628 research outputs found

    Powerful and Powerless Language in Health Media: An Examination of the Effects of Biological Sex and Topic Focus on Language Styles

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    Powerless language has been shown to influence audience perceptions, and the media has been shown to influence health behaviors. However, little research has looked at powerless language in health media. This study expands current research regarding powerless language through an examination of written health media. A content analysis on the use of powerless language in health-related articles was conducted for 12 popular magazines over a one-year time span. Analysis compared differences in use of powerless language relative to three variables: biological sex of the author, the biological sex of the audience, and the magazine's overall topic focus. Female authors and health-focused magazines used more powerless language than male authors and generic-focused magazines. Powerless language was more often directed towards a female audience than a male audience. Implications of such findings and suggestions for future research are also discussed

    The effect of Physical Activity on the Mental Health of Pre-Nursing Students and Undergraduate Student Nurses

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    Abstract Mental health concerns are on the rise among the college-aged student. College students face a great deal of stress, which can lead to depression and anxiety. Nursing students, as a sub-group of college students, are under even greater stress related to rigorous course work and the responsibility of caring for other people, which can lead to greater depression and anxiety. This study aimed to determine what effect, if any, physical activity has on depression and anxiety scores using the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 instruments in pre-nursing and nursing students. In this study, physical activity is defined as is “any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure-including activities undertaken while working, playing, carrying out household chores, travelling, and engaging in recreational pursuits…: (WHO 2018). Pre-nursing and nursing students at Union College (UC), in Lincoln, NE, were invited to participate in a 6-week quasi-experimental study. The participants completed a survey that included the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) instrument; demographic information also was collected. The participants completed 30 minutes of physical activity three days a week over the 6-week period. At the conclusion of the 6 weeks, the participants repeated the PHQ-9 and the GAD-7 and answered two qualitative questions evaluating their experience. The analysis has shown a strong correlation between physical activity and decreased depression and anxiety scores. All scores decreased and the themes in the answers to the qualitative questions showed an improvement in mental health. Future research should expand this strategy to multiple colleges and universities and include all college students. Keywords: nursing students, physical activity, stress, depression, anxiet

    An On-Chip Transformer-Based Digital Isolator System

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    An on-chip transformer-based digital isolator has been designed, fabricated, and tested. This isolation technique is designed to function between a low voltage microcontroller and a potentially high-voltage power control system. The isolator’s isolation capability is determined by two factors, the RMS blocking voltage strength and common-mode transient immunity. The integrated circuit solution is designed in a high-temperature capable SOI process. The on-chip transformer size is minimized by utilizing high frequency voltage pulses. A small transformer and overall small chip footprint of the design are favorable for integration into a larger system. The isolator is a two chip solution, an isolated transmitter and receiver. The transformer’s primary and secondary coils are fabricated with chip metal interconnect. The transformer is located on the transmitter chip. The secondary coil of the transformer is electrically isolated from the transmitter circuitry by an insulating oxide layer and is wire bonded off the transmitter chip and onto the receiver chip. The isolator chips have been fabricated and bonded directly to printed circuit boards. The isolator has been experimentally tested with an input frequency as high as 5 MHz, or 10 Mbps. The isolator functions up to 150°C. The isolation capability has been experimentally verified at 8 kV/μs common-mode rejection and at 700-V RMS voltage breakdown

    The European response to the Syrian refugee crisis : what next?

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    Although over 450,000 Syrians fled to countries nearby Syria, numbers seeking refuge within the EU remain small. In 2011, a total of 8,920 Syrians applied for asylum within EU borders, while in the first three quarters of 2012 applications increased slightly, reaching a total of 11,573. Only 1,490 irregular entries of Syrians were recorded during the last three quarters of 2011, which rose to 2,739 in the first two quarters of 2012. Numbers of Syrians applying for immigration have also remained negligible. In light of the overall magnitude of the crisis compared with the actual numbers reaching Europe, this paper reviews EU’s response to the crisis. First, it presents the facts: a historical review of displacements from Syria, the numbers, and the route of travel for Syrian refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers to Europe. This is followed by a review of European responses to the Syrian crisis. Finally, the paper concludes with recommendations for addressing the Syrian refugee crisis. In short, the EU could consider: establishing a Regional Protection Programme (RPP) with a large increase of Syrian refugee resettlement as a required component; increasing refugee resettlement for those who have been affected by the Syrian crisis and are the most in need; continue positive asylum procedures throughout the EU, and grant prima facie recognition including provision of sufficient assistance to Syrian asylum seekers; encourage visa facilitation and family reunification for Syrians; and continue to work with its international partners to find a political and humanitarian solution to the Syrian crisis.The MPC is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Union

    Sex on TV 3

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    Part of a series that examines the nature and extent of sexual messages conveyed on TV. Tracks changes that occur over time in the treatment of sexual topics, including references to possible risks or responsibilities. Based on a 2001-2002 program sampl

    Praxisseminare in der Lehrerbildung

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    In der Literatur wird vielfach ein Praxisschock beschrieben, den angehende LehrerInnen beim Übergang vom Studium in das Referendariat erleben [1, 2]. Daher wird vielfach gefordert, im Stu-dium mehr praktische Erfahrungen zu ermöglichen. Untersuchungen zeigen jedoch auch, dass die-se nur dann zur Verbesserung der Lehrerausbildung beitragen, wenn sie theoretisch fundiert und didaktisch reflektiert werden [3]. Unreflektierte Praxisphasen wie z.B. nicht begleitete Schulprak-tika können im ungünstigen Fall sogar zu einer Deprofessionalisierung führen, verbunden mit ei-ner Abkehr von einer theoriegeleiteten Fundierung didaktisch-pädagogischer Entscheidungen [4, 5]. Im Projekt „MINT-Lehrerbildung neu denken!” werden an der Freien Universität Berlin die Pra-xisphasen im Lehramtsstudium durch neu eingerichtete Praxisseminare ausgebaut [6]. In diesen Seminaren entwickeln Lehramtsstudierende der Physik im Schülerlabor PhysLab eigene Unter- richtskonzepte und erproben sie mit Schulklassen. Weitere Praxisseminare für Lehramtsstudieren-de anderer Fächer werden in den Partnerlaboren NatLab (Chemie, Biologie) und MI.Lab (Mathe-matik, Informatik) angeboten. Ein Schülerlabor bietet vielschichtige Ressourcen als Lernort für Studierende. Es ermöglicht beispielsweise zusätzliche Freiheitsgrade bei der Wahl der Themen, Methoden oder Materialien und stellt eine ‚geschützte’ Umgebung zur Erprobung neuer Unter-richtskonzepte dar. Durch die Praxisseminare im Schülerlabor soll insbesondere die Kompetenzentwicklung der Stu-dierenden in den Bereichen Fachwissen, fachdidaktisches und pädagogisches Wissen unterstützt werden sowie eine forschend-reflexive Haltung durch Planung, Durchführung und Beobachtung von Unterricht mit anschließender Reflexion der Lehr-Lern-Prozesse gefördert werden. Im Rahmen einer Begleitstudie wird untersucht, inwieweit sich das entwickelte Konzept der Pra-xisseminare eignet, die Professionalisierung von Lehramtsstudierenden zu unterstützen und damit einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Lehrerbildung zu leisten. Das Konzept des Praxisseminars Wärmeübertragung wurde bereits ausführlich vorgestellt [6]. In diesem Beitrag soll nun der Ansatz der Begleitforschung zur Wirksamkeitsüberprüfung der Praxis-seminare vorgestellt werden

    Kommunikationsförderung bei körperlich beeinträchtigten Kindern durch Musik

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    Die Wissenschaftliche Hausarbeit "Kommunikationsförderung bei körperlich beeinträchtigten Kindern durch Musik" behandelt die Frage, ob Musik eine Möglichkeit zur Förderung von Kommunikation für körperlich beeinträchtigte Kinder bietet. TEIL A Nach der Auseinandersetzung mit der Definition von "Kommunikation", ihren Formen (verbale und nonverbale Kommunikation) und ihrer Entwicklung wird auf die Kommunikation körperlich beeinträchtigter Kinder eingegangen. Hierbei wird darauf verwiesen, dass der Schwerpunkt auf schwer behinderten Kindern liegen soll. TEIL B Zunächst werden die Begriffe "Kommunikationsförderung" und "Musik" im Zusammenhang der Förderung definiert. Danach werden Aspekte der Musik genannt, die einer Förderung der Kommunikation von schwer behinderten dienlich sein können und mögliche Bedingungen für eine Umsetzung aufgezählt. TEIL C Im dritten Teil der Arbeit werden die in Teil B dargelegten Möglichkeiten zur Kommunikationsförderung durch Musik mit Hilfe einer qualitativen Untersuchung an einer Schule für Körperbehinderte erprobt und die Ergebnisse anschließend – entsprechend der Annahmen aus Teil B – diskutiert. Die qualitative Untersuchung fand in Form einer teilnehmenden Beobachtung mit einer einzelnen schwer behinderten Schülerin statt. Die Ergebnisse schließen mögliche Zugänge zu dem schwer behinderten Kind, grundlegende kommunikative Erfahrungen sowie mögliche Bedingungen für die Fördersituation ein

    Essays on Learning from Consumer Response to Support Marketing Mix Decisions Empirical Applications to Decisions on Product, Price and Promotion

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    This research has been conducted under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Sönke Albers at his Department of Innovation, New Media, and Marketing at the Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel. Furthermore the doctoral thesis has been funded by a research scholarship granted by the Kühne Logistics University Hamburg. While the first methodological article (A) presents a comprehensive overview of the technique of limited dependent variables response modeling, the second article (B) proposes a decompositional objective method to explain and predict consumers’ per- ceived similarities of aesthetic product designs. While article B focuses on decision support for shaping and positioning aesthetic product designs, study (C) analyzes con- sumers’ responsiveness to price and technical product attributes in a global marketing context by investigating marketing elasticities for a wide range of countries all over the world. In addition to the product and price perspective, study (D) shows how online promotion in terms of product videos affect consumers’ shopping behavior. Fi- nally study (E) proposes a new profit margin-oriented targeting approach that (i) helps to assess the economic profitability of targeted promotion efforts in advance and (ii) shows how a profit margin-based targeting should be applied
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