54 research outputs found

    Synthesis and in vitro characterization of the genotoxic, mutagenic and cell-transforming potential of nitrosylated heme

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    Data from epidemiological studies suggest that consumption of red and processed meat is a factor contributing to colorectal carcinogenesis. Red meat contains high amounts of heme, which in turn can be converted to its nitrosylated form, NO-heme, when adding nitrite-containing curing salt to meat. NO-heme might contribute to colorectal cancer formation by causing gene mutations and could thereby be responsible for the association of (processed) red meat consumption with intestinal cancer. Up to now, neither in vitro nor in vivo studies characterizing the mutagenic and cell transforming potential of NO-heme have been published due to the fact that the pure compound is not readily available. Therefore, in the present study, an already existing synthesis protocol was modified to yield, for the first time, purified NO-heme. Thereafter, newly synthesized NO-heme was chemically characterized and used in various in vitro approaches at dietary concentrations to determine whether it can lead to DNA damage and malignant cell transformation. While NO-heme led to a significant dose-dependent increase in the number of DNA strand breaks in the comet assay and was mutagenic in the HPRT assay, this compound tested negative in the Ames test and failed to induce malignant cell transformation in the BALB/c 3T3 cell transformation assay. Interestingly, the non-nitrosylated heme control showed similar effects, but was additionally able to induce malignant transformation in BALB/c 3T3 murine fibroblasts. Taken together, these results suggest that it is the heme molecule rather than the NO moiety which is involved in driving red meat-associated carcinogenesis. Ā© 2020, The Author(s)

    DNA double strand breaks as predictor of efficacy of the alpha-particle emitter Ac-225 and the electron emitter Lu-177 for somatostatin receptor targeted radiotherapy

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    Key biologic effects of the alpha-particle emitter Actinium-225 in comparison to beta-particle emitter Lutetium-177 labeled somatostatin analogue DOTATOC in vitro and in vivo were studied to evaluate the significance of H2AX-foci formation and its downstream effects. To determine relative biological effectiveness (RBE) between the two isotopes somatostatin expressing AR42J cells were incubated with Ac-225-DOTATOC and Lu-177-DOTATOC up to 48 h and viability was analyzed using the MTT assay. DNA double strand breaks were quantified after immunofluorescence staining of H2AX. Cell cycle was analyzed by flow cytometry. In vivo, uptake of both radiolabeled somatostatin-analogues into subcutaneous AR42J tumors and number of cells displaying H2AX-foci were measured. Therapeutic efficacy was assayed by monitoring tumor growth after treatment with activities translated from in vitro cytotoxicity. Ac-225-DOTATOC was synthesized with specific activities between 0.2-0.4 MBq/Āµg and radiochemical purity of > 90%. ED50 values were 30 kBq/ml after 24 h and 14 kBq/ml after 48 h. Lu-177-DOTATOC displayed radiochemical purity of >95% and ED50 values of 10 MBq/ml after 48 h. Number of DNA double strand breaks increased with increasing concentration of Ac 225 DOTATOC and Lu-177-DOTATOC similarly, if a factor of approximately 700 of Lu-177 activities over Ac-225 activities was applied. Already 24 h after incubation with 2.5, 5, and 10 kBq/ml Ac 225 DOTATOC cell cycle studies showed an increment of the percentage of tumor cells in G2/M phase up to 60%. After 72 h an apoptotic subG1 peak was also detectable. Tumor uptake for both radio peptides at 48 h was identical with 7.5 %ID/g, though overall number of cells with H2AX-foci was higher for tumors treated with 48 kBq Actinium-225-DOTATOC than tumors treated with 30 MBq Lutetium-177-DOTATOC (35% vs. 21%). Tumors with a mean volume of 0.34 ml reached exponential tumor growth after 25 days (44 kBq Ac-225-DOTATOC), after 21 days (34 MBq Lu-177-DOTATOC) and after 5 days (control). Thus H2AX-foci displayed the key parameter after irradiation with similar downstream effects for beta and alpha irradiation.JRC.E.5-Nuclear chemistr

    Immunological and mass spectrometry-based approaches to determine thresholds of the mutagenic DNA adduct O 6 -methylguanine in vivo

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    Ā© 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. N-nitroso compounds are alkylating agents, which are widespread in our diet and the environment. They induce DNA alkylation adducts such as O 6 -methylguanine (O 6 -MeG), which is repaired by O 6 -methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT). Persistent O 6 -MeG lesions have detrimental biological consequences like mutagenicity and cytotoxicity. Due to its pivotal role in the etiology of cancer and in cytotoxic cancer therapy, it is important to detect and quantify O 6 -MeG in biological specimens in a sensitive and accurate manner. Here, we used immunological approaches and established an ultra performance liquid chromatographyā€“tandem mass spectrometry (UPLCā€“MS/MS) to monitor O 6 -MeG adducts. First, colorectal cancer (CRC) cells were treated with the methylating anticancer drug temozolomide (TMZ). Immunofluorescence microscopy and an immuno-slot blot assay, both based on an adduct-specific antibody, allowed for the semi-quantitative, dose-dependent assessment of O 6 -MeG in CRC cells. Using the highly sensitive and specific UPLCā€“MS/MS, TMZ-induced O 6 -MeG adducts were quantified in CRC cells and even in peripheral blood mononuclear cells exposed to clinically relevant TMZ doses. Furthermore, all methodologies were used to detect O 6 -MeG in wildtype (WT) and MGMT-deficient mice challenged with the carcinogen azoxymethane. UPLCā€“MS/MS measurements and doseā€“response modeling revealed a non-linear formation of hepatic and colonic O 6 -MeG adducts in WT, whereas linear O 6 -MeG formation without a threshold was observed in MGMT-deficient mice. Collectively, the UPLCā€“MS/MS analysis is highly sensitive and specific for O 6 -MeG, thereby allowing for the first time for the determination of a genotoxic threshold upon exposure to O 6 -methylating agents. We envision that this method will be instrumental to monitor the efficacy of methylating chemotherapy and to assess dietary exposures

    Quantitative analysis of the binding affinity of poly(ADP-ribose) to specific binding proteins as a function of chain length

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    Poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) is synthesized by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases in response to genotoxic stress and interacts non-covalently with DNA damage checkpoint and repair proteins. Here, we present a variety of techniques to analyze this interaction in terms of selectivity and affinity. In vitro synthesized PAR was end-labeled using a carbonyl-reactive biotin analog. Binding of HPLC-fractionated PAR chains to the tumor suppressor protein p53 and to the nucleotide excision repair protein XPA was assessed using a novel electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). Long ADP-ribose chains (55-mer) promoted the formation of three specific complexes with p53. Short PAR chains (16-mer) were also able to bind p53, yet forming only one defined complex. In contrast, XPA did not interact with short polymer, but produced a single complex with long PAR chains (55-mer). In addition, we performed surface plasmon resonance with immobilized PAR chains, which allowed establishing binding constants and confirmed the results obtained by EMSA. Taken together, we developed several new protocols permitting the quantitative characterization of PARā€“protein binding. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the affinity of the non-covalent PAR interactions with specific binding proteins (XPA, p53) can be very high (nanomolar range) and depends both on the PAR chain length and on the binding protein

    Interaktion von Poly(ADP-Ribose) und spezifischen Bindeproteinen als Funktion der KettenlƤnge

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    Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation is one of the very early cellular responses to genotoxic insults and is catalyzed by the family of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs). Using NAD+ as substrate, PARPs synthesize the biopolymer poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR), comprising up to 200 ADP-ribose units (Burkle 2005). This complex biopolymer interacts with a number of proteins involved in DNA damage checkpoint and repair via a specific consensus motif (Pleschke et al. 2000).Objective of the thesis was to characterize the noncovalent interaction between sizefractionated PAR and specific binding partners such as p53 in terms of selectivity and affinity. PARP-1, the xeroderma pigmentosum-A [XPA] protein, p53 and WRN were overexpressed in Sf9 insect cells using the baculovirus system and purified to homogeneity. PAR was synthesized in vitro and efficiently biotin-labeled at the terminal ribose using the carbonylreactive compound biocytin hydrazide. Following anion exchange HPLC fractionation, the fractions collected were monitored for chain length on modified sequencing gels by silver staining and revealed isolated PAR chains ranging from 6 up to 70 ADP-ribose units. Interaction of separated PAR chains and recombinant proteins were studied by slot blot analysis and a novel electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). Moreover, real-time surface plasmon resonance (SPR) was used to assess binding kinetics and stoichiometry.Slot blot experiments, which monitored the binding of PAR of a defined size class to immobilized proteins, clearly indicated a pivotal role for PAR chain length. EMSA studies were performed to monitor the binding affinities in solution. Long ADP-ribose chains (55-mer) promoted the formation of three specific complexes with p53. Short PAR chains (16mer) were also able to bind p53, yet forming only one defined complex. By contrast, XPA did not interact with short polymer, but did produce a single complex with long PAR chains (55mer). In the present work, the oncoprotein DEK was identified as a novel member of the PARbinding protein family. Like XPA, DEK underwent complex formation with long PAR chains, however with much higher affinity, but did not interact with short PAR. Finally, SPR analysis was carried out with immobilized PAR chains, which allowed establishing binding constants. In line with the EMSA experiments XPA did not bind to short PAR (14mer), but displayed a high affinity for long PAR chains (63mer), whereas p53 interacted strongly with both short and long PAR chains.In summary, it was demonstrated that the affinity of the noncovalent PAR interaction with specific binding proteins (DEK, XPA, p53) can be very high (low nM range) and is dependent both on the PAR chain length and on the binding protein. These findings provide evidence for the existence of a cellular "PAR code", i.e. the ability of PAR to engage in different cellular signaling pathways as a function of PAR chain length

    A cell-permeable fusion protein based on Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin for delivery of p53 tumorsuppressor into cancer cells.

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    Genetically engineered bacterial protein toxins are attractive systems for delivery of exogenous proteins into the cytosol of mammalian cells. The binary C2 toxin from C. botulinum has emerged as powerful delivery vehicle, which rests on its binding/translocation component C2IIa and the genetically modified adaptor domain C2IN that act in concert to trigger cell uptake. The p53 tumor suppressor protein has a crucial function in suppressing carcinogenesis and is frequently inactivated by diverse mechanisms in human tumor cells. Therefore, we constructed a C2IN-p53 fusion protein, which is internalized into cancer cells by C2IIa. To this end, the C2IN-p53 fusion construct was overexpressed in E. coli with good solubility, purified by heparin affinity chromatography and protein identity was confirmed by immunoblotting. We demonstrated that the fusion protein is capable of binding to the p53 consensus-DNA with high affinity in a p53-specific manner in vitro. Next, the internalization of C2IN-p53 was monitored in HeLa cells by cell fractionation and immunoblot analysis, which revealed a C2IIa-mediated translocation of the fusion protein into the cytosol. The uptake was also shown in A549 and Saos-2 cells with similar efficiency. These findings were further corroborated by confocal immunofluorescence analyses of C2IN-p53/C2IIa-treated HeLa and A549 cells, displaying predominantly cytoplasmic localization of the fusion construct

    Targeting Altered Energy Metabolism in Colorectal Cancer: Oncogenic Reprogramming, the Central Role of the TCA Cycle and Therapeutic Opportunities

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is among the most frequent cancer entities worldwide. Multiple factors are causally associated with CRC development, such as genetic and epigenetic alterations, inflammatory bowel disease, lifestyle and dietary factors. During malignant transformation,the cellular energy metabolism is reprogrammed in order to promote cancer cell growth and proliferation. In this review, we first describe the main alterations of the energy metabolism found in CRC, revealing the critical impact of oncogenic signaling and driver mutations in key metabolic enzymes. Then, the central role of mitochondria and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle in this process is highlighted, also considering the metabolic crosstalk between tumor and stromal cells in the tumor microenvironment. The identified cancer-specific metabolic transformations provided new therapeutic targets for the development of small molecule inhibitors. Promising agents are in clinical trials and are directed against enzymes of the TCA cycle, including isocitrate dehydrogenase, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) and Ī±-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (KGDH). Finally, we focus on the Ī±-lipoic acid derivative CPI-613, an inhibitor of both PDC and KGDH, and delineate its anti-tumor effects for targeted therapy

    Rapamycin inhibits poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in intact cells

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    Rapamycin is an immunosuppressive drug, which inhibits the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase activity inducing changes in cell proliferation. Synthesis of poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) is an immediate cellular response to genotoxic stress catalyzed mostly by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP-1), which is also controlled by signaling pathways. Therefore, we investigated whether rapamycin affects PAR production. Strikingly, rapamycin inhibited PAR synthesis in living fibroblasts in a dose-dependent manner as monitored by immunofluorescence. PARP-1 activity was then assayed in vitro, revealing that down-regulation of cellular PAR production by rapamycin was apparently not due to competitive PARP-1 inhibition. Further studies showed that rapamycin did not influence the cellular NAD pool and the activation of PARP-1 in extracts of pretreated fibroblasts. Collectively, our data suggest that inhibition of cellular PAR synthesis by rapamycin is mediated by formation of a detergent-sensitive complex in living cells, and that rapamycin may have a potential as therapeutic PARP inhibitor

    Theoretical considerations for thresholds in chemical carcinogenesis

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    Ā© 2015 Elsevier B.V. There is increasing evidence for non-linear relationships for gene mutations, chromosomal aberrations and even tumor incidences in response to low doses of genotoxic carcinogens. To attain the biological relevance of such non-linear responses, there is a need to identify the underlying defense mechanisms that allow tolerance to low doses of genotoxicants. This communication discusses presumptive cancer prevention mechanisms that may contribute to thresholds, i.e. points of departure, for each endpoint, from initial DNA lesion to tumor formation. We discuss a sequential order of genome protection during carcinogenesis where genotoxicant scavenging, cellular efflux, DNA repair, elimination of damaged cells by apoptosis, autophagy, silencing by DNA damage-triggered replicative senescence, and finally, elimination of transformed (premalignant) cells by the immune system are thought to be responsible for a threshold in tumor formation. We highlight DNA repair, for which experimental evidence has been recently provided to dictate a role in PoDs. In conclusion, from a theoretical perspective it is reasonable to posit that tolerance to low dose levels exists for each requisite step of tumor formation and these tolerance mechanisms are critical in determining thresholds in chemical carcinogenesis
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