65 research outputs found

    Mengantisipasi Dampak Yuridis dan Non Yuridis Pelibatan TNI dalam Tugas Operasi Militer Selain Perang (OMSP)

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    Threats faced by the Indonesian people come from non-traditional threats, Indonesia's strategic defense policies are directed to face and overcome non-traditional threats. driven compared to other institutions. The absence of a legal umbrella that regulates the involvement of the TNI in the implementation of  MOOTW duties can also be used by groups or organizations who are not happy with the TNI institution so that the slightest mistake made by TNI members in the field can be used as a powerful weapon to discredit the TNI and bring down the TNI by specific group goals and missions. This study was conducted with the aim of providing an overview and analyzing the juridical and non-juridical impacts of TNI involvement in MOOTW duties and to provide an overview and analysis of efforts to overcome the juridical and non-juridical impacts of TNI involvement in MOOTW duties. This research was conducted using a normative juridical research method by conducting a comprehensive study based on legislation and empirical juridical research, namely conducting an assessment based on observations of threats involving the TNI. This study will use the Theory of Rule of Law and Theory of Authority as the theoretical basis in analyzing the main problems in research on the authority of the TNI to overcome threats that must be equipped with juridical aspects. The government, the DPR, the leadership of the TNI, the Ministry of Defense, the Police and other relevant agencies in an effort to anticipate the juridical and non-juridical impacts of the TNI's involvement in MOOTW duties.Keyword: Regulation; The involvement of the TNI; Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) AbstrakAncaman yang dihadapi bangsa Indonesia berasal dari ancaman non-tradisional, kebijakan strategis pertahanan Indonesia diarahkan untuk menghadapi dan mengatasi ancaman non-tradisional. Belum adanya payung hukum yang mengatur tentang pelibatan TNI dalam pelaksanaan tugas OMSP dapat dimanfaatkan juga oleh kelompok atau organisasi yang tidak senang dengan institusi TNI sehingga kesalahan sekecil apa pun yang dilakukan oleh anggota TNI di lapangan dapat dijadikan sebagai senjata yang ampuh untuk mendiskreditkan TNI dan menjatuhkan TNI dengan tujuan dan misi-misi kelompok tertentu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan gambaran dan menganalisis dampak yuridis dan non yuridis pelibatan TNI dalam tugas OMSP dan memberikan gambaran dan menganalisis upaya mengatasi dampak yuridis dan non yuridis pelibatan TNI dalam tugas OMSP. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan melakukan kajian yang komprehensif bersumber pada peraturan perundang-undangan dan juga penelitian yuridis empiris yaitu melakukan pengkajian berdasarkan pada pengamatan terhadap ancaman yang melibatkan TNI. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan Teori Negara Hukum dan Teori Kewenangan sebagai landasan teori dalam menganalisis pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian tentang kewenangan TNI mengatasi ancaman yang harus dilengkapi dengan aspek yuridis. Oleh karena itu ada beberapa hal yang perlu dilakukan oleh Pemerintah, DPR, Pimpinan TNI, Depan, Kepolisian dan instansi terkait lainnya dalam upaya mengantisipasi dampak yuridis dan non yuridis pelibatan TNI dalam tugas OMSP.Kata Kunci: Yuridis; Pelibatan TNI; OMSP


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    Dairy cattle farming is closely related to the cooperative. Cooperative is one of the containers established to improve the weak economic capacity, including small scale dairy farmers. In Indonesia, 90 percent of dairy farmers who are members of the cooperative is a people farmer with a scale of one to nine. In generaly, cooperatives serve to strengthen groups of farmers in the face of oligopsoni-tending milk markets. The cooperative also have supporting facilities which of one cooperatives provide credit for the community. The objectives of this research are to know: (1) feasibility analysis of dairy cattle farming business at SAE Pujon Cooperative and (2) analysis of management of dairy cattle farming credit receiver at SAE Pujon Cooperative toward feasibility analysis of dairy cattle farming business. This research is an explorative research. location and 30 respondents were determined by using purposive sampling method from the total farmers credit receiver in SAE Pujon Cooperative. The data were collected throught quesionnaire, documentation and interview. Livestock, production, milk price, capital credit business and farming management is independent variable and feasibility analysis is dependent variable. Indicators of farming management system are breed management, feed, cage and health. Indicators of feasibility analysis are Break Event Point (BEP) of unit, Break Event Point (BEP) of price and Benefit Cost Ratio (B / C). The result of the research shows that: (1) The result of analysis indicate that farm group III has the most feasible farming business to be carried out given the average BEP of unit from the feasibility analysis is 419 liter, the BEP of price is IDR 2.848 and the average B/C ration of is 0.73; (2) Business analysis and credit credit saving loan positively affect business feasibility. Business analysis measured by production cost and credit saving loan measured by credit loan expenditure affecting business feasibility is measured by BEP unit. Business analysis has the most influence compared to credit union. The large influence of business analysis as measured by the cost of production is influenced by natural resources and the implementation of work. Natural resources as measured by reproductive disorder and the implementation of work as measured by clearance of the cage and clearing of food and drinking places. Natural resources has a big influence over the implementation of wor

    Pembaruan Sistem Pemidanaan Pada Hukum Pidana Pidana Militer

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    Renewing the Military Criminal Law Criminal System is not easy, especially the special criminal law system such as the Military Criminal Code (KUHPM), which is a codification of criminal law in the Criminal Code. The purpose of this study is to emphasize that the military criminal sanction system must still refer to the sanctions system in the Criminal Code (KUHP) or the Draft Criminal Code which is currently in the process of being drafted. Qualitative research uses a descriptive approach to collect data systematically, factually , and quickly according to the description when the research was conducted. The results of this study indicate that the guideline in the preparation of the Criminal Code is that punishment is an inseparable part of criminal law, so it is not a criminal law if it regulates only norms without being followed by criminal threats. Criminal threats that will be applied to criminal actors, although not primarily, but the nature of the crime is a crim

    The Civil and Military Role Models in Overcoming the Threat of Terrorism

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    The level of terrorism threat exceeds the capacity of law enforcement agencies. In principle, law enforcement is designed to use force gradually, in accordance with the scale of the threat faced, ranging from physical tools (batons, tasers, pepper spray) to the use of firearms. The purpose of this research is to analyze that the tasks of law enforcement are not designed to deal with threats involving heavy weapons and weapons of mass destruction (CBRN), whereas the military is designed to be capable of addressing threats on such a scale. This research is a qualitative study that uses a descriptive approach by systematically gathering data as described during the research. The results of this research show that in the domestic context, the role of the military in counterterrorism is determined by each country's constitution/laws, history, and the complexity of the terrorism threats faced. To date, there are no international laws that prohibit the active involvement/role of the military in domestic counterterrorism. The UN leaves the policy of military involvement in domestic counterterrorism to each individual country, as long as each country adheres to the principles of upholding human rights

    Teacher Certification in Indonesia: A Confusion of Means and Ends

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    In 2006, Indonesia started implementing a nation-wide program of teacher certification with the aim to certify as many as 2.3 million teachers in 2015 with the budgetary cost of as much as US$460 million. Despite the magnitude and the importance of this program, there has been no quantitative study to evaluate the impact of such program on student’s achievement. In this study, we conducted a teacher survey in the Greater Bandung Area and collected the information on average national exam scores of the students of certified and not-certified teachers. We use two different impact evaluation techniques namely Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and Difference-in-Difference (DD) to evaluate the impact of certification. Both methods suggest that teacher certification has no impact on student’s achievement. The certification program may have improved teacher’s living standard as remuneration increase is an elemental part of it, yet its formally-stated goal to improve the quality of education as should be indicated in better students’ performance may not have been achieved. This program, being the largest in the nation’s history, may have confused means and ends.teacher certification, propensity score matching, impact evaluation, Indonesia

    Kompas Digital Dengan Output Suara Berbasis Mikrokontroler AT89S52

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    In this paper, the design of digital compass with voice output is described, so that the blind can also use it. The digital compass is designed based on up-graded conventional compass. In the axis direction of conventional compass be added a disc as source of wind direction information, and phototransistor as sensor. The digital compass system is designed, based on AT89S52 microcontroller, as control of all interfaces and read sensor. The LCD component is used as display and ISD 2590 IC as voice recorder. The IC can record with maximum capacity 90 seconds. The voices output of compass is divided into 8 direction from the north, southwest, west and the next. The result showed that the design of digital compass work as like conventional compass completely by voice feature


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    Berdasarkan survei penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada salah satu SMK di Bandung, diketahui bahwa materi yang paling sulit dipahami oleh siswa adalah materi pemrograman dasar dengan persentase 48,5% atau 17 dari 35 partisipan dibandingkan dengan materi lain yang berkaitan dengan ilmu komputer. Perlu adanya keselarasan muatan teori dan praktik agar siswa memahami sepenuhnya apa yang sedang dipelajari dan berguna untuk meni-ngkatkan kualitas mereka di dunia kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang dan membangun multimedia pembelajaran Adventure Game dengan berbantuan model pembelajaran Modified Free Inquiry untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa pada materi pemrograman dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Siklus Hidup Menyeluruh (SHM) disertai dengan instrumen-instrumen penelitian yang mendukung. Multimedia yang telah dikembangkan kemudian diimplementasikan kepada 31 partisipan yang merupakan siswa SMK kelas XII. Pada fase implementasi, didapat rata-rata nilai pretest yang diikuti para siswa sebelum menggunakan multimedia adalah 61,13. Sedangkan rata-rata nilai posttest siswa setelah menggunakan multimedia adalah 73,87. Dari kedua nilai pretest dan posttest tersebut, diperoleh nilai N-gain sebesar 0,33 yang masuk kedalam kategori N-gain “Sedang”. Hal tersebut memperlihatkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman setelah siswa menggunakan multimedia. Adapun berdasarkan angket respon yang siswa isi setelah penggunaan multimedia, siswa beranggapan bahwa multimedia yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini termasuk kedalam multimedia yang “Baik” dengan perolehan rata-rata persentase nilai sebesar 71,70%.--------Based on the survey of research that has been done in one of vocational high schools in Bandung, the most difficult material to understand by students is programming algorithm with 48.5% or 17 out of 35 participant compared to the other material related to computer science. There should be harmony between theory and practice, so students fully understand what is being studied and is useful for improving their quality in working world. The purpose of this research is to design and build multimedia learning adventure game assisted by the modified free inquiry model. The research method is the System Life Cyle (SLC) accompanied by instruments that support the research. The developed multimedia was implemented to 31 twelfth grader vocational students as research participants. At the implementation phase, the researcher discovered that the average of students pretest (done before the usage of multimedia) score is 61.13, while the average of posttest (done after students using multimedia) is 73.87. Based on both result of pretest and posttest, N-gain of both is 0.33 which is belong to “Medium” category. The N-gain proves that there is enhancement of understanding after students use multimedia. Based on the student’s response, developed interactive multimedia is rated as “Good” multimedia with average score of 71.78 %


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    Cultivating red onion on a Vertisol during rainny season could face to physical and chemical problems from the soil. Application of biochar and mycorrhiza can improve soil quality both physical and chemical properties of Vertisol. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of rice husk biochar and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) on growth and yield of red onion grown on a vertisol. The research was carried out at the Agrotechnology Research Station, University of Trunojoyo Madura from December 2018 to February 2019. The experiments were arranged on Split Plot Design (SPD) with the main plots were the biochar treatments and the sub plots were AMF applications. Two rates of biochar applications namely B0 (no biochar) and B1 (10 ton/ha), and four rates of AMF applications involving M0 (no mycorrhiza), M1 (2.5 g/plant), M2 (5 g/plant) and M3 (10 g/plant), were employed. No P fertilizer was applied on three AMF treatments (M1, M2, and M3). There were 8 combination treatments, and each treatment was replicated four times to end up in 32 experimental units. The results showed that there was no interaction between biochar and AMF treatments on all observed parameters. Biochar increased the number of leaves at 4 and 6 WAP (week after planting), the number of roots, and the weight of fresh tubers, and dry tubers that were suitable for storage. Mycorrhizal (AMF) application significantly influenced the number of leaves at 2 and 6 WAP, number of roots, wet weight of tubers, dry weight of tubers, and percentage of AMF root colonization. The application of rice husk biochar and AMF increased tuber yields respectively up to 17.21% and 19.58% compared to that of control


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    Penelitian ini diawali dengan studi pendahuluan berupa wawancara dengan guru mata pelajaran Sistem Kontrol Terprogram tentang ketersediaan bahan ajar dan pengaruhnya pada kegiatan pembelajaran. Bahan ajar yang dikembangkan berupa buku teks yang berorientasi pembelajaran kontekstual dimana siswa menghubungkan materi yang dipelajari dengan keadaan sebenarnya. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan angket dan diolah secara deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh hasil bahwa isi materi buku teks tersebut sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013 dimana terdapat komponen mengamati, bertanya, menalar, mencoba, dan membentuk jejaring. Bahan ajar yang dikembangkan juga telah sesuai dengan karakteristik pembelajaran kontekstual dimana materi yang ada pada buku dihubungkan dengan keadaan sebenarnya. Hasil uji coba kepada siswa menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan mudah dipahami siswa meski membutuhkan pemahaman ekstra. This study begins with a preliminary study interviews with Programmable Control System teacher about availability of teaching materials and its effects on learning activities. Teaching materials that developed are a text book that oriented contextual learning in which students relate the material studied with the real situation. Data collection techniques used were interviews and questionnaires and qualitative descriptive processed. From the research that has been done, the results showed that the content of the textbook material in accordance with the 2013 curriculum where there are components of observing, questioning, reasoning, tried, and forming networks. Teaching materials have also been developed in accordance with the characteristics of contextual learning where the material is in the book associated with the actual situation. The trial results showed that students developed teaching material easy to understand, although students need extra understanding
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