893 research outputs found

    Eliciting the Functional Taxonomy from protein annotations and taxa

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    The advances of omics technologies have triggered the production of an enormous volume of data coming from thousands of species. Meanwhile, joint international efforts like the Gene Ontology (GO) consortium have worked to provide functional information for a vast amount of proteins. With these data available, we have developed FunTaxIS, a tool that is the first attempt to infer functional taxonomy (i.e. how functions are distributed over taxa) combining functional and taxonomic information. FunTaxIS is able to define a taxon specific functional space by exploiting annotation frequencies in order to establish if a function can or cannot be used to annotate a certain species. The tool generates constraints between GO terms and taxa and then propagates these relations over the taxonomic tree and the GO graph. Since these constraints nearly cover the whole taxonomy, it is possible to obtain the mapping of a function over the taxonomy. FunTaxIS can be used to make functional comparative analyses among taxa, to detect improper associations between taxa and functions, and to discover how functional knowledge is either distributed or missing. A benchmark test set based on six different model species has been devised to get useful insights on the generated taxonomic rules

    Semantic wikis as flexible database interfaces for biomedical applications

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    Several challenges prevent extracting knowledge from biomedical resources, including data heterogeneity and the difficulty to obtain and collaborate on data and annotations by medical doctors. Therefore, flexibility in their representation and interconnection is required; it is also essential to be able to interact easily with such data. In recent years, semantic tools have been developed: semantic wikis are collections of wiki pages that can be annotated with properties and so combine flexibility and expressiveness, two desirable aspects when modeling databases, especially in the dynamic biomedical domain. However, semantics and collaborative analysis of biomedical data is still an unsolved challenge. The aim of this work is to create a tool for easing the design and the setup of semantic databases and to give the possibility to enrich them with biostatistical applications. As a side effect, this will also make them reproducible, fostering their application by other research groups. A command-line software has been developed for creating all structures required by Semantic MediaWiki. Besides, a way to expose statistical analyses as R Shiny applications in the interface is provided, along with a facility to export Prolog predicates for reasoning with external tools. The developed software allowed to create a set of biomedical databases for the Neuroscience Department of the University of Padova in a more automated way. They can be extended with additional qualitative and statistical analyses of data, including for instance regressions, geographical distribution of diseases, and clustering. The software is released as open source-code and published under the GPL-3 license at https://github.com/mfalda/tsv2swm


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    The purpose of this study was to measure the difference in normal force under both feet during alpine skiing giant slalom turns. Eleven experienced alpine skiers performed a giant slalom course at race intensity. All trials were recorded synchronously using a video camera and a plantar pressure measuring system. The mean force on the grouped two feet varied from 0.7 BW at the start of a turn to 1.5 BW during the steering phase of a turn performed in a steep slope condition. When skiing on FLAT slope condition, it reached only 1.3 BW. Results also showed that the outside foot receives significantly more pressure than the inside foot during the entire turn except the initiation phase. This last finding is not affected by slope steepness


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    RENI FALDA, 2019. Penerapan Teknik Thought stopping untuk Mengatasi Body image negatif pada Siswa di SMAN 24 Bone. Dibimbing oleh Dr. Abdullah Sinring, M. Pd dan Dr. Abdullah Pandang H. Jurusan Psikologi Pendidikan dan Bimbingan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Makassar. Penelitian ini menelaah penerapan teknik Thought stopping untuk mengatasi Body image negtaif pada siswa SMAN 24 Bone. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1)Bagaimana gambaran pelaksanaan teknik thought stopping dalam mengatasi body image negatif siswa SMAN 24 Bone?, (2)Bagaimana gambaran body image negatif siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberi perlakuan berupa teknik thougt stopping di SMAN 24 Bone?, (3)Apakah penerapan teknik thought stopping dapat mengatasi body image negatif siswa SMAN 24 Bone? Adapun tujuan penelitian: (1) Penerapan teknik thought stopping di SMAN 24 Bone? (2) Untuk mengetahui gambaran body image negatif siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberi perlakuan teknik thougt stopping di SMAN 24 Bone.?, (3) Untuk mengetahui penerapan teknik thought stopping dapat mengatasi body image negatif siswa di SMAN 24 Bone?, Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu eksperimen dan menggunakan desain true eksperimental. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan melalui angket dan observasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis statistic independent samples t-test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan body image negatif dari siswa SMAN 24 Bone sebelum diberikan konseling kelompok dengan thought stopping berada pada kategori tinggi, setelah diberikan konseling kelompok body image negatif berada pada kategori renda


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    Penelitian ini bertolak dari suatu fenomena kelam dari peradaban Islam yakni apa sebenarnya yang menjadikanya terus berada pada kemunduran di dalam peradaban. Diketahui bahwa Islam pernah berada di puncak kejayaan. Sebelum akhir abad ke-12 peradaban Islam tidak lagi dapat menjadi kiblat bagi bangsa lain (Barat) untuk diadopsi segala sisinya. Islam mengalami kemunduran hingga menjadikanya hanya sebagai agama dalam dimensi praktek ibadah saja. Seharusnya, Islam mampu menjadi pusat bagi seluruh kemajuan dan perkembangan dunia. Sardar dengan ide futurologinya berusaha untuk menelaah hal tersebut. Selain itu, ia juga memberikan pegangan tentang bagaimana menyikapi perubahan demi perubahan yang akan mengantarkan Islam kepada masa depan peradaban yang maju. Dalam pandangannya, kemunduran Islam bermula dari pemahaman umat tentang nilai-nilai dasar dari ajaran Islam yang tidak dijalankan. Dimana hal tersebut merupakan pondasi untuk membangun peradaban. Penelitian ini berbentuk library research, artinya penelitian ini dilakukan berbasis pada literatur. Data primer pada penelitian ini ialah Masa Depan Islam. Tokoh yang diteliti ialah Ziauddin Sardar (1951) yang difokuskan tentang membangun kembali peradaban Islam yang pernah jaya. Penelitian ini selanjutnya berusaha menjawab rumusan peneliti yakni bagaimana konsep peradaban Islam serta bagaimana rekonstruksi peradaban Islam menurut Sardar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemajuan peradaban Islam bergantung kepada umat Islam itu sendiri tentunya dengan menggali kembali nilai-nilai di dalam ajaran Islam dan kemudian membumikannya ke dalam kehidupan, baik dari sisi ekonomi, sosial, budaya, politik, pendidikan dan ibadah. Merekonstruksi peradaban mesti dilakukan secara besinergi dan berkesinambungan oleh seluruh elemen umat Islam di dunia

    Analisis Pengaruh Deviden Payout Ratio (DPR), Net Profit Margin (NPM) dan Earning Pershare (EPS) terhadap Return Saham Perusahaan Sektor perdagangan Jasa dan Investasi yang Terdaftar di BEI Periode 2016-2018

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan data keuangan. Penelitian ini berjudul: “Analisis Pengaruh Deviden Payout Ratio, Net Profit Margin dan Earning Pershare terhadap Return Saham perusahaan sektor perdagangan, jasa dan investasi yang terdaftar Di BEI Periode 2016-2018”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh Deviden Payout Ratio, Net Profit Margin dan Earning Per Share terhadap Return saham pada perusahaan sektor perdagangan jasa dan investasi yang terdaftar di BEI Periode 2016-2018. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan sektor perdagangan, jasa dan investasi di Indonesia yang terdaftar di BEI tahun2016 hingga tahun 2018. Sampel diambil menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling, dengan kriteria: Perusahaan Sektor Perdagangan, Jasa dan Investasi yang konsisten terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama tahun 2016 - 2018. Perusahaan yang melakukan perdagangan saham pada kurun waktu pengamatan dan perusahaan yang melakukan pembagian deviden dalam kurun waktu tahun 2016 - 2018 dilengkapi dengan kelengkapan data yang dibutuh kandala manalisis. Data dianalisis dengan teknik analis regresi berganda pada IBM SPSS Statistic19. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Net Profit Margin dan Earning Per Share berpengaruh terhadap Return saham. Sedangkan Deviden Payput Ratio tidak berpengaruh terhadap Return saham. Implikasi dari penelitian ini yaitu manajemen perusahaan dapat meningkatkan kinerja keuangan perusahaan untuk menarik perhatian investor. Dalam mengeluarkan suatu kebijakan hendak nya manajemen memperhatikan rasio keuangan khususnya rasio Earning Per Share maupun Net Profit Margin, karena terbukti investor dan calon investor tertarik pada perusahaan yang memiliki rasio Earning Per Share maupun rasio Net Profit Margin yang tinggi. Meningkat nya minat investor terhadap suatu saham perusahaan cenderung akan meningkatkan harga saham perusahaantersebut

    Pengaruh Gaya Hidup, Niat Berperilaku, dan Locus of Control terhadap Pengelolaan Keuangan pada Masyarakat

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    Financial management is the attitude of someone who able to manage current and future finances to meet all their life needs. This study aims to examine the influence of lifestyle, behavioral intention, and locus of control on financial management in society. The number of respondents in this study are 187. The respondents are from Surabaya City, Gresik Regency, Sidoarjo Regency, and Mojokerto Regency. Respondent data was collected by questionnaire using judgmental (purposive) sampling and convenience sampling techniques. The data analysis technique used is structural equation modeling with partial least squares (SEM-PLS) using the WarpPLS 7.0 program. The results of the study explain that lifestyle has a significant positive effect on financial management, behavioral intention has a significant positive effect on financial management, and locus of control has a significant positive effect on financial management in society. Keywords: Financial Management, Lifestyle, Behavioral Intentions, and Locus of Contro

    Pancreatic cancer-derived S-100A8 N-terminal peptide: a diabetes cause?

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    BACKGROUND: Our aim was to identify the pancreatic cancer diabetogenic peptide. METHODS: Pancreatic tumor samples from patients with (n=15) or without (n=7) diabetes were compared with 6 non-neoplastic pancreas samples using SDS-PAGE. RESULTS: A band measuring approximately 1500 Da was detected in tumors from diabetics, but not in neoplastic samples from non-diabetics or samples from non-neoplastic subjects. Sequence analysis revealed a 14 amino acid peptide (1589.88 Da), corresponding to the N-terminal of the S100A8. At 50 nmol/L and 2 mmol/L, this peptide significantly reduced glucose consumption and lactate production by cultured C(2)C(12) myoblasts. The 14 amino acid peptide caused a lack of myotubular differentiation, the presence of polynucleated cells and caspase-3 activation. CONCLUSIONS: The 14 amino acid peptide from S100A8 impairs the catabolism of glucose by myoblasts in vitro and may cause hyperglycemia in vivo. Its identification in biological fluids might be helpful in diagnosing pancreatic cancer in patients with recent onset diabetes mellitus