36 research outputs found

    Економіко-математичне моделювання як спосіб підвищення ефективності діяльності суб’єктів рекреаційного бізнесу

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    Метою статті є дослідження можливості підвищення ефективності діяльності суб'єктів рекреаційної сфери за допомогою використання економіко-математичних моделей в процесах планування і управління діяльності суб'єкта господарювання

    Inventory and systematics of the Phlebotomine sand flies (Psychodidae – Phlebotominae) from Madagascar and neighboring islands.

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    Durant de nombreuses décennies, la faune phlébotomienne (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) Malgaches est demeurée très peu explorée. Deux Grassomyia avaient été signalés puis une espèce décrite sous le nom de Sergentomyia berentiensis. A partir des années 2000, la faune de Madagascar a révélé une richesse et une diversité non soupçonnées jusqu'alors avec la description de plusieurs espèces nouvelles et d'un sous-genre nouveau : Vattieromyia. Cette thèse est une contribution à la connaissance des Phlébotomes de Madagascar et des îles voisines des Seychelles et des Comores.Notre approche a été qualitative et non quantitative. Les phlébotomes collectés à Madagascar, aux Comores et aux Seychelles ont été étudiés morphologiquement puis, pour certains d'entre eux, par biologie moléculaire à diverses fins : associations mâles-femelles et systématique évolutive. Dans ce dernier cas, différents marqueurs ribosomiques, mitochondriaux et nucléaires ont été séquencés selon les problématiques.A Madagascar, les Phlebotomus forment un groupe monophylétique. Nous suggérons, sur des arguments morphologiques et moléculaires, de les individualiser dans un sous-genre nouveau étant donnée la mise en évidence de la paraphylie du sous-genre Anaphlebotomus dans lequel ont été classées les espèces malgaches.Nos travaux révèlent que P. fertei possède une aire de distribution qui couvre la presque totalité du pays. Les séquences de cytochrome b individualisent de nombreuses populations selon leurs origines géographiques mais nous n'avons pas pu individualiser ces populations sur le plan morphologique et morphométrique. Les séquences de l'ITS2 n'individualisent pas ces populations et nous critiquons l'utilisation du cytochrome b, et plus largement des marqueurs mitochondriaux, pour la systématique des Phlébotomes.En ce qui concerne les autres espèces de Phlebotomus, elles possèdent toutes une distribution étroite, réduite à leur lieu de capture. Nous avons décrit deux espèces nouvelles durant cette thèse : P. vaomalalae et P. vincenti. Les études moléculaires et morphologiques révèlent l'existence d'au moins trois espèces nouvelles : deux sympatriques à Andranoilovy (dont une espèce commune avec Berenty) et une à Ankililaoka.Enfin, nous proposons le rattachement de P. huberti au genre Sergentomyia. Cette espèce ne possède pas de soies mésanepisternales et le mâle que nous décrivons dans ce travail possède les caractères génitaux des Sergentomyia. De plus, nous décrivons sur une la seule femelle, une espèce nouvelle proche de S. huberti. Une étude moléculaire menée avec d'autres espèces supposées proches (appartenant au sous-genre Sintonius) nous conduit à proposer la création d'un nouveau sous-genre pour classer ces espèces malgaches.Nous analysons la paléobiogéographie des Phlébotomes de Madagascar et envisageons au moins deux épisodes de peuplement : l'un très ancien (environ 120 millions d'années), « africain » datant de la fragmentation du Gondwana et le second, plus récent (65 millions d'années), provenant d'Asie via un pont formé par le plateau des Seychelles.D'un point de vue épidémiologique, la recherche d'ADN leishmanien s'est révélée négative sur tous les phlébotomes testés.Dans l'archipel des Comores, aucun phlébotome n'avait été rapporté. Au cours de trois campagnes de piégeage menées en 2003, 2007 et 2011, nous rapportons la première mention de phlébotomes dans ces îles et décrivons deux taxons nouveaux S. pessoni et S. goodmani comorensis.Aux Seychelles, nous avons identifié S. clydei à Aldabra. Cette population possède des séquences mitochondriales très différentes des nombreuses populations continentales étudiées. L'origine du peuplement de cette île volcanique demeure mystérieuse, sans adéquation avec les données relatives à l'horloge moléculaire du cytochrome b dont nous doutons de la fiabilité.During the last century, the Phlebotomine sand fly fauna (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) of Madagascar remained largely unexplored. Two Grassomyia were recorded and a species has been described as Sergentomyia berentiensis. From the 2000s, this fauna revealed a richness hitherto unsuspected: it included the description of several new species for Science and of a new subgenus (Vattieromyia). The present study is a contribution to the knowledge of Phlebotomine sand flies from Madagascar and the neighboring archipelagos of the Seychelles and the Comoros.The sand flies collected in Madagascar, the Comoros and the Seychelles were studied morphologically and, for some of them, by molecular biology in order to associate males with females and also to perform molecular systematics. Several molecular ribosomal, nuclear, and mitochondrial markers have been combined.In Madagascar, the Phlebotomus are grouped in a clade. Based on morphological characters and molecular studies, we suggest their individualization in a new subgenus because we show subgenus Anaphlebotomus where the Malagasy Phlebotomus were classified, is paraphyletic.P. fertei exhibits a wide distribution all over country. Sequences of cytochrome b individualize many populations linked to their geographical origins. However, it is not possible to individualize these populations based on morphological and morphometric characters. The sequences of ITS2 do not individualize these populations and we criticize the use of cytochrome b and other mitochondrial markers for the systematics of Phlebotomine sand flies.Regarding the other Malgaches Phlebotomus, all of them have a narrow distribution, reduced to their place of capture. We described two new species for Science: P. vaomalalae and P. vincenti. Moreover, molecular and morphological studies support the existence of at least three new species: two in sympatry in Andranoilovy (probably also recorded in Berenty) and one in Ankililaoka.Finally, we propose that P. huberti belongs to the genus Sergentomyia and not to the genus Phlebotomus. It does not have mesanepisternal setae and the male that we describe here exhibits Sergentomyia's genital characters. Moreover, we described on a female belonging to a new species close to S. huberti. We carried out a molecular study including continental species supposed closely related (belonging to the subgenus Sintonius). It individualizes the Malagasy specimens and consequently, considering their typical pharyngeal armature, we propose the creation of a new subgenus to classify them.We analyze the paleobiogeography of Malagasy sand flies. In agreement with generalized tracks, the settlement of Madagascar followed two routes at different times: one very old (about 120 million years ago), from "Africa" dating from the Gondwana fragmentation and the second, more recent (65 million years), from Asia using a bridge formed by the Seychelles plateau.From an epidemiological point of view, the search of Leishmania DNA was negative in all sandflies processed.In the Comoros Archipelago, no sand fly had been reported in the past. During three field works carried out in 2003, 2007 and 2011, we report the first record of sandflies in these islands and we describe two new taxa: S. pessoni and S. goodmani comorensis.In the Seychelles, we identified S. clydei in Aldabra. This population has mitochondrial sequences highly differing from those of many continental populations processed. The settlement of this volcanic island remains mysterious. They are not in agreement with molecular clock of cytochrome b sequences which seems of doubtful use

    Paraphyly of the subgenus Anaphlebotomus and creation of Madaphlebotomus subg. nov. (Phlebotominae: Phlebotomus)

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    International audienceThe systematic position of the Malagasy Phlebotomus (Diptera: Psychodidae) species was assessed in molecular phylogenetic studies. Three molecular markers were sequenced: cytochrome b of the mitochondrial DNA; ITS2, and the D8 domain of the ribosomal DNA. The following species were studied: Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) berentiensis, Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) fertei, Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) fontenillei, Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) vaomalalae and Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) vincenti from Madagascar; Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) stantoni from Asia, and Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) rodhaini from Africa. The following outgroups were selected: Phlebotomus (Euphlebotomus) argentipes, Phlebotomus (Euphlebotomus) barguesae, Phlebotomus (Larroussius) perfiliewi s.l. and Phlebotomus (Adlerius) simici. Each marker analysed by maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood supports the monophyly of the Malagasy phlebotomus spp. Consequently, we create a new subgenus for these species: Madaphlebotomus subg. nov. This molecular individualization is reinforced by the originality of their spermathecae and by the fact that their geographical distribution is limited to Madagascar, and considers the high level of endemism on this island

    Phlebotomine sand flies from Madagascar (Diptera: Psychodidae). VII. An identification key for Phlebotomus with the description of Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) vaomalalae n. sp.

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    An identification key of the Phlebotomus in Madagascar is proposed as well as the description of the male and female Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) vaomalalae n. sp. from Mikea Forest in the south-west of Madagascar. The assignation of this new species to the genus Phlebotomus is based on the presence of mesanepisternal setae. Its inclusion in the subgenus Anaphlebotomus is based on the males on the presence of four spines on the style, the lack of a coxite basal process and the existence of a bifurcated paramere. The female has cibarial and pharyngeal armature and spermathecal architecture similar to Phlebotomus fertei and Phlebotomus berentiensis, two other Malagasy species which belong to Anaphlebotomus. Male and female are held to belong to the same species because of their morphological characters, the homology (100%) of their partial cytochrome b mtDNA sequences and their capture in the same trap. P. vaomalalae n. sp. is a small species compared to the other Phlebotomus species of Madagascar. The cibarium of the male and the female of P. vaomalalae n. sp. is armed with teeth, like those of other Malagasy Phlebotomus. However, it differs in the arrangement and shape of the respective teeth and denticles. The male of P. vaomalalae n. sp. looks like that of P. fontenillei due to its tuft of coxal setae (lacking in P. berentiensis and P. fertei) but differs from this species by the location of this tuft. As P. fertei and P. berentiensis, there is no spermathecal common duct in P. vaomalalae n. sp

    Phlebotomine sand flies from Madagascar (Diptera: Psychodidae). VII. An identification key for

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    An identification key of the Phlebotomus in Madagascar is proposed as well as the description of the male and female Phlebotomus (Anaphlebotomus) vaomalalae n. sp. from Mikea Forest in the south-west of Madagascar. The assignation of this new species to the genus Phlebotomus is based on the presence of mesanepisternal setae. Its inclusion in the subgenus Anaphlebotomus is based on the males on the presence of four spines on the style, the lack of a coxite basal process and the existence of a bifurcated paramere. The female has cibarial and pharyngeal armature and spermathecal architecture similar to Phlebotomus fertei and Phlebotomus berentiensis, two other Malagasy species which belong to Anaphlebotomus. Male and female are held to belong to the same species because of their morphological characters, the homology (100%) of their partial cytochrome b mtDNA sequences and their capture in the same trap. P. vaomalalae n. sp. is a small species compared to the other Phlebotomus species of Madagascar. The cibarium of the male and the female of P. vaomalalae n. sp. is armed with teeth, like those of other Malagasy Phlebotomus. However, it differs in the arrangement and shape of the respective teeth and denticles. The male of P. vaomalalae n. sp. looks like that of P. fontenillei due to its tuft of coxal setae (lacking in P. berentiensis and P. fertei) but differs from this species by the location of this tuft. As P. fertei and P. berentiensis, there is no spermathecal common duct in P. vaomalalae n. sp

    Phylogeny of Halictidae with an emphasis on endemic African Halictinae

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    We review the literature on phylogeny, fossil record, biogeography, and social evolution in Halictidae. We then present a phylogenetic analysis of tribal, generic, and subgeneric relationships within the subfamily Halictinae using a combined data set of three nuclear genes: long-wavelength (LW) opsin, wingless, and EF-1α\alpha . The data set includes 89 species in 34 genera representing all four halictid subfamilies, and all tribes of the subfamily Halictinae. Our study provides several new insights into the phylogeny of the African Halictinae. First, our results support a close relationship between Mexalictus (a small genus of bees occurring at high elevations in the mountains of western North and Central America) and the African/Asian genus Patellapis. Second, our results support placement of the parasitic genus Parathrincostoma well within its host genus Thrinchostoma, suggesting that Parathrincostoma should be treated as a subgenus of Thrinchostoma. Finally, our data set provides strong support for the monophyly of Patellapis (sensu Michener, 2000) and establishes monophyletic groups within the African subgenera that could be the basis for future taxonomic studies

    <i>Sergentomyia</i> (<i>Trouilletomyia</i>) <i>huberti</i> comb. nov. female from Namoroka.

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    <p>A: Cibarium and pharynx. B: Antennal segments III, IV and V. C: Palp. D. Spermathecae. E: Wing.</p