8 research outputs found


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    Koefisien atenuasi merupakan gambaran seberapa besar cahaya datang berkurang atau hilang dibandingkan dengan energi cahaya datang di permukaan. Pengurangan energi cahaya dikarenakan adanya proses absorpsi dan hamburan oleh kolom air dan materi yang terkandung di dalamnya seperti fitoplankton, padatan tersuspensi dan colored dissolved organic matter. Kuantitas cahaya yang mengalami atenuasi setara dengan jumlah cahaya yang diabsorpsi dan dihamburkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara koefisien atenuasi dengan kualitas air, serta mengkaji karakteristik optik perairan Kelurahan Pulau Panggang. Pengukuran spektral menggunakan TriOSRamses yang memiliki sensor irradiance dengan panjang gelombang antara 320 nm sampai 950 nm dan rentang kanal 3,3 nm. Perhitungan koefisien atenuasi (Kd) berdasarkan perubahan downwelling irradiance pada dua kedalaman berbeda. Korelasi Pearson digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Kd dengan kualitas air. Berdasarkan rentang panjang gelombang, Kd dibagi menjadi 4 yaitu Kd PAR, Kd biru, Kd hijau dan Kd merah. Kd biru dan Kd hijau memiliki hubungan paling erat dengan kecerahan sebesar 0,5406 dan 0,3990 serta bersifat negatif, sedangkan Kd PAR dan Kd merah paling erat hubungannya dengan muatan padatan tersuspensi sebesar 0,4015 dan 0,4073 dan bersifat positif. Perairan Kelurahan Pulau Panggang merupakan perairan turbid dengan nilai Kd PAR &gt; 0,115 m-1.</p

    Kajian Kebisingan Lingkungan pada Akustik Tomografi Pesisir (ATP) untuk Prediksi Arus Permukaan Lokal

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    Akustik Tomografi Pesisir (ATP) merupakan sebuah inovasi teknologi yang dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang karakter fisik kelautan pada kurun waktu tertentu melalui media gelombang akustik. Pada sistem ATP, pembacaan transducer/sensor memiliki peran yang sangat penting, karena data dan informasi sangat bergantung pada kestabilan instrument oleh karenanya pemasangan alat menjadi sangat penting. disamping itu, langkah-langkah akusisi dan pengolahan data ATP wajib memiliki fundamental tentang fisika dan pemahaman tentang kelautan yang baik. Salah satu yang harus dipahami adalah karakter kebisingan lingkungan yang terekam sebagai Environmental Sound Noise (ESN). Data ini diperoleh dengan tujuan khusus untuk melihat karakter lingkungan dimana sensor ATP dipasang pada waktu rentang waktu tertentu, disamping itu data ini dapat digunakan juga sebagai instrument pemantauan perubahan kondisi  lingkungan secara near-realtime. Data pada penelitian ini menggunakan data ATP [j1]  yg di pasang disuar navigasi di wilayah perairan Senggigi, Lombok pada bulan Januari tahun 2021, dengan jumlah data 2724 data, yang terbagi kedalam empat (4) kuadran waktu, Analisa dengan menggunakan fourier transform (FFT) dan power spectral density (PSD) membuka informasi tentang kondisi arus permukaan. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dan analisis yang telah dilakukan didapat informasi pada saat kondisi hujan lebat sinyal ESN akan memiliki spike amplitudo dengan frekuensi yang yang rapat, kemudian sea-breeze setelah dilakukan signal processing berada pada nilai &lt;12 Hz, surface wavepada 12-15 Hz dan underwater signal 15-32 Hz. Secara garis besar ATP dapat menjadi instrument untuk pengukuran kondisi perairan dan menjadi salah satu referensi untuk lalu lintas pelayaran

    Seasonal variability of sea surface chlorophyll-a and abundance of pelagic fish in Lampung Bay, Southern Coastal Area of Sumatra, Indonesia

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    An observation of sea surface chlorophyll-a in relation to the abundance of pelagic fish was conducted in Lampung Bay, Southern Coastal Area of Sumatra using MODIS satellite data of 2003-2004. The observation result shows the variability of sea surface chlorophyll-a in Lampung Bay seems to be correlated with the monsoonal system that influences on the variability of the meteorological and oceanographic situation. In the wet season (northwest monsoon), the concentration of chlorophyll-a is high. It was suspected due to high precipitation during this season in which the coastal area was enriched by the nutrient load from the upper land area through the rivers and coastal discharge. While in the dry season (southeast monsoon), high concentration of the chlorophyll-a is stimulated by increasing nutrient concentration due to the upwelling. During these seasons, the abundance of the pelagic fish was high within this region.Proceedings of 4th JSPS-VAST Joint Seminar on \u27Coastal Marine Science\u27, Hai Phong, Viet Nam, 26-28 October 2009Oceanograph

    Seasonal variability of sea surface chlorophyll-a and abundance of pelagic fish in Lampung Bay, Southern Coastal Area of Sumatra, Indonesia

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    An observation of sea surface chlorophyll-a in relation to the abundance of pelagic fish was conducted in Lampung Bay, Southern Coastal Area of Sumatra using MODIS satellite data of 2003-2004. The observation result shows the variability of sea surface chlorophyll-a in Lampung Bay seems to be correlated with the monsoonal system that influences on the variability of the meteorological and oceanographic situation. In the wet season (northwest monsoon), the concentration of chlorophyll-a is high. It was suspected due to high precipitation during this season in which the coastal area was enriched by the nutrient load from the upper land area through the rivers and coastal discharge. While in the dry season (southeast monsoon), high concentration of the chlorophyll-a is stimulated by increasing nutrient concentration due to the upwelling. During these seasons, the abundance of the pelagic fish was high within this region.Proceedings of 4th JSPS-VAST Joint Seminar on 'Coastal Marine Science', Hai Phong, Viet Nam, 26-28 October 2009Oceanograph

    Enhanced liver gene transfer and evasion of preexisting humoral immunity with exosome-enveloped AAV vectors

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    Results from clinical trials of liver gene transfer for hemophilia demonstrate the potential of the adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector platform. However, to achieve therapeutic transgene expression, in some cases high vector doses are required, which are associated with a higher risk of triggering anti-capsid cytotoxic T-cell responses. Additionally, anti-AAV preexisting immunity can prevent liver transduction even at low neutralizing antibody (NAb) titers. Here, we describe the use of exosome-associated AAV (exo-AAV) vectors as a robust liver gene delivery system that allows the therapeutic vector dose to be decreased while protecting from preexisting humoral immunity to the capsid. The in vivo efficiency of liver targeting of standard AAV8 or AAV5 and exo-AAV8 or exo-AAV5 vectors expressing human coagulation factor IX (hF. IX) was evaluated. A significant enhancement of transduction efficiency was observed, and in hemophilia B mice treated with 4 x 10(10) vector genomes per kilogram of exo-AAV8 vectors, a staggering; 1 log increase in hF. IX transgene expression was observed, leading to superior correction of clotting time. Enhanced liver expression was also associated with an increase in the frequency of regulatory T cells in lymph nodes. The efficiency of exo- and standard AAV8 vectors in evading preexisting NAbs to the capsid was then evaluated in a passive immunization mouse model and in human sera. Exo-AAV8 gene delivery allowed for efficient transduction even in the presence of moderate NAb titers, thus potentially extending the proportion of subjects eligible for liver gene transfer. Exo-AAV vectors therefore represent a platform to improve the safety and efficacy of liver-directed gene transfer

    Antigen-selective modulation of AAV immunogenicity with tolerogenic rapamycin nanoparticles enables successful vector re-administration

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    International audienceGene therapy mediated by recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors is a promising treatment for systemic monogenic diseases. However, vector immunogenicity represents a major limitation to gene transfer with AAV vectors, particularly for vector re-administration. Here, we demonstrate that synthetic vaccine particles encapsulating rapamycin (SVP[Rapa]), co-administered with AAV vectors, prevents the induction of anti-capsid humoral and cell-mediated responses. This allows successful vector re-administration in mice and nonhuman primates. SVP[Rapa] dosed with AAV vectors reduces B and T cell activation in an antigen-selective manner, inhibits CD8+ T cell infiltration in the liver, and efficiently blocks memory T cell responses. SVP[Rapa] immunomodulatory effects can be transferred from treated to naive mice by adoptive transfer of splenocytes, and is inhibited by depletion of CD25+ T cells, suggesting a role for regulatory T cells. Co-administration of SVP[Rapa] with AAV vector represents a powerful strategy to modulate vector immunogenicity and enable effective vector re-administration