164 research outputs found

    Fungal Biofilms and Drug Resistance

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    Candida species, including the novel opportunistic pathogen Candida dubliniensis, are now emerging as major agents of nosocomial infections. Many such manifestations of infections associated with the formation of Candida biofilms include those occurring on devices such as indwelling intravascular catheters. Fungal biofilm-associated infections are frequently refractory to conventional therapy because of resistance to antimicrobial agents. This resistance could be in part due to the surface-induced upregulation of drug efflux pumps. Biofilm-associated Candida show uniform resistance to a wide spectrum of the currently available conventional antifungal agents, which implies that antimicrobial drugs that specifically target biofilm-associated infections are needed. The novel classes of antifungal agents, the lipid formulation of amphotericins, and the echinocandins have demonstrated unique antifungal activity against the resistant Candida biofilms, providing a breakthrough in the treatment of life-threatening invasive systemic mycoses. The use of drugs effective in combating biofilm-associated infections could lead to major developments in the treatment of fungal implant infections

    Bacterial Diversity in Oral Samples of Children in Niger with Acute Noma, Acute Necrotizing Gingivitis, and Healthy Controls

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    Noma is a devastating gangrenous disease that leads to severe facial disfigurement, but its cause remains unknown. It is associated with high morbidity and mortality and affects almost exclusively young children living in remote areas of developing countries, particularly in Africa. Several factors have been linked to the disease, including malnutrition, immune dysfunction, lack of oral hygiene, and lesions of the mucosal gingival barrier, particularly the presence of acute necrotizing gingivitis, and a potentially non-identified bacterial factor acting as a trigger for the disease. This study assessed the total bacterial diversity present in 69 oral samples of 55 children in Niger with or without acute noma or acute necrotizing gingivitis using culture-independent molecular methods. Analysis of bacterial composition and frequency showed that diseased and healthy site bacterial communities are composed of similar bacteria, but differ in the prevalence of a limited group of phylotypes. We failed to identify a causative infectious agent for noma or acute necrotizing gingivitis as the most plausible pathogens for both conditions were present also in sizeable numbers in healthy subjects. Most likely, the disease is initiated by a synergistic combination of several bacterial species, and not a single agent

    NOMA: A Preventable “Scourge” of African Children

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    Noma is a serious orofacial gangrene originating intraorally in the gingival-oral mucosa complex before spreading extraorally to produce a visibly destructive ulcer. Although cases of noma are now rarely reported in the developed countries, it is still prevalent among children in third world countries, notably in sub-Sahara Africa, where poverty, ignorance, malnutrition, and preventable childhood infections are still common. This review summarizes historical, epidemiological, management, and research updates on noma with suggestions for its prevention and ultimate global eradication. The global annual incidence remains high at about 140,000 cases, with a mortality rate exceeding 90% for untreated diseases. Where the patients survive, noma defects result in unsightly facial disfigurement, intense scarring, trismus, oral incompetence, and social alienation. Although the etiology has long been held to be infectious, a definitive causal role between microorganisms cited, and noma has been difficult to establish. The management of noma with active disease requires antibiotics followed by reconstructive surgery. Current research efforts are focused towards a comprehensive understanding of the epidemiology, and further elucidation of the microbiology and pathogenesis of noma