40 research outputs found

    Comparing eDNA metabarcoding and conventional pelagic netting to inform biodiversity monitoring in deep ocean environments

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    The performance of environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding has rarely been evaluated against conventional sampling methods in deep ocean mesopelagic environments. We assessed the biodiversity patterns generated with eDNA and two co-located conventional methods, oblique midwater trawls and vertical multinets, to compare regional and sample-level diversity. We then assessed the concordance of ecological patterns across water column habitats and evaluated how DNA markers and the level of sampling effort influenced the inferred community. We found eDNA metabarcoding characterized regional diversity well, detecting more taxa while identifying similar ecological patterns as conventional samples. Within sampling locations, eDNA metabarcoding rarely detected taxa across more than one replicate. While more taxa were found in eDNA than oblique midwater trawls within sample stations, fewer were found compared to vertical multinets. Our simulations show greater eDNA sampling effort would improve concordance with conventional methods. We also observed that using taxonomic data from multiple markers generated ecological patterns most similar to those observed with conventional methods. Patterns observed with Exact Sequence Variants were more stable across markers suggesting they are more powerful for detecting change. eDNA metabarcoding is a valuable tool for identifying and monitoring biological hotspots but some methodological adjustments are recommended for deep ocean environments

    Entwicklungsszenarien einer alpinen Aue bei einem natĂĽrlichen Geschiebedefizit : die Triftaue im Oberhasli

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    In der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts hat sich im Zuge des Gletscherrückzugs eine alpine Aue im Triftgebiet gebildet. Zu Beginn prägten dynamische Geschiebeumlagerungsprozesse die Flusslandschaft am Triftwasser und führten zu einer typischen Sukzession einer alpinen Aue. Mit dem weiteren Rückzug des Triftgletschers hat sich Anfang dieses Jahrhunderts der natürliche Triftsee gebildet, der einen Geschiebeeintrag in die darunterliegende Triftaue praktisch vollständig unterbindet. Damit wird die Geschiebedynamik im Triftwasser auf ein absolutes Minimum reduziert. Daher ist es dem Gewässer so gut wie nicht mehr möglich, seinen Verlauf im Zuge von Hochwasserereignissen zu verändern und neue morphologische Strukturen zu bilden. Aufgrund der topografischen Verhältnisse (breiter Kessel) können die natürlicherweise auftretenden Hochwasserereignisse nicht mehr genug Kraft entwickeln, um grossflächige Vegetationsbestände zu entwurzeln. Damit verbunden ist eine rasche Ausbreitung an Grünerlenbeständen, die mittelfristig die heutige Triftaue fast vollständig besiedeln werden. Im Rahmen des Triftprojekts (Vergrösserung des Triftsees mit neuem Kraftwerk auf Höhe der bestehenden Triftfassung) wurden u.a. detaillierte Studien zum Ist-Zustand sowie zur Entwicklung der Triftaue mit und ohne Projekt durchgeführt. Basierend auf diesen Untersuchungen wurden für die Realisierung des Projekts neben dem Restwasserregime zusätzlich auch Hochwasserdotierungen festgelegt

    Towards advance care planning in pediatrics: a qualitative study on envisioning the future as parents of a seriously ill child

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    Advance care planning enables parents to discuss goals and preferences for future care and treatment of their seriously ill child. Although clinicians report parental factors as common barriers for advance care planning, parental views on reflecting on their child's future have had limited exploration. A clear understanding of their perspectives might help clinicians to implement advance care planning tailored to parental needs. This interpretive qualitative study using thematic analysis aims to identify how parents envision the future when caring for their seriously ill child. Single interviews and two focus groups were attended by 20 parents of 17 seriously ill children. Parents reported to focus on the near future of their child. However, their actions and deeper thoughts showed perspectives towards a further future. Future perspectives initial focused on practical, disease-related themes, but more existential elaborations, reflecting underlying life values, were also identified. Parents needed acknowledgement of their challenging situation, care tasks, and expertise as a precondition for sharing their deepest thoughts regarding the future of their child.Conclusion: When envisioning the future of their seriously ill child, parents tend to stay in the near future, whereas they value the opportunity to share further thoughts within a compassionate relationship with clinicians.What is Known:• Parents prefer open and honest information about their child's illness and prognosis and they value the concept of advance care planning, while they emphasize the need for an individualized approach.• Health care professionals see parental factors like unease and emotional burden as key barriers for advance care planning.What is New:• When envisioning the future of their seriously ill child, parents tended to stay close to the near future initially, with a focus on disease-related, practical themes. Ongoing conversations uncovered deeper, value-based elaborations towards the future. To engage parents in advance care planning, the future needs to be discussed in relation to the present and the past.• There is "no sharing without caring". Parents who felt cared for and acknowledged in their challenging context by clinicians, were open to share their perspectives on the future of their seriously ill child. To share deeper motives and values underlying goals and preferences for future care and treatment, parents need a stimulating attitude of listening and encouragement from clinicians to express their feelings

    The Peritoneum as a Natural Scaffold for Vascular Regeneration

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    Objective: The peritoneum has the same developmental origin as blood vessels, is highly reactive and poorly thrombogenic. We hypothesize that parietal peritoneum can sustain development and regeneration of new vessels. Methods and Results: The study comprised two experimental approaches. First, to test surgical feasibility and efficacy of the peritoneal vascular autograft, we set up an autologous transplantation procedure in pigs, where a tubularized parietal peritoneal graft was covered with a metal mesh and anastomosed end-to-end in the infrarenal aorta. Second, to dissect the contribution of graft vs host cells to the newly developed vessel wall, we performed human-to-rat peritoneal patch grafting in the abdominal aorta and examined the origin of endothelial and smooth muscle cells. In pig experiments, the graft remodeled to an apparently normal blood vessel, without thrombosis. Histology confirmed arterialization of the graft with complete endothelial coverage and neointimal hyperplasia in the absence of erosion, inflammation or thrombosis. In rats, immunostaining for human mitochondri revealed that endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells rarely were of human origin. Remodeling of the graft was mainly attributable to local cells with no clear evidence of c-kit+ endothelial progenitor cells or c-kit+ resident perivascular progenitor cells. Conclusions: The parietal peritoneum can be feasibly used as a scaffold to sustain the regeneration of blood vessels, whic

    Evaluation showed that stakeholders valued the support provided by the Implementing Pediatric Advance Care Planning Toolkit

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    Aim: This study described the development, and pilot evaluation, of the Implementing Pediatric Advance Care Planning Toolkit (IMPACT). Methods: Key elements of paediatric advance care planning (ACP) were defined using a systematic review, a survey of 168 paediatricians and qualitative studies of 13 children with life-limiting conditions, 20 parents and 18 paediatricians. Participants were purposively recruited from six Dutch university hospitals during September 2016 and November 2018. Key elements were translated into intervention components guided by theory. The acceptability of the content was evaluated by a qualitative pilot study during February and September 2019. This focused on 27 children with life-limiting conditions from hospitals, a hospice and home care, together with 41 parents, 11 physicians and seven nurses who cared for them. Results: IMPACT provided a holistic, caring approach to ACP, gave children a voice and cared for their parents. It provided information on ACP for families and clinicians, manuals to structure ACP conversations and training for clinicians in communication skills and supportive attitudes. The 53 pilot study participants felt that IMPACT was appropriate for paediatric ACP. Conclusion: IMPACT was an appropriate intervention that supported a holistic approach towards paediatric ACP, focused on the child's perspective and provided care for their parents