1,523 research outputs found

    Key issues in rural health: perspectives of health service providers in Queensland

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    The Centre for Rural and Remote Area Health (CRRAH) held interactive research workshops in eight towns in Southern Queensland. The purpose of the workshops was to determine what health providers considered were major issues affecting their service and for these results to inform future research strategy of CRRAH. Over 150 organisations identified as either providing health services or having a significant interest in health provision in one or more of the targeted towns were invited to attend. The workshops used the nominal group technique to identify what the participants considered were key health issues in the geographical area in which they worked. These issues were then prioritised by the participants. Thematic analysis of the issues generated a ranking of themes by importance. Results were compared with a similar exercise undertaken in 2003. Participants from organisation directly involved with health care were complemented at the workshops by representatives from local government, the police service and church groups. A total of 85 participants representing 47 services and 41 different organisations attended the eight workshops. Issues generated by the participants were pooled into seventeen themes. Workforce issues were by far the major concern of health providers. Recruitment and retention of health workers were a major concern. The other four highest ranked themes across all workshops were mental health, access to health services, perceptions and expectations of consumers of health services and interagency cooperation. Aged care was an additional theme that generated a lot of concern at several of the workshops. The workshops provided important information to CRRAH for developing research strategy. Additionally, several new alliances among health providers were developed which will support sharing of information and resources. The workshops enabled rural and remote organisations to meet and identify the key health issues and supported research planning. Much need alliances among health providers were forged and collaborative research avenues are being explored. The workshop forum is an excellent means of information exchange

    Potential Energy Curves for CO

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    Potential energy curves for the Chi (sup 1) Epsilon (sup plus), alpha (sup 3) II (sub r), alpha prime (sup 3) epsilon (sup plus), d (sup 3) delta, e (sup 3) Epsilon (sup minus), Alpha (sup 1) II, and Beta (sup 1) Epsilon (sup plus), electronic states of the CO molecule have been calculated by the Rydberg-Klein-Rees method. The curve for the A III state will have to bend sharply in the range between 1.9 and 2.1 angstroms or it will have to pass through a maximum to reach the proper dissociation limit

    In Memoriam: Daniel J. Meltzer

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    Sedan år 2006 har den syntetiskt framställda drogen spice existerat i Sverige, men först år 2008 blev drogen populär och tidningar började rikta uppmärksamhet mot den. Genom att drogen kan byta skepnad i uppbyggnaden kan den förbli laglig, därför kan egentligen namnet “spice” inte betraktas som ett enhetligt begrepp. Vårt syfte med denna studie blev att granska hur drogen spice beskrivs i tidningar och forskning. Även hur drogen betraktas gällande psykosociala och medicinska avseenden. Detta i förhållande till socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Den metod som vi valde att använda oss av i studien var kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Genom analys av 80 stycken svenska tidningsartiklar hämtade ur databasen mediearkivet, samt vetenskapliga artiklar och litteratur har vi besvarat våra frågeställningar. De resultat vi fick från analyser visade på att tidningar kan vara av betydande roll för ungdomars attityder. Tidningar kan utföra bland annat skrämselpropaganda för att upplysa och förhindra brukandet av spice, dessvärre visar resultatet en motsatt effekt. Forskning visar att bruk av spice kan påverka relationer och arbete negativt. Dessutom är några bieffekter av spice bröstsmärtor, vanföreställningar, självmordstankar och hjärtstopp

    Potential Energy Curves of Hydrogen Fluoride

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    Potential energy curves for the X(sup 1)sigma+ and V(sup 1)sigma+ states of HF and DF have been calculated by the Rydberg-Klein-Rees method. The results calculated from the different sets of data for HF and DF are found to be in very good agreement. The theoretical results of Karo are compared to the experimental results obtained here

    Successful treatment of a solitary skull metastasis in a child with Wilms' Tumor

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    This report presents the successful treatment of a child with a solitary metastatic lesion to the calvarium following treatment for Stage III anaplastic Wilms’ Tumor

    Assessing and understanding hospitality: The Brief Hospitality Scale

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    Although hospitality is a valued social and cultural phenomenon, it has been largely overlooked in the psychology research literature. Our studies are designed to advance the understanding of hospitality by creating a brief measure of it that can be used across cultures. In Study 1, we employed a large sample of Americans to create and begin validation of a measure of hospitality: the Brief Hospitality Scale, or BHS. In all nations and both studies, the scale had a single strong factor and high internal consistency. In Study 2, we administered the measure to respondents from 11 nations and found that people in some countries (e.g.,Iran) are significantly more hospitable than people in others (e.g.,Singapore). The strongest personality correlates of hospitality were those associated with social characteristics such as extraversion, agreeableness, and feelings of group belonging. The very strongest association with hospitality was the ability to see the perspective of others. Thus, hospitality represents more than simple sociability, and seems to rest on feelings of togetherness with others, concern for their wellbeing, and positive feelings toward them. We found in both studies that hospitality is associated with higher levels of wellbeing, for example, optimism, psychosocial flourishing, and positive affect

    Molecular characterization of firefly nuptial gifts: a multi-omics approach sheds light on postcopulatory sexual selection

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    Postcopulatory sexual selection is recognized as a key driver of reproductive trait evolution, including the machinery required to produce endogenous nuptial gifts. Despite the importance of such gifts, the molecular composition of the non-gametic components of male ejaculates and their interactions with female reproductive tracts remain poorly understood. During mating, male Photinus fireflies transfer to females a spermatophore gift manufactured by multiple reproductive glands. Here we combined transcriptomics of both male and female reproductive glands with proteomics and metabolomics to better understand the synthesis, composition and fate of the spermatophore in the common Eastern firefly, Photinus pyralis. Our transcriptome of male glands revealed up-regulation of proteases that may enhance male fertilization success and activate female immune response. Using bottom-up proteomics we identified 208 functionally annotated proteins that males transfer to the female in their spermatophore. Targeted metabolomic analysis also provided the first evidence that Photinus nuptial gifts contain lucibufagin, a firefly defensive toxin. The reproductive tracts of female fireflies showed increased gene expression for several proteases that may be involved in egg production. This study offers new insights into the molecular composition of male spermatophores, and extends our understanding of how nuptial gifts may mediate postcopulatory interactions between the sexes.Tuft University. Faculty Research Fund (FRAC (S.M.L.)Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation. Beckman Young InvestigatorPew Scholars Program in the Biomedical SciencesSearle Scholars Progra

    In Memoriam: Paul R. Rice

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