926 research outputs found

    A domino reaction of tetrahalo- 7,7-dimethoxybicyclo[2.2.1]heptenyl alcohols leading to indenones and a de novo synthesis of ninhydrin derivatives

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    An efficient acid induced rearrangement of a tetrahalo-7,7-dimethoxybicyclo[2.2.1]heptenyl system leading to substituted indenones is reported. This domino reaction involves dehydration, olefin isomerization, ketal hydrolysis, [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement and dehydrohalogenation. The resultant vicinal dihalo olefin moiety in the efficiently generated indenone derivatives was utilized to transform into ninhydrin derivatives by employing Ru(III)-catalyzed oxidation

    The efficacy of Rhinos® SR on nasal resistance and nasal symptoms in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis : a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

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    Broj cestovnih vozila povećava se svakoga dana, a sukladno tome povećava se i potrošnja pogonskih goriva. Poznato je kako je izgaranje pogonskih goriva jedan od glavnih uzročnika efekta staklenika te općenito onečišćenja okoliša. Razvojem cestovnih vozila su se postupno razvijale i ideje o ekološkoj svijesti te sukladno tome i ideje o upotrebi ekološki prihvatljivijih pogona i pogonskih goriva. Glavna svrha ovog završnog rada je kroz analizu i usporedbu utjecaja na okoliš konvencionalnih i alternativnih goriva za pogon vozila prikazati prednosti i nedostatke svih goriva. Pomoću podataka iz prakse te rezultata računa za emisije CO2 svakog goriva pojedinačno, načinjen je redoslijed najviše, odnosno najmanje pogodnih pogona i pogonskih goriva za korištenje u svrhu očuvanja okoliša.The number of road vehicles increases daily in accordance with the enhancement of the fuel consumption. It is clear that the fuel combustion represents one of the main causes for the greenhouse effect and environmental pollution generally. Development of road vehicles induced the growth of ecological consciousness ideas and also the ideas for using ecologically acceptable drives and fuels. The main objective of this final assignment is to present the positive and negative sides of conventional and alternative fuels through analysis and comparison of each one individually. With the information about CO2 emissions from literature and from results of task computing, it is created order from the least favourable to the most favourable drive and fuel with the aim of environmental protection

    Perkawinan Siri Online Ditinjau Dari Prespektif Hukum Perkawinan Islam Yang Berlaku Di Indonesia

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    This research aims to find out and understand the practices of sirri marriage in Indonesia reviewed from fiqh munakahat and Indonesian marriage law, find out and understand the practices of online sirri marriage reviewed from fiqh munakahat and Indonesian marriage law, and what is the juridical consequenses of this online sirri marriage reviewed from fiqh munakahat and Indonesian marriage law. This research use case study method, which is use primary and secondary sources of law. The research shows that currently there has been no clear definition of sirri marriage in the provisions of the legislation. Both conventional and online sirri marriage actually contrary to fiqh munakahat and Indonesian marriage law. One of the juridical consequenses of this online sirri marriage is that marriage is not legally recognized and there is no legal protection to the perpetrators of online sirri marriage IntisariPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami bagaimana praktik perkawinan siri ditinjau dari fiqih munakahat dan hukum perkawinan yang berlaku di Indonesia, bagaimana praktik perkawinan siri secara online ditinjau dari fiqih munakahat dan hukum perkawinan yang berlaku di Indonesia, serta bagaimana konsekuensi yuridis dari dilakukannya perkawinan siri secara online ditinjau dari fiqih munakahat dan hukum perkawinan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode studi pustaka. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa saat ini belum terdapat definisi yang jelas mengenai perkawinan siri dalam ketentuan peraturan Perundang-undangan. Perkawinan siri baik secara konvensional maupun secara online sejatinya bertentangan dengan fiqih munakahat maupun hukum perkawinan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Salah satu konsekuensi yuridis dari perkawinan siri secara online adalah perkawinan tersebut dianggap tidak ada dan tidak pernah terjadi menurut hukum sehingga tidak ada perlindungan hukum bagi kedua pelaku perkawinan siri secara online

    Analisis Spasial Penyebaran Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue Dengan Indeks Moran Dan Geary's C (Studi Kasus Di Kota Semarang Tahun 2011)

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    Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an infectious disease transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti through its the virus dengue virus from patient to another via the bite. Rate dependence dengue in an area estimated to be affected by dengue fever in other neighboring areas. The statement was supported by the First Law of Geography expressed Tobler that all things related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things. Therefore, if a dengue endemic area, the suspected region make the area immediately adjacent to endemic dengue with a new one. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is spatial autocorrelation in the spread of dengue fever in the city of Semarang. Limited to methods index and Geary's C Moran and mapping the spread of dengue fever in the city of Semarang with respect to the location (district) in 2011. Of the two methods used showed a pattern of spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) are spatially in Semarang and show positive spatial autocorrelation, indicating a nearby location to have similar values, and tend to cluster

    Sexual dysfunction following rectal cancer surgery

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    INTRODUCTION: Sexual and urological problems after surgery for rectal cancer are common, multifactorial, inadequately discussed, and untreated. The urogenital function is dependent on dual autonomic sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation, and four key danger zones exist that are at risk for nerve damage during colorectal surgery: one of these sites is in the abdomen and three are in the pelvis. The aim of this study is to systematically review the epidemiology of sexual dysfunction following rectal cancer surgery, to describe the anatomical basis of autonomic nerve-preserving techniques, and to explore the scientific evidence available to support the laparoscopic or robotic approach over open surgery. METHODS: According to the PRISMA guidelines, a comprehensive literature search of studies evaluating sexual function in patients undergoing rectal surgery for cancer was performed in Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, and Cochrane Central Register of controlled trials. RESULTS: An increasing number of studies assessing the incidence and prevalence of sexual dysfunction following multimodality treatment for rectal cancer has been published over the last 30 years. Significant heterogeneity in the prevalence of sexual dysfunction is reported in the literature, with rates between 5 and 90%. CONCLUSIONS: There is no evidence to date in favor of any surgical approach (open vs laparoscopic vs robotic). Standardized diagnostic tools should be routinely used to prospectively assess sexual function in patients undergoing rectal surgery

    Development of conceptual design of Car Housing Side Mirror using Integrated Approach

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    his paper presents the development of automotive car housing side mirror using integrated approach. The car housing side mirror was chosen to illustrate the application of integrated approach. Various product development stages were conducted which initially from market investigation to concept development stage. Conceptual design stage is a main design stage which is analytical hierarchy process (AHP) was selected as a decision making method to determine the most appropriate design concept. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was employed to analysis design based on static analysis for determining the strength and performance of the design. The result shows design concept 3 (DC-3) is the preferred choice since it has the highest value among the five alternatives with a value of 0.4701 (47%)

    Pengaruh Adopsi Teknologi PHSL (Pemupukan Hara Spesifik Lokasi) Berbasis Pertanian Presisi terhadap Pendapatan Petani Padi di Desa Jembungan, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah

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    The highly increase of crop production in the future will be a compulsion and utilization of field will be more intensive. Therefore, precise pescription of crop fertilization is required. Site Specific Nutrient Management (SSNM) application is an innovative technology for rice farming through fertilization recommendation based on the principles of precision farming. The SSNM web-based application was developed by IRRI (International Rice Research Institute) in Philippines in collaboration with Agricultural Research & Development Council (LITBANG Pertanian) .The aim of this research is to study the impact, paritcularly on farmers' income, in utilizing web-based version of SSNM. There was a significant differences in fertilization cost between the USAge of SSNM-based farming system and manual-based farming system.. The manual based fertilization cost is Rp 23,078. (12.93 % of total cost) whereas the SSNM-based fertilization cost is Rp 320,065 ( 20.62% of total cost. The application of SSNM was able to increase average rice production about 314.38 kg / hectare and thus farmers income raised to Rp 1,100,328 / hectare

    Pengaruh Dukungan Organisasional, Pemberdayaan Karyawan, dan Kapabilitas Ti terhadap Keinovasian USAha Kecil Menengah (UKM) Studi Empiris : UKM di Sleman, D.i. YOGYAKARTA

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    Penelitian ini bersifat ex-post facto dan kausal komparatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) pengaruh Kapabilitas TI terhadap Keinovasian, (2) pengaruh Dukungan Organisasional terhadap Keinovasian, dan (3) pengaruh Pemberdayaan Karyawan terhadap Keinovasian. Populasi penelitian ini adalah Perusahaan berskala kecil menengah atau UKM di Kabupaten Sleman DIY. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah UKM yang berjumlah 70 responden di kabupaten Sleman DIY. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner atau angket. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji asumsi klasik, dan regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan Kapabilitas TI terhadap Keinovasian yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai R2(x1y)= 0,511,thitung= 8,425> ttabel =2,000 dan dengan signifikansi (0,000 ttabel =2,000 dan dengan signifikansi (0,000 ttabel =2,000 dan dengan signifikansi (0,000 < 0,050). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemanfaatan teknologi, dukungan terhadap kontribusi karyawan, dan pemberdayaan karyawan dapat semakin meningkatkan keinovasian dalam UKM yang pada akhirnya akan berdampak baik pada kinerja dan keefisienan aktivitas bisnis Perusahaan