10 research outputs found

    Multimodal collaborative workgroup dataset and challenges

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    © 2017, CEUR-WS. All rights reserved. This work presents a multimodal dataset of 17 workgroup sessions in a collaborative learning activity. Workgroups were conformed of two or three students using a tabletop application in a co-located space. The dataset includes time-synchronized audio, video and tabletop system's logs. Some challenges were identified during the collection of the data, such as audio participation identification, and user traces identification. Future work should explore how to overcome the aforementioned difficulties

    Seguridad del Paciente en el Servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital Delfina Torres

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    To evaluate patient's safety during the attending process in the Internal Medicine service of the Delfina Torres de Concha Hospital, a mixed study (Quan / Qual) was carried out, with a cross-sectional design and a descriptive scope. As data collection techniques, surveys aimed at patients and health personnel were used, as well as the application of an observation guide to assess the activities developed, with 53 people as users and service personnel as the study sample. The results found out were adverse event production in 30.5% of the patients, of which 8.3% had phlebitis, patient falls accounted for 5.6%, and delay in the application of medical treatments was represented in 2 cases. It was evidenced that the age in patients older than 65 years and the female sex acted as determinants of the events produced. It is concluded that, in spite of the quality improvement processes in the care provided to the patients in the hospital, reflected in a new infrastructure and updated technologies, procedures and delays continue in the identification of adverse events that put at risk the state of the patient during their hospital stay.Para evaluar la seguridad del paciente durante el proceso de atención del servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital Delfina Torres de Concha, se desarrolló un estudio mixto (Cuan/ cual), diseño transversal y con un alcance descriptivo. Como técnicas de recolección de datos se usaron encuestas dirigidas a pacientes y personal de salud, además de la aplicación de una guía de observación para valorar las actividades desarrolladas, teniendo como muestra de estudio a 53 personas entre usuarios y personal del servicio. Los resultados encontrados fueron producción de eventos adversos en el 30,5% de los pacientes, de tipo flebitis con el 8,3%, caídas del paciente 5,6% y retraso en la aplicación de tratamientos médicos que representaron 2 casos; se evidenció que la edad en pacientes mayores a 65 años y el sexo femenino actuaron como determinante de los eventos producidos. Concluyendo que, a pesar de los procesos de mejoras de la calidad en la atención brindada a los pacientes en el hospital, reflejada en una nueva infraestructura y tecnologías actualizadas, continúan procedimientos y retrasos en la identificación de eventos adversos que ponen en riesgo el estado del paciente durante su estancia hospitalaria

    Exploring on-time automated assessment in a co-located collaborative system

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    © 2017 IEEE. This research explores the effects of providing on-time automated assessment in a co-located collaborative system for Entity-Relationship design. In addition, students' perceptions about the validity and usefulness of this automated assessment, and its potential for reflection were analyzed. Thirty undergraduate students from computer science participated in the study, a quasi-experimental pre-post test design was conducted. Short quizzes for measuring students' learning performance were used and the perceptions of students were gathered by means of questionnaires. Results showed that on-time assessment positively affected students' learning performance in the study. Finally, students perceived that the system assessment is valid and useful and has the potential to generate mechanisms for reflecting about individual learning and group performance. The study concludes with steps for further research

    Geographic Information System for Manabí Sustainable Development

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    One of the barriers that are recognized based on the sustainable development of the territories is related to the lack of information. This research aims to design a Geographic Information System for information management of Renewable Energy Sources (FRE), which improve its quality, energy efficiency and enhance the diversification of generation sources in the province of Manabí, Ecuador. Following a documentary and applied research, the proposed system will be shown through a GeoWeb where it is intended to replace the manual way of updating information regarding FRE, conventional energy sources and renewable potentials by an automated system, with greater consistency and facilitating the handling and access to information quickly and safely; In addition to making viable the decision-making and the conception of strategies, with an integrating vision that allows to move from the current energy model that is based on fossil fuels to an energy-sustainable one