30 research outputs found

    Leadership dalam Total Quality Management sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Mutu Terpadu

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang penerapan total quality management (TQM) di lembaga pendidikan dan upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan untuk mencapai standar mutu yang telah ditetapkan; Implementasi TQM harus dilakukan sebagai bagian dari upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Setiap lembaga pendidikan harus menunjukkan peningkatan kualitas. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menjaga agar lembaga pendidikan tetap menjaga kepercayaan masyarakat dan pemangku kepentingan. Continuous improvement, atau perbaikan terus-menerus, baik dari aspek fisik maupun non fisik, merupakan salah satu cara untuk mempertahankan hal tersebut. Ini akan membuat lembaga pendidikan berkualitas tinggi dan terjamin. Dalam dunia pendidikan, ada beberapa hal penting yang perlu diperhatikan ketika menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Mutu (Quality Management System/TQM). Ini termasuk perbaikan berkelanjutan (continuous improvement); penetapan Standar Kualitas (quality assurance); perubahan budaya (cultural change); perubahan organisasi (organizational change) menjaga hubungan dengan pelanggan. Strategi implementasi dan kolaborasi yang baik dari semua sekolah harus mendukung implementasi TQM


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    Financial literacy has an important role in encouraging improving financial well-being. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Financial Attitude and Financial Knowledge on Financial Well Being. The research method uses quantitative and data analysis techniques used is multiple linear regression analysis. With a population of 105 employees of Badan Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Ciamis and sampling using a saturated sampling technique, the entire population was sampled with as many as 105 respondents. The research results conclude that financial attitude and financial knowledge affect financial well-being with a magnitude of 65.6%. Therefore, it is expected that the financial sector employees of BPKD Kabupaten Ciamis can maintain and improve their financial attitude and knowledge by implementing financial planning, management, and control to improve their financial well-being. The study has an impact on increasing knowledge about financial behavior in government employees. Keywords: Financial management, financial behavior, financial attitude, financial knowledge, and financial wellbeingLiterasi keuangan memiliki peran penting dengan mendorong peningkatan kesejahteraan keuangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Financial Attitude dan Financial Knowledge terhadap Financial Well Being. Metode penelitian menggunakan kuantitatif dan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Dengan populasi sebanyak 105 pegawai Badan Pengelola Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Ciamis dan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh, maka seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel sebanyak 105 responden. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa sikap keuangan dan pengetahuan keuangan mempengaruhi kesejahteraan keuangan dengan besaran 65,6%. Oleh karena itu, diharapkan pegawai sektor keuangan BPKD Kabupaten Ciamis dapat memelihara dan meningkatkan sikap dan pengetahuan keuangannya dengan melaksanakan perencanaan, pengelolaan, dan pengendalian keuangan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan keuangannya. Penelitian ini berdampak pada peningkatan pengetahuan tentang perilaku keuangan pada pegawai pemerintah. Kata Kunci: Manajemen keuangan, perilaku keuangan, sikap keuangan, pengetahuan keuangan, dan kesejahteraan keuanga

    Pengaruh pelayanan penunjang pemerintahan kecamatan katapang kabupaten bandung terhadap kepuasan masyarakat

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    Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur dan mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh pelayanan penunjang terhadap kepuasan masyarakat di Pemerintahan Kecamatan Katapang. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian sebab akibat. Jenis penelitian ini digunakan untuk meneliti hubungan sebab akibat. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah berjumlah 122.973. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah nonprobability sampling dengan cara sampling aksidental. Jumlah sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah 100 orang responden Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi dan wawancara/angket. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa variabel pelayanan penunjang memiliki pengaruh signifikan dalam membentuk kepuasan masyarakat. Hubungan regresi yang terjadi bersifat positif yang mempunyai arti bahwa jika pelayanan penunjang mengalami kenaikan maka kepuasan masyarakat juga akan mengalami peningkatan

    Effect Of Fish Oil Alone or In Combination With Tomato Powder Supplementation In Feed On Egg Quality of Local Ducks

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of fish oil alone or in combination with tomato powder supplementation in feed on egg quality of local ducks. Fivety 28-weeks old female local ducks with initial egg production of 4 days before research was 55.00 + 4.08% (coefficient of variation 7.42%) were randomly distributed to five treatments with 2 repetition and 5 birds of each. The treatmens were T0: basal feed (control); T1: basal feed + 1500 ppm fish oil ; T2: basal feed + 3000 ppm fish oil; T3: basal feed + 1500 ppm fish oil + 150 ppm tomato powder; T4: basal feed + 3000 ppm fish oil + 150 ppm tomato powder. Variable observed in this research were egg shape index, egg shell weight, yolk weight, and albumen weight. Data were analyzed using one-way Anova based on Completely Randomized Design, if significant effect appear was then continued with Duncan Multiple Range Test. The result showed that there were no significant effect (P>0.05) of fish oil alone or in combination with tomato powder supplementation in feed on egg shape index, egg shell weight, yolk weight, and albumen weight of local ducks. The conclusion of this research is that there was no effect of fish oil alone or in combination with tomato powder supplementation in feed on egg quality of local ducks

    Foxid-egg: Pengembangan Industri Nutraceutical Berbasis Telur Itik Lokal Kaya Omega-3

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    Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death and disability worldwide. The purpose of this experiment was to create local ducks egg enriched with omega-3 as a candidate of nutraceutical to prevent cardiovascular disease. Sixty local ducks were randomly distributed to six treatment with three levels of fish oil (0 ppm, 1500 ppm, and 3000 ppm) and two levels of tomato meal (0 ppm and 150 ppm) in a 3x2 factorial arrangement. Data of local ducks performances were analyzed using two-way Anova, data of egg yolk omega-3 fatty acid content was analyzed descriptively. There was an interaction (p<0.05) of fish oil and tomato meal supplementation on egg weight. Supplementation of 3000 ppm fish oil +150 ppm tomato meal tend to increase DHA content of egg yolk with 0,43% compare than control treatment with 0,18%. The conclusion of this research supplementation of 3000 ppm fish oil +150 ppm tomato meal could produce egg yolk of local ducks egg with 0,04% ALA and 0,43% DHA

    Profil Psikologi Atlet Pelatihan Nasional (Pelatnas) Finswimming Indonesia Untuk Sea Games Kamboja 2023

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran Profil Psikologi dari atlet Pelatnas Finswimming Indonesia pada Sea Games Kamboja 2023 sebagai bahan evaluasi. Metode yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah metode Survey dengan tehnik pengambilan data melalui Assesment Psikologi dan dilengkapi dengan Observasi serta Wawancara. Responden dari penelitian ini adalah 16 atlet Pelatnas Finswimming Indonesia yang sedang melakukan pemusatan latihan di Jakarta yang terdiri dari 8 Atlet Pria dan 8 Atlet Wanita dengan rentang usia 15 – 38 Tahun dan berasal dari berbagai latar belakang. Aspek Psikologis yang diukur diantaranya adalah Kecerdasan, daya juang, motivasi berprestasi, konsentrasi, kepercayaan diri, dan daya tahan terhadap stress dengan menggunakan beberapa alat ukur psikologi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Atlet Pelatnas Finswimming rata-rata memiliki Profil kecerdasan pada tingkat rata-rata, Profil daya juang rata-rata berada pada level Cukup dan Kurang, Profil Motivasi Berprestasi pada level Cukup, Profil Kepercayaan Diri pada level Cukup, Profil Daya Tahan Terhadap Stress pada level Cukup. Sehingga secara keseluruhan, Profil Psikologi Atlet Pelatnas Finswimming berada pada level Cukup. Kata Kunci : Profil Psikologis Atlet, Finswimming, Sea Games ABSTRACT This study aims to see an overview of the Psychological Profile of Indonesian Finswimming National Platoon athletes at the 2023 Cambodian Sea Games as an evaluation material. The method used for this study is the Survey method using data retrieval techniques through Psychological Assessment and is equipped with Observation and Interview. The respondents to this study were 16 Indonesian Finswimming National Platoon athletes who were conducting a training center in Jakarta consisting of 8 Men's Athletes and 8 Women's Athletes with a range of ages of 15 – 38 years old and from various backgrounds. The psychological aspects measured include intelligence, fighting power, achievement motivation, concentration, confidence, and resistance to stress using several psychological measurements. The results of this study show that the average Finswimming National Training Athlete has an intelligence profile at the average level, the average fighting power profile is at the Sufficient and Less levels, the Motivation Profile is Performing at the Sufficient level, the Self-confidence Profile at the Sufficient level, the Resistance Profile to Stress at the Sufficient Level. Thus, overall, the psychological profile of the athlete at Finswimming is at a sufficient level.  Keywords: Athlete Psychological Profile, Finswimming, Sea Game

    Effect of fermented laying hen manure and starter feed as growing media on black soldier fly larvae development

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    This study aimed to evaluate the development of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae when reared on different feeding media, specifically using varying ratios of fermented laying hen manure and starter feed. The study employed a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replications. The treatments were as follows: T0: 100% fermented laying hen manure, T1: 75% fermented laying hen manure + 25% laying hen starter feed, T2: 50% fermented laying hen manure + 50% laying hen starter feed, T3: 25% fermented laying hen manure + 75% laying hen starter feed, and T4: 100% laying hen starter feed. Parameters measured in the study included larvae length and larvae width at 10 and 17 days. Data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance followed by the Duncan post-hoc test. The study demonstrated that BSF larvae were successfully reared on growing media comprising 100% fermented laying hen manure (T0). However, the development of larvae in T0 remained relatively low. Notably, the use of laying hen starter feed particularly at 75% (T3) and 100% (T4) significantly improved (P<0.05) all larvae development parameters. It can be concluded that the Black Soldier Fly has significant potential as a bioconversion agent for laying hen manure. Moreover, the use of laying hen starter feed can be considered as a supplemental feeding media to enhance larvae development of Black Soldier Fly


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    The purpose of this current study was to evaluate the influence of nutritional flushing on body morphometrics of female breeding goats. This study used 32 local female goats or does with an average age of 3.28±1.08 years and an average body weight of 42.47±8.28 kg. The goats were distributed in a completely randomized design using a 2 x 2 factorial pattern with 8 replications. The first factor was the flushing feed (FF) type, consisting of rice bran and concentrate, whereas the second factor was the level of tannin-protected arginine (TPA: 0 and 300 mg/kg). The body morphometrics observed in this study were initial body length (IBL), final body length (FBL), body length change (BLC), initial chest girth (ICG), final chest girth (FCG), chest girth change (CGC), initial wither height (IWH), final wither height (FWH), and wither height change (WHC). The IBL, FBL, BLC, ICG, FCG, IWH, FWH, and WHC of the local does were not significantly different (P0.05) after receiving the FF type. However, FF significantly affected the CGC of the goats (P0.001). The use of concentrate for the local female local goats resulted in a higher CGC (P0.001) compared to the use of rice bran. On the other hand, TPA did not significantly affect all body morphometrics of the goats (P0.05). Thus, it can be concluded that the use of concentrate leads to higher chest girth change, giving better body growth compared to the use of rice bran. The addition of tannin-protected arginine was also found to have no significant contribution to the body morphometrics of the local female goats. ____________

    Effects of egg storage duration prior to incubation on performances of Arab Chickens during the first week post-hatch

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    This study investigated the effects of egg storage duration prior to incubation on performances of Arab Chickens during the first week posthatch. A total of 100 day-old-chicks were distributed among 20 experimental units, each representing a different egg storage duration before incubation (1, 4, 7, and 10 days) with five replicates. There were five birds of each replicate totaling 25 birds per treatment. The variables examined in this study included the growth performance of Arab Chickens during the first week post-hatch, specifically the initial body weight, final body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, water intake, feed conversion ratio, and water conversion ratio. The findings of the study revealed that egg storage duration prior to incubation did not significantly affect (P>0.05) feed intake, water intake, and water conversion ratio. Storing eggs for up to 4 days did not result in any adverse effects (P>0.05) on initial body weight, final body weight, body weight gain, and feed conversion ratio. However, eggs stored for 7 days or longer exhibited a significant reduction (P<0.05) in initial body weight, final body weight, and body weight gain. Additionally, a notable increased (P<0.05) in feed conversion ratio observed for eggs stored for 10 days. In conclusion, the hatching eggs of Arab Chickens can be safely stored for up to 4 days without any detrimental effect on their performance during the first week post-hatch