11 research outputs found

    Mengantisipasi Dampak Yuridis dan Non Yuridis Pelibatan TNI dalam Tugas Operasi Militer Selain Perang (OMSP)

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    Threats faced by the Indonesian people come from non-traditional threats, Indonesia's strategic defense policies are directed to face and overcome non-traditional threats. driven compared to other institutions. The absence of a legal umbrella that regulates the involvement of the TNI in the implementation of  MOOTW duties can also be used by groups or organizations who are not happy with the TNI institution so that the slightest mistake made by TNI members in the field can be used as a powerful weapon to discredit the TNI and bring down the TNI by specific group goals and missions. This study was conducted with the aim of providing an overview and analyzing the juridical and non-juridical impacts of TNI involvement in MOOTW duties and to provide an overview and analysis of efforts to overcome the juridical and non-juridical impacts of TNI involvement in MOOTW duties. This research was conducted using a normative juridical research method by conducting a comprehensive study based on legislation and empirical juridical research, namely conducting an assessment based on observations of threats involving the TNI. This study will use the Theory of Rule of Law and Theory of Authority as the theoretical basis in analyzing the main problems in research on the authority of the TNI to overcome threats that must be equipped with juridical aspects. The government, the DPR, the leadership of the TNI, the Ministry of Defense, the Police and other relevant agencies in an effort to anticipate the juridical and non-juridical impacts of the TNI's involvement in MOOTW duties.Keyword: Regulation; The involvement of the TNI; Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) AbstrakAncaman yang dihadapi bangsa Indonesia berasal dari ancaman non-tradisional, kebijakan strategis pertahanan Indonesia diarahkan untuk menghadapi dan mengatasi ancaman non-tradisional. Belum adanya payung hukum yang mengatur tentang pelibatan TNI dalam pelaksanaan tugas OMSP dapat dimanfaatkan juga oleh kelompok atau organisasi yang tidak senang dengan institusi TNI sehingga kesalahan sekecil apa pun yang dilakukan oleh anggota TNI di lapangan dapat dijadikan sebagai senjata yang ampuh untuk mendiskreditkan TNI dan menjatuhkan TNI dengan tujuan dan misi-misi kelompok tertentu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan gambaran dan menganalisis dampak yuridis dan non yuridis pelibatan TNI dalam tugas OMSP dan memberikan gambaran dan menganalisis upaya mengatasi dampak yuridis dan non yuridis pelibatan TNI dalam tugas OMSP. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan melakukan kajian yang komprehensif bersumber pada peraturan perundang-undangan dan juga penelitian yuridis empiris yaitu melakukan pengkajian berdasarkan pada pengamatan terhadap ancaman yang melibatkan TNI. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan Teori Negara Hukum dan Teori Kewenangan sebagai landasan teori dalam menganalisis pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian tentang kewenangan TNI mengatasi ancaman yang harus dilengkapi dengan aspek yuridis. Oleh karena itu ada beberapa hal yang perlu dilakukan oleh Pemerintah, DPR, Pimpinan TNI, Depan, Kepolisian dan instansi terkait lainnya dalam upaya mengantisipasi dampak yuridis dan non yuridis pelibatan TNI dalam tugas OMSP.Kata Kunci: Yuridis; Pelibatan TNI; OMSP

    The Civil and Military Role Models in Overcoming the Threat of Terrorism

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    The level of terrorism threat exceeds the capacity of law enforcement agencies. In principle, law enforcement is designed to use force gradually, in accordance with the scale of the threat faced, ranging from physical tools (batons, tasers, pepper spray) to the use of firearms. The purpose of this research is to analyze that the tasks of law enforcement are not designed to deal with threats involving heavy weapons and weapons of mass destruction (CBRN), whereas the military is designed to be capable of addressing threats on such a scale. This research is a qualitative study that uses a descriptive approach by systematically gathering data as described during the research. The results of this research show that in the domestic context, the role of the military in counterterrorism is determined by each country's constitution/laws, history, and the complexity of the terrorism threats faced. To date, there are no international laws that prohibit the active involvement/role of the military in domestic counterterrorism. The UN leaves the policy of military involvement in domestic counterterrorism to each individual country, as long as each country adheres to the principles of upholding human rights

    Pembaruan Sistem Pemidanaan Pada Hukum Pidana Pidana Militer

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    Renewing the Military Criminal Law Criminal System is not easy, especially the special criminal law system such as the Military Criminal Code (KUHPM), which is a codification of criminal law in the Criminal Code. The purpose of this study is to emphasize that the military criminal sanction system must still refer to the sanctions system in the Criminal Code (KUHP) or the Draft Criminal Code which is currently in the process of being drafted. Qualitative research uses a descriptive approach to collect data systematically, factually , and quickly according to the description when the research was conducted. The results of this study indicate that the guideline in the preparation of the Criminal Code is that punishment is an inseparable part of criminal law, so it is not a criminal law if it regulates only norms without being followed by criminal threats. Criminal threats that will be applied to criminal actors, although not primarily, but the nature of the crime is a crim


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    To reduce corruption in the future, of course, it is necessary to provide anti-corruption education from now on, because education and public awareness are also important components in fighting corruption. The purpose of this paper is to analyze corruption education in combating corruption crimes in the future and handling corruption and anti-corruption education in various countries. The type of research used in this research is normative juridical. Normative juridical research is research that uses the legis positivist conception. Anti-corruption education in the future must be instilled in an integrated manner from primary to tertiary education Anti-corruption education in the future must be instilled in an integrated manner from primary to tertiary education. It is hoped that through education about anti-corruption from an early age, it can create a person who has a more introspective personality, so that when it is time to enter society, children are no longer easily influenced and have sufficient and correct knowledge about anti-corruption. Learning from China, Indonesia should also be able to fight corruption and eradicate this chronic disease from the country. In addition to a strong commitment from the country's leaders and law enforcers, China-style corruption eradication may be applicable in Indonesia. The preventing corruption through education in Indonesia and Malaysia is almost the same, namely through the internalization of anti-corruption values into certain subjects, while Singapore emphasizes more on character education

    Efforts to Overcome Juridical Constraints in Countering Terrorism in Indonesia by The Indonesian National Armed Forces

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    The description of acts of terrorism as a crime against the state is a serious threat to the sovereignty of each country. Acts of terrorism in Indonesia can now be qualified as military threats, namely threats using organized armed forces, which are considered to have capabilities that endanger the state's sovereignty, the territorial integrity of the country, and the safety of the entire nation. The TNI's (Indonesian National Armed Forced) efforts to overcome obstacles in dealing with terrorism in Indonesia are carried out under the Government Regulation in the lie of Law in dealing with it. Through the role of the TNI that is shown to the community and government, showing that the TNI carries out the rights and obligations according to its position, it carries out a function. From looking at these roles, we can illustrate that roles can also be interpreted as individual behavior, which is important for the social structure of society because social beings tend to live in groups. Also, empirical juridical research, namely conducting studies based on observations of the handling of acts of terrorism in Indonesia involving the TNI. It can be concluded that TNI institutions can be used as material for consideration in authority to deal with acts of terrorism

    Pembaharuan Hukum: Peran Tentara Nasional Indonesia Dalam Penanggulangan Aksi Terorisme (Kajian Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2018 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Terorisme)

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    The involvement of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) in countering terrorism is in article 7 paragraph (1) of Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI which states that the main task of the TNI is to uphold state sovereignty, maintain the territorial integrity of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and protect the entire nation and the homeland of Indonesia from threats and disturbances to the integrity of the nation and state. It is known that acts of terrorism are based on ideologies that wish to change the basis of the state, so that the TNI's involvement in counterterrorism is very relevant. The TNI's authority in combating terrorism is a matter that is still being debated. This study uses a qualitative research method with a legal approach and a literature approach. The results of the study state that the TNI's authority in dealing with terrorism is given on the grounds that terrorism is an act that threatens the integrity and unity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.Keywords: Authority; Indonesian national army; Counter Terrorism; The sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.  AbstrakKeterlibatan Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) dalam penanggulangan terorisme yaitu pada pasal 7 ayat (1) Undang-undang Nomor 34 tahun 2004 tentang TNI yang berbunyi bahwa tugas pokok TNI adalah untuk menegakkan kedaulatan negara, mempertahankan keutuhan wilayah negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang berdasarkan Pancasila, UUD tahun 1945 serta melindungi segenap bangsa dan tumpah darah Indonesia dari ancaman dan gangguan terhadap keutuhan bangsa dan negara. Diketahui bahwa aksi terorisme berbasis pada ideologi yang berkeinginan merubah dasar negara, sehingga sangat relevan keterlibatan TNI dalam penanggulangan terorisme. Kewenangan TNI dalam pemberantasan terorisme merupakan sebuah hal yang masih menjadi perdebatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan hukum dan pendekatan pustaka. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa kewenangan TNI dalam mengati terorisme diberikan dengan alasan bahwa terorisme sebagai tindakan yang mengancam keutuhan dan persatuan Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia.Kata Kunci : Kewenangan; Tentara Nasional Indonesia; Penanggulangan Terorisme; Kedaulatan NKRI

    Implementasi Kewenangan TNI dalam Mengatasi Aksi Terorisme di Indonesia

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    Terorisme adalah salah satu ancaman dan ganguan yang dihadapi Indonesia ke depannya, dalam kurun beberapa tahun terahir aktivitasnya semakin meningkat, sehingga berpengaruh pada upaya mewujudkan tujuan nasional sebagaimana dirumuskan dalam alenia keempat Pembukaan UUD 1945. Dalam hal ini pelibatan TNI untuk membantu Polri sangat dibutuhkan. Tetapi tidak semua pihak seprti instansi pemerintah maupun DPR menyetuji hal itu dikarenakan, aksi pemberantasaan untuk penanganan terorisme bagi TNI memiliki kewajiban tersendiri dan menimbulkan permasalahan yuridis dalam implementasinya. Pelibatan TNI menangani aksi terorisme akan menjadi ancaman serius terhadap dinamika demokrasi, HAM dan supermasi hukum Indonesia Kajian terhadap implementasi kewenagan TNI melalui studi kepustakaan dalam rangka mendapatkan bahan-bahan dan keterangan-keterangan yang diperlukan sesuai dengan pokok permaslahan: bahan hukum premier, bahan hukum sekunder. Melalui wawancara dengan mnggunakan pedoman/panduan pertanyaan agar tidak menyimpang dari permaslahn yang diteliti. Dilanjutkan dengan menganalisis data secara kualitatif dideskripsikan dengan mengguaan kata-kata yang sistematis. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan. Dari permasalahan diatas dan metode yang digunakan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dapat memberikan manfaat bagi pengembangan ilmu hukum dan bidang hukum administrasi, bahan pertimbangan dalam pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan yang terkait dengan kewenangan TNI dalam mengatasi aksi terorisme

    Implementation of Humanitarian Law in Military Operations to Support the Achievement of the Indonesian Armed Forces Main Duties

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    In the effort to eradicate terrorism, the security dimension is thick in the policy of eradicating terrorism. Civil society is worried about the material of the 2018 Law Number 5 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism; it is considered that the Act can reduce the level of state compliance with respect, protection, and fulfillment of human rights in eradicating terrorism in addition to the effectiveness of the method of eradicating terrorism. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview and analysis of the form of the threat that has undergone a shift that requires the army as the main component of the defense system to reposition itself by placing itself in the right position in the midst of the dynamics of developing threats. The method in this research is normative juridical through a comprehensive study by taking sources from regulations and laws, while empirical juridical research is a study based on observations on threats involving the TNI. The theory used is the Theory of Authority and Theory of Rule of Law as the theoretical basis for the analysis of the main problems regarding the change of the army from a conqueror to a professional soldier. The military does not intervene in politics, and conversely, there is no political intervention in the military. Law of 2004 Number 34 concerning the TNI states that the Indonesian National Army was built and developed professionally according to the country's political interests, referring to the principles and values of democracy, human rights, civil supremacy, provisions of national and international laws that have been ratified


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    Objective study For the analysis of the implementation of environmental law and environmental conservation efforts in Indonesia, the methods used are method study qualitative and type study studies. References . Types of studies References used for digging deep understanding about a topic or phenomenon with analyzing literature And where are the relevant sources? in study This is related to the implementation of environmental laws and environmental conservation efforts in Indonesia. As for the data, it was obtained through the study and analysis of various references, like journals, scientific articles, and documents related to the topic being researched. Then, the researcher read an interesting thread and concluded from the results, findings, and study. Results study This leads to a conclusion. In the context of implementing environmental law and environmental conservation efforts in Indonesia, this research identifies a number of key aspects. Implementation of environmental law is faced with a number of challenges, including conflicts of interest, unequal access to the law, and differences in capacity at the regional government level. However, environmental conservation efforts in Indonesia also show positive initiatives, such as natural habitat conservation, reforestation programs, and renewable energy development. Technological and social innovations are key to increasing the effectiveness of conservation efforts