10,627 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Metode Perangkap Agar-agar Dengan Penambahan Pakan Ikan Untuk Penelitian Juvenil Udang Di Perairan Morosari, Demak

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis juvenil udang di perairan Morosari; mengetahui kelimpahan juvenil udang, mengetahui keterkaitan antara kelimpahan dengan lokasi, perlakuan pakan atau tanpa pakan, dan waktu dan mengetahui hubungan panjang dan berat juvenil udang di perairan Morosari, Demak. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah juvenil udang yang tertangkap dengan metode perangkap agar- agar di perairan Morosari, Demak. Metode perangkap agar-agar sebagai materi utama dengan perlakuan pemberian tambahan pakan yang kemudian akan diletakkan dua lokasi pada perairan sungai dan muara Morosari, Demak. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah metode studi kasus untuk mengamati juvenil udang yang tertangkap dengan metode perangkap agar- agar dan berada di lokasi pengamatan selama bulan November sampai bulan Desember 2013 . Pengamatan juvenil udang yang dilakukan berlokasi di perairan muara dan sungai dengan tiga titik tiap perairan dengan perendaman alat perangkap selama 24 jam dan interval satu minggu sekali selama 4 minggu. Selanjutnya melakukan identifikasi jenis juvenil udang serta melakukan perhitungan analisis data dan konversi hasil dari satuan ekor menjadi individu / m2. Hasil pengamatan juvenil udang di lokasi penelitian yang didapatkan dengan metode perangkap agar-agar pada ekosistem sungai dan muara terdiri dari genus Macrobrachium dan genus Penaeus. Jumlah individu juvenil udang yang tertangkap berjumlah seluruhnya 64 individu atau dikonversi menjadi 426 individu/m2. Genus Macrobrachium sebanyak 62 individu atau dikonversi menjadi 413 individu/m2 dan genus Penaeus sebanyak 2 ekor atau dikonversi menjadi 13 individu/m2. Dengan menggunakan taraf kepercayaan 60% terlihat adanya keterkaitan antara kelimpahan dengan faktor pakan/ tanpa pakan dengan nilai P sebesar 0,44 dan tidak adanya keterkaitan antara kelimpahan dengan faktor lokasi dan waktu dengan nilai P sebesar 0,6341 dan 0,5269. Sifat pertumbuhan dari udang Macrobrachium dengan kisaran ukuran 5-20 mm adalah allometrik negatif yaitu pertambahan panjang udang Macrobrachium lebih cepat daripada pertambahan beratnya. The purpose of this study was to knowing the type of juvenile shrimp in the waters of Morosari, Demak, determine the potential distribution of juvenile shrimp; Knowing the relationship between abundance and the location, treated feed or without food, and time; and to study the relation between the length and weight of juvenile shrimp. The material used in this study were juvenile shrimp which caught with agar trap methods in the waters Morosari, Demak. Agar trap method as the main material with the additional of fish feed which will then be put on the river and estuary of Morosari, Demak. The research method was the case study method to observe juvenile shrimp were caught with methods that trap and observations at the scene during the months of November until December 2013. Observations of juvenile shrimp was done at river and estuary waters in three locations with interval of 24 hours. Furthermore, it was identifying the species of juvenile shrimp and the data analysis. Observations of juvenile shrimp in the study site were obtained with the agar trap method in the river and estuary ecosystems consisting the genus of Macrobrachium and Penaeus. The number of individual juvenile shrimp were caught completely totaled 64 individual or 426 individual/m2. The genus Macrobrachium 62 individual or 413 individual/m2 and Penaeus 2 individual or 13.33 individual/m2. By using a 60 % confidence level shown there is a correlation between the abundance by a factor of feed / no feed with a P value of 0.44 and no correlation between abundance by a factor of location and time with a P value of 0.6341 and 0.5269.The nature of the growth of the shrimp Macrobrachium was negative allometric mean the length of the shrimp Macrobrachium was faster than the increase of weight

    Modeling the dynamics of inflation compensation

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    This paper investigates the relationship between short-term and long-term inflation expectations using daily data on inflation compensation. We use a flexible econometric model which allows us to uncover this relationship in a data-based manner. We relate our …ndings to the issue of whether inflation expectations are anchored, unmoored or contained. Our empirical results indicate no support for either unmoored or …rmly anchored inflation expectations. Most evidence indicates that inflation expectations are contained

    Photolysis of H2O-H2O2 Mixtures: The Destruction of H2O2

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    We present laboratory results on the loss of H2O2 in solid H2O + H2O2 mixtures at temperatures between 21 and 145 K initiated by UV photolysis (193 nm). Using infrared spectroscopy and microbalance gravimetry, we measured the decrease of the 3.5 micrometer infrared absorption band during UV irradiation and obtained a photodestruction cross section that varies with temperature, being lowest at 70 K. We use our results, along with our previously measured H2O2 production rates via ionizing radiation and ion energy fluxes from the spacecraft to compare H2O2 creation and destruction at icy satellites by ions from their planetary magnetosphere and from solar UV photons. We conclude that, in many cases, H2O2 is not observed on icy satellite surfaces because the H2O2 photodestruction rate is much higher than the production rate via energetic particles, effectively keeping the H2O2 infrared signature at or below the noise level

    How Trade Splits Up Information Sets and Dealers Carry Out Their Brokerage of Asymmetric Information

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    In this paper we set forth a new perspective from which to understand and measure the brokerage of asymmetric information that intermediaries usually carry out. Firstly, we deal with partitions of a given set so as to lay grounds to our line of research. Secondly, we argue that trade splits up imperfect information sets, over which traders try to negotiate and profit, but also hide their opportunistic behavior from their counterparts. Next, the brokerage of asymmetric information is framed so as to stress the fact that any exchange is dual, entailing not only bargaining property rights but also information value. Lastly, we bring to light the linkage between differential rates, residual information sets and trading environments, which seems to be a functional toolkit for assessing how much asymmetric information is brokered eventually

    Available Technologies, Applications and Benefits of Teleorthodontics. A Literature Review and Possible Applications during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: COVID-2019 spread rapidly throughout the world from China. This infection is highly contagiousness, has a high morbidity, and is capable of evolving into a potentially lethal form of interstitial pneumonia. Numerous countries shut-down various activities that were considered "not essential." Dental treatment was in this category and, at the time of writing, only non-deferrable emergencies are still allowed in many countries. Therefore, follow-up visits of ongoing active therapies (e.g., orthodontic treatment) must be handled taking special precautions. This literature review aims at reducing in-office appointments by providing an overview of the technologies available and their reliability in the long-distance monitoring of patients, i.e., teledentistry. Methods: A literature review was made according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Protocols (PRISMA-P) guidelines. Randomized clinical trials, cross sectional, observational, and case-control studies were evaluated with the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool for quality assessment and study limitations. Results: A primary search found 80 articles, 69/80 were excluded as non-relevant on the basis of: the abstract, title, study design, bias, and/or lack of relevance. Twelve articles were included in the qualitative analysis. Conclusions: Teleorthodontics can manage most emergencies, reassuring and following patients remotely. The aim set by dental teleassistance was met as it reduced patients' office visits whilst maintaining regular monitoring, without compromising the results. Although our preliminary findings should be further investigated to objectively evaluate the efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and long-term results, we are confident that teleassistance in orthodontics will have a role to play in the near future

    Propuesta de valores normativos para la clasificación de variables antropométricas en futbolistas profesionales

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es proponer una clasificación para identificar el % graso ideal a partir de variables antropométricas en futbolistas profesionales. Para lo cual, fueron utilizados 132 futbolistas profesionales a los que se les evaluó la Masa corporal (kg), Estatura (cm) y pliegues cutáneos (mm). Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la estadística descriptiva de media aritmética (X), desviación estándar (DE), coeficiente de variación (CV) y para clasificar las variables antropométricas se utilizó los percentiles. Los resultados muestran que los valores ideales de % graso de los futbolistas oscila entre 9,0 a 12,6%, (p25 a p75), respectivamente. Finalmente, los parámetros adoptados como puntos de corte podrían ser utilizados como posibles indicadores para diagnosticar futbolistas con riesgo de lesión (pp75), a partir del % graso, masa corporal, e inclusive por la sumatoria de cuatro y seis pliegues cutáneos.The aim of this study is to propose a classification to identify the ideal % fat from anthropometric variables in professional soccer players. To which, using 132 players were professionals who were assessed for body mass (kg) Height (cm) and skinfolds (mm). For statistical analysis, descriptive statistics were used for arithmetic mean (X), standard deviation (SD), coefficient of variation (CV) and to classify the variables used anthropometric percentiles. The results show that the ideal values of % fat of the players ranges from 9.0 to 12.6% (p25 to p75), respectively. Finally, the parameters adopted as cutoff points could be used as indicators to diagnose potential players at risk of injury (p p75) from the % fat, body mass, and even by the sum of four and six skinfolds.Peer Reviewe

    Preventive hygiene protocol of University of Milan for women during pregnancy: A qualitative and quantitative bacterial plaque analysis prospective original study

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    Introduction: The aim of this article is to describe the preventive hygiene protocol of University of Milan for women during pregnancy analyzing the bacterial plaque quantitatively and qualitatively. Materials and methods: A sample of 35 pregnant women following a protocol of periodic visits starting from the first month of pregnancy until the childbirth and in follow up controls were analyzed. Several samples (n = 4) of bacterial plaque for quantitative and qualitative analysis were taken, from the lingual surface of the lower first molar, during the first visit (T0), during the first trimester (T1), during the second or third trimester of pregnancy (T2), and one month after childbirth (T3). Results: By performing a quantitative analysis, it was calculated that the average plaque index (Fig. 1) was n = 48.1% (T0), n = 14.7% (T1), n = 18.4% (T2) and n = 18.9% (T3). The plaque index score presents a downward trend, passing from 48.1% (T0) to 18.9% (T3). The number of total cocci (Fig. 2) was n = 205.39 (T0), n = 57.5(T1), n = 74.6 (T2) and n = 75.4(T3). The number of total bacilli (Fig. 3) was n = 62.7 (T0), n = 23.1 (T1), n = 25.3 (T2), n = 27.1(T3). The total values of cocci and bacilli were correlated and the average trend of the various samples was calculated. By performing a qualitative analysis, the value of G+ cocci (Fig. 5) was n = 2.7 (T0), n = 1.4 (T1), n = 1.4 (T2) and n = 1.5 (T3). The value of G 12 cocci (Fig. 5) was n = 2.3 (T0), n = 0.7 (T1), n = 1.1 (T2) and n = 1.1 (T3). The value of G+ bacilli (Fig. 6) was n = 1.6 (T0), n = 0.9 (T1), n = 1.2 (T2) and n = 1.2 (T3). The value of G 12 bacilli (Fig. 6) was n = 1.3 (T0), n = 0.3 (T1), n = 0.7 (T2) and n = 0.7 (T3). Conclusions: The preventive hygiene protocol used in the Dental Hygiene Department of the University of Milan, during the gestation period, is a suitable method for the control of the bacterial plaque. A considerably decrease of the plaque index and bacterial components between the first visit and the subsequent check-ups was calculated
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