13 research outputs found

    T cells that cannot respond to TGF-ÎČ escape control by CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells

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    CD4+CD25+ regulatory T (T reg) cells play a pivotal role in control of the immune response. Transforming growth factor-ÎČ (TGF-ÎČ) has been shown to be required for T reg cell activity; however, precisely how it is involved in the mechanism of suppression is poorly understood. Using the T cell transfer model of colitis, we show here that CD4+CD45RBhigh T cells that express a dominant negative TGF-ÎČ receptor type II (dnTÎČRII) and therefore cannot respond to TGF-ÎČ, escape control by T reg cells in vivo. CD4+CD25+ T reg cells from the thymus of dnTÎČRII mice retain the ability to inhibit colitis, suggesting that T cell responsiveness to TGF-ÎČ is not required for the development or peripheral function of thymic-derived T reg cells. In contrast, T reg cell activity among the peripheral dnTÎČRII CD4+CD25+ population is masked by the presence of colitogenic effector cells that cannot be suppressed. Finally, we show that CD4+CD25+ T reg cells develop normally in the absence of TGF-ÎČ1 and retain the ability to suppress colitis in vivo. Importantly, the function of TGF-ÎČ1−/− T reg cells was abrogated by anti–TGF-ÎČ monoclonal antibody, indicating that functional TGF-ÎČ can be provided by a non–T reg cell source

    VÄld i nÀra relationer : Behandlarens upplevelse av faktorer som möjliggör en förÀndring hos den manliga vÄldsutövaren

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    Sammanfattning Studiens syfte har varit att studera behandlarens upplevelse av vilka faktorer som möjliggör en förÀndring hos den manliga utövaren av vÄld i nÀra relationer. Studien har utgÄtt frÄn tvÄ semistrukturerade intervjuer med behandlare i en kommun i Sverige med erfarenhet av att arbeta med mÄlgruppen. Resultatet visar att behandlarens sÀtt att bemöta och förhÄlla sig spelar in i förÀndringsarbetet samt den manliga vÄldsutövarens motivation och instÀllning till behandlingen. För behandlaren handlar det om att kunna skilja mellan handling och person, att inte acceptera handlingen men att lÄta mÀnniskovÀrdet styra och styrka mannen i det. Behandlarens bemötande, icke-dömande och förmÄgan att skapa relationer gör att klienten vÄgar öppna sig och prata om vÄldet. Den manliga utövaren behöver hjÀlp med att uttrycka, hantera och ta ansvar för sina kÀnslor istÀllet för att anvÀnda vÄld

    Easiest, almost easiest and easy : A linguistic examination of three labelling systems for easy-to-read books

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    In this essay easy-to-read books from three different publishers are examined. The publishers use their own type of levelling system and have different backgrounds in such a way that one of them (LL-förlaget) is a state company, while the other two are commercial publishers (Nypon and Vilja). The purpose of the essay is partly to see whether the levelling systems used by these three publishers contain the requested language for easy-to-read books or not, partly to investigate which likenesses and differences there are between the three levelling systems used. The result shows that the system used by the state publisher contains a greater degree of language difficulties regarding the lowest levels as well as the highest levels. The result also shows that the language in the books representing the levelling systems sometimes match the demands set by the publisher, and sometimes not. The greatest discrepancy between what is requested for and what can be seen in the material, is found when the publishers ask for specific language traits, while demands of a more overall nature are easier to meet. Moreover, the result shows that books categorized in one certain level not always match that level, that books representing the same level show differences regarding linguistic complexity, and that books from a certain level not automatically guarantee the increase in language difficulties that the labelling of that level speaks for

    Easiest, almost easiest and easy : A linguistic examination of three labelling systems for easy-to-read books

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    In this essay easy-to-read books from three different publishers are examined. The publishers use their own type of levelling system and have different backgrounds in such a way that one of them (LL-förlaget) is a state company, while the other two are commercial publishers (Nypon and Vilja). The purpose of the essay is partly to see whether the levelling systems used by these three publishers contain the requested language for easy-to-read books or not, partly to investigate which likenesses and differences there are between the three levelling systems used. The result shows that the system used by the state publisher contains a greater degree of language difficulties regarding the lowest levels as well as the highest levels. The result also shows that the language in the books representing the levelling systems sometimes match the demands set by the publisher, and sometimes not. The greatest discrepancy between what is requested for and what can be seen in the material, is found when the publishers ask for specific language traits, while demands of a more overall nature are easier to meet. Moreover, the result shows that books categorized in one certain level not always match that level, that books representing the same level show differences regarding linguistic complexity, and that books from a certain level not automatically guarantee the increase in language difficulties that the labelling of that level speaks for

    JÀmstÀlld text : En genuskritisk textanalys av fem texter frÄn Region GÀvleborgs hemsida

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    I den hÀr genuskritiska textanalysen undersöks fem texter frÄn Region GÀvleborgs hemsida. Detta görs mot bakgrund av att man inom Region GÀvleborg arbetat med att jÀmstÀlldhetsintegrera verksamheten. Det huvudsakliga syftet Àr att se om det informationsmaterial som skrivits eller spridits efter att jÀmstÀlldhetsarbetet Àgt rum riktar sig pÄ ett likvÀrdigt sÀtt till kvinnor och mÀn samt inkluderar olika familjekonstellationer. Ett delsyfte Àr ocksÄ att se om texter som skrivits med utgÄngspunkt i en jÀmstÀlldhetsintegrerad verksamhet blir jÀmstÀllda. Resultatet visar att textmaterialet stundtals vidarebefordrar en stereotyp uppfattning kring ett manligt och ett kvinnligt förÀldraskap, dÀr det kvinnliga förÀldraskapet framstÀlls som det primÀra i bÄde text och bild. Vidare tenderar mÀn att osynliggöras i diskursen och en tvÄsamhet förvÀntas i koppling till förÀldraskapet. Detta blir synligt dels i sprÄkets könsmarkerade och köns(o)markerade konstruktioner, dels i textens presuppositioner och drag. NÀr det kommer till köns(o)markerade konstruktioner visar analysen att direkt tilltal Àr problematiskt i relation till jÀmstÀlld text, dÄ tilltalet tenderar att skapa snÀva mottagargrupper med exkludering och normering som följd

    Easiest, almost easiest and easy : A linguistic examination of three labelling systems for easy-to-read books

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    In this essay easy-to-read books from three different publishers are examined. The publishers use their own type of levelling system and have different backgrounds in such a way that one of them (LL-förlaget) is a state company, while the other two are commercial publishers (Nypon and Vilja). The purpose of the essay is partly to see whether the levelling systems used by these three publishers contain the requested language for easy-to-read books or not, partly to investigate which likenesses and differences there are between the three levelling systems used. The result shows that the system used by the state publisher contains a greater degree of language difficulties regarding the lowest levels as well as the highest levels. The result also shows that the language in the books representing the levelling systems sometimes match the demands set by the publisher, and sometimes not. The greatest discrepancy between what is requested for and what can be seen in the material, is found when the publishers ask for specific language traits, while demands of a more overall nature are easier to meet. Moreover, the result shows that books categorized in one certain level not always match that level, that books representing the same level show differences regarding linguistic complexity, and that books from a certain level not automatically guarantee the increase in language difficulties that the labelling of that level speaks for

    Closing the Value Chain Loop in the Apparel Industry ‐ A case study of current practices

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    Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explore current practices regarding circular economies in the apparel industry and to construct a framework for integrating circular economy practices in the Swedish apparel industry. Methodology: With a constructionist view and an abductive approach the purpose is to be achieved through two qualitative case studies. The themes identified were analysed and interpreted. Theoretical perspectives: The theoretical framework is based upon a business context, on the basis of the textile management in general and logistics, recycling, sustainability and reverse systems in particular. Empirical foundation: The empirical material consists primarily of 9 in-depth semi-structured interviews with various roles at Uniforms for the Dedicated and Filippa K, as well as through a Skype interview with the project manager of Re:Design Studio. They have been asked to talk about their view of sustainability, their practices and future developments. Conclusion: When integrating circular practices in the value chain the authors have identified five main areas that should be integrated, in order to develop towards a circular economy: reimagine, reduce, reuse, repair and recycle.Program: Applied Textile Managemen

    MHC Class I-Ly49 Interactions Shape the Ly49 Repertoire on Murine NK Cells

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