more than one stage. A comparison between complications and histological diagnosis showed that patients with superficial basal cell carcinoma were 6.5 times more likely to experience complications. CONCLUSION: Although superficial basal cell carcinoma is typically thought to represent a less-aggressive variant of these tumors, its propensity for demonstrating "skip areas'' and clinically indistinct borders make it a challenge to treat. Its particular nature may result in the higher number of surgery stages required, which may, as a consequence, result in more complications, including recurrence. Recurrence likely occurs due to the inadequate excision of the tumors despite their clear margins. Further research on this subtype of basal cell carcinoma is needed to optimize treatments and decrease morbidity.Mohs micrographic surgery is a specialized surgical procedure used to treat skin cancer. The purpose of this study was to better understand the profile of the patients who underwent the procedure and to determine how histology might be related to complica7011721725sem informaçãosem informaçã

    Régimen simplificado para pequeños contribuyentes, última reforma 2018 e impacto social

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    El presente trabajo fue realizado por las alumnas Concati Florecia, Valdivieso Natalia, Cartechini Daniela y Fantelli Valeria, alumnas de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina, analiza el Régimen Simplificado para Pequeños Contribuyentes, las modificaciones sufridas en el mismo como asi también el impacto social que estas han tenido. Objetivo: Evaluar si las modificaciones han sido realizadas acordes a la realidad económica que si vive en nuestro país y realizar una comparación entre los sucesivos cambios a fin de determinar los posibles beneficios o desventajas ocasionadas a los contribuyentes del régimen Principales Conceptos Teóricos: Régimen Simplificado para Pequeños Contribuyentes, Re-Categorización, Reformas introducidas en el Régimen, Facturación electrónica, Monotributo Social Metodología: Luego de una explicación del marco teórico necesario para abordar el tema elegido, se realizó un detalle de las principales modificaciones introducidas en el mismo. Por último se exponen casos prácticos los que permiten llevar a la realidad todo el marco teórico expuesto anteriormente y concluir sobre en mismo. Resultados y conclusiones: Más allá de las reformas implementadas -todas con efectos directos sobre el funcionamiento del régimen simplificado-, se ha podido constatar que la Ley inicial del Monotributo fue modificada o en numerosas oportunidades hasta la fecha, lo que pone de manifiesto cierta inestabilidad del sistema. Este proceso de continuos cambios constituye un serio impedimento para poder evaluar los efectos del sistema en cuanto a la captación de un mayor número de contribuyentes o la reducción de la informalidad laboral existente, así como también los incentivos que el régimen genera en los distintos universos de contribuyentes, lo cual se dificulta aún más si se considera la escasa disponibilidad de información estadística relacionada con el Monotributo y el comportamiento de los contribuyentes involucrados.Fil: Cartechini, Daniela Nerea. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Fantelli, María Valeria. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Concati, María Florencia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Valdivieso, Natalia Evelin. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

    Uptake and Effects of N

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