665 research outputs found

    RF Applications of Superconducting Tunneling Devices

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    Fluxon electronic devices

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    Prediction of half harmonic generation in stacked Josephson junctions and Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox single crystals

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    We demonstrate analytically that parametric excitation of certain plasma resonance modes in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox single crystals is possible. The model we use is that of a Josephson stack, and the fundamental mechanism is that of half harmonic generation in time and space when a threshold of the applied rf signal is exceeded. The phenomenon is important as a diagnostic tool for the investigation of plasma resonance in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox-like materials, as well as being a basis for making high-T-c high-frequency parametric amplifiers. It has same unique features of space and time nonlinear behavior

    Microwave oscillator based on an intrinsic BSCCO-type Josephson junction

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    How protons pave the way to aggressive cancers

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    Cancers undergo sequential changes to proton (H+) concentration and sensing that are consequences of the disease and facilitate its further progression. The impact of protonation state on protein activity can arise from alterations to amino acids or their titration. Indeed, many cancer-initiating mutations influence pH balance, regulation or sensing in a manner that enables growth and invasion outside normal constraints as part of oncogenic transformation. These cancer-supporting effects become more prominent when tumours develop an acidic microenvironment owing to metabolic reprogramming and disordered perfusion. The ensuing intracellular and extracellular pH disturbances affect multiple aspects of tumour biology, ranging from proliferation to immune surveillance, and can even facilitate further mutagenesis. As a selection pressure, extracellular acidosis accelerates disease progression by favouring acid-resistant cancer cells, which are typically associated with aggressive phenotypes. Although acid–base disturbances in tumours often occur alongside hypoxia and lactate accumulation, there is now ample evidence for a distinct role of H+-operated responses in key events underpinning cancer. The breadth of these actions presents therapeutic opportunities to change the trajectory of disease

    Collective action of water molecules in zeolite dealumination

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    When exposed to steam, zeolite catalysts are irreversibly deactivated by loss of acidity and framework degradation caused by dealumination. Steaming typically occurs at elevated temperatures, making it challenging to investigate the mechanism with most approaches. Herein, we follow the dynamics of zeolite dealumination in situ, in the presence of a realistic loading of water molecules by means of enhanced sampling molecular dynamics simulations. H-SSZ-13 zeolite is chosen as a target system. Monte Carlo simulations predict a loading of more than 3 water molecules per unit cell at representative steaming conditions (450 °C, 1 bar steam). Our results show that a higher water loading lowers the free energy barrier of dealumination, as water molecules cooperate to facilitate hydrolysis of Al–O bonds. We find free energies of activation for dealumination that agree well with the available experimental measurements. Clearly, the use of enhanced sampling molecular dynamics yields a major step forward in the molecular level understanding of the dealumination; insight which is very hard to derive experimentally
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