746 research outputs found

    Fanon's Letter Between Psychiatry and Anticolonial Commitment

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    The name of Frantz Fanon has become a symbol of anticolonial militancy and the struggles of national emancipation against colonial rule. However, Fanon was also a psychiatrist, who never abandoned clinical practice even after resigning from his post in colonized Algeria in 1956. The coexistence, in Fanon, of medicine and political involvement represents one of the most productive and contradictory aspects of his life and work. Fanon was highly critical of colonial ethnopsychiatry, but never abandoned his commitment to improving the condition of psychiatric patients. After his escape from Algeria, he wrote extensively for El Moudjahid, the journal of the anticolonial resistance, but also practised in the hospital of Charles Nicolle in Tunis. In this essay I propose a new assessment of the relation between psychiatry and politics by addressing Fanon's influence on Franco Basaglia, leader of the anti-institutional movement in Italian psychiatry in the 1960s and 1970s. Basaglia was deeply inspired by the example of Fanon and the contradictions he had to confront. Rereading Fanon through the mirror of Italian anti-institutional psychiatry will define a new understanding of Fanon as committed intellectual. Indeed, this may suggest a new perspective on the function of intellectuals in contexts signed by the aftermath of colonial history, drawing on the example of two psychiatrists who never ceased to inhabit the borderline between the clinical and the critical, medicine and militancy, the necessity of cure and the exigency of freedom

    A famĂ­lia argelina

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    This text is part of the book L’an V de la RĂ©volution AlgĂ©rienne (published in the USA as A Dying Colonialism). In this chapter, “The Algerian Family”, Fanon discuss the changes that happened in the familiar structure in Algeria during the struggle against the French colonialism in the 1950sO presente texto Ă© uma parte do livro O Ano V da Revolução Argelina de Frantz Fanon, ainda sem tradução para o portuguĂȘs. Neste capĂ­tulo, intitulado “A famĂ­lia argelina”, Fanon discorre sobre as mudanças que aconteceram na estrutura familiar na ArgĂ©lia em meio ao processo de luta e resistĂȘncia ante o colonialismo francĂȘs na dĂ©cada de 195

    Imperialisms Past and Present in EU Economic Relations with North Africa

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    The EU is actively pursuing Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements (DCFTAs) as part of its trade and aid relations with former colonies in North Africa. Utilizing the discourse of pro-poor business growth and win-win free trade, the EU insists that North African countries must acquiesce to DCFTA liberalization to achieve sustainable development. This article critiques the paternalism of EU actors amidst their focus on completing these controversial DCFTAs. Drawing upon Nkrumah's and Fanon's articulation of the concept of neocolonialism, it argues that the EU is cementing colonial-style patterns of production via iniquitous trade and aid arrangements. Moreover, the article illustrates that EU elites in their justification of the DCFTAs are replicating the colonial-era discourse surrounding Eurafrica and the alleged economic “complementarity” and inevitable “interdependence” of the European and African continents: an amnesiac Europe thus simultaneously draws upon European colonial imaginaries in the justification of neocolonial DCFTAs while downplaying, and forgetting, the regressive legacies of colonial trade relations. The article also demonstrates how certain North African campaigners are already drawing attention to the neocolonial contours of the DCFTAs in order to delegitimise these free trade vehicles vis-à-vis North African and European public opinion

    Mulat-estetiek: ’n Analise van Adam Small se dramas

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    Opsomming In hierdie artikel word die dramakonvensies van Adam Small ondersoek met besondere aandag aan perspektiewe op die mulat as ’n sosiale gegewe. Hierdie element bied ’n gepaste invalshoek omdat dit enersyds ‘n verskynsel is wat Small in sy dramas en ander skryfwerk aansny en daar andersyds ’n uitgebreide literatuur bestaan waarin oor die dramatiese, lewensbeskoulike en literĂȘr-teoretiese inkleding daarvan besin word. Die werk van onder andere Langston Hughes en Derek Walcott word ondersoek om ’n leesstrategie te ontwikkel waarmee die Small-teks geanaliseer kan word.Web of Scienc

    Postcolonial untranslatability: reading Achille Mbembe with Barbara Cassin

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    Barbara Cassin’s monumental Dictionary of Untranslatables, first published in French in 2004, is an encyclopaedic dictionary of nearly 400 philosophical, literary, aesthetic and political terms which have had a long-lasting impact on thinking across the humanities. Translation is central to any consideration of diasporic linguistic border crossing, and the “Untranslatable” (those words or terms which locate problems of translatability at the heart of contemporary critical theory) has opened up new approaches to philosophically informed translation studies. This article argues that there is a far-reaching resonance between Barbara Cassin’s Dictionary of Untranslatables project and Achille Mbembe’s theorization of the postcolonial, precisely insofar as they meet at the crossroads of (un)translatability. Both texts are read performatively, in terms of their respective writing practices and theoretical “entanglements”, one of Mbembe’s key terms
