1,711 research outputs found

    Displaced Vertices from X-ray Lines

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    We present a simple model of weak-scale thermal dark matter that gives rise to X-ray lines. Dark matter consists of two nearly degenerate states near the weak scale, which are populated thermally in the early universe via co-annihilation with slightly heavier states that are charged under the Standard Model. The X-ray line arises from the decay of the heavier dark matter component into the lighter one via a radiative dipole transition, at a rate that is slow compared to the age of the universe. The model predicts observable signatures at the LHC in the form of exotic events with missing energy and displaced leptons and jets. As an application, we show how this model can explain the recently observed 3.55 keV X-ray line.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    On the one-loop Kahler potential in five-dimensional brane-world supergravity

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    We present an on-shell formulation of 5d gauged supergravity coupled to chiral matter multiplets localized at the orbifold fixed points. The brane action is constructed via the Noether method. In such set-up we compute one-loop corrections to the Kahler potential of the effective 4d supergravity and compare the result with previous computations based on the off-shell formalism. The results agree at lowest order in brane sources, however at higher order there are differences. We explain this discrepancy by an ambiguity in resolving singularities associated with the presence of infinitely thin branes.Comment: 20 page

    Community dynamics mining

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    In this paper we propose a model to analyze community dynamics. Recently, several methods and tools have been proposed to extract communities from static graphs. However, since communities are not static, but change over time, it is necessary to provide methods to determine and observe the community transitions and to extract the factors that cause the development. We regard a community as an object that exists over time and propose to observe community transitions along the time axis. For this we partition the time axis under observation by time windows. In each time window, a set of interactions between community participants is aggregated. These static networks are analyzed for subcommunities by applying community detection mechanisms. Through this we detect communities in each interval and can observe if communities persist over time or undergo a transition. We present community transitions and the observable indicators for the respective development. We furthermore present a software environment that incorporates several community detection and analysis methods to analyze community transitions. It supports a dynamic temporal community analysis and provides several forms of visualizations and analysis settings thus providing an interactive tool to observe community dynamics

    Holography, Pade Approximants and Deconstruction

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    We investigate the relation between holographic calculations in 5D and the Migdal approach to correlation functions in large N theories. The latter employs Pade approximation to extrapolate short distance correlation functions to large distances. We make the Migdal/5D relation more precise by quantifying the correspondence between Pade approximation and the background and boundary conditions in 5D. We also establish a connection between the Migdal approach and the models of deconstructed dimensions.Comment: 28 page

    Discretizing Gravity in Warped Spacetime

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    We investigate the discretized version of the compact Randall-Sundrum model. By studying the mass eigenstates of the lattice theory, we demonstrate that for warped space, unlike for flat space, the strong coupling scale does not depend on the IR scale and lattice size. However, strong coupling does prevent us from taking the continuum limit of the lattice theory. Nonetheless, the lattice theory works in the manifestly holographic regime and successfully reproduces the most significant features of the warped theory. It is even in some respects better than the KK theory, which must be carefully regulated to obtain the correct physical results. Because it is easier to construct lattice theories than to find exact solutions to GR, we expect lattice gravity to be a useful tool for exploring field theory in curved space.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures; references adde

    Supersymmetric branes with (almost) arbitrary tensions

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    We present a supersymmetric version of the two-brane Randall-Sundrum scenario, with arbitrary brane tensions T_1 and T_2, subject to the bound |T_{1,2}| \leq \sqrt{-6\Lambda_5}, where \Lambda_5 < 0 is the bulk cosmological constant. Dimensional reduction gives N=1, D=4 supergravity, with cosmological constant \Lambda_4 in the range \half\Lambda_5 \leq \Lambda_4 \leq 0. The case with \Lambda_4 = 0 requires T_1 = -T_2 = \sqrt{-6\Lambda_5}. This work unifies and generalizes previous approaches to the supersymmetric Randall-Sundrum scenario. It also shows that the Randall-Sundrum fine-tuning is not a consequence of supersymmetry.Comment: 19pp; Published versio

    D-type supersymmetry breaking and brane-to-brane gravity mediation

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    We revisit the issue of gravitational contributions to soft masses in five-dimensional sequestered models. We point out that, unlike for the case of F-type supersymmetry breaking, for D-type breaking these effects generically give positive soft masses squared for the sfermions. This drastically improves model building. We discuss the phenomenological implications of our result.Comment: 16 pages. Typos corrected, minor clarifications. To be published in Phys. Lett.
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