575 research outputs found

    Rakenduste kasutajaarvustustest informatsiooni kaevandamine tarkvara arendustegevuste soodustamiseks

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    Kasutajate vajaduste ja ootuste hindamine on arendajate jaoks oluline oma tarkvararakenduste kvaliteedi parandamiseks. Mobiilirakenduste platvormidele sisestatud arvustused on kasulikuks infoallikaks kasutajate pidevalt muutuvate vajaduste hindamiseks. Igapäevaselt rakenduste platvormidele esitatud arvustuste suur maht nõuab aga automaatseid meetodeid neist kasuliku info leidmiseks. Arvustuste automaatseks liigitamiseks, nt veateatis või uue funktsionaalsuse küsimine, saab kasutada teksti klassifitseerimismudeleid. Rakenduse funktsioonide automaatne kaevandamine arvustustest aitab teha kokkuvõtteid kasutajate meelsusest rakenduse olemasolevate funktsioonide osas. Kõigepealt eksperimenteerime erinevate tekstiklassifitseerimise mudelitega ning võrdleme lihtsaid, leksikaalseid tunnuseid kasutavaid mudeleid keerukamatega, mis kasutavad rikkalikke lingvistilisi tunnuseid või mis põhinevad tehisnärvivõrkudel. Erinevate faktorite mõju uurimiseks funktsioonide kaevandamise meetoditele me teeme kõigepealt kindlaks erinevate meetodite baastaseme täpsuse rakendades neid samades eksperimentaalsetes tingimustes. Seejärel võrdleme neid meetodeid erinevates tingimustes, varieerides treenimiseks kasutatud annoteeritud andmestikke ning hindamismeetodeid. Kuna juhendatud masinõppel baseeruvad kaevandamismeetodid on võrreldes reeglipõhistega tundlikumad (1) andmete märgendamisel kasutatud annoteerimisjuhistele ning (2) märgendatatud andmestiku suurusele, siis uurisime nende faktorite mõju juhendatud masinõppe kontekstis ja pakkusime välja uued annoteerimisjuhised, mis võivad aidata funktsioonide kaevandamise täpsust parandada. Käesoleva doktoritöö projekti tulemusel valmis ka kontseptuaalne tööriist, mis võimaldab konkureerivaid rakendusi omavahel võrrelda. Tööriist kombineerib arvustuse tekstide klassifitseerimise ja rakenduse funktsioonide kaevandamise meetodid. Tööriista hinnanud kümme tarkvaraarendajat leidsid, et sellest võib olla kasu rakenduse kvaliteedi parandamiselFor app developers, it is important to continuously evaluate the needs and expectations of their users to improve app quality. User reviews submitted to app marketplaces are regarded as a useful information source to re-access evolving user needs. The large volume of user reviews received every day requires automatic methods to find such information in user reviews. Text classification models can be used to categorize review information into types such as feature requests and bug reports, while automatic app feature extraction from user reviews can help in summarizing users’ sentiments at the level of app features. For classifying review information, we perform experiments to compare the performance of simple models using only lexical features to models with rich linguistic features and models built on deep learning architectures, i.e., Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). To investigate factors influencing the performance of automatic app feature extraction methods, i.e. rule-based and supervised machine learning, we first establish a baseline in a single experimental setting and then compare the performances in different experimental settings (i.e., varying annotated datasets and evaluation methods). Since the performance of supervised feature extraction methods is more sensitive than rule- based methods to (1) guidelines used to annotate app features in user reviews and (2) the size of the annotated data, we investigate their impact on the performance of supervised feature extraction models and suggest new annotation guidelines that have the potential to improve feature extraction performance. To make the research results of the thesis project also applicable for non-experts, we developed a proof-of-concept tool for comparing competing apps. The tool combines review classification and app feature extraction methods and has been evaluated by ten developers from industry who perceived it useful for improving the app quality.  https://www.ester.ee/record=b529379

    Impact of Socio Economics Variables on Poverty: An Empirical Analysis for District Chitral of KPK Pakistan

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    This study investigates the impact of socioeconomic variables on household poverty in Chitral valley, the largest district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. The household poverty index has been constructed while calculating multidimensional poverty index for each household. For this purpose, a representative sample of 252 households has been surveyed while distributing a questionnaire to each household. The data have been collected through stratified sampling technique and the collected data then analyzed while applying descriptive statistical tools and regression techniques. The regression analysis was done while taking explanatory variables as income of the household, the gender of household head, lives stock population of household, age of household head and dependence ratio of the household. Results of the regression analysis show that lives stock population and income of household have significant negative impact on household poverty. The results further reveal that dependency ratio has also significant positive impact on household poverty. Different diagnostics tests have also been applied in order to test the assumptions of the linear regression model and the results of all the diagnostics show the absence of econometric problems in the estimated model.&nbsp


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    Most modem Canadian corporate law statutes are similar to their United States’ counterparts, and dissimilar to statutes regulating the English economy. That notwithstanding - despite observations that United States’ authorities played an important role in decisions of early Canadian courts - English authorities are routinely cited by present day Canadian courts when dealing with Canadian corporations. My purpose through this thesis was to explore that phenomenon. I began by establishing the efficacy of the observation that United States’ authorities were important to early Canadian courts. To that end I contrasted the favorable reception of United States’ authorities reflected by the early decisions of the Maritime courts with the less favorable reception reflected by those o f the Upper Canada courts. To attempt to explain that contrast I explored the individuals that populated each of the respective benches and their historical context. I found that while United Empire Loyalists with strong ties to British America populated the Maritime benches, citizens of the British Realm with no affiliation to the Revolutionary War dominated the Upper Canada bench. Based on these findings I have proposed that the collective backgrounds of the respective benches influenced their reception of United States’ authorities

    Response Surface Method Optimizing The Formation Of Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) Via Response Surface Method (Rsm) For Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) Application

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    Bahan-bahan dielektrik berfasa tunggal menjadi keperluan untuk aplikasi penyalun dielektrik antena (DRA) untuk mengelakkan sebarang pantulan permukaan (kehadiran fasa yang tidak dikehendaki menyebabkan gelombang electromagnet akan dipantul daripada DRA tersebut) yang akan menurunkan prestasi DRA. Walau bagaimanapun, untuk sintesis suatu bahan berfasa tunggal seperti yttrium ferum garnet (YIG) adalah mencabar. Kehadiran fasa sekunder seperti YFeO3 dalam YIG mempengaruhi prestasi DRA secara negatif. Dalam penyelidikan ini, peratusan pembentukan YIG dioptimumkan melalui tindak balas keadaan pepejal konvensional (CSSR). Tiga faktor yang terlibat dalam kajian ini adalah (i) kesan suhu pembentukan, (ii) kesan saiz partikel Fe2O3 dan, (iii) kesan lebihan Fe2O3 telah dikaji. Ini boleh dicapai melalui reka bentuk eksperimen (DOE) dengan pendekatan kaedah tindak balas permukaan (RSM). Berdasarkan analisis DOE, didapati pada suhu pembentukan 1240 oC dengan 5 μm saiz partikel Fe2O3 dan 8 wt.% lebihan Fe2O3 dalam stoikiometri YIG piawaian mampu memperoleh ketulenan YIG sehingga 99.2 %. Sementara itu, kajian kinetik dan mekanisme transformasi fasa menunjukkan pembentukan fasa tunggal YIG mengikuti model Ginstling-Brounshtein-Habert (GBH). Model ini menyatakan dua lapisan tindak balas terbentuk sepanjang pembentukan YIG; lapisan pertama adalah pembentukan fasa YIP and tindak balas selanjutnya antara Fe2O3 dengan YIP akan membentuk lapisan tindak balas YIG (lapisan kedua). Seterusnya, faktor yang dioptimumkan untuk pembentukan YIG (OPYIG) dari DOE telah disinter pada 1420 oC selama 6 jam untuk menghasilkan produk akhir yang berketumpatan tinggi (pengoptimuman pembakaran). Purata saiz butiran OPYIG yang telah disinter adalah 5.98 μm, ketumpatan yang diukur melalui prinsip Archimedes adalah 5.023 g/cm3 dan keliangan adalah 0.2 %. Sifat-sifat dielektrik yang diukur (pemalar dielektrik, εr = 15.72 dan kehilangan tangen, tan δ = 0.0069) menunjukkan OPYIG adalah bahan yang sesuai untuk aplikasi DRA. Untuk prestasi DRA yang terbaik, kedudukan OPYIG mesti berada pada jarak 36 mm dari kawasan jalur mikro. Pada posisi ini, pengukuran DRA dibuat daripada OPYIG menunjukkan keterujaan mod HEM11 yang sangat kuat dan bergema pada 12.501 GHz. Corak sinaran yang diperhatikan menunjukkan OPYIG mempamerkan corak yang stabil dan berarah dua menandakan bahawa isyarat itu dapat diterima melalui dua arah pilihan. Oleh itu, ketulenan tinggi YIG berjaya disintesis melalui CSSR dan sesuai untuk aplikasi DRA yang meliputi julat frekuensi Ku-band (12 GHz untuk 18 GHz). Bahan-bahan dielektrik berfasa tunggal menjadi keperluan untuk aplikasi penyalun dielektrik antena (DRA) untuk mengelakkan sebarang pantulan permukaan (kehadiran fasa yang tidak dikehendaki menyebabkan gelombang electromagnet akan dipantul daripada DRA tersebut) yang akan menurunkan prestasi DRA. Walau bagaimanapun, untuk sintesis suatu bahan berfasa tunggal seperti yttrium ferum garnet (YIG) adalah mencabar. Kehadiran fasa sekunder seperti YFeO3 dalam YIG mempengaruhi prestasi DRA secara negatif. Dalam penyelidikan ini, peratusan pembentukan YIG dioptimumkan melalui tindak balas keadaan pepejal konvensional (CSSR). Tiga faktor yang terlibat dalam kajian ini adalah (i) kesan suhu pembentukan, (ii) kesan saiz partikel Fe2O3 dan, (iii) kesan lebihan Fe2O3 telah dikaji. Ini boleh dicapai melalui reka bentuk eksperimen (DOE) dengan pendekatan kaedah tindak balas permukaan (RSM). Berdasarkan analisis DOE, didapati pada suhu pembentukan 1240 oC dengan 5 μm saiz partikel Fe2O3 dan 8 wt.% lebihan Fe2O3 dalam stoikiometri YIG piawaian mampu memperoleh ketulenan YIG sehingga 99.2 %. Sementara itu, kajian kinetik dan mekanisme transformasi fasa menunjukkan pembentukan fasa tunggal YIG mengikuti model Ginstling-Brounshtein-Habert (GBH). Model ini menyatakan dua lapisan tindak balas terbentuk sepanjang pembentukan YIG; lapisan pertama adalah pembentukan fasa YIP and tindak balas selanjutnya antara Fe2O3 dengan YIP akan membentuk lapisan tindak balas YIG (lapisan kedua). Seterusnya, faktor yang dioptimumkan untuk pembentukan YIG (OPYIG) dari DOE telah disinter pada 1420 oC selama 6 jam untuk menghasilkan produk akhir yang berketumpatan tinggi (pengoptimuman pembakaran). Purata saiz butiran OPYIG yang telah disinter adalah 5.98 μm, ketumpatan yang diukur melalui prinsip Archimedes adalah 5.023 g/cm3 dan keliangan adalah 0.2 %. Sifat-sifat dielektrik yang diukur (pemalar dielektrik, εr = 15.72 dan kehilangan tangen, tan δ = 0.0069) menunjukkan OPYIG adalah bahan yang sesuai untuk aplikasi DRA. Untuk prestasi DRA yang terbaik, kedudukan OPYIG mesti berada pada jarak 36 mm dari kawasan jalur mikro. Pada posisi ini, pengukuran DRA dibuat daripada OPYIG menunjukkan keterujaan mod HEM11 yang sangat kuat dan bergema pada 12.501 GHz. Corak sinaran yang diperhatikan menunjukkan OPYIG mempamerkan corak yang stabil dan berarah dua menandakan bahawa isyarat itu dapat diterima melalui dua arah pilihan. Oleh itu, ketulenan tinggi YIG berjaya disintesis melalui CSSR dan sesuai untuk aplikasi DRA yang meliputi julat frekuensi Ku-band (12 GHz untuk 18 GHz). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Single phase dielectric materials are desirable for dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) applications to avoid any surface reflection which will deteriorate the DRA performance due to the presence of unwanted phase cause the electromagnetic wave be reflected from it. However, to synthesize a single phase material such as yttrium iron garnet (YIG) is challenging. The presence of the secondary phase such as YFeO3 (YIP) in YIG negatively influences its DRA performance. In this investigation, the percentage of YIG formation was optimized via conventional solid state reaction (CSSR). Three factors that involved for this investigation are (i) effect of formation temperature, (ii) Fe2O3 particle size and, (iii) excess Fe2O3 have been investigated. This can be achieved through the design of experiment (DOE) via the response surface method (RSM) approach. Based on DOE analysis, it was found that at 1240 oC of the formation temperature with 5 μm of Fe2O3 particle size and 8 wt.% of excess Fe2O3 in the standard YIG stoichiometry able to obtain YIG purity up to 99.2 %. Meanwhile, the kinetic and phase transformation mechanism studies indicated the formation of single phase YIG is in accordance the Ginstling-Brounshtein-Habert (GBH) model. The model described that two reacted layer formed throughout the YIG formation; first layer is the formation of YIP phase and further reaction between Fe2O3 with YIP will form a second layer (YIG). Later, the optimized factors for YIG formation (OPYIG) from DOE was sintered at 1420 oC for 6 hours in order to form a high density final product (firing optimization). The average grain size of the sintered OPYIG is 5.98 μm, the density measured via Archimedes principle is 5.023 g/cm3 and 0.2 % porosity. The measured dielectric properties (dielectric constant, εr = 15.72 and tangent loss, tan δ = 0.0069) show that OPYIG is a suitable material for DRA applications. For the best DRA performance, the OPYIG position has to be in 36 mm distance from the microstrip port. At this position, the DRA measurement of OPYIG shows very strong HEM11 excitation mode and resonated at 12.501 GHz. The observed radiation pattern shows OPYIG has exhibited a stable and bi-directional pattern indicated that the signal could be received by two preferred directions. Therefore, high purity YIG is successfully synthesized via CSSR route and suitable for DRA applications that covers the Ku-band (12 GHz to 18 GHz) frequency range

    Design of cyclic prefix characteristic-based OFDM system for WiMAX technology

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    Worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) offers the wireless connectivity using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation is a proficient wireless technology that capacities high-speed data transmission facilities. The existing WiMAX techniques have the problem of increase in inter-symbol interference (ISI) and bit error rate (BER) at reduced power spectrum that degrades the performance of WiMAX system due to high data rate transmission. The utilization of different adaptive modulation techniques seen as a potential solution to reduce the ISI and BER for high data rate transmission. In this paper, OFDM is adapted using advanced modulation technique for WiMAX system. The technique proposes the cyclic prefix (CP) is utilized that include supplementary bits at the stage of the transmitter. The proposed technique offers minimization of ISI and improvement in BER. It is defined that performance of the existing CP system is equated with the designed single cyclic prefix (SCP) and double cyclic prefix (DCP) and non-cyclic prefix (NCP). BER, probability of error, and power spectral density are utilized to analyse the performance of the designed system. The OFDM based SCP and DCP and NCP for WiMAX are demonstrated for modulation techniques such as; QPSK, BPSK, and QAM. It is determined that BPSK has the smallest BER when compared to QPSK, 16-QAM, and 64-QAM modulations. It is also demonstrated that QPSK is also very competent, however, it has a higher BER as compared to BPSK modulation. It is also observed that 16-QAM and 64-QAM are less efficient in terms of BER compared to QPSK and BPKS modulations. 64-QAM offers the high data rates, and due to high SNR ratio. The designed system is tested for under AWGN and Rayleigh fading channel, and effect power spectral density of signal to noise ratio on OFDM for rayleigh fading channel are demonstrated for SCP and DCP and NCP. It is determined that the OFDM transmitter with proposed DCP for random signals is efficiently reducing the BER and ISI for WiMAX system

    Pelimpahan Kewenangan Bupati Kepada Camat Dalam Mewujudkan Efektifitas Penyelenggaraan Kecamatan Pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Pandeglang, Provinsi Banten

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    This article examines the sub-district institution in Pandeglang Regency's ability to implement its capacity as an autonomous region feature as well as the administrative region feature of universal government administration, as well as the fulfillment of the necessary condition element. It also offers a recommendation model for the delegation of Regent authority to the sub-district head based on the empirical situation. Attempts at the research were made utilizing a qualitative methodology. The study's findings demonstrate that in the Pandeglang Regency, the legal authority granted by the Regent is still not directly correlated with the fulfillment of necessary condition elements of sub-district institutions like human resources and budget. Then, in terms of the camat's or district's legal authority, some aspects—such as the alteration of laws and regulations, regional characteristics, the spirit of institutional strengthening in public services, and the requirements of coordinating national development programs—remain to require some adjusting. In order to achieve the efficacy of the sub-district institution in the administration of regional government, the Pandeglang district government is expected to implement a number of arrangements and restructuring of the sub-district institution under the suggested model. Keywords: Delegation of authority, effectiveness of administration, sub-district institutio

    On the role of oral feedback in ESL postgraduate thesis writing supervision

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    The provision of oral feedback to ESL students at the postgraduate level plays an interventionist role in their development as writers. It is through such feedback that the students are expected to be guided towards achieving their writing goals. Supervisors provide written feedback and this is usually supported with oral feedback which appears to play a crucial role in the supervision process in that it helps in the formation of scholarly identities, scaffolds students' academic writing and learning, fosters autonomy, equality, and learning skills among ESL learners, develops students' dialogical skills, helps students focus on their research, and guides them to conform with dissertation/thesis writing. However, ESL students' own cultural background and social circumstances may affect the efficacy of the oral feedback process. Some limitations of existing studies are discussed and key directions for future research on the role of oral feedback in ESL postgraduate supervision settings are suggested

    Use and non-use of humor in academic ESL classrooms.

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    A substantial body of research emphasizes the importance of humor in teaching/learning processes; however, research on the reasons for non-use of humor in academic contexts has enjoyed scant attention. Addressing this gap, this study examines the reasons for instructors’ humor avoidance taking into account student perceived benefits of using humor in academic ESL classrooms. Data were collected through an open-response questionnaire. Participants in a university in Malaysia were asked to provide their views on: (a) the reasons some instructors avoid using humor, and (b) the benefits of using humor in L2 classes. Responses were grouped into relating categories and content analyzed. “Humor is not in their personality,” “they lack competence to create humor in L2,” and “they are more syllabus-oriented” were the most frequently cited reasons for the non-use of instructor humor. Perceived benefits of instructor humor were placed into three major categories: psychological, social and instructional. Implications of these findings are explored within the content of second language education