179 research outputs found

    Forensic mapping of seismic velocity heterogeneity in a CO2 layer at the Sleipner CO2 storage operation, North Sea, using time-lapse seismics

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    CO2 separated from natural gas produced at the Sleipner and Gudrun fields is being injected into the Utsira Sand, with around 18 million tons currently stored. Time-lapse 3D seismics have been deployed to monitor development of the CO2 plume. The 2010 seismic survey resolved, for the first time in 3D, the topmost CO2 layer into distinct reflections from its top and base. Seismic velocity is diagnostic of CO2 layer properties and a forensic interpretative approach is adopted to determine spatial velocity variation in the topmost CO2 layer. Velocity is obtained by equating absolute layer thickness, derived by subtracting a constructed flat CO2 – water contact from the topographical relief of the reservoir top, to the temporal separation of the layer top and base reflections, with appropriate correction for wavelet interference effects. Layer velocities show a systematic and robust spatial variation between a northern area with a mean velocity of 1371 ± 122 ms−1 and a central area with a much higher mean velocity of 1638 ± 103 ms−1. Recent fluid flow simulations of the topmost CO2 layer have shown that incorporating a high permeability channel in the model reservoir significantly improves the history-match. This high permeability channel corresponds remarkably closely to the low seismic velocities mapped in the northern area, with higher layer velocities of the central area interpreted as more argillaceous, less permeable overbank deposits. The new velocity analysis therefore provides independent support for including deterministic permeability heterogeneity in predictive fluid flow modelling of Sleipner

    CO2‐Brine substitution effects on ultrasonic wave propagation through sandstone with oblique fractures

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    Seismic monitoring of injected CO2 plumes in fractured storage reservoirs relies on accurate knowledge of the physical mechanisms governing elastic wave propagation, as described by appropriate, validated rock physics models. We measured laboratory ultrasonic velocity and attenuation of P and S waves, and electrical resistivity, of a synthetic fractured sandstone with obliquely aligned (penny‐shaped) fractures, undergoing a brine‐CO2 flow‐through test at simulated reservoir pressure and temperature. Our results show systematic differences in the dependence of velocity and attenuation on fluid saturation between imbibition and drainage episodes, which we attribute to uniform and patchy fluid distributions, respectively, and the relative permeability of CO2 and brine in the rock. This behavior is consistent with predictions from a multifluid rock physics model, facilitating the identification of the dispersive mechanisms associated with wave‐induced fluid flow in fractured systems at seismic scales

    Impact of fluid distribution and petrophysics on geophysical signatures of CO2 storage sandstone reservoirs

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    Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a key element to achieving net-zero energy challenge timely. CCS operations require the integration of geophysical data, such as seismic and electromagnetic surveys, numerical reservoir models and fluid flow simulations. However, the 10–100s m resolution of seismic imaging methods complicates the mapping of smaller scale rock heterogeneities, while borehole measurements commonly show large fluctuations at sub-cm scales. In this study, we combine laboratory data, well-logging, rock physics theories and a proof-of-concept time-lapse seismic modeling to assess the effect of pore-scale fluid distribution and petrophysical heterogeneities on the expected performance of whole-reservoir CCS operations in deep saline aquifers, by analogy to the Aurora CCS site, North Sea. We monitored the elastic and electrical properties of three sandstone samples with slightly different physical and petrographic properties during carbon dioxide (CO2) flow-through tests under equivalent in situ effective pressure. We inferred the CO2-induced damage in the rocks from the variations of their hydromechanical properties. We found that the clay fraction, CO2-clay chemical interactions, and porosity were the main factors affecting both the CO2 distribution in the samples and the hydromechanical response. We used seismic modeling of well-log data and the laboratory results to estimate the reservoir-scale time-lapse seismic response to CO2 injection and to assess the effect of the rock heterogeneities in our interpretation. The results show that disregarding the effect of rock heterogeneities on the CO2-brine fluids distribution can lead to significant misinterpretations of seismic monitoring surveys during CCS operations in terms of both CO2 quantification and distribution

    Elastic and electrical properties and permeability of serpentinites from Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge

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    Serpentinized peridotites co-exist with mafic rocks in a variety of marine environments including subduction zones, continental rifts and mid-ocean ridges. Remote geophysical methods are crucial to distinguish between them and improve the understanding of the tectonic, magmatic and metamorphic history of the oceanic crust. But, serpentinite peridotites exhibit a wide range of physical properties that complicate such a distinction. We analyzed the ultrasonic P- and S-wave velocities (Vp, Vs) and their respective attenuation (Qp−1, Qs−1), electrical resistivity and permeability of four serpentinized peridotite samples from the southern wall of the Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, collected during International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 357. The measurements were taken over a range of loading-unloading stress paths (5 - 45 MPa), using ∌1.7 cm length, 5 cm diameter samples horizontally extracted from the original cores drilled on the seafloor. The measured parameters showed variable degrees of stress dependence, but followed similar trends. Vp, Vs, resistivity and permeability show good inter-correlations, while relationships that included Qp−1 and Qs−1 are less clear. Resistivity showed high contrast between highly serpentinized ultramafic matrix (> 50 Ω m) and mechanically/geochemically altered (magmatic/hydrothermal-driven alteration) domains (< 20 Ω m). This information together with the elastic constants (Vp/Vs ratio and bulk moduli) of the samples allowed us to infer useful information about the degree of serpentinization and the alteration state of the rock, contrasted by petrographic analysis. This study shows the potential of combining seismic techniques and controlled source electromagnetic surveys for understanding tectono-magmatic processes and fluid pathways in hydrothermal systems

    Shale distribution effects on the joint elastic–electrical properties in reservoir sandstone

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    We investigated the effect of shale distribution on the joint elastic wave and electrical properties of shaly reservoir sandstones using a dataset of laboratory measurements on 75 brine-saturated (35 g/L salinity) rock samples (63 samples from the literature, 12 newly measured samples). All the data were collected using the ultrasonic (700 kHz) pulse-echo measurement technique for P- and S-wave velocities (Vp, Vs), attenuations (Qp−1, Qs−1), and a four-electrode method for resistivity under elevated hydrostatic confining pressures between 10 and 50 MPa (pore fluid pressure 5 MPa). The distribution of volumetric shale content was classified by comparing the calculated dry P-wave modulus to the modified Upper Hashin–Shtrikman bound for quartz and air mixtures, assuming pore-filling shale. This scheme in particular allowed us to distinguish between pore-filling and load-bearing shale distributions according to idealized definitions, which provides new insight into the joint ultrasonic properties and resistivity behaviour for shaly sandstones. In resistivity–velocity space, the resistivity of load-bearing shale increases with increasing velocity which form a more distinct trend with steeper gradient compared to those for partial pore-filling shale and clean sandstones. Moreover, the pore-filling shale trend straddles the clean sandstone trend and meets the load-bearing shale trend between 100 and 150 apparent formation factors. In resistivity–attenuation space, the highest attenuations exist when the volumetric shale content is close to the frame porosity (for Qp−1 in particular), at the transition between pore-filling and load-bearing shales. The results will inform the development of improved rock physics models to aid reservoir characterization from geophysical remote sensing, particularly for joint seismic and controlled source electromagnetic surveys

    Experimental assessment of pore fluid distribution and geomechanical changes in saline sandstone reservoirs during and after CO2 injection

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    Responsible CO2 geosequestration requires a comprehensive assessment of the geomechanical integrity of saline reservoir formations during and after CO2 injection. We assessed the geomechanical effects of CO2 injection and post-injection aquifer recharge on weakly cemented, synthetic-sandstone (38% porosity) sample in the laboratory under dry and brine-saturated conditions, before and after subjecting the sample to variable pore pressure brine-CO2 flow-through tests (∌170 h). We measured ultrasonic P- and S-wave velocities (Vp, Vs) and attenuations, electrical resistivity and volumetric strain (Δv). Vs was found to be an excellent indicator of mechanical deformation during CO2 injection; Vp gives mechanical and pore fluid distribution information, allowing quantification of the individual contribution of both phenomena when combined with resistivity. Abrupt strain recovery during imbibition suggests that aquifer recharge after ceasing CO2 injection might affect the geomechanical stability of the reservoir. Static and dynamic parameters indicate the sample experienced minor geomechanical changes during CO2 exposure, with an increase of ΔΔv <3% and a drop in ΔVs ∌1%. In contrast, due to brine-induced hydro-mechanical alteration, ΔΔv increased by ∌10% and ΔVs by ∌6%. This study provides a multiparameter, thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical database needed to validate monitoring tools and simulators, for prediction of the geomechanical behaviour of CO2 storage reservoirs

    Anisotropic Physical Properties of Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks From an Oceanic Core Complex

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    We analyzed the physical properties of altered mafic and ultramafic rocks drilled at the Atlantis Massif (Mid‐Atlantic Ridge, 30°N; Integrated Ocean Discovery Program Expeditions 304‐305 and 357). Our objective was to find a physical property that allows direct distinction between these lithologies using remote geophysical methods. Our data set includes the density, the porosity, P and S wave velocities, the electrical resistivity, and the permeability of mafic and ultramafic samples under shallow subsurface conditions (confining pressure up to 50 MPa equivalent to ~2‐km depth). In shallow subsurface conditions, mafic and ultramafic samples showed distinct differences in the density, the seismic wave velocities, and the electrical resistivity (mafic samples: 2,840 to 2,860 kg/m3, 5.92 to 6.70 km/s, and 60 to 221 Ω m; ultramafic samples: 2,370 to 2,790 kg/m3, 3.36 and 3.62 km/s, and 8 to 44 Ω m). However, we observed an overlap between physical properties of mafic and ultramafic rocks when we compared our measurements with those acquired from similar environments. The anisotropic homogeneous electrical resistivity inversion shows transverse isotropy symmetry, which is typical of a foliated microstructure. In both the inversion results and the thin sections, the direction of high resistivity axes of ultramafic rock samples is systematically perpendicular to the equivalent axes in mafic rock samples analyzed in this study. Our sample scale study suggests that electrical resistivity anisotropy may allow us to distinguish mafic and ultramafic lithologies via controlled source electromagnetic surveys. When surface conduction is negligible, the electrical resistivity can be used as proxy for permeability

    Comparison of stress-dependent geophysical, hydraulic and mechanical properties of synthetic and natural sandstones for reservoir characterization and monitoring studies

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    Synthetic rock samples can offer advantages over natural rock samples when used for laboratory rock physical properties studies, provided their success as natural analogues is well understood. The ability of synthetic rocks to mimic the natural stress dependency of elastic wave, electrical and fluid transport properties is of primary interest. Hence, we compare a consistent set of laboratory multi‐physics measurements obtained on four quartz sandstone samples (porosity range 20–25%) comprising two synthetic and two natural (Berea and Corvio) samples, the latter used extensively as standards in rock physics research. We measured simultaneously ultrasonic (P‐ and S‐wave) velocity and attenuation, electrical resistivity, permeability and axial and radial strains over a wide range of differential pressure (confining stress 15–50 MPa; pore pressure 5–10 MPa) on the four brine saturated samples. Despite some obvious physical discrepancies caused by the synthetic manufacturing process, such as silica cementation and anisotropy, the results show only small differences in stress dependency between the synthetic and natural sandstones for all measured parameters. Stress dependency analysis of the dry samples using an isotropic effective medium model of spheroidal pores and penny‐shaped cracks, together with a granular cohesion model, provide evidence of crack closure mechanisms in the natural sandstones, seen to a much lesser extent in the synthetic sandstones. The smaller grain size, greater cement content, and cementation under oedometric conditions particularly affect the fluid transport properties of the synthetic sandstones, resulting in lower permeability and higher electrical resistivity for a similar porosity. The effective stress coefficients, determined for each parameter, are in agreement with data reported in the literature. Our results for the particular synthetic materials that were tested suggest that synthetic sandstones can serve as good proxies for natural sandstones for studies of elastic and mechanical properties, but should be used with care for transport properties studies

    Laboratory insights into the effect of sediment-hosted methane hydrate morphology on elastic wave velocity from time-lapse 4D synchrotron X-ray computed tomography.

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    A better understanding of the effect of methane hydrate morphology and saturation on elastic wave velocity of hydrate bearing sediments is needed for improved seafloor hydrate resource and geohazard assessment. We conducted X‐ray synchrotron time‐lapse 4D imaging of methane hydrate evolution in Leighton Buzzard sand, and compared the results to analogous hydrate formation and dissociation experiments in Berea sandstone, on which we measured ultrasonic P‐ and S‐wave velocity, and electrical resistivity. The imaging experiment showed that initially hydrate envelops gas bubbles and methane escapes from these bubbles via rupture of hydrate shells, leading to smaller bubbles. This process leads to a transition from pore‐floating to pore‐bridging hydrate morphology. Finally, pore‐bridging hydrate coalesces with that from adjacent pores creating an inter‐pore hydrate framework that interlocks the sand grains. We also observed isolated pockets of gas within hydrate. We observed distinct changes in gradient of P‐ and S‐wave velocity increase with hydrate saturation. Informed by a theoretical model of idealized hydrate morphology and its influence on elastic wave velocity, we were able to link velocity changes to hydrate morphology progression from initial pore‐floating, then pore‐bridging, to an inter‐pore hydrate framework. The latter observation is the first evidence of this type of hydrate morphology, and its measurable effect on velocity. We found anomalously low S‐wave velocity compared to the effective medium model, probably caused by the presence of a water film between hydrate and mineral grains

    CO2-brine flow-through on an Utsira Sand core sample: Experimental and modelling. Implications for the Sleipner storage field

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    Sleipner (North Sea) is the world’s first commercial-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) project, active since 1996, with ∌17 million tonnes of CO2 stored. The main reservoir, Utsira Sand, constitutes an ideal host formation of exceptionally high porosity-permeability and large lateral extent. However, the extensive seismic time-lapse, gravity and electromagnetic monitoring surveys deployed at Sleipner have not been well-supported by laboratory measurements. Here, we investigate the geophysical and geomechanical response of an Utsira core sample for the first time, using controlled inflation/depletion cycles at variable CO2-to-brine fractional flow rates. Ultrasonic P-wave velocities and attenuations are measured together with electrical resistivity (converted into CO2-saturation), along with continuous axial and radial strain monitoring. Ultrasonic velocity and attenuation data were simultaneously inverted and results extrapolated to field-scale seismic-frequencies using a new rock physics theory, which combines patchy fluid distribution and squirt flow effects. It provides a velocity-saturation relationship of practical importance to CO2 plume monitoring. Furthermore, by combining ultrasonic and deformation data, we report empirical relations between pore pressure changes and geomechanical effects in the reservoir, for different saturation ranges. Our dataset complements and constrains existing geophysical monitoring surveys at Sleipner and, more generally, improves the understanding of shallow weakly-cemented sand reservoirs
