1,365 research outputs found

    Penerapan Teknologi Pertanian melalui Penggunaan Alsintan pada Lahan Sawah Kepada Masyarakat Tani di Nagari Minangkabau Kec. Sungayang Kab.Tanah Datar

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    Tujuan dan target khusus yang akan dicapai pada kegiatan KKN-PPM : 1) Menggunakan alat dan mesin pertanian yang sesuai dengan kontur tanah dan kemampuan petani didalam kegiatan budidaya tanaman padi sawah, 2) Meningkatkan kapasitas kerja, dan 3) Meningkatkan hasil dan mutu pertanian. Metode kegiatan yang akan diterapkan, dilakukan melalui pendekatan pada petani untuk menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan motivasi kelompok tani. Kegiatan yang akan dilakukan :1) Pengenalan alat dan mesin pertanian khususnya untuk budidaya padi sawah, 2) Pelatihan dan demonstrasi penggunaan alat dan mesin pertanian padi sawah. Dalam kegiatan penggunaan alat dan mesin pertanian ini didahului dengan kegiatan penyuluhan dan pelatihan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16 Juli 2016. Penyuluhan diberikan oleh narasumber tentang alat pengolahan tanah (handtraktor), penyiang, penyemprot dan perontok. Kapasitas kerja handraktor di dapatkan sekitar 0,056 Ha/jam, sedangkan pengolahan tanah dengan cara manual menggunakan cangkul adalah 0,0017 Ha/jam. Ini berarti pekerjaan pengolahan tanah lebih efektif dengan handtraktor daripada dengan cara manual yaitu 33 kali lipat dari kerja handtraktor. Penyiangan dengan menggunakan tangan untuk padi sawah didapatkan kapasitasnya 0,0277 Ha/jam. Sedangkan dengan menggunakan alat semi mekanis osrok/landak, cara ini terbilang efektif dari cara manual diatas selain lebih cepat, ramah lingkungan dan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyiangi gulma lebih cepat berkisar 28-30 jam/Ha. Sehingga di dapatkan kapasitas dengan alat mekanis ini adalah sebesar 0.8033 Ha/jam. Kapasitas perontokan yang dilakukan dengan cara banting atau memukul batang padi pada papan atau susunan bambu adalah ±50 kg/jam. kapasitas mesin perontok gabah citra dragon yang digunakan dilahan sawah yaitu 750 kg/jam. Dengan demikian diharapkan terjadinya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anggota kelompok tani Sawah Kapuak, seperti peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menggunakan alat dan mesin pertanian

    Life on a low income in austere times

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    Following the ‘credit crunch’ 2007-2008, the UK entered the deepest recessionary conditions in living memory. As the liquidity from the financial services sector came to an abrupt halt, the investment ‘life blood’ of the economy in short supply, numerous companies, including long established high street businesses, ceased trading and consequently, unemployment rates rose to the highest levels since the 1980s. After the initial ‘bailout’ of the banking sector, political attention turned to the growing public deficit and the spectre of public sector austerity came to dominate the policy agenda. This agenda swiftly moved from how best to regulate the financial services industry to the question of the ‘welfare bill’ and the growing problem of ‘worklessness’. From this point, particularly as the Universal Credit Scheme passed through parliament and came to be implemented in various phases, much was said in political and policy debates about the lives of the ‘poor’ and many ‘common sense’ assumptions informed these discussions. However as is often the case, omitted from these discussions were the voices of those people living of low income. To redress this imbalance, the report aims to document the reality of life on a low income during this period, by affording primacy to the ‘voices’ of those living in poverty

    Acute pancreatitis in children: an experience with 50 cases

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    Background/purpose Acute pancreatitis in childhood is not common. It can be associated with severe morbidity and mortality. The role of clinical evaluation is vital as it can be misdiagnosed easily. The objective of this study was to review the etiology, presentation, diagnosis, management, and prognosis of acute pancreatitis in children and to assess the relevance of currently available prognostic criteria.Patients and methods Fifty children with acute pancreatitis admitted to the Pediatric Surgery Unit at the Al-Azhar University Hospitals, within the period January 1998 to December 2008 were retrospectively reviewed. They were diagnosed by clinical examination, laboratory, and radiological investigations, as well as by abdominal exploration.Results There were 25 boys and 25 girls. The median age was 9 years (range: 2–17 years). In the majority of cases, the main cause of acute pancreatic was idiopathic (17 patients), followed by trauma (10 patients). Most of the patients presented with abdominal pain (10 cases), vomiting (nine cases), jaundice (five cases), and an abdominal mass in computed tomography (48 cases).Conclusion Trauma is a major cause of pancreatitis in children. Early diagnosis, close monitoring, and proper intervention are mandatory to reduce the potential morbidity and mortality.Keywords: acute pancreatitis, children, morbidity, traum

    How paradata can illuminate technical, social and professional role changes between the Poverty in the UK (1967/1968) and Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK (2012) surveys

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    This article brings together analyses of the micro paradata ‘by-products’ from the 1967/1968 Poverty in the United Kingdom (PinUK) and 2012 Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK (PSE) surveys to explore changes in the conditions of production over this 45 year period. We highlight technical, social and professional role continuities and changes, shaped by the institutionalisation of survey researchers, the professionalization of the field interviewer, and economisation. While there are similarities between the surveys in that field interviewers were and are at the bottom of the research hierarchy, we demonstrate an increasing segregation between the core research team and field interviewers. In PinUK the field interviewers are visible in the paper survey booklets; through their handwritten notes on codes and in written marginalia they can ‘talk’ to the central research team. In PSE they are absent from the computer mediated data, and from communication with the central team. We argue that, while there have been other benefits to field interviewers, their relational labour has become less visible in a shift from the exercise of observational judgement to an emphasis on standardisation. Yet, analyses of what field interviewers actually do show that they still need to deploy the same interpersonal skills and resourcefulness to secure and maintain interviews as they did 45 years previously

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Bengkuang (Pachyrhizus Erosus) terhadap Karakteristik Cookies yang Dihasilkan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi tepung bengkuang terhadap organoleptik dan karakteristik cookies. Perlakuan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat substitusi tepung bengkuang, yakni tanpa perlakuan (kontrol), penambahan tepung bengkuang 20%, 30% dan 50%. Analisis yang dilakukan terhadap cookies adalah kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein, kadar lemak, kadar karbohidrat, kadar serat kasar, daya kembang dan uji organoleptik. Substitusi tepung bengkuang memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata terhadap kadar protein, kadar karbohidrat dan kadar serat kasar dari cookies yang dihasilkan. Dari hasil uji organoleptik yang dilakukan, substitusi tepung bengkuang yang paling disukai oleh panelis adalah cookies dengan substitusi tepung bengkuang 30% dengan warna 3,92 (agak suka), aroma 3,96 (agak suka), rasa 4,32 (agak suka) dan tekstur 4,40 (agak suka). Cookies dengan penambahan tepung bengkuang sebanyak 30% memiliki kadar air 1,11%, kadar abu 1,86%, kadar protein 8,65%, kadar lemak 24,15%, karbohidrat 64,24%, kadar serat kasar 1,17%, dan daya kembang 51,60%

    Role of certain bioagents against Guava decline disease and in enhancement of the growth of guava trees

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    Biocontrol agents, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma harzianum were evaluated against fungi causing guava (Psidium guajava) decline disease caused by Botryodiplodia theobromae, Fusarium oxysporum, and Rhizoctonia solani. Generally, our results showed high antagonistic effects of tested biocontrol agents against previous pathogens. T. harzianum isolates showed an average of 58% inhibition against all pathogens. T. harzianum T4 was the most prominent isolate in inhibiting the growth of guava pathogenic fungi. Based on the secretion of volatile substances, T4 had the most significant inhibition ability as compared to other Trichoderma isolates. By using B. subtilis, the radial growth of R. solani and F. oxysporum was significantly decreased as compared to B. theobromae. In case of P. fluorescens, the radial growth of R. solani was decreased more than B. theobromae followed by F. oxysporum. Different densities of T4 significantly decreased the disease severity and increased plant height, dry weight of shoots and roots and total pigments (chlorophyll a and b, and carotenoids) in guava trees in comparison with infected trees only. We concluded that the application of biocontrol agents decreased guava decline disease and improved the growth of guava trees

    Poverty in the UK: Advancing paradata analysis and open access

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    This project aimed to provide open access to data from Peter Townsend’s 1967-68 Poverty in the UK (PinUK) landmark UK survey, and to enhance the capacity to use it, through innovative analysis of micro paradata and comparative analysis of macro paradata. This is the final report

    Substitusi Tepung Bengkuang pada Pembuatan Brownies

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    Brownies bengkuang merupakan salah satu bentuk pengaplikasian tepung bengkuang pada produk pangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi tepung terigu dengan tepung bengkuang pada pembuatan brownies. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan subtitusi tepung terigu dengan tepung bengkuang dengan perlakuan kontrol, 60%, 70%, 80% dan 100%. Analisa yang dilakukan pada brownis bengkuang adalah analisis proksimat dan analisis organoleptik. Analisis proksimat yang dilakukan meliputi analisis kadar air, kadar karbohidrat, kadar lemak, kadar protein, kadar abu dan kadar serat kasar. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa substitusi tepung bengkuang pada pembuatan brownies memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata pada karbohidrat, protein dan serat kasar brownies bengkuang. Berdasarkan analisis organoleptik yang telah dilakukan diketahui bahwa semakin banyak penambahan tepung bengkuang, brownies yang dihasilkan memiliki tekstur yang semakin padat dan berserat. Hasil analisis organoleptik menunjukkan substitusi tepung bengkuang yang paling disukai panelis adalah brownies yang disubstitusi tepung bengkuang 60%, dengan memberikan penilaian terhadap warna 4,20 (agak suka), aroma 3,92 (agak suka), rasa 4,20 (agak suka), dan tekstur 3,96 (agak suka). Brownies dengan substitusi tepung bengkuang 60% memiliki kadar air 31,24%, kadar karbohidrat 43,42%, kadar lemak 14,14%, kadar protein 10,57%, kadar abu 0,63%, dan kadar serat kasar 1,81%
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