193 research outputs found

    Learning to THINK...Thinking to LEARN

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    How do you create a systemic school culture of THINKING? In this interactive presentation learn how 3 Miami-Dade schools are using a set of consistent visual tools to teach critical, creative THINKING and communication to all learners. This session will capitalize on connecting the visuals to the latest brain research and its implications on the developmental needs of PreK-Adult learners. Examples of practice will be highlighted by these schools

    Testing Consumer Rationality using Perfect Graphs and Oriented Discs

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    Given a consumer data-set, the axioms of revealed preference proffer a binary test for rational behaviour. A natural (non-binary) measure of the degree of rationality exhibited by the consumer is the minimum number of data points whose removal induces a rationalisable data-set.We study the computational complexity of the resultant consumer rationality problem in this paper. This problem is, in the worst case, equivalent (in terms of approximation) to the directed feedback vertex set problem. Our main result is to obtain an exact threshold on the number of commodities that separates easy cases and hard cases. Specifically, for two-commodity markets the consumer rationality problem is polynomial time solvable; we prove this via a reduction to the vertex cover problem on perfect graphs. For three-commodity markets, however, the problem is NP-complete; we prove thisusing a reduction from planar 3-SAT that is based upon oriented-disc drawings

    Agroforestry systems for ammonia air quality management

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    Air pollution can lead to environmental impacts. Over the past decades there have been some success stories reducing pollutant emission, namely sulphur dioxide (SO2). However, impacts on ecosystems from atmospheric nitrogen (N) pollution are still seen as a major threat for European biodiversity. Across Europe over 70% of Natura 2000 sites are at risk for eutrophication with over 70% of the Natura 2000 area in Europe (EU28( exceeding critical loads for nutrient nitrogen deposition. Agricultural ammonia is a key contributor to the threat to these sites due to the close proximity of agricultural activities and protected sites. Source attribution modelling using an atmospheric transport model showed that agricultural livestock production in the UK is the dominant nitrogen source for N disposition across the UK Natura 2000 network. Nearly 90% of all sites had livestock as their dominant source, contributing 32% of the total nitrogen deposition across the whole network. 76% of all Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) sites exceeded their critical load for nutrient nitrogen, representing 74% of the entire SAC area. The extent of exceedance is also notable with many sites experiencing depositions of >50 kg N/ha/yr over the critical load. the situation for acidity critical load exceedance is less sever, by 51% of sites are still exeeded. Legislation to regulate pollutant emissions to air and protect biodiversity are often not integrated, and there has been no common European approach for determining the impacts of nitrogen deposition on individual Natura sites, or on conservation status. Off-site sources of air pollution present difficulties in assessing and attributing impacts, because deposition can result from local sources (1-2 km), or very far away sources (>1000 kms). Managing nitrogen losses on the farm and improving the efficient use of nitrogen are key components for overall reduction in NH3 emissions. Many nitrogen management options are available to abate ammonia from agricultural activities. On the one hand, technical and management measures include controlling emissions from manure storage and spreading, livestock feeding strategies, and improving housing systems. Trees, on the other hand, are effective scavengers of both gaseous and particulate pollutants from the atmosphere, making tree belts potentially effective landscape features to support ammonia abatement strategies. Using a coupled deposition and turbulence model the recapture efficiency of tree planting around ammonia sources was estimated. Using different canopy structure scenarios, tree depths and differing leaf area density (LAD) and leaf are index (LAI) were adjusted for a main canopy and a backstop canopy. Recapture efficiency for ammonia ranged from 27% (trees planted around housing systems), up to 60% (under-story livestock silvopastoral systems). Practical recapture potential was set at 20% and 40% for housing and silvopastoral systems respectively. Model results from scaling up to national level suggest that tree planting in hot spot areas of ammonia emissions would lead to reduced N deposition on nearby sensitive habitats. Scenarios for on-farm emission control through tree planting showed national reductions in nitrogen deposition to semi-natural areas of 0.14% (0.2 kt N-NHx) to 2.2% (3.15 kt N-NHx). Scenarios mitigating emissions from cattle and pig housing yielded the highest reductions. The afforestation strategy showed national-scale emission reductions of 6% (8.4 kt N-NHx) to 11% (15.7 kt N-NHx) for 25% and 50% afforestation scenarios respectively. Increased capture by the planted trees also generated an added benefit of reducing long-range transport effects, including a decrease in wet deposition of up to 3.7 kt N-NHx (4.6%) and a decrease in export from the UK of up to 8.3 kt N-NHx (6.8%). Agroforestry measures for ammonia abatement were shown to be cost-effective for both planting downwind of housing and in silvopastoral systems, when costs to society were taken into account. Planting trees was also cost-effective from a climate change perspective. Comparing the cost per kg of NH3 abated showed that planting trees is a method of ammonia emission mitigation comparable with other (technical) measures. The costs for planting trees downwind of housing were calculated at €2.6-7.3/kg NH3. Agroforestry for ammonia abatement offers multiple benefits for the farmer and synergistic effects for society as a whole including i) carbon sequestration. ii) visibility screening around housing units, iii) imporved animal welfare for silvopastoral systems, iv) reducing critical load exceedance on protected sites, v) price advantage of 'woodland chick' productions, vi) supporting the Industrial Emission Directive (IED) requirements for emission reduction, vii) supporting national afforestation policies. The results of this work support the notion that in the emerging discussion about the values of ecosystem services and the role of nature-based solution to tackle persistent environmental challenges, tree planting has a large potential in rural and urban environments

    Author Correction: The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data

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    The following authors were omitted from the original version of this Data Descriptor: Markus Reichstein and Nicolas Vuichard. Both contributed to the code development and N. Vuichard contributed to the processing of the ERA-Interim data downscaling. Furthermore, the contribution of the co-author Frank Tiedemann was re-evaluated relative to the colleague Corinna Rebmann, both working at the same sites, and based on this re-evaluation a substitution in the co-author list is implemented (with Rebmann replacing Tiedemann). Finally, two affiliations were listed incorrectly and are corrected here (entries 190 and 193). The author list and affiliations have been amended to address these omissions in both the HTML and PDF versions

    The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data.

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    The FLUXNET2015 dataset provides ecosystem-scale data on CO2, water, and energy exchange between the biosphere and the atmosphere, and other meteorological and biological measurements, from 212 sites around the globe (over 1500 site-years, up to and including year 2014). These sites, independently managed and operated, voluntarily contributed their data to create global datasets. Data were quality controlled and processed using uniform methods, to improve consistency and intercomparability across sites. The dataset is already being used in a number of applications, including ecophysiology studies, remote sensing studies, and development of ecosystem and Earth system models. FLUXNET2015 includes derived-data products, such as gap-filled time series, ecosystem respiration and photosynthetic uptake estimates, estimation of uncertainties, and metadata about the measurements, presented for the first time in this paper. In addition, 206 of these sites are for the first time distributed under a Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) license. This paper details this enhanced dataset and the processing methods, now made available as open-source codes, making the dataset more accessible, transparent, and reproducible

    Author Correction: The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data

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