477 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Dapur Peleburan Logam Non Fero Berbahan Bakar Gas sebagai Sarana Pembelajaran di Laboratorium Teknik Manufaktur

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    Laboratorium Teknik Manufaktur adalah salah satu laboratorium yang ada pada jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Malikussaleh. Laboratorium ini sebagai tempat praktikum mahasiswa pada mata kuliah proses manufaktur. Laboratorium Teknik Manufaktur masih serba kekurangan peralatannya, hal ini dapat terkendala pada proses pembelajaran ataupun pelaksanaan penelitian khususnya tentang teknik pengecoran logam. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang sebuah dapur peleburan logam yang dapat mendukung kelancaran proses pembelajaran maupun penelitian di laboratorium. Dapur peleburan logam dirancang untuk meleburkan logam non ferro dengan menggunakan bahan bakar gas. Proses pembakaran dilakukan dengan pencampuran bahan bakar gas LPG dan udara dari blower. Pengujian dapur dilakukan pada material aluminium scrap yang bersumber dari lokal. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan dapur untuk meleburkan 6kg aluminium scrap pada temperatur 645oC selama 52 menit dengan bahan bakar gas LPG sebanyak 1.35kg

    The Legal Protection for a Good Faith Buyer Under a Court Decision

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    There are various principles given in Indonesian Civil Code (KUHPerdata) and HIR/RBg in providing legal protection on good faith purchaser, but all of these principles eventually dropped their pedestal on a judge's verdict to decide whether or not the intention of the buyer is based on a good faith purchaser. There are also many factors that can influence the decision of a judge that can lead to different conceptions of the protection provided. In addition, the rapid development of the present law requires judges to review the general principles of law and also applying existing law theories in the making of their verdict. Permasalahan perlindungan hukum pembeli beritikad baik merupakan masalah yang cukup mendasar dalam hukum kita. Terdapat berbagai prinsip yang diberikan dalam KUHPerdata maupun HIR/RBg dalam mengupayakan perlindungan hukum pembeli beritikad baik, akan tetapi upaya-upaya tersebut pada akhirnya menjatuhkan tumpuannya pada putusan hakim untuk menilai beritikad baik atau tidaknya seseorang. Di sisi lain, terdapat banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi putusan seorang hakim sehingga apabila dikaitkan dengan itikad baik, dapat menimbulkan konsepsi yang berbeda-beda terhadap perlindungan yang diberikan. Selain itu, pesatnya perkembangan hukum sekarang ini mewajibkan hakim-hakim untuk mempelajari kembali asas-asas hukum serta menerapkan teori-teori hukum yang ada dalam membuat putusannya

    Support Vector Regression Based S-transform for Prediction of Single and Multiple Power Quality Disturbances

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    This paper presents a novel approach using Support Vector Regression (SVR) based S-transform to predict the classes of single and multiple power quality disturbances in a three-phase industrial power system. Most of the power quality disturbances recorded in an industrial power system are non-stationary and comprise of multiple power quality disturbances that coexist together for only a short duration in time due to the contribution of the network impedances and types of customers’ connected loads. The ability to detect and predict all the types of power quality disturbances encrypted in a voltage signal is vital in the analyses on the causes of the power quality disturbances and in the identification of incipient fault in the networks. In this paper, the performances of two types of SVR based S-transform, the non-linear radial basis function (RBF) SVR based S-transform and the multilayer perceptron (MLP) SVR based S-transform, were compared for their abilities in making prediction for the classes of single and multiple power quality disturbances. The results for the analyses of 651 numbers of single and multiple voltage disturbances gave prediction accuracies of 86.1% (MLP SVR) and 93.9% (RBF SVR) respectively. Keywords: Power Quality, Power Quality Prediction, S-transform, SVM, SV

    A New Weighting Scheme in Weighted Markov Model for Predicting the Probability of Drought Episodes

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    Drought is a complex stochastic natural hazard caused by prolonged shortage of rainfall. Several environmental factors are involved in determining drought classes at the specific monitoring station. Therefore, efficient sequence processing techniques are required to explore and predict the periodic information about the various episodes of drought classes. In this study, we proposed a new weighting scheme to predict the probability of various drought classes under Weighted Markov Chain (WMC) model. We provide a standardized scheme of weights for ordinal sequences of drought classifications by normalizing squared weighted Cohen Kappa. Illustrations of the proposed scheme are given by including temporal ordinal data on drought classes determined by the standardized precipitation temperature index (SPTI). Experimental results show that the proposed weighting scheme for WMC model is sufficiently flexible to address actual changes in drought classifications by restructuring the transient behavior of a Markov chain. In summary, this paper proposes a new weighting scheme to improve the accuracy of the WMC, specifically in the field of hydrology

    Uji Performa Prediksi Gempa Bumi di Jawa Timur dengan Artificial Neural Network

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    East Java Province is an area directly adjacent to the Eurasian and Indo-Australian plate subduction zones, this has resulted in East Java province being an area prone to earthquakes. Predictions regarding the frequency of earthquake occurrences are very interesting to study. This needs to be done in order to increase our preparedness in an effort to reduce the risk of earthquakes. Research on earthquake prediction has been carried out, one of which is the artificial neural network method. The purpose of this study is to obtain the best network architecture that is applied to the data on the frequency of earthquake occurrences per month in East Java Province. Data on earthquake occurrences come from the BMKG Nganjuk Geophysics Station, which was recorded during the 2016-2021 period. The data was then grouped into the total frequency of events per month. The criteria for selecting the best network architecture are carried out by comparing each possible architecture's error values. The test method uses SSE (sum square error) criteria for each architectural model of the artificial neural network. The test results show that the input variation has a significant contribution and a greater correlation than the variation in the number of hidden neurons. The best prediction results are obtained in the model with 9-30-1 architecture with an error value of 0.1958

    Diseminasi Resistor Standar 1 Kω Ke Standar Kerja

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    Dissemination of calibration value of standard resistor to working standard in Research Center for Metrology LIPI has been done. It aims to get the calibration result and the uncertainty estimation that are valid and traceable to SI on the working standard. The desimination was performed by implementing calibration value of 1 kΩ standard resistor to reference resistor and then to working standard. The value that had been disseminated to working standard, reference multimeter, had been compared to the measurement value made by KRISS (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science) through a degree of equivalence criteria. The error numbers based on the degree of equivalence criteria between Metrology-LIPI and KRISS for the resistors measurement of 100Ω, 10Ω, and 1Ω were 0.51, 0.73, and 0.87 respectively. Based on those error numbers, Metrology-LIPI measurement results had the measuring value agreement with KRISS measurement results. Moreover, Its had validated calibration result and the uncertainty estimation of reference resistor and working standard in Metrology LIP

    Pengaruh Masa Kerja, Jabatan, dan Jenjang Pendidikan terhadap Tingkat Pemahaman Aparatur Pemerintah Tentang Pripsip–prinsip Good Governance di Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh

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    The objective of this research is to examine and analyze the influence of servicing period, position, and education level toward the level of understanding of government officials about the principles of good government governance in the Government of Banda Aceh City. The research type used in this research is verificative research or hypothesis testing research.Respondents in this study amounted to 82 respondents as the sample of the total population of 459 respondents, namely Banda Aceh City government officials who served as Eselon II and Eselon IV of the government services and boards in the Government of Banda Aceh City. Data used in this study are primary data obtained by conducting field research by distributing questionnaires to the respondents directly. All questionnaires can be returned by respondents.Based on the descriptive analysis of the government officials, score of the level of understanding of government officials about the principles of good government governance is obtained by 79.76%. Based on the acquisition of this score can be said that the level of understanding of government officials about the principles of good government governance in the Government of Banda Aceh City is high. The independent variables in this study are presented in the form of dummy variables. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it is showed that the servicing period and education level have influence toward the level of understanding of government officials about the principles of good governance in the Government of Banda Aceh City, while the position does not have influence toward the level of understanding of government officials about the principles of good governance in the Government of Banda Aceh City

    Pelaksanaan Bauran Promosi Paket Wisata Di PT. Urbanitas Tour and Travel Pekanbaru Riau

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    The purpose of this study is to defermine how the implementation mix promotion package at PT. Urbanity Tour and Travel Pekanbaru Riau.The study was used qualitative metodhe with descriptif approach to describe the real condition by collecting the information data in the field. The informan keys in the study were 1 chief excecutive officer and 3 other employees at PT. Urbanity Tour and Travel Pekanbaru Riau. The technique collecting the data in the study used interview, vation and documentation.Based on the result of the study, it is determined that mix promotion conducted in PT. Urbanity Tour and Travel Pekanbaru Riau are advertising via printed media such as newspaper and banner, website media, Personal selling Comonication directly with certain customers, Sales Promotion by giving kickers, Public relation sponsore some events, words of mouth consumers to consumers, Direct marketing using direct contacts, telephones and emails
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