202 research outputs found

    Language Policy and Language Repression: The Case of Spanish Basques and Mexican Americans

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    This paper presents the argument that there are many similarities between the linguistic and cultural repression experienced by Basques in Spain and Mexican Americans in the United States. Linguistic and cultural repression, both historically and currently, is analyzed in terms of various language policies, especially those policies related to language use in school. The struggle for and importance of bilingual education for language and cultural maintenance is discussed. The paper concludes with the caution that the rise of conservative political groups such as The English Only Movement demonstrates that concern about linguistic and cultural repression is as imperative currently as it was historically

    Bilingual, ESL, and English Immersion: Educational Models for Limited English Proficient Students in Texas

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    Education of limited English proficient (LEP) students is important for domestic economic growth, the cohesion of society within the United States, and for maintaining US competitiveness in the global economy. Ineffective education of LEP students might have detrimental effects on the economic future of the new immigrants, the education of English speaking students, and the US economy as a whole. A majority of the estimated 5.3 million LEP students within the United States are Hispanic.1 Given this large population, finding the best model to educate LEP students is an important policy goal. Texas has the second largest LEP population, next to California, of which ninety-nine percent are Hispanic.2 Because Texas schools have a broad range of English as a second language (ESL) and bilingual education models, the state is a good place to analyze the policy question: which model or group of models are best for educating LEP students

    Civic Engagement in California: Why Do We Lag?

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    Civic engagement is vital for liberal democracy, the proper functioning of social, civic, and governmental institutions, and economic growth. This report examines citizen participation in political and social civic life in California. We begin by comparing the state to the nation at large, and find that California lags the nation in most forms of civic engagement. The data show that, on average, Whites were more engaged than Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians, and native citizens born in the US are more engaged than citizens born elsewhere and non-citizens. To analyze whether these factors determine why civic engagement differs in California, we next employ a regression analysis. The participation gaps between California and the rest of the nation (excluding New York and Texas) can be entirely explained by differences in demographics for four of the six measures of civic engagement. For the other two, the differing demographic profile of California explains about a third to a half of the gaps. We also find that ethnicity, race, and citizenship are generally the most important determinants and explain much of the California engagement gaps. The fact that California has more Hispanics, Asians, naturalized citizens, and noncitizens than the rest of the US thus appears to go a long way toward explaining the lower civic engagement we observe in the state. We conclude by comparing California to New York and Texas to ascertain if those states lag the rest of the nation for the same reasons as California. Unsurprisingly, race, ethnicity, and citizenship also play large roles in explaining the participation gaps in New York and Texas. However, some other factors have more impact in these other two states than in California (income and the low marital rate in New York, and education in Texas)

    Creation and develepment of party PODEMOS from 2014 to 2020

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    This bachelor thesis addresses the formation and evolution of the political party PODEMOS from 2014 until 2020. The main purpose is to present a balanced and integrated view of this Spain's leftist party. The whole thesis is divided into three parts. The first one, which is theoretical, provides a historical and political context of the party PODEMOS. The second part covers the formation, organization, funding sources and programmes of the party, paying special attention to the transformation from the civil movement (15M) to the organised party. The third part deals with the parliamentary terms between 2014 and 2019, dealing with development activities undertaken by the party and their election outcomes.Bakalářské práce pojednává o vzniku a vývoji strany PODEMOS od r. 2014 do r. 2020. Hlavním cílem práce je poskytnout ucelený pohled na tuto španělskou levicovou stranu. Celá práce je rozdělena do tří částí. První teoretická poskytuje historicko-politický kontext strany PODEMOS. Druhá část se zabývá vznikem, organizací, financováním a programem strany. Přičemž pozornost klade na přerod z občanského hnutí (15M) na organizovanou stranu. Třetí část se pak věnuje volebním obdobím mezi lety 2014 až 2019, v nichž se zabývá vývojem strany a jejími volebními výsledky.Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofieFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Tumačenje robotskog okoliša pomoću interaktivne simulacije

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    Tema ovog diplomskog rada je Open Inventor knjižniza algoritama. Ona se koristi za kreiranje interaktivnih 3D aplikacija i virtualne stvarnosti. U ovom diplomskom radu biti će obrađene sve tehničke i programske značajke Open Inventor knjižnice algoritama. Biti će opisana povijest Open Inventora, biti će rečeno što je Open Inventor, na koji način se koristi, od čega se sastoji i , na kraju , biti će prikazane dvije virtualne scene. Obje scene koriste Open Inventor knjižnicu algoritama. Scene sadrže robotske manipulatore i pripadajuću okolinu specifičnu za poslove robotskog sklapanja. Prva scena izrađena je u programu Visual Studio 2010 i napisana u C++ programskom jeziku. Druga scena je razvijena pomoću IvTune editora

    Vakuumske peći za toplinsku obradu

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    Postupak toplinske obrade utječe na značajke i cijenu proizvoda podvrgnutog toplinskoj obradi. Stoga je važno na koji način i pod kojim uvjetima konkretni proizvod ugrijavamo, držimo na temperaturi toplinske obrade i hladimo. U ovome radu proučavan je postupak toplinske obrade u vakuumskim pećima. Vakuumska peć je tip peći koja može zagrijavati materijale, najčešće metale, na vrlo visoke temperature i provoditi različite toplinske režime sa velikom stabilnošću i malim brojem onečišćenja. Kod tih peći obradci su unutra peći zaštićeni vakuumom. Odsutstvom zraka spriječava se prijenos topline konvekcijom, ali se i uklanjaju svi mogući elementi koji unose onečišćenje. Zagrijavanje metala na visoke temperature uglavnom uzrokuje brzu oksidaciju, što je nepoželjno. Vakuumska peć izvlači zrak iz komore za ugrijavanje što sprječava pojavu oksidacije, razugljičenja. Inertni plin, kao što je argon, vodik, helij ili dušik, uglavnom se koristi za ohlađivanje metalnih obradaka. Plin s nadpritiskom nekoliko puta većim od atmosferskog, cirkulira oko obradka odvodeći toplinu prije nego što prođe kroz izmjenjivač topline i preda toplinu. Proces se ponavlja dok se ne postigne odgovarajuća temperatura. Različiti postupci toplinske obrade mogu se izvoditi u vakuumskim pećima, kao što su: kaljenje, žarenje, žarenje legura koje otvrdnjavaju precipitacijom, popuštanje, otplinjavanje, tvrdo i visokotemperaturno lemljenje, sinteriranje, nitriranje u palzmi, pougljičavanje u plazmi... Vakuumske peći imaju mnogo prednosti i zato su u današnje vrijeme neizostavna oprema u modernoj toplinskoj obradi. Uzrokuju značajno manje deformacije i promjene mjera, imaju najpogodnije uvjete za automatsko vođenje cijelog procesa, najhumaniji radni uvjeti za poslužitelja peći, nemaju otpadnih tvari, metali zadržavaju metalni sjaj i ne oksidiraju, nije potrebno naknadno čišćenje, nema razugljičenja površinskog sloja..

    Einfluss von schwarzen Hagelnetzen auf das Mikroklima in einer Südtiroler Apfelanlage

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    Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit wurden mikroklimatische Messungen in einer Versuchsfläche des Land- und Forstwirtschaftlichen Versuchszentrums Laimburg im Jahr 2002 durchgeführt. An zwei verschiedenen Standorten in einer Apfelanlage (Sorte Gala Mondial) wurde die Wirkung schwarzer Hagelnetze im Vergleich zu unbedeckten Kontrollparzellen untersucht. Die Messungen umfassten Strahlungsparameter, Luft- und Bodentemperatur und relative Luftfeuchte. Die Auswertung der Daten erfolgte unter folgenden Aspekten: - jahres- und tageszeitliche Unterschiede zwischen den Versuchsflächen mit und ohne Hagelnetz - Einfluss der Hagelnetzabdeckung auf die Tageslänge in einer Apfelanlage - Einfluss der Hagelnetzabdeckung auf die Assimilationsleistung von Apfelbäumen Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine starke Reduzierung der Strahlungswerte unter dem Hagelnetz. Die Analyse der Strahlungsparameter zeigt, dass sich die Hagelnetzabdeckung im Frühling am stärksten und im Herbst am schwächsten auswirkt. Zu Mittag ist die Abschwächung viel höher als am Vor- und Nachmittag. Je nach betrachteter Periode zeigt sich im Bestand in 1,5 m Höhe ein Strahlungsverlust von ca. 16 - 33 %, am Boden von ca. 26 - 47 %. Die Albedo zeigt je nach Jahreszeit um ca. 23 - 28 % niedrigere Werte unter dem Hagelnetz. Im Vergleich der Tageszeiten variiert die Abschwächung durch das Netz zwischen 13 % und 48 %. Sowohl bei der kurzwelligen als auch bei der Gesamt-Strahlungsbilanz wirken sich Sonnen-Schatten-Effekte auf das Messergebnis aus. Die Bilanzkurven an den beiden Standorten verlaufen recht unterschiedlich. Bilanzstrahlungsmessungen können daher nur als sinnvoll angesehen werden, wenn die Messfühler nicht im Bestand, sondern über dem Bestand angebracht werden. Die Auswertungen der Luft- und Bodentemperatur zeigen, dass sie durch das Hagelnetz nur geringfügig beeinflusst werden. Die Lufttemperatur wurde durch das Hagelnetz je nach betrachteter Periode um ca. 0,3 °C bis 0,6 °C gesenkt. Die Temperatur in 1 cm Tiefe wurde im Mittel um 0,3 °C herabgesetzt, sie zeigt aber sowohl innerhalb der Jahreszeiten als auch der Tageszeiten hohe Differenzen zwischen den Versuchsflächen mit und ohne Hagelnetz. Das ist auf die witterungsbedingten Schwankungen in den oberflächennahen Bodenhorizonten zurückzuführen. Bei der relativen Luftfeuchte wurden keine signifikanten Unterschiede, weder innerhalb der Jahreszeiten, noch innerhalb der Tageszeiten festgestellt. Die relative Luftfeuchte war durch die Hagelnetzabdeckung um ca. 3 - 4 % erhöht. Die Untersuchungen der Hagelnetzbeschattung in Abhängigkeit vom Einfallswinkel der Sonne zeigen, dass bei einem schrägen Winkel die Beschattung um ca. 3 - 10 % höher ist, als bei einem senkrechten Einfallswinkel. Da am Vor- und Nachmittag die Strahlung mit dem Hagelnetz einen senkrechten Winkel bildet, ist die Abschwächung daher geringer. Am Morgen, zu Mittag und am Abend hingegen bildet die Strahlung mit dem Hagelnetz einen schrägen Einfallswinkel, was zu einer verstärkten Abschwächung der Strahlung unter dem Hagelnetz führt. In weiterer Folge führt es zu einem verzögerten Sonnenaufgang und einem früheren Sonnenuntergang in der Parzelle mit einer Hagelnetzüberdachung. Aus der Analyse der Strahlungs-Intensitätsklassen kann man folgende Schlüsse ziehen: Während einer einstrahlungsreichen Periode liegen die Strahlungswerte weit über die Sättigungsgrenze (500 W/m²) d.h. auch unter dem Hagelnetz wird die Sättigung erreicht. Somit haben die Hagelnetze keinen negativen Einfluss auf die Assimilationsleistung der Blätter. Während einer einstrahlungsarmen Periode, bzw. in den bodennahen Schichten im Pflanzenbestand wirkt sich eine zusätzliche Beschattung durch Hagelnetze auf die Photosynthese negativ aus. Aus wirtschaftlicher Sichtweise ist die Anschaffung von Hagelnetzen in Apfelplantagen auf jeden Fall gerechtfertigt, da sich der Strahlungsverlust geringfügiger auf die Produktivität auswirkt als ein Totalausfall der Ernte durch Verzicht von Hagelnetzen.The influence of a black hail protection net of "Golden Delicious" apple trees on the light transmission, air- and soil temperature and relative air humidity was investigated. The measurements were made in experimental plant of "and- und Forstwirtschaftlichen Versuchszentrum Laimburg" (Salurn, Italy) during May till October 2002. The data of the climatic parameters mentioned above were recorded in ten minutes intervals and collected by data loggers (Delta-T, England). The data were summarized in hourly means and evaluated for differences in the microclimate and net photosynthetic production between protected and non-protected areas. Depending on the orography and season incident irradiation was diminished by the hail protection net 1,5 meters above ground up to 33%. The maximal loss was observed in the summer months, and lesser in spring and autumn. That effect is exlplained by the orientation of the net, because the nets are built up tentlike around the trees and the openings are therefore not perpendicalarely oriented. In the spring and auumn the angle of the incident radiarion is more oblique, therefore a greater amount of radiation is transmitted through the mash openings. This explanation is supported by the same effect of daytime, there was also a greater attanuation at noon than at in the morning or afternoon hours. The influence of the net orientation on the radiation intensity was also clearly verified in laboratory measurements. Dayly and seanonaly variations of the albedo were similarily to the incident radiation. Due to the additional effects of foliage the effects were more pronounced on the ground (25 % in the spring before foliation and 45 % in autumn under the leaf canopy). Effects of the protection nets on air and soil temperature were not statistically significant. The mean values differed only between 0,3 till 0,6 grad Celsius. The same result was observed in the effects upon relative air humitity, were the covering resulted in a slight elevation of about 3 - 4%. Photosynthesis was also not diminished in bright days. Reduction of photosynthesis was only observed in periods with low radiation intensities caused by overcast sky

    Analysis of the riverbed backscattered signal registered by ADCPs in different bedload transport conditions – field application

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    Acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP) were deployed to investigate the backscattering (BS) signal in three navigable rivers, in different bedload transport conditions. This study aims to demonstrate that the BS strength, as an additional variable to the apparent bedload velocity, improves the characterization of the bedload transport using ADCPs. The M9 -3 MHz and the vertical beam M9 - 0.5 MHz showed decline of the BS strength as the bedload intensity increased, whereas the RDI -1.2 MHz was relatively insensitive. The correlation between the median grain size and the BS strength for the 0.5 MHz was linear, for the 3 MHz the BS strength was attenuated in the active layer, and for 1.2 MHz, it revealed a parabolic distribution. Moreover, the analyses of the ADCP measured variables, using wavelet transformations and unsupervised machine learning, highlighted the importance of the spatial and temporal variance and transient nature of the bedload transport