5 research outputs found

    Eficacia y seguridad de la administraci贸n t贸pica de Timolol Maleato 0.5% soluci贸n en el tratamiento del Hemangioma Infantil en Etapa Proliferativa Temprana. Ensayo Cl铆nico Controlado y Aleatorizado

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    Prop贸sito del estudio: Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del timolol maleato 0.5% soluci贸n en el tratamiento del hemangioma infantil (HI) en lactantes menores de 10-60 d铆as. La hip贸tesis de este trabajo es que al inciar tratamiento con timolol t贸pico en los primeros meses de vida, en la fase proliferativa temprana, puede prevenir el crecimiento del HI y la necesidad de iniciar el tratamiento con propranolol oral. Material y M茅todos: Se trata de un estudio cl铆nico aleatorizado, multic茅ntrico, doble ciego, comparado contra placebo, fase II. Se incluyeron pacientes de 10- 60 d铆as de vida con HI focales o segmentarios, de cualquier subtipo (superficial, mixto, profundo o abortivo) los cuales se distribuyeron de forma aleatoria a un grupo de tratamiento con timolol maleato 0.5% soluci贸n aplicado dos veces al d铆a por 24 semanas o a un grupo placebo donde se administr贸 soluci贸n salina. Se realizaron evaluaciones de fotograf铆as seriadas en b煤squeda de cambios en el color y tama帽o del HI a la semana 2,4,8,12,24 y 36. Se tomaron signos vitales en cada visita (presi贸n arterial y frecuencia cardiaca). La variable principal del estudio fue la presencia de resoluci贸n completa o casi completa del HI. Resultados: Se incluyeron 70 pacientes, de los cuales 22/33 recibieron tratamiento y 25/37 recibieron placebo y completaron el estudio. Un total de 7 pacientes fueron retirados del estudio y se inici贸 tratamiento con propranolol oral (5 del grupo placebo y 2 del grupo timolol). Un total de 52 pacientes (74.2%) presentaron HI superficiales, 11 (15.7%) HI mixtos, 6 (8.5%) HI abortivos y 1 (1.4%) HI profundo. Sesenta pacientes ten铆an HI localizados (87%), 5 con HI segmentarios (7.2%) y 4 pacientes con HI indeterminados (5.7%). El 33.3% de los HI estaban localizados en cabeza y cuello y 66.7% en otras zonas del cuerpo. Un 48.1% de los pacientes presentaron resoluci贸n completa en el grupo timolol comparado contra 36% del grupo placebo sin significancia estad铆stica (P< 0.398). No se encontraron cambios en el tama帽o del HI (volumen/grosor) entre ambos grupos. Se observ贸 una mejor铆a en la coloraci贸n a la semana 4 en el grupo tratado con timolol (P<0.011). No se reportaron efectos adversos serios por los padres. No se encontraron variaciones en la presi贸n arterial ni frecuencia cardiaca entre ambos grupos. Conclusiones: El timolol t贸pico a煤n en etapas proliferativas tempranas, no ha demostrado ser m谩s eficaz que el propranolol t贸pico en esta cohorte de pacientes. Ser铆a necesario tratar muchos m谩s pacientes para encontrar diferencias.Purpose: Evaluate the efficacy and safety of 0.5% timolol maleate solution for the early treatment of infantile hemangioma in infants under 8 weeks old. Investigators hypothesize that treatment with topical timolol in the first two months of life, before the proliferative phase or in early proliferative phase, may prevent from further growing and the need to treat with oral propranolol. Methods: A multicentric, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II clinical trial. Patients with less than 60 days of life with focal or segmental hemangiomas, or any superficial, mixed, deep or abortive will randomly assigned to treatment with topical timolol 0.5% twice a day for 24 weeks or placebo. Changes in lesion size (volume and thickness) and color were evaluated from photographs taken at 2,4,8,12,24 and 36 weeks. Vital signs and side effects will be recorded at each visit. Main outcome was a complete or nearly complete resolution of the IH evaluated by a blinded investigator. Results: Seventy patients were recruited. Twenty-two of the 33 infants receiving treatment and 25 of the 37 infants reciving placebo completed the study. Five patients in the placebo arm and 2 in treatment arm were withdrawn because ultimately needed propranolol. A total of 52 (74.2%) patients had superficial IHs, 11 (15.7 %) had mixed IHs, 6 (8.5%) had abortive IHs and 1 (1.4%) had deep IHs. A total of 60 patients had localized HIs (87%), 5 had segmental IHs (7.2%), and 4 patients had indeterminate IHs (5.7%). As regards location, 33.3% were located on the head and neck, with 66.7% on other body sites. We found a complete resolution in 48.1% of IHs in the timolol group vs. 36% in the placebo group at week 24, but the difference in proportions was not statistically significant (P< 0.398). No changes were found in the size of the HI (volume / thickness) between both groups. An improvement in color was observed at week 4 in the group treated with timolol (P <0.011). No serious adverse effects were reported by the parents. No variations in blood pressure or heart rate were found between the two groups. Conclusions: Topical timolol maleate, even in the early proliferative stages, was not more effective than placebo in this cohort of patients. We wold need to treat more patients to be able to show a difference

    Eficacia y seguridad de la administraci贸n t贸pica de Timolol Maleato 0.5% soluci贸n en el tratamiento del Hemangioma Infantil en Etapa Proliferativa Temprana. Ensayo Cl铆nico Controlado y Aleatorizado

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    Prop贸sito del estudio: Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del timolol maleato 0.5% soluci贸n en el tratamiento del hemangioma infantil (HI) en lactantes menores de 10-60 d铆as. La hip贸tesis de este trabajo es que al inciar tratamiento con timolol t贸pico en los primeros meses de vida, en la fase proliferativa temprana, puede prevenir el crecimiento del HI y la necesidad de iniciar el tratamiento con propranolol oral. Material y M茅todos: Se trata de un estudio cl铆nico aleatorizado, multic茅ntrico, doble ciego, comparado contra placebo, fase II. Se incluyeron pacientes de 10- 60 d铆as de vida con HI focales o segmentarios, de cualquier subtipo (superficial, mixto, profundo o abortivo) los cuales se distribuyeron de forma aleatoria a un grupo de tratamiento con timolol maleato 0.5% soluci贸n aplicado dos veces al d铆a por 24 semanas o a un grupo placebo donde se administr贸 soluci贸n salina. Se realizaron evaluaciones de fotograf铆as seriadas en b煤squeda de cambios en el color y tama帽o del HI a la semana 2,4,8,12,24 y 36. Se tomaron signos vitales en cada visita (presi贸n arterial y frecuencia cardiaca). La variable principal del estudio fue la presencia de resoluci贸n completa o casi completa del HI. Resultados: Se incluyeron 70 pacientes, de los cuales 22/33 recibieron tratamiento y 25/37 recibieron placebo y completaron el estudio. Un total de 7 pacientes fueron retirados del estudio y se inici贸 tratamiento con propranolol oral (5 del grupo placebo y 2 del grupo timolol). Un total de 52 pacientes (74.2%) presentaron HI superficiales, 11 (15.7%) HI mixtos, 6 (8.5%) HI abortivos y 1 (1.4%) HI profundo. Sesenta pacientes ten铆an HI localizados (87%), 5 con HI segmentarios (7.2%) y 4 pacientes con HI indeterminados (5.7%). El 33.3% de los HI estaban localizados en cabeza y cuello y 66.7% en otras zonas del cuerpo. Un 48.1% de los pacientes presentaron resoluci贸n completa en el grupo timolol comparado contra 36% del grupo placebo sin significancia estad铆stica (P< 0.398). No se encontraron cambios en el tama帽o del HI (volumen/grosor) entre ambos grupos. Se observ贸 una mejor铆a en la coloraci贸n a la semana 4 en el grupo tratado con timolol (P<0.011). No se reportaron efectos adversos serios por los padres. No se encontraron variaciones en la presi贸n arterial ni frecuencia cardiaca entre ambos grupos. Conclusiones: El timolol t贸pico a煤n en etapas proliferativas tempranas, no ha demostrado ser m谩s eficaz que el propranolol t贸pico en esta cohorte de pacientes. Ser铆a necesario tratar muchos m谩s pacientes para encontrar diferencias.Purpose: Evaluate the efficacy and safety of 0.5% timolol maleate solution for the early treatment of infantile hemangioma in infants under 8 weeks old. Investigators hypothesize that treatment with topical timolol in the first two months of life, before the proliferative phase or in early proliferative phase, may prevent from further growing and the need to treat with oral propranolol. Methods: A multicentric, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II clinical trial. Patients with less than 60 days of life with focal or segmental hemangiomas, or any superficial, mixed, deep or abortive will randomly assigned to treatment with topical timolol 0.5% twice a day for 24 weeks or placebo. Changes in lesion size (volume and thickness) and color were evaluated from photographs taken at 2,4,8,12,24 and 36 weeks. Vital signs and side effects will be recorded at each visit. Main outcome was a complete or nearly complete resolution of the IH evaluated by a blinded investigator. Results: Seventy patients were recruited. Twenty-two of the 33 infants receiving treatment and 25 of the 37 infants reciving placebo completed the study. Five patients in the placebo arm and 2 in treatment arm were withdrawn because ultimately needed propranolol. A total of 52 (74.2%) patients had superficial IHs, 11 (15.7 %) had mixed IHs, 6 (8.5%) had abortive IHs and 1 (1.4%) had deep IHs. A total of 60 patients had localized HIs (87%), 5 had segmental IHs (7.2%), and 4 patients had indeterminate IHs (5.7%). As regards location, 33.3% were located on the head and neck, with 66.7% on other body sites. We found a complete resolution in 48.1% of IHs in the timolol group vs. 36% in the placebo group at week 24, but the difference in proportions was not statistically significant (P< 0.398). No changes were found in the size of the HI (volume / thickness) between both groups. An improvement in color was observed at week 4 in the group treated with timolol (P <0.011). No serious adverse effects were reported by the parents. No variations in blood pressure or heart rate were found between the two groups. Conclusions: Topical timolol maleate, even in the early proliferative stages, was not more effective than placebo in this cohort of patients. We wold need to treat more patients to be able to show a difference

    An Unusually Severe Case of Dermatosis Neglecta: A Diagnostic Challenge

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    Dermatosis neglecta is a condition secondary to lack of cleanliness, characterized by the formation of hyperkeratotic plaques located in a particular region of the body, usually due to a disability, and it is considered a diagnostic challenge because it can mimic other entities. We present the case of an 18-year-old woman with a 2-month history of progressive brown verrucous plaque in her face. Our first impression was seborrheic dermatitis and she was treated with facial cleanser soap and topic hydrocortisone 1%. One month later, she arrived with new lesions. Because of this our diagnosis changed to Darier's disease versus seborrheic pemphigus versus foliaceus pemphigus. Histopathology and immunofluorescence studies were compatible with seborrheic dermatitis. The patient complained of depression and social withdrawal and denied facial cleansing. Facial cleansing was performed during consultation presenting resolution of the lesions, which confirmed the diagnosis of dermatosis neglecta. Dermatosis neglecta is a disease that can be frequently misdiagnosed, since it has many differential diagnoses, such as hyperkeratotic syndromes. It should be recognized early and aggressive diagnostic and therapeutic methods should be avoided

    Eficacia y seguridad de la administraci贸n t贸pica de Timolol Maleato 0.5% soluci贸n en el tratamiento del Hemangioma Infantil en Etapa Proliferativa Temprana : ensayo Cl铆nico Controlado y Aleatorizado /

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    Prop贸sito del estudio: Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del timolol maleato 0.5% soluci贸n en el tratamiento del hemangioma infantil (HI) en lactantes menores de 10-60 d铆as. La hip贸tesis de este trabajo es que al inciar tratamiento con timolol t贸pico en los primeros meses de vida, en la fase proliferativa temprana, puede prevenir el crecimiento del HI y la necesidad de iniciar el tratamiento con propranolol oral. Material y M茅todos: Se trata de un estudio cl铆nico aleatorizado, multic茅ntrico, doble ciego, comparado contra placebo, fase II. Se incluyeron pacientes de 10- 60 d铆as de vida con HI focales o segmentarios, de cualquier subtipo (superficial, mixto, profundo o abortivo) los cuales se distribuyeron de forma aleatoria a un grupo de tratamiento con timolol maleato 0.5% soluci贸n aplicado dos veces al d铆a por 24 semanas o a un grupo placebo donde se administr贸 soluci贸n salina. Se realizaron evaluaciones de fotograf铆as seriadas en b煤squeda de cambios en el color y tama帽o del HI a la semana 2,4,8,12,24 y 36. Se tomaron signos vitales en cada visita (presi贸n arterial y frecuencia cardiaca). La variable principal del estudio fue la presencia de resoluci贸n completa o casi completa del HI. Resultados: Se incluyeron 70 pacientes, de los cuales 22/33 recibieron tratamiento y 25/37 recibieron placebo y completaron el estudio. Un total de 7 pacientes fueron retirados del estudio y se inici贸 tratamiento con propranolol oral (5 del grupo placebo y 2 del grupo timolol). Un total de 52 pacientes (74.2%) presentaron HI superficiales, 11 (15.7%) HI mixtos, 6 (8.5%) HI abortivos y 1 (1.4%) HI profundo. Sesenta pacientes ten铆an HI localizados (87%), 5 con HI segmentarios (7.2%) y 4 pacientes con HI indeterminados (5.7%). El 33.3% de los HI estaban localizados en cabeza y cuello y 66.7% en otras zonas del cuerpo. Un 48.1% de los pacientes presentaron resoluci贸n completa en el grupo timolol comparado contra 36% del grupo placebo sin significancia estad铆stica (P< 0.398). No se encontraron cambios en el tama帽o del HI (volumen/grosor) entre ambos grupos. Se observ贸 una mejor铆a en la coloraci贸n a la semana 4 en el grupo tratado con timolol (P<0.011). No se reportaron efectos adversos serios por los padres. No se encontraron variaciones en la presi贸n arterial ni frecuencia cardiaca entre ambos grupos. Conclusiones: El timolol t贸pico a煤n en etapas proliferativas tempranas, no ha demostrado ser m谩s eficaz que el propranolol t贸pico en esta cohorte de pacientes. Ser铆a necesario tratar muchos m谩s pacientes para encontrar diferencias.Purpose: Evaluate the efficacy and safety of 0.5% timolol maleate solution for the early treatment of infantile hemangioma in infants under 8 weeks old. Investigators hypothesize that treatment with topical timolol in the first two months of life, before the proliferative phase or in early proliferative phase, may prevent from further growing and the need to treat with oral propranolol. Methods: A multicentric, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II clinical trial. Patients with less than 60 days of life with focal or segmental hemangiomas, or any superficial, mixed, deep or abortive will randomly assigned to treatment with topical timolol 0.5% twice a day for 24 weeks or placebo. Changes in lesion size (volume and thickness) and color were evaluated from photographs taken at 2,4,8,12,24 and 36 weeks. Vital signs and side effects will be recorded at each visit. Main outcome was a complete or nearly complete resolution of the IH evaluated by a blinded investigator. Results: Seventy patients were recruited. Twenty-two of the 33 infants receiving treatment and 25 of the 37 infants reciving placebo completed the study. Five patients in the placebo arm and 2 in treatment arm were withdrawn because ultimately needed propranolol. A total of 52 (74.2%) patients had superficial IHs, 11 (15.7 %) had mixed IHs, 6 (8.5%) had abortive IHs and 1 (1.4%) had deep IHs. A total of 60 patients had localized HIs (87%), 5 had segmental IHs (7.2%), and 4 patients had indeterminate IHs (5.7%). As regards location, 33.3% were located on the head and neck, with 66.7% on other body sites. We found a complete resolution in 48.1% of IHs in the timolol group vs. 36% in the placebo group at week 24, but the difference in proportions was not statistically significant (P< 0.398). No changes were found in the size of the HI (volume / thickness) between both groups. An improvement in color was observed at week 4 in the group treated with timolol (P <0.011). No serious adverse effects were reported by the parents. No variations in blood pressure or heart rate were found between the two groups. Conclusions: Topical timolol maleate, even in the early proliferative stages, was not more effective than placebo in this cohort of patients. We wold need to treat more patients to be able to show a difference