150 research outputs found

    Antecedents of IS Backsourcing

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    Adoption of Biometric Technology: Information Privacy in TAM

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    This paper (work in progress) investigates how the individual’s concern for information privacy affects the adoption of biometric technologies. Biometrics refers to the automated authentication of an individual based on his/her distinguishing characteristics (Bolle et al. 2004). Given the very personal nature of biometric technologies, their adoption may be inhibited by individual’s concern for information privacy. This research develops a model of biometrics adoption that integrates information privacy and TAM. This model aims to assist researchers and practitioners in understanding the factors that affect biometrics adoption. To examine the effects of TAM and privacy on intentions to use biometric technology, a pretested instrument will be administered to medical personnel who use finger scanning equipment to retrieve drugs in a hospital

    C/D-Box SnoRNAs Form Methylating and Non-Methylating Ribonucleoprotein Complexes: Old Dogs Show New Tricks

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    C/D box snoRNAs (SNORDs) are an abundantly expressed class of short, non‐coding RNAs that have been long known to perform 2′‐O‐methylation of rRNAs. However, approximately half of human SNORDs have no predictable rRNA targets, and numerous SNORDs have been associated with diseases that show no defects in rRNAs, among them Prader‐Willi syndrome, Duplication 15q syndrome and cancer. This apparent discrepancy has been addressed by recent studies showing that SNORDs can act to regulate pre‐mRNA alternative splicing, mRNA abundance, activate enzymes, and be processed into shorter ncRNAs resembling miRNAs and piRNAs. Furthermore, recent biochemical studies have shown that a given SNORD can form both methylating and non‐methylating ribonucleoprotein complexes, providing an indication of the likely physical basis for such diverse new functions. Thus, SNORDs are more structurally and functionally diverse than previously thought, and their role in gene expression is under‐appreciated. The action of SNORDs in non‐methylating complexes can be substituted with oligonucleotides, allowing devising therapies for diseases like Prader‐Willi syndrome

    Дослідження та розробка технології отримання формазанонафталімідів

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    This article describes the synthesis of the issues of research and technology for f formazanоnaphthalimidy. The synthesized compounds can be used as an organic phosphor yellow-green luminescence with high lightfastness. The methods of synthesis formazanonaftalimidov which contain in their structure a branched moiety chromophoric system. The properties of the synthesized compounds. Certain technological solutions produce formazanоnaphthalimidy.В данной статье рассмотрены вопросы синтеза, исследования и технологии получения формазанонафталимидов. Синтезированные соединения могут применяться в качестве органических люминофоров желто-зеленого свечения с высокой светостойкостью. Приведена методика синтеза формазанонафталимидов, которые содержат в своей структуре фрагмент с разветвленной хромофорной системой. Описаны свойства синтезированных соединений. Рассмотрены некоторые технологические решения получения формазанонафталимидов.В даній статті розглянуті питання синтезу, дослідження і технологія отримання формазанонафталімідів. Синтезовані сполуки можуть застосовуватись в якості органічних люмінофорів жовто-зеленого світіння з підвищеною світлостійкістю. Наведена методика синтезу формазанонафталімідів, що мають у своїй структурі фрагмент з розвиненою хромофорною системою. Описано властивості отриманих сполук. Розглянуті деякі технологічні рішення отримання формазанонафталімідів

    Networking as a factor of practice-oriented training of bachelors of pedagogical universities (from experience)

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    The article describes the experience of networking of the Chair of Germanic Philology of the RSVPU in the context of bachelors of pedagogy training in the field of foreign languages educationРассматривается опыт сетевого взаимодействия кафедры германской филологии Российского государственного профессионально-педагогического университета в контексте подготовки бакалавров по направлению подготовки «Педагогическое образование» в области иноязычного образовани

    Coping strategies for prevention of professional deformations among social workers

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    Professional activity is one of the main components of human life, such things as formation and development of abilities, cognitive processes, realized potential and extension of personal qualities take place here. Besides, each profession, being a sort of labor activity, demands a certain preparation, both theoretically, and in acquisition of practical skills. However, despite the importance of the profession for the person, its role can be not only forming, but also deforming. Inability to cope with the destructive components of one’s work causes professional stress. The world health organization classifies professional stress as a global disease of the twenty-first century because it is widespread throughout the world and manifests itself in a large number of employees in any field of activity. In this regard, the problem of stress resistance is relevant, especially for representatives of social professions, whose professional activities involve numerous risks and psycho-emotional stress. © 2018 by the authors

    Author as a corporal subject of a. Huxley’s works

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    The relevance of the problem studied in the article is conditioned by the fact that A. Huxley’s works are regarded in the context of the modern theory of mimesis for the first time. The aim of the article is to analyze the author’s problem as a corporal subject of Huxley’s works in the context of the modern theory of mimesis. The leading method for studying this problem is the analytical anthropology of literature which allows describing mimetic features and the author’s image as a corporal subject of Huxley’s works. The main attention in the article is paid to the artistically embodied forms of the author’s corporality. The article may be useful for philologists, philosophers, for developing courses and seminars on the history of the English literature, and also within courses on the anthropology of literature. © 2016 Falaleeva et al