76 research outputs found

    Alleviating Information Cocoons and Fatigue with Serendipity: Effect of Relevant Diversification and its Timing

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    With the rapid development of online media, in which personalized recommendations are provided, users are gaining increasingly narrow access to information, trapping them in so-called “information cocoons.” At the same time, the increase in homogenized content has brought boredom and fatigue, which are not conducive to the long-term interests of a platform. Grounded in the entertainment consumption context, as represented by the Tik Tok short video platform, this study focuses on the information cocoon reinforcement and browsing fatigue phenomena caused by the lack of proper diversification. Then, to mitigate these issues, this paper proposes relevant diversified content and diversification timing countermeasures to optimize the “what” and “when” technical designs. We explore the role of perceived serendipity as a key path toward user diversity acceptance and browsing duration, thus alleviating the phenomenon of information cocoons and browsing fatigue and facilitating the common development of platforms and users

    Follicular regulatory T cells inhibit the development of granzyme B-expressing follicular helper T cells

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    T follicular regulatory (TFR) cells are found in the germinal center (GC) response and help shape the antibody (Ab) response. However, the precise role of TFR cells in the GC is controversial. Here, we addressed TFR cell function using mice with impaired TFR cell development (Bcl6-flox/Foxp3-cre, or Bcl6FC mice), mice with augmented TFR cell development (Blimp1-flox/Foxp3-cre, or Blimp1FC mice), and two different methods of immunization. Unexpectedly, GC B cell levels positively correlated with TFR cell levels. Using a gene profiling approach, we found that TFH cells from TFR-deficient mice showed strong upregulation of granzyme B (Gzmb) and other effector CD8+ T cell genes, many of which were Stat4 dependent. The upregulation of cytotoxic genes was the highest in TFH cells from TFR-deficient mice where Blimp1 was also deleted in Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Bcl6-flox/Prdm1-flox/Foxp3-cre [DKO] mice). Granzyme B- and Eomesodermin-expressing TFH cells correlated with a higher rate of apoptotic GC B cells. Klrg1+ TFH cells from DKO mice expressed higher levels of Gzmb. Our data show that TFR cells repress the development of abnormal cytotoxic TFH cells, and the presence of cytotoxic TFH cells correlates with a lower GC and Ab response. Our data show what we believe is a novel mechanism of action for TFR cells helping the GC response

    Independent losses of visual perception genes <em>Gja10</em> and <em>Rbp3</em> in echolocating bats (Order Chiroptera)

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    <div><p>A trade-off between the sensory modalities of vision and hearing is likely to have occurred in echolocating bats as the sophisticated mechanism of laryngeal echolocation requires considerable neural processing and has reduced the reliance of echolocating bats on vision for perceiving the environment. If such a trade-off exists, it is reasonable to hypothesize that some genes involved in visual function may have undergone relaxed selection or even functional loss in echolocating bats. The Gap junction protein, alpha 10 (Gja10, encoded by <i>Gja10</i> gene) is expressed abundantly in mammal retinal horizontal cells and plays an important role in horizontal cell coupling. The interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (Irbp, encoded by the <i>Rbp3</i> gene) is mainly expressed in interphotoreceptor matrix and is known to be critical for normal functioning of the visual cycle. We sequenced <i>Gja10</i> and <i>Rbp3</i> genes in a taxonomically wide range of bats with divergent auditory characteristics (35 and 18 species for <i>Gja10</i> and <i>Rbp3</i>, respectively). Both genes have became pseudogenes in species from the families Hipposideridae and Rhinolophidae that emit constant frequency echolocation calls with Doppler shift compensation at high-duty-cycles (the most sophisticated form of biosonar known), and in some bat species that emit echolocation calls at low-duty-cycles. Our study thus provides further evidence for the hypothesis that a trade-off occurs at the genetic level between vision and echolocation in bats.</p></div

    GESS: a database of global evaluation of SARS-CoV-2/hCoV-19 sequences

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    The COVID-19 outbreak has become a global emergency since December 2019. Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 sequences can uncover single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and corresponding evolution patterns. The Global Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2/hCoV-19 Sequences (GESS, https://wan-bioinfo.shinyapps.io/GESS/) is a resource to provide comprehensive analysis results based on tens of thousands of high-coverage and high-quality SARS-CoV-2 complete genomes. The database allows user to browse, search and download SNVs at any individual or multiple SARS-CoV-2 genomic positions, or within a chosen genomic region or protein, or in certain country/area of interest. GESS reveals geographical distributions of SNVs around the world and across the states of USA, while exhibiting time-dependent patterns for SNV occurrences which reflect development of SARS-CoV-2 genomes. For each month, the top 100 SNVs that were firstly identified world-widely can be retrieved. GESS also explores SNVs occurring simultaneously with specific SNVs of user's interests. Furthermore, the database can be of great help to calibrate mutation rates and identify conserved genome regions. Taken together, GESS is a powerful resource and tool to monitor SARS-CoV-2 migration and evolution according to featured genomic variations. It provides potential directive information for prevalence prediction, related public health policy making, and vaccine designs.National Institutes of Health [P30CA082709 to J.W.]; Walther Cancer Foundation. Funding for open access charge: National Institutes of Health

    A critical role of AREG for bleomycin-induced skin fibrosis

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    We report our discovery of an important player in the development of skin fibrosis, a hallmark of scleroderma. Scleroderma is a fibrotic disease, affecting 70,000 to 150,000 Americans. Fibrosis is a pathological wound healing process that produces an excessive extracellular matrix to interfere with normal organ function. Fibrosis contributes to nearly half of human mortality. Scleroderma has heterogeneous phenotypes, unpredictable outcomes, no validated biomarkers, and no effective treatment. Thus, strategies to slow down scleroderma progression represent an urgent medical need. While a pathological wound healing process like fibrosis leaves scars and weakens organ function, oral mucosa wound healing is a scarless process. After re-analyses of gene expression datasets from oral mucosa wound healing and skin fibrosis, we discovered that several pathways constitutively activated in skin fibrosis are transiently induced during oral mucosa wound healing process, particularly the amphiregulin (Areg) gene. Areg expression is upregulated ~ 10 folds 24hrs after oral mucosa wound but reduced to the basal level 3 days later. During bleomycin-induced skin fibrosis, a commonly used mouse model for skin fibrosis, Areg is up-regulated throughout the fibrogenesis and is associated with elevated cell proliferation in the dermis. To demonstrate the role of Areg for skin fibrosis, we used mice with Areg knockout, and found that Areg deficiency essentially prevents bleomycin-induced skin fibrosis. We further determined that bleomycin-induced cell proliferation in the dermis was not observed in the Areg null mice. Furthermore, we found that inhibiting MEK, a downstream signaling effector of Areg, by selumetinib also effectively blocked bleomycin-based skin fibrosis model. Based on these results, we concluded that the Areg-EGFR-MEK signaling axis is critical for skin fibrosis development. Blocking this signaling axis may be effective in treating scleroderma

    Genetic Spectrum and Distinct Evolution Patterns of SARS-CoV-2

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    Four signature groups of frequently occurred single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) were identified in over twenty-eight thousand high-quality and high-coverage SARS-CoV-2 complete genome sequences, representing different viral strains. Some SNVs predominated but were mutually exclusively presented in patients from different countries and areas. These major SNV signatures exhibited distinguishable evolution patterns over time. A few hundred patients were detected with multiple viral strain-representing mutations simultaneously, which may stand for possible co-infection or potential homogenous recombination of SARS-CoV-2 in environment or within the viral host. Interestingly nucleotide substitutions among SARS-CoV-2 genomes tended to switch between bat RaTG13 coronavirus sequence and Wuhan-Hu-1 genome, indicating the higher genetic instability or tolerance of mutations on those sites or suggesting that major viral strains might exist between Wuhan-Hu-1 and RaTG13 coronavirus.This work was partially supported by the National Institutes of Health (Grant Number: P30CA082709) and Walther Cancer Foundation (Grant Number: 4301-80519/0187.01). Funding for open access charge: National Institutes of Health


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    Updated SARS-CoV-2 Single Nucleotide Variants and Mortality Association

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    Since its outbreak in December 2019, COVID-19 has caused 100,5844,555 cases and 2,167,313 deaths as of Jan 27, 2021. Comparing our previous study of SARS-CoV-2 single nucleotide variants (SNVs) before June 2020, we found out that the SNV clustering had changed considerably since June 2020. Apart from that the group SNVs represented by two non-synonymous mutations A23403G (S: D614G) and C14408T (ORF1ab: P4715L) became dominant and carried by over 95% genomes, a few emerging groups of SNVs were recognized with sharply increased monthly occurrence ratios up to 70% in November 2020. Further investigation revealed that several SNVs were strongly associated with the mortality, but they presented distinct distribution in specific countries, e.g., Brazil, USA, Saudi Arabia, India, and Italy. SNVs including G25088T, T25A, G29861T and G29864A were adopted in a regularized logistic regression model to predict the mortality status in Brazil with the AUC of 0.84. Protein structure analysis showed that the emerging subgroups of non-synonymous SNVs and those mortality-related ones in Brazil were located on protein surface area. The clashes in protein structure introduced by these mutations might in turn affect virus pathogenesis through conformation changes, leading to the difference in transmission and virulence. Particularly, we found that SNVs tended to occur in intrinsic disordered regions (IDRs) of Spike (S) and ORF1ab, suggesting a critical role of SNVs in protein IDRs to determine protein folding and immune evasion

    Protein arginine methyltransferase 5 promotes pICln-dependent androgen receptor transcription in castration-resistant prostate cancer

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    The majority of advanced prostate cancer therapies aim to inhibit androgen receptor (AR) signaling. However, AR reactivation inevitably drives disease progression to castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Here we demonstrate that protein arginine methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5) functions as an epigenetic activator of AR transcription in CRPC, requiring cooperation with a methylosome subunit pICln. In vitro and in xenograft tumors in mice, targeting PRMT5 or pICln suppressed growth of CRPC cells. Full-length AR and AR-V7 transcription activation required both PRMT5 and pICln but not MEP50. This activation of transcription was accompanied by PRMT5-mediated symmetric dimethylation of H4R3 at the proximal AR promoter. Further, knockdown of PRMT5 abolished the binding of pICln (but not vice versa) to the AR proximal promoter region, suggesting that PRMT5 recruits pICln to the AR promoter to activate AR transcription. Differential gene expression analysis in 22Rv1 cells confirmed that PRMT5 and pICln both regulate the androgen signaling pathway. In addition, PRMT5 and pICln protein expression positively correlated with AR and AR-V7 protein expression in CRPC tissues and their expression was highly correlated at the mRNA level across multiple publicly available CRPC datasets. Our results suggest that targeting PRMT5 or pICln may be explored as a novel therapy for CRPC treatment by suppressing expression of AR and AR splice variants to circumvent AR reactivation. SIGNIFICANCE: This study provides evidence that targeting PRMT5 can eliminate expression of AR and can be explored as a novel therapeutic approach to treat metastatic hormone-naïve and castration-resistant prostate cancer