49 research outputs found

    Model merjenja uspešnosti v javni upravi

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    The article presents a design for the efficiency measurement model for strategic goals realization in the Public Administration. The base for this design is based on ministry's strategic goals. A procedure for drafting a model is determined, which includes the development of the strategic goal to regional goals, determination of indicators and measures for regional goals, in sense of monitoring planned and actual state. The model includes the determination of criteria for regional goals realization. The next step is the aggregation of measured results with the purpose to determine the realization of the regional goal. Rules have been determined to achieve efficiency of the strategic goal. The model designed is based on a case study for one of the ministry's strategic goal. Key words: measuring effectiveness, strategic goals, management by goals, public administrationV članku je prikazana zasnova modela merjenja uspešnosti uresničevanja strateških ciljev v javni upravi. Izhodišče zasnove modela merjenja uspešnosti določa izvor strateških ciljev ministrstva. Opredeljen je postopek koncipiranja modela, ki zajema razvitje strateškega cilja na področne cilje, določitev kazalnikov in meril področnim ciljem, v smislu spremljanja planiranega in dejanskega stanja. Model zajema opredelitev kriterijev uresničevanja področnih ciljev. Sledi agregacija izmerjenih rezultatov z namenom opredelitve uresničitve področnega cilja. Za doseganje uspešnosti strateškega cilja so določena pravila. Zasnovan model je podprt s študijo primera na enem izmed strateških ciljev ministrstva. Ključne besede: merjenje uspešnosti, strateški cilji, ciljno vodenje, javna uprav

    Analyzing influence of seismic forces on viaducts according to Eurocode 8/2

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    Proračunan je vijadukt na djelovanje potresa prema Eurokodu (EC) 8/2. Odabran je primjer vijadukta koji uključuje većinu mogućnosti koje se mogu dogoditi u praksi: vitki, umjereno kruti i kruti stupovi, stupovi temeljeni na pilotima, vitki stupovi plitko temeljeni, strma i blago nagnuta kosina poprečnog presjeka prepreke koja se premošćuje. Modelirani su navedeni tipovi stupova, proračun seizmičkog opterećenja na stupove za uzdužni i poprečni pravac vijadukta te dimenzioniranje.The behavior of viaducts subjected to seismic action is analyzed in accordance with Eurocode (EC) 8/2. An example of viaduct is selected in such a way that it covers most possibilities that can be encountered in practice: slender, moderately stiff ad stiff piers, piers founded on piles, slender piers with shallow foundations, steep and moderately inclined cross-sectional slopes of the obstacle to be crossed by the structure. The mentioned pier types are modeled, which includes analysis of seismic load on piers for the longitudinal and transverse direction of the viaduct, and dimensioning

    Eurocode 8: Seismic Design of Buildings - Worked examples

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    This document is a Technical Report with worked examples for seismic design of buildings following the Eurocodes. It summarizes important points of the Eurocode 8 for the seismic design of concrete and steel buildings including foundations utilizing a common generic building as a basis. An overview of EN 1998 with focus on the performance requirements and compliance criteria for structures, ground conditions and seismic actions is presented at the first section. An introduction to the example reinforced concrete building with its geometrical and material properties as well as the main assumptions for analysis and the detailed structural analysis calculations are presented in the second chapter of the report. Specific rules for design of the building for ductility and the design of concrete foundation elements are presented in the following chapters. For the sake of completeness, the details of design and detailing of the same example as a steel building with three different configurations, namely; with (i) steel moment resisting frames, (ii) composite steel concrete moment resisting frames, and (iii) composite steel concrete frames with eccentric and concentric bracings is also presented afterwards. Key concepts of base isolation is summarized by utilizing the example building. Seismic performance assessment and retrofitting according to EN 1998-Part 3 is explained as the last past of the report. The reinforced concrete/steel building as worked example analyzed in this report was prepared and presented at the workshop “Eurocode 8: Seismic Design of Buildings” that was held on 10-11 February 2011 in Lisbon, Portugal. The workshop was organized by JRC with the support of DG ENTR and CEN and in collaboration with CEN/TC250/Sub-Committee 8 and the National Laboratory for Structural Design (Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil - LNEC, Lisbon). The document is part of the Report Series ‘Support to the implementation, harmonization and further development of the Eurocodes’ prepared by JRC in collaboration with DG ENTR and CEN/TC250 “Structural Eurocodes”.JRC.G.5-European laboratory for structural assessmen

    The story of the N2 method

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    CSI/IAEE Masters Series monographs are written by legendary figures in earthquake engineering and distributed during the World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), in which their efforts on the advancement of earthquake engineering research and practice are documented in the most explicit language

    Analysis in seismic provisions for buildings - past, present and future

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    The analysis of structures is a fundamental part of seismic design and assessment. It began more than a 100 years ago, when static analysis with lateral loads of about 10% of the weight of the structure was adopted in seismic regulations. For a long time seismic loads of this size remained in the majority of seismic codes worldwide. In the course of time, more advanced analysis procedures were implemented, taking into account the dynamics and nonlinear response of structures. In the future methods with explicit probabilistic considerations may be adopted as an option. In this paper, the development of seismic provisions as related to analysis is summarized, the present state is discussed, and possible further developments are envisaged

    Renovation of production hall in company Alples d.d. with the method of simulation

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    V podjetju Alples d.d. iz Železnikov poteka proizvodnja elementov v dveh proizvodnih halah. To predstavlja določen organizacijski problem, ki se rezultira v neoptimalnem toku materiala, pojavljajo se časovne izgube, veliko je medobratnega transporta, kar posledično privede do poškodbe elementov. S postavitvijo skladišča se bodo v eni izmed hal sprostile skladiščne površine v izmeri 6000 m2. Zaradi tega se ponuja možnost, da se do določene mere združi proizvodnjo. Ker kljub sproščenemu prostoru ne bo mogoče združiti celotne proizvodnje, je glavni cilj te diplomske naloge, da se poišče optimalne rešitve za glavnino proizvodnje ter se smiselno predvidi postavitev strojev v proizvodnji. Delo mora potekati čim bolj tekoče in hitro ter s čim manjšimi medfaznimi zalogami in medobratnim transportom. Rešitev bomo poiskali s pomočjo programa Flexsim, v katerem lahko simuliramo neko realno stanje in vidimo, kakšen je vpliv neke spremembe na celotno stanje.In company Alples d.d. from Železniki the elements are being produced in two separate production halls. This creates an organizational problem which is connected to non-optimal flow of elements, time loses, there is also a lot of transport between those two halls and because of this transport elements get damaged. With construction of a warehouse they will get 6000 m2 of free area. Because of this there is a chance to combine the two production halls to a certain way. But even with this additional space there is no way we can put all machines in one hall. So the main task of this work is to find an optimal solution for the main part of the production and to find the best position of all the machines. Work in the production halls has to be smooth and fast with as little between operation stocks and transport as possible. I will find the solution to this problem with program called Flexsim in which we can simulate condition that really exists. We can also see how a little change in the system affects the system