6 research outputs found

    Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in F2 Population of Cross Between Cultivated and Wild Tomato

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    F2 population of cross Wild tomato (Solanum pimplifollium) variety Coldera and cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopercicum) KHT5 was evaluated to find genetic components i.e., genotypic variance (Vg), phenotypic variance (Vp), genotypic coefficient of variance (GCV), phenotypic coefficient of variance (PCV), heritability (Hb) and genetic advance (GA) for quantitative characteristics of tomato. Data were recorded for P1, P2, F1 and F2 population for flower cluster-1, fruit cluster-1, fruit weight, fruit diameter, plant height, fruit plant-1 and yield plant-1, respectively. All traits revealed higher phenotypic and lower genotypic variances. Relatively, higher differences were recorded between phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variance for all characteristics except fruit diameter. Maximum (181.66 & 105.15) and minimum (2.85 & 15.65) genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variance was recorded for traits i.e., yield plant-1, plant height, flower cluster-1 and fruit diameter, respectively. Majority of the traits i.e., plant height, fruit diameter, yield plant-1 and fruit cluster-1 revealed highest values of heritability and genetic advance in means. Highest and lowest (99.83% & 42.56%) values of broad sense heritability with maximum and minimum (181.84% & 38.88%) values of genetic advance was recorded for traits i.e., plant height, fruit weight and flower cluster-1, respectively. Keywords: Tomato, F2, genetic analysis, heritability, genetic advanc

    Diagnosing Cervical Lesions Through LLETZ – A Reliable and Effective Tool

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    Background: Cervical dysplasia is the most common gynecological disorder of modern era. It initiates around the squamocolumnar junction of the cervix commonly due to the infection of human papilloma virus. Large loop excision of transitional zone is globally a standard procedure of choice both for diagnosing and treating cervical dysplasia. Pap smear is a fast and easy assessment tool for detecting cervical lesions, but it is relatively unreliable. Methodology: Fifty patients of age group 35 to 65 years patients having normal looking cervix with abnormal pap smear or suspicious looking cervix with or without abnormal pap smear, were selected for the study after informed consent. The procedure for LLTEZ was performed under strict aseptic measures in the procedural room and the biopsy specimen was sent for histopathological examination. The pathological findings were presented as percentages. Results: 66% cervical biopsy specimens were suggestive of chronic cervicitis and 24% samples were suggestive of chronic cervicitis with squamous metaplasia. Mild dysplasia in 4% samples, moderate and severe dysplasia were seen in 2% samples. Conclusion: LLETZ is an efficient procedure to deal with cervical dysplasia. It must be recommended for the work-up of uncertain gynecological presentations. The expertise of professionals must be improved through training to obtain maximum benefits

    Effect of Garcinia Cambogia Containing Co;mmercially Avaible Weight Reducing Agent on Morphology of Hepatocytes An Experimental Study

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    Background and Objective: Obesity is the adverse outcome of modern living which has affected both the physical and mental health. Slim Smart and Ultra Slim Plus are the most frequently purchased over the counter products by desperate obese persons in Pakistan having Garcinia cambogia (GC) as the main active ingredient. This study is conducted to determine the effect of GC containing Slim Smart and Ultra Slim Plus drugs on the morphology of hepatocytes in male albino mice. Methods: Ninety albino mice were divided into control group A, experimental groups B and C receiving Slim Smart and Ultra Slim Smart respectively. Each group was further divided into subgroup I and II and the drug was administered to experimental groups for 4 and 8 weeks respectively via oral gavage. After the completion of experiment, histological examination of liver was conducted. Results: Marked enlargement of hepatocytes was observed in experimental groups B and C (both I &amp; II) along with ballooning degeneration and fatty change in the cytoplasm. Conclusion: Both Slim Smart and Ultra Slim Plus has hepatotoxic effects resulting in increase in hepatocyte size, ballooning degeneration and fatty change in liver cells.&nbsp;</p

    {'en_US': 'Safe Prescription for Junior Doctors in Accordance with All Wales Prescribing Standards'}

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    Background: Prescribing errors are quite common and according to one estimate out of 100 patients admitted into UK hospitals 15 will have some form of prescribing error in their records. It is a general understanding that most of the time these errors are made due to lack of awareness. Severity of these errors can range from minor to major mistakes that can lead to fatal results. Materials and Methods: A simplified anonymous approach of identifying these errors and then using a step wise approach to educate the prescribers’ especially junior doctors can be quite fruitful in reducing these errors. Unfortunately there are not many studies or projects available to back our proposal however these seems a logical way forward and is exactly what we have shown in our study. Results: We performed a prospective snapshot study involving 100 inpatients to get baseline measurements. The errors and mistakes were identified and fed back to the junior doctors in an anonymous manner. Clear & legible writing, frequency of use, responsible consultant name, allergy box filled, VTE assessment, oxygen prescribing and labeling of medication discontinuation were the most common negligence identified. At the same time junior doctors were reminded of local prescription standards and guidelines which usually don’t form part of induction. Conclusion: Multiple deficient areas were identified during this audit like legible writing, dosage frequency, VTE prophylaxis and oxygen prescription. It was highlighted to junior doctors how important are these components as they play a key role in patient getting better after medical review. Above mentioned steps did improve prescription errors to an extent, but aim should be to achieve 100% results.  Repeated reminders are important in this case as that helps to improve practice and avoid clinical accidents