707 research outputs found


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    Evaluation of antigens for the serodiagnosis of kala-azar and oriental sores by means of the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT)

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    Antigens and corresponding sera were collected from travellers with leishmaniasis returning to Germany from different endemic areas of the old world. The antigenicity of these Leishmania strains, which were maintained in Syrian hamsters, was compared by indirect immunofluorescence (IFAT). Antigenicity was demonstrated by antibody titres in 18 sera from 11 patients. The amastigotic stages of nine strains of Leishmania donovani and four strains of Leishmania tropica were compared with each other and with the culture forms of insect flagellates (Strigomonas oncopelti and Leptomonas ctenocephali). Eighteen sera from 11 patients were available for antibody determination with these antigens. The maximal antibody titres in a single serum varied considerably depending on which antigen was used for the test. High antibody levels could only be maintained when Leishmania donovani was employed as the antigen, but considerable differences also occurred between the different strains of this species. The other antigens were weaker. No differences in antigenicity between amastigotes and promastigotes of the same strain were observed. It is important to select suitable antigens. Low titres may be of doubtful specificity and are a poor baseline for the fall in titre which is an essential index of effective treatment.Wir sammelten Parasiten und Seren von Reisenden, die aus verschiedenen endemischen Gebieten der Alten Welt mit einer Leishmaniasis nach Deutschland zurĂŒckkehrten. Die AntigenaktivitĂ€ten der isolierten und fortlaufend in Goldhamstern gehaltenenLeishmania-StĂ€mme wurden im indirekten Immunofluoreszenztest (IFAT) verglichen. Die AntigenitĂ€t wurde an Hand von Antikörpertitern in 18 Serumproben von 11 Patienten bewiesen. Neun StĂ€mme desLeishmania donovani-Komplexes und vierLeishmania tropica-Isolate wurden in ihrem amastigoten Stadium miteinander verglichen. Hinzu kamen zwei Insekten-Flagellaten als Kulturformen:Strigomonas oncopelti undLeptomonas ctenocephali. 18 Serumproben von 11 Patienten standen fĂŒr die Antikörperbestimmung mit diesen Antigenen zur VerfĂŒgung. Die maximalen Titerhöhen variierten in ein- und derselben antiserumprobe zum Teil erheblich, je nachdem, welches Antigen fĂŒr den Test benutzt wurde. Hohe Antikörpertiter konnten nur erhalten werden, wennLeishmania donovani als Antigen vorlag, es ergaben sich aber auch zwischen den einzelnen StĂ€mmen dieser Leishmaniaart erhebliche Unterschiede in der AntigenaktivitĂ€t. Antigene anderer Art erwiesen sich als wenig wirksam. Zwischen amastigoten und promastigoten Entwicklungsformen einesLeishmania donovani-Stammes konnten keine Unterschiede in der AntigenaktivitĂ€t erkannt werden. FĂŒr den Nachweis möglichst hoher Antikörpertiter im IFAT ist die Auswahl geeigneter Antigene von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung. Niedrige Titer erschweren deren Beurteilung als spezifisch und sind eine schlechte Ausgangsposition fĂŒr die Beobachtung des obligatorischen Titerabfalles nach erfolgreicher Therapie

    Cyclotron resonant scattering feature simulations. I. Thermally averaged cyclotron scattering cross sections, mean free photon-path tables, and electron momentum sampling

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    Electron cyclotron resonant scattering features (CRSFs) are observed as absorption-like lines in the spectra of X-ray pulsars. A significant fraction of the computing time for Monte Carlo simulations of these quantum mechanical features is spent on the calculation of the mean free path for each individual photon before scattering, since it involves a complex numerical integration over the scattering cross section and the (thermal) velocity distribution of the scattering electrons. We aim to numerically calculate interpolation tables which can be used in CRSF simulations to sample the mean free path of the scattering photon and the momentum of the scattering electron. The tables also contain all the information required for sampling the scattering electron's final spin. The tables were calculated using an adaptive Simpson integration scheme. The energy and angle grids were refined until a prescribed accuracy is reached. The tables are used by our simulation code to produce artificial CRSF spectra. The electron momenta sampled during these simulations were analyzed and justified using theoretically determined boundaries. We present a complete set of tables suited for mean free path calculations of Monte Carlo simulations of the cyclotron scattering process for conditions expected in typical X-ray pulsar accretion columns (0.01<B/B_{crit}<=0.12, where B_{crit}=4.413x10^{13} G and 3keV<=kT<15keV). The sampling of the tables is chosen such that the results have an estimated relative error of at most 1/15 for all points in the grid. The tables are available online at http://www.sternwarte.uni-erlangen.de/research/cyclo.Comment: A&A, in pres

    Character Displacement in the Midst of Substantial Background Evolution in Anolis Lizard Island Populations

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    Negative interactions between species can generate divergent selection that causes character displacement. However, other processes cause similar divergence. We use spatial and temporal replication across island populations of Anolis lizards to assess the importance of negative interactions in driving trait shifts. Previous work showed that the establishment of Anolis sagrei on islands drove resident Anolis carolinensis to perch higher and evolve larger toepads. To further test the interaction\u27s causality and predictability, we resurveyed a subset of islands nine years later. Anolis sagrei had established on one island between surveys. We found that A. carolinensis on this island now perch higher and have larger toepads. However, toepad morphology change on this island was not distinct from shifts on six other islands whose Anolis community composition had not changed. Thus, the presence of A. sagrei only partly explains A. carolinensis trait variation across space and time. We also found that A. carolinensis on islands with previously established A. sagrei now perch higher than a decade ago, and that current A. carolinensis perch height is correlated with A. sagrei density. Our results suggest that character displacement likely interacts with other evolutionary processes in this system, and that temporal data are key to detecting such interactions

    The effect of price increases on predicted alcohol purchasing decisions and choice to substitute

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    Introduction: Few studies have undertaken to explore whether people who consume particular alcoholic beverages have a greater tendency to substitute with cheaper alcohol in response to price increases. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of price increases on alcohol purchasing decisions, specifically the influence on brand and cross-beverage substitution across demographic, drinking level and socio-economic factors. Method: Data on participants’ alcohol purchasing habits and consumption were collected via an online survey, including their reactions to three price increases to alcoholic beverages types previously purchased. Data were analysed using logistic regression, with substitution behaviour the dependent variable, controlling for demographic and socio-economic factors. Results: Responses to different price increases varied by drinking level, which was consistently and significantly associated with likelihood of substitution behaviour across beverage types. For a 50% increase in price, regardless of whether participants purchased beer, wine, bottled spirits or premixed spirits, drinking at levels which put participants at high risk of short-term harms was associated with a higher likelihood of substitution with cheaper brands or beverage types (OR: 1.729; OR: 1.787; OR: 1.729 and OR: 1.729, respectively). Conclusions: No consistent trends in responses occurred according to respondent characteristics, suggesting that increasing price may be an effective tool to influence purchasing behaviour across the population. Results also suggested that those who drink at levels which put them at high risk of short-term harms may be more likely to circumvent price increases by switching to a cheaper product

    A diagrammatic view of the equals sign: arithmetical equivalence as a means, not an end

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    It is recommended in the mathematics education literature that pupils be presented with equality statements that can be assessed for numerical balance by attending to notational structure rather than computation. I describe an alternative, diagrammatic approach in which pupils do not assess statements but instead use them to make substitutions of notation. I report on two trials of a computer-based task conducted with pairs of pupils and highlight two findings. First, the pupils found it useful to articulate the distinct substitutive effects of commutative (‘swap’, ‘switch’) and partitional (‘split’, ‘separate’) statements when working on the task. Secondly, the pupils did not notice that some of the statements presented were in fact false, which suggests their substituting activities were independent of numerical equivalence conceptions. This demonstrates that making substitutions offers task designers a mathematical utility for equality statements that is distinct from, but complementary to, assessing numerical balance

    Performance evaluation of flexible manufacturing systems under uncertain and dynamic situations

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    The present era demands the efficient modelling of any manufacturing system to enable it to cope with unforeseen situations on the shop floor. One of the complex issues affecting the performance of manufacturing systems is the scheduling of part types. In this paper, the authors have attempted to overcome the impact of uncertainties such as machine breakdowns, deadlocks, etc., by inserting slack that can absorb these disruptions without affecting the other scheduled activities. The impact of the flexibilities in this scenario is also investigated. The objective functions have been formulated in such a manner that a better trade-off between the uncertainties and flexibilities can be established. Consideration of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) in this scenario helps in the loading or unloading of part types in a better manner. In the recent past, a comprehensive literature survey revealed the supremacy of random search algorithms in evaluating the performance of these types of dynamic manufacturing system. The authors have used a metaheuristic known as the quick convergence simulated annealing (QCSA) algorithm, and employed it to resolve the dynamic manufacturing scenario. The metaheuristic encompasses a Cauchy distribution function as a probability function that helps in escaping the local minima in a better manner. Various machine breakdown scenarios are generated. A ‘heuristic gap’ is measured, and it indicates the effectiveness of the performance of the proposed methodology with the varying problem complexities. Statistical validation is also carried out, which helps in authenticating the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The efficacy of the proposed approach is also compared with deterministic priority rules

    Building the New Europe: Western and Eastern Roads to Social Partnership

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    [Excerpt] While the ways in which neoliberalism and economic integration undermine social partnership and the welfare state have been extensively studied, less attention has been given to the ways in which such economic forces may push actors together, in reinvigorated bargaining relationships, to find workable solutions to difficult problems. In his article, we examine the contemporary status of social partnership in four case study countries—Germany, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria and Poland—as well as for Europe as a whole. In the west, while Germany presents a case of established social partnership under pressure, the United Kingdom has stood over the past two decades on the opposite neoliberal side. In the east, Bulgaria is one of the more developed cases of post-communist tripartism, while Poland exemplifies a weaker tripartism that emerged at a later stage of the transformation process. In selecting more and less developed social partnership cases in both west and east, we test the argument that the rise of Thatcher/Reagan/ Friedman ‘free market economics’ is paradoxically driving a resurgence and consolidation of social partnership relations across the new (both western and eastern) Europe

    Toward Predicting Success and Failure in CS2: A Mixed-Method Analysis

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    Factors driving success and failure in CS1 are the subject of much study but less so for CS2. This paper investigates the transition from CS1 to CS2 in search of leading indicators of success in CS2. Both CS1 and CS2 at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) are taught in Python with annual enrollments of 300 and 150 respectively. In this paper, we report on the following research questions: 1) Are CS1 grades indicators of CS2 grades? 2) Does a quantitative relationship exist between CS2 course grade and a modified version of the SCS1 concept inventory? 3) What are the most challenging aspects of CS2, and how well does CS1 prepare students for CS2 from the student's perspective? We provide a quantitative analysis of 2300 CS1 and CS2 course grades from 2013--2019. In Spring 2019, we administered a modified version of the SCS1 concept inventory to 44 students in the first week of CS2. Further, 69 students completed an exit questionnaire at the conclusion of CS2 to gain qualitative student feedback on their challenges in CS2 and on how well CS1 prepared them for CS2. We find that 56% of students' grades were lower in CS2 than CS1, 18% improved their grades, and 26% earned the same grade. Of the changes, 62% were within one grade point. We find a statistically significant correlation between the modified SCS1 score and CS2 grade points. Students identify linked lists and class/object concepts among the most challenging. Student feedback on CS2 challenges and the adequacy of their CS1 preparations identify possible avenues for improving the CS1-CS2 transition.Comment: The definitive Version of Record was published in 2020 ACM Southeast Conference (ACMSE 2020), April 2-4, 2020, Tampa, FL, USA. 8 page
