59 research outputs found
Demokratische Kontrolle oder Inquisition? Eine empirische Analyse der parlamentarischen Untersuchungsausschüsse des Nationalrates nach 1945
'Untersuchungsausschüsse stellen eines der effektivsten Kontrollinstrumente des Parlaments gegenüber der Regierung dar. Ihre Wirksamkeit ist aber infolge der Entwicklung des Parteienstaates und der Ablösung der traditionellen Gewaltenteilung zwischen beiden Institutionen durch eine neue Gewaltenteilung zwischen Regierung und Opposition stark begrenzt. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Praxis der parlamentarischen Untersuchungsausschüsse in Österreich nach 1945 auf der Grundlage von politikwissenschaftlichen Forschungen im Rahmen der Principal-Agent-Theorie. Dabei wird - insbesondere für die jüngere Periode, die durch eine Intensivierung des Parteienwettbewerbs und eine zunehmende Rolle der Medien gekennzeichnet ist - eine Überlagerung der parlamentarischen Kontrollfunktion durch Parteiinteressen nachgewiesen.' (Autorenreferat)'Committees of investigation are considered as one of the most effective means by which parliaments can control government. However, the rise of political parties, which led to a new division of powers between government and opposition, has significantly reduced their effectiveness. The article examines the use of the instrument by the Austrian parliament since 1945, proceeding from the insights of principal-agent models. It is shown that the control function of parliament has been increasingly overlaid by the interests of the parties. These, in turn, are a consequence of changes in the competitiveness of the party system and the greater influence of the mass media.' (author's abstract
‘Turpe senex miles, turpe senilis amor’ (Amores, 1, 9, 4): Ovidio, Cranach y Cervantes
Aristotle and Flora, Virgil in the basket, Susanna and the elders… These are different samples of a theme which enjoyed a notorious success in Europe from the last decades of the Fifteenth-century onwards. More than a simple mockery or moral lesson, the topic appears related to decorum as a basic principle in both art and life. In his paintings, Cranach paid special attention to ill-matched couples, as shown in a series of erotic scenes where a young damsel has an old man for lover; in his Quixote, guided by the Ovidian saying ‘Turpe senex miles, turpe senilis amor’ (Amores, 1, 9, 4), Cervantes transforms the traditional Perceval pattern in a new one. Contrary to expectations, it is an old man, not a youngster who undertakes the double adventure of war and love.Aristóteles y Flora, Virgilio en el cesto, Susana y los viejos… Por distintas vías, el tema del viejo lascivo se enseñorea del arte europeo, plástico y literario, desde las postrimerías del siglo XV en adelante. El asunto, amén de su dimensión jocosa y moral, interesa por su relación con el principio artístico del decoro. En las parejas desiguales (con una joven damisela y un anciano por amante) Cranach encuentra uno de sus asuntos recurrentes; en el Quijote, Cervantes da la vuelta al patrón de Perceval guiado por la máxima de Ovidio ‘Turpe senex miles, turpe senilis amor’ (Amores, 1, 9, 4). De ese modo, no es un joven sino un anciano quien se lanza a una doble aventura, militar y amorosa
El arte postpicaresco de Eduardo Mendoza
Hay novelas contemporáneas cuyo valor literario se considera independiente de la realidad circundante, creando un úniverso ficcional semánticamente autonómo. Otras en su concepción de la obra literaria parten de la idea del compromiso social y moral, y mantienen, aun favorecen, la función referendal con la cual se vincula la obra literaria con el momento histórico de su aparición
El arte postpicaresco de Eduardo Mendoza
Hay novelas contemporáneas cuyo valor literario se considera independiente de la realidad circundante, creando un úniverso ficcional semánticamente autonómo. Otras en su concepción de la obra literaria parten de la idea del compromiso social y moral, y mantienen, aun favorecen, la función referendal con la cual se vincula la obra literaria con el momento histórico de su aparición
We Are Moved by our Research – but what Are We Moving toward? National Socialism in Biographical Interviews. Empirical Flashlights on ›Anxiety and Method‹ in Qualitative Research Processes
In his seminal work From Anxiety to Method in the Behavioral Sciences (1967), George Devereux posits the analysis of countertransference as the most illuminating instrument in qualitative research. His approach does not disparage the researcher’s anxieties and defenses as merely interfering variables, but acknowledges them as meaningful constituents of the research process. Taking Devereux’ cue, this article contextualizes phenomena of countertransference by example of single working steps applied in a qualitative approach to the social sciences. Several biographical interviews addressing Austria’s National Socialist past serve as a point of departure. The author shares his experiences with these interviews in the contexts of his research, teaching and supervision.In his seminal work From Anxiety to Method in the Behavioral Sciences (1967), George Devereux posits the analysis of countertransference as the most illuminating instrument in qualitative research. His approach does not disparage the researcher’s anxieties and defenses as merely interfering variables, but acknowledges them as meaningful constituents of the research process. Taking Devereux’ cue, this article contextualizes phenomena of countertransference by example of single working steps applied in a qualitative approach to the social sciences. Several biographical interviews addressing Austria’s National Socialist past serve as a point of departure. The author shares his experiences with these interviews in the contexts of his research, teaching and supervision
Wenn der Körper das Denken einnimmt : Körperunzufriedenheit als aufrechterhaltender Faktor von Essstörungen
eingereicht von: Julia Fallend, BSc.Literaturverzeichnis: Blatt 30-35Zusammenfassung/Abstract in deutscher und englischer SpracheParis Lodron Universität Salzburg, Masterarbeit, 2019(VLID)506126
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