333 research outputs found

    Linear Network Coding for Two-Unicast-ZZ Networks: A Commutative Algebraic Perspective and Fundamental Limits

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    We consider a two-unicast-ZZ network over a directed acyclic graph of unit capacitated edges; the two-unicast-ZZ network is a special case of two-unicast networks where one of the destinations has apriori side information of the unwanted (interfering) message. In this paper, we settle open questions on the limits of network coding for two-unicast-ZZ networks by showing that the generalized network sharing bound is not tight, vector linear codes outperform scalar linear codes, and non-linear codes outperform linear codes in general. We also develop a commutative algebraic approach to deriving linear network coding achievability results, and demonstrate our approach by providing an alternate proof to the previous results of C. Wang et. al., I. Wang et. al. and Shenvi et. al. regarding feasibility of rate (1,1)(1,1) in the network.Comment: A short version of this paper is published in the Proceedings of The IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 201

    A systems-based approach for detecting molecular interactions across tissues.

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    Current high-throughput gene expression experiments have a straightforward design of examining the gene expression of one group or condition relative to that of another. The data is typically analyzed as if they represent strictly intracellular events, and often treats genes as coming from a homogeneous population. Although intracellular events are crucial to nearly all biological processes, cell-cell interactions are often just as important, especially when gene expression data is generated from heterogeneous cell populations, such as from whole tissues. Cell-cell molecular interactions are generally lost in the available analytical procedures and as a result, are not examined experimentally, at least not accurately or with efficiency. Most importantly, this imposes major limitations when studying gene expression changes in multiple samples that interact with one another. In order to addresses the limitations of current techniques, we have developed a novel systems-based approach that expands the traditional analysis of gene expression in two stages. This includes a novel sequence-based meta-analytic tool, AbsIDconvert, that allows for conversion of annotated features using an interval tree for storing and querying absolute genomic coordinates for comparison of multi-scale macro-molecule identifiers across platforms and/or organisms. In addition, a systems-based heuristic algorithm is developed to find intercellular interactions between two sets of genes, potentially from different tissues by utilizing location information of each gene along with the information available in the secondary databases in the form of interactions, pathways and signaling. AbsIDconvert is shown to provide a high accuracy in identifier conversion as compared to other available methodologies (typically at an average rate of 84%) while maintaining a higher efficiency (O(n*log(n)). Our intercellular interaction approach and underlying visualization shows promise in allowing researchers to uncover novel signaling pathways in an intercellular fashion that to this point has not been possible

    Data-driven modeling and complexity reduction for nonlinear systems with stability guarantees

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    ABSTRAKSaat ini dalam proses pembelajaran masih menggunakan cara konvensional hal itu dinilai kurang efektif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang dapat menyebabkan kegiatan pembelajaran bagi siswa cenderung monoton yang mengakibatkan kebosanan, siswa menjadi pasif dan kurang motivasi di dalam proses belajarnya. Maka usaha dalam mengemas materi pelajaran yang kreatif supaya siswa dapat mengerti, memahami dan memiliki motivasi dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, maka dapat menggunakan Media Trimikal. Media ini sangat cocok digunakan dalam materi perkalian, karena media ini memberikan suatu pengalaman siswa dalam menghafal perkalian. Kelebihan dari media Trimikal (Triomino Perkalian) yaitu dapat meningkatkan minat, pengetahuan, keterampilan, wawasan siswa secara mendalam, terlebih lagi siswa semakin menyukai mata pelajaran yang sedang dipelajarinya karena lebih menarik untuk dilihat, dipelajari dan lebih menyenangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Media Trimikal (triomino perkalian) terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi perkalian kelas III SDN 2 Kedamean Gresik.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu eksperimen dengan metode quasi experimental design dan jenis desain non-equvalent control group design. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh siswa kelas III SDN 2 Kedamean Gresik. Teknik sampel yang digunakan yaitu teknik purposive sampling dengan memilih dua kelas sebagai anggota sampel yaitu kelas IIIA sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas IIIB sebagai kelas kontrol. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik tes yaitu pre test dan post test. Uji instrumen menggunakan uji validitas dan reliabilitas, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan uji t. Berdasarkan hasil penghitungan hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol. Hasil belajar kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,005 dengan taraf signifikasi 0,05 (0,005 < 0,05), sehingga H1 diterima dan H0 ditolak. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan Media Trimikal (triomino perkalian) terhadap hasil belajar siswa, dengan saran penelitian yaitu peneliti lain harus lebih memahami tahapan dari Media Trimikal (triomino perkalian). Kata Kunci: media trimikal, hasil belajar, perkalianABSTRACT Currently in the learning process is still using conventional way it is considered less effective in learning activities that can cause learning activities for students tend to be monotonous resulting in boredom, students become passive and less motivation in the learning process. So the effort in packing creative learning materials so that students can understand, understand and have motivation in learning activities, then can use Trimikal Media. This media is very suitable for multiplication material, because this media gives a student experience in memorizing multiplication. The advantages of Trimikal media (Triomino Perkalian) is to increase the interest, knowledge, skills, insight of students in depth, especially the students increasingly like the subjects they are learning because it is more interesting to see, learn and more fun. This study aims to determine the influence of Trimikal Media (Triomino Perkalian) on student learning outcomes in the material of class III SDN 2 Kedamean Gresik. The research used experimental method with quasi experimental design and non-equvalent control group design. The population used in this research is all students of class III SDN 2 Kedamean Gresik. The sample technique used is purposive sampling technique by choosing two classes as a sample member that is class IIIA as experiment class and class IIIB as control class. Technique of collecting data using test technique that is pre test and post test. Test the instrument using the validity and reliability test, while the data analysis techniques using the normality test, homogeneity test, and t test. Based on result of t test result show that experiment class study result is higher than control class. The experimental class learning result is 0.005 with a significance level of 0.05 (0.005 < 0.05), so H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. The result of the research is that there is influence which is Trimikal Media (Triomino Perkalian) to student learning result, with research suggestion that other researcher must better understand stage of Trimikal Media (Triomino Perkalian). Keywords: trimikal media, learning outcomes, multiplicatio

    Salted Inference: Enhancing Privacy while Maintaining Efficiency of Split Inference in Mobile Computing

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    In split inference, a deep neural network (DNN) is partitioned to run the early part of the DNN at the edge and the later part of the DNN in the cloud. This meets two key requirements for on-device machine learning: input privacy and computation efficiency. Still, an open question in split inference is output privacy, given that the outputs of the DNN are observable in the cloud. While encrypted computing can protect output privacy too, homomorphic encryption requires substantial computation and communication resources from both edge and cloud devices. In this paper, we introduce Salted DNNs: a novel approach that enables clients at the edge, who run the early part of the DNN, to control the semantic interpretation of the DNN's outputs at inference time. Our proposed Salted DNNs maintain classification accuracy and computation efficiency very close to the standard DNN counterparts. Experimental evaluations conducted on both images and wearable sensor data demonstrate that Salted DNNs attain classification accuracy very close to standard DNNs, particularly when the Salted Layer is positioned within the early part to meet the requirements of split inference. Our approach is general and can be applied to various types of DNNs. As a benchmark for future studies, we open-source our code.Comment: To be appeared in the 25th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile 2024

    Comparison of Compressive Strength and Flexural Capacity between Engineered Cementitious Composites (Bendable Concrete) and Conventional Concrete used in Bangladesh

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    The Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) is made of the same ingredients as in regular concrete. The coarse aggregate is replaced with tiny Polyvinyl Alcohol fibres. This structure offers maximum flexibility and it is expected to cost less. It looks exactly like normal concrete, but under excessive strain, the ECC concrete allows, the specially coated network of fibre in the cement to slide within the cement, thus avoiding the inflexibility that causes brittleness and breakage. As this is a special type of concrete there are no defined codes for it, thus for these reasons, the parameters needed are to be obtained using trial and error method. During the composite preparation, sieve analysis was carried out. Composites were reinforced with Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) at the following ratios: 0 % (control), 0.5 %, 1 % and 1.5 %. The cylindrical specimens were subjected to compression and the slab specimens were subjected to flexural test using a Universal Testing Machine, while acquiring data with GOM Correlation Software. Test results reveal that fibre ratio 1% is most acceptable for attaining best compressive strength along with high flexural value. Even though 1% fibre content concrete in the flexural strength test showed 33% less strength of what 1.5% fibre content concrete gained, in the long run, for having the highest compressive strength value (almost 62% more than of 0% fibre content concrete and 15% more than of 1.5% fibre content concrete), 1% fibre content concrete is most suited for constructions

    The Status and dignity of Women in Islam and Hinduism

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    The heavenly religions have spoken much about the creation of man and his place in the world of creation. The position of women in these religions, known as the revelation religions, is very high. In the ancient Hindus, woman was not dignified and regarded as much as men, although in the Upanishads the woman was intrinsically valued, and man and woman are half halves that complement each other. There is no legal difference between men and women in India today, and women can engage in political, economic, and cultural activities as men. In Hinduism, woman holds a high position as a mother, from the point of view of Hinduism, the ideal woman is a woman who loves her husband and provides his with comfort. But the Hindu girl is far less valuable than the Hindu boy, and many Hindus do not generally favor the girl child. From the Islamic point of view, men and women have equal value in terms of humanity, and no one has superiority over others in their humanity. But this does not mean that any physical and mental differences between the two are denied. The holy religion of Islam considers women the first and foremost task of marrying and raising children, by assigning specific duties to women that are commensurate with their type of creation, but at the same time permits women to adhere to the principles of a Muslim woman participate in the community and engage in social and economic activities

    Association between Pus Cells and Semen Parameters in Infertile Pakistani Males

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    Objectives: This study evaluated the association between pus cells and semen parameters in infertile Pakistani males. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in the Department of Reproductive Physiology/Health, National Institute of Health, Islamabad, Pakistan, from 2004 to 2009. A total of 1,521 subjects were analysed, along with 97 proven fathers as controls. Results: The mean of pus cells was 7.43 ± 0.43, 4.35 ± 0.34, and 4.26 ± 0.17 per high field in teratozoospermic, oligoasthenozoospermic, and asthenozoospermic groups, respectively, while it was 3.25 ± 0.26, 3.10 ± 0.19, and 2.98 ± 0.04 per high field in azoospermic, oligozoospermic and the proven father groups, respectively. The fewest pus cells were observed among proven fathers, which varied non-significantly (P >0.05) with all cases, except with teratozoospermic, oligozoospermic, and oligoasthenozoospermic cases. Pus cells showed an inverse relationship to sperm motility and count, except in azoospemia cases. Similarly, the fewest pus cells were observed among groups where normal forms where significantly more frequent (P <0.05). More pus cells were observed in cases where motility, and concentration or morphology was compromised. Similarly, low pus cell counts were seen in cases where sperm had the fewest head and neck defects. All kinds of sperm defects varied non-significantly (P >0.05) between proven fathers and normal concentration cases. Conclusion: High pus cell counts were observed in various subclasses of infertile patients. Ignorance of this pyospermic factor will make pyospermic patients to be misdiagnosed as normozoospermic. Therefore, the presence of pyospermia must be considered by physicians as a male infertility factor