79 research outputs found

    Kidnapped laser-scanner for evaluation of RFEC tool

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    © 2015 IEEE. An algorithm is proposed for matching data from different sensing modalities. The problem is formalised as a kidnapped robot problem, where Bayesian fusion is used to find the most likely location where both modalities agree. The key idea of our algorithm is to model the correlation between the two modalities as a likelihood used to update a location prior. Data, in this case, is represented as 2.5D thickness maps from a laser scanner and a Remote Field Eddy Current (RFEC) tool, used in non-destructive testing to assess the condition of infrastructures. The laser data is limited, while RFEC data is continuous. Given some prior in location, the aim is to find the 2.5D thickness map from the laser that corresponds to the RFEC data, which should be noted is highly noisy. Real data from CCTV inspections of water pipes are used to validate the proposed approach

    Monjes y cortesanos en la encrucijada del saber

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    In this monographic issue devoted to the sociology of knowledge and science we will try to prove that for the creation and diffusion of a certain field of discipline it is necessary to constitute some specialized corporate groups, which will be in charge of its elaboration and transmission, and that the internal dynamics of these communities may raise some objections and establish the boundaries of each specific discipline. Among all the possible thousand ways we had to open the debate, in this “Introduction” we have considered it attractive to do a brief exposition of the professional career of the French philosopher Auguste Comte, focusing particularly on his relationships with two of the most important French learning institutions of the first half of the XIXth century, the École Polytechnique and the Académie des Sciences de Paris, and establishing the inevitable parallelisms with the cursus honorum of two of his strongest intellectual rivals, François Guizot and François Arago. In the second part of the article we present a brief summary of the fifteen contributions that form this monographic issue.En este número monográfico dedicado a la sociología del saber y de la ciencia intentaremos demostrar que para la creación y difusión de un determinado ámbito del conocimiento es necesario que se constituyan unos grupos corporativos especializados, que serán los encargados de su elaboración y transmisión, y que la dinámica interna de esas propias comunidades puede poner trabas y establecer los límites de cada conocimiento específico. De entre las mil maneras de las que podríamos habernos servido para abrir el debate, en esta “Presentación” nos ha parecido sugerente hacerlo con una breve exposición de la trayectoria profesional del filósofo francés Auguste Comte, centrándonos particularmente en sus relaciones con dos de las grandes instituciones del saber francesas de la primera mitad del siglo XIX, la École Polytechnique y la Académie des Sciences de Paris, y estableciendo los inevitables paralelismos con el cursus honorum de dos de sus grandes enemigos intelectuales, François Guizot y François Arago. En la segunda parte del artículo se presenta un pequeño resumen de cada una de las quince contribuciones que configuran el presente monográfico

    Los servicios de inteligencia en la historiografía española

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    El objetivo prioritario de este artículo es la presentación del primer balance completo de la historiografía española sobre inteligencia, espionaje y temas afines. Como paso previo, el autor ha realizado una base de datos que cuenta en estos momentos con algo más de 1000 entradas, una cifra nada desdeñable que por sí sola demuestra que la bibliografía española sobre estas materias no es tan escasa como los principales especialistas en el tema suelen afirmar. Un porcentaje muy elevado de las referencias corresponden a trabajos publicados en los últimos doce años, periodo en el que estos estudios han experimentado una progresión exponencial.

    Background segmentation to enhance remote field eddy current signals

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    Pipe condition assessment is critical to avoid breakages. Remote Field Eddy Current (RFEC) is a commonly used technology to assess the condition of pipes. The nature of this technology induces some particular noise into its measurements. In this paper, we develop a 3D simulation based on the Finite Element Analysis to study the properties of this noise. Moreover, we propose a filtering process based on a modified version of graph-cuts segmentation method to remove the influence of this noise. Simulated data together with an experimental data-set obtained from a real RFEC inspection show the validity of the proposed approach

    3D point cloud upsampling for accurate reconstruction of dense 2.5D thickness maps

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    This paper presents a novel robust processing methodology for computing 2.5D thickness maps from dense 3D collocated surfaces. The proposed pipeline is suitable to faithfully adjust data representation detailing as required, from preserving fine surface features to coarse interpretations. The foundations of the proposed technique exploit spatial point-based filtering, ray tracing techniques and the Robust Implicit Moving Least Squares (RIMLS) algorithm applied to dense 3D datasets, such as those acquired from laser scanners. The effectiveness of the proposed technique in overcoming traditional angular aliasing and corruption artifacts is validated with 3D ranging data acquired from internal and external surfaces of exhumed water pipes. It is shown that the resulting 2.5D maps can be more accurately and completely computed to higher resolutions, while significantly reducing the number of raytracing errors when compared with 2.5D thickness maps derived from our current approach

    Lean meat yield estimation using a prototype 3D imaging approach.

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    Lean Meat Yield (LMY, %) of carcass is an important industry trait, which currently is not routinely measured in Australian beef abattoirs. Objective on-line technology to determine LMY is key for wider adoption. This paper presents a proof-of-concept approach for estimating the LMY of beef carcasses from the 3D information provided by RGB-D cameras. Moreover, a specifically designed on-line data acquisition system for abattoir applications is presented, consisting of three cameras moving on a scanning rig to generate 3D carcass side reconstructions. The hindquarter is then segmented consistently across all the 3D models to extract curvature information and LMY estimated via non-linear regression based on Gaussian Process models. Sides from 119 carcasses at two different commercial abattoirs were used to evaluate this approach. Results from this preliminary study (RMSE = 3.91%, R2 = 0.69) using curvature, P8 fat and HSCW indicate that 3D imaging of beef carcasses is a viable and relatively accurate technology to estimate LMY


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    Pese a la reciente proliferación en nuestro país de centros universitarios en los que se imparte la Titulación de Traducción e Interpretación, los principales colectivos profesionales de traductores se han mostrado de acuerdo en señalar la necesidad de una mayor especialización en determinados campos para los que existe una demanda real, por una parte, así como un mayor ajuste de los contenidos de los planes de estudio actuales a la realidad laboral con la que van a topar los estudiantes una vez finalizados sus estudios, por otra. Esta doble necesidad acaba de ser corroborada precisamente en los informes sobre La Traducción Editorial en España (2008, 2010), auspiciados por el Ministerio de Cultura, en los que además se afirma sin ambages que es precisamente la falta de especialización y de exigencia de una titulación o credenciales específicos a lahora de desarrollar esta profesión uno de los aspectos más influyentes en el carácter abierto del acceso a la práctica profesional de la traducción. Nuestra propuesta de especialización se ha concretado en el Máster Universitario en Traducción Editorial (MUTE), un título evaluado positivamente por la ANECA e impartido en laUniversidad de Murcia desde el curso 2010/11

    Computational pattern making from 3D garment models

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    We propose a method for computing a sewing pattern of a given 3D garment model. Our algorithm segments an input 3D garment shape into patches and computes their 2D parameterization, resulting in pattern pieces that can be cut out of fabric and sewn together to manufacture the garment. Unlike the general state-of-the-art approaches for surface cutting and flattening, our method explicitly targets garment fabrication. It accounts for the unique properties and constraints of tailoring, such as seam symmetry, the usage of darts, fabric grain alignment, and a flattening distortion measure that models woven fabric deformation, respecting its anisotropic behavior. We bootstrap a recent patch layout approach developed for quadrilateral remeshing and adapt it to the purpose of computational pattern making, ensuring that the deformation of each pattern piece stays within prescribed bounds of cloth stress. While our algorithm can automatically produce the sewing patterns, it is fast enough to admit user input to creatively iterate on the pattern design. Our method can take several target poses of the 3D garment into account and integrate them into the sewing pattern design. We demonstrate results on both skintight and loose garments, showcasing the versatile application possibilities of our approach.</jats:p