64 research outputs found

    Dental care protocol based on visual supports for children with autism spectrum disorders

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    Background : Subjects with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) have often difficulties to accept dental treatments. The aim of this study is to propose a dental care protocol based on visual supports to facilitate children with ASDs to undergo to oral examination and treatments. Material and Methods : 83 children (age range 6-12 years) with a signed consent form were enrolled; intellectual level, verbal fluency and cooperation grade were evaluated. Children were introduced into a four stages path in or der to undergo: an oral examination (stage 1), a professional oral hygiene session (stage 2), sealants (stage 3), and, if necessary, a restorative treatment (stage 4). Each stage came after a visual training, performed by a psychologist (stage 1) and by parents at home (stages 2, 3 and 4). Association between acceptance rates at each stage and gender, intellectual level, verbal fluency and cooperation grade was tested with chi-square test if appropriate. Results: Seventy-seven (92.8%) subjects overcame both stage 1 and 2. Six (7.2%) refused stage 3 and among the 44 subjects who need restorative treatments, only three refused it. The acceptance rate at each stage was statistically significant associated to the verbal fluency ( p =0.02; p =0.04; p =0.01, respectively for stage 1, 3 and 4). In stage 2 all subjects accepted to move to the next stage. The verbal/intellectual/cooperation dummy variable was statistically associated to the acceptance rate ( p <0.01). Conclusions: The use of visual supports has shown to be able to facilitate children with ASDs to undergo dental treatments even in non-verbal children with a low intellectual level, underlining that behavioural approach should be used as the first strategy to treat patients with ASDs in dental setting

    Statistical analysis of a weighting scheme for asteroid observation astrometric errors taking into consideration the classification of the observed asteroids

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    Observations of asteroids and other near-Earth objects are of great importance for planetary defence activities, the purpose of which is to determine their positions in space and the probabilities of Earth impacts, as well as developing strategies to mitigate this risk. In this framework, having precise observations is important to describe accurately the orbits of near-Earth asteroids. However, given a general absence of a-priori uncertainty information, the single observations are given proper weights that reflect the accuracy expected by the observers who perform the observations. The weights are calculated for each observer on the base of statistical analysis of systematic and random errors and providing them with an accurate definition is necessary if the magnitude of the error of a single observation is to be correctly estimated. In this paper a statistical analysis on the residuals of the astrometric data provided by the major surveys is presented introducing a dynamic classification of observed asteroids. The observations are thus subdivided between those relative to Near Earth and Main Belt Asteroids and the quality of the data for each station is studied focussing on this classification. The results show that most of the considered stations have the same quality regardless of the measured object, while four of them show a dependency on this factor

    The Outcome of Technical Intraoperative Complications Occurring in Standard Aortic Endovascular Repair

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    Background Technical intraoperative complications (TICs) may occur during standard endovascular repair (EVAR) with possible effects on the outcome. This study evaluates the early and midterm effects of TICs on EVARs. Methods All EVARs (from 2012 to 2016) were analyzed to identify all TICs: (1) endoluminal defects (stenosis, dissection, rupture, compression of native arteries, or endograft); (2) type I-III endoleaks; (3) unplanned artery coverage; and (4) surgical access complications. Follow-up was performed by Doppler ultrasound/ontrast enhanced ultrasound/computed tomography scan at yearly intervals. The outcome was compared with that of uneventful cases (UCs) through Fisher's exact test and Kaplan-Maier curve. Results TICs occurred in 68 (18%) of 377 patients undergoing EVAR. Thirty-two endoluminal defects were relined endovascularly; 24 type I-III endoleaks were treated with cuff deployment/forced ballooning (23) and surgical conversion (1); 3 of 8 unplanned artery coverages were revascularized (2 renal and 1 hypogastric); 5 hypogastric coverages had an unsuccessful correction; and 4 access artery injuries were repaired. Although fluoroscopy time and contrast usage were significantly higher in the TIC group than those in the UC group (309 cases), 30-day outcome was similar for death (1.4% TIC vs 0% UC, P = 0.18), reintervention (0% TIC vs 0.3% UC, P = 1), type I-III endoleak (0% TIC vs 0.9% UC, P = 1), steno-occlusions (0% TIC vs 0.3% UC, P = 1), buttock claudication, and renal failure (0% in both groups). At 24 months, TIC and UC groups had similar survival (91.7 ± 8% vs 96.2 ± 2.1%, P = 0.5), freedom from reintervention (81.4 ± 9.9% vs 96 ± 2.2%, P = 0.49), overall complication rate (13.4 ± 7.6% vs 11.4 ± 3.5%, P = 0.49), type I-III endoleak (11.2 ± 7.5% vs 7 ± 2.9%, P = 0.8), buttock claudication (0% vs 2 ± 2% P = 0.6), and hemodialysis (0% in both). Midterm iliac leg occlusion was significantly higher in the TIC group (26.9 ± 12.3% vs 3 ± 2.1%, P = 0.01). Conclusion TICs may affect several aspects during EVAR, leading to the necessity of adjunctive maneuvers, which have no impact on early outcome but may cause an increased rate of midterm iliac leg occlusion

    Long-term Memory of Sensory Experiences from the First Pregnancy, its Peri-partum and Post-partum in Women with Autism Spectrum Disorders without Intellectual Disabilities: A Retrospective Study

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    Purpose: To explore the recalled experience of pregnancy and motherhood in women diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) without intellectual disabilities, focusing on sensory perceptions and mood. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated, through an ad-hoc structured interview, the sensory sensitivity during the pre-partum, the peri-partum, and the post-partum of thirty-three mothers with ASD and thirty-two neurotypical mothers. Participants also underwent a psychometric assessment about autistic traits, general sensory sensitivity, and post-partum depressive symptomatology. Results: Mothers with ASD recalled a higher sensitivity than the comparison group across the three time-points; however, during the peri-partum their recalled hypersensitivity decreases, and in the post-partum it returned as high as before childbirth. The difference in the length of recall between groups did not statistically influence our results. Higher levels of autistic traits correlated with higher depressive post-partum symptomatology. Conclusions: Mothers with ASD seem to recall their experience of pregnancy, childbirth, and post-partum period differently from neurotypical mothers, particularly in terms of hypersensitivity. The correlation with depressive symptoms and the potential role of oxytocin and of long-term memory (encoding and recollection) are discussed. Further exploring these aspects might give fundamental hints to provide tailored support to mothers with ASD during pregnancy and motherhood

    An automated procedure for the detection of the Yarkovsky effect and results from the ESA NEO Coordination Centre

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    Context: The measurement of the Yarkovsky effect on near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) is common practice in orbit determination today, and the number of detections will increase with the developments of new and more accurate telescopic surveys. However, the process of finding new detections and identifying spurious ones is not yet automated, and it often relies on personal judgment. Aims: We aim to introduce a more automated procedure that can search for NEA candidates to measure the Yarkovsky effect, and that can identify spurious detections. Methods: The expected semi-major axis drift on an NEA caused by the Yarkovsky effect was computed with a Monte Carlo method on a statistical model of the physical parameters of the asteroid that relies on the most recent NEA population models and data. The expected drift was used to select candidates in which the Yarkovsky effect might be detected, according to the current knowledge of their orbit and the length of their observational arc. Then, a nongravitational acceleration along the transverse direction was estimated through orbit determination for each candidate. If the detected acceleration was statistically significant, we performed a statistical test to determine whether it was compatible with the Yarkovsky effect model. Finally, we determined the dependence on an isolated tracklet. Results: Among the known NEAs, our procedure automatically found 348 detections of the Yarkovsky effect that were accepted. The results are overall compatible with the predicted trend with the the inverse of the diameter, and the procedure appears to be efficient in identifying and rejecting spurious detections. This algorithm is now adopted by the ESA NEO Coordination Centre to periodically update the catalogue of NEAs with a measurable Yarkovsky effect, and the results are automatically posted on the web portal.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&

    Perspectives on Large Language Models for Relevance Judgment

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    When asked, current large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT claim that they can assist us with relevance judgments. Many researchers think this would not lead to credible IR research. In this perspective paper, we discuss possible ways for LLMs to assist human experts along with concerns and issues that arise. We devise a human-machine collaboration spectrum that allows categorizing different relevance judgment strategies, based on how much the human relies on the machine. For the extreme point of "fully automated assessment", we further include a pilot experiment on whether LLM-based relevance judgments correlate with judgments from trained human assessors. We conclude the paper by providing two opposing perspectives - for and against the use of LLMs for automatic relevance judgments - and a compromise perspective, informed by our analyses of the literature, our preliminary experimental evidence, and our experience as IR researchers. We hope to start a constructive discussion within the community to avoid a stale-mate during review, where work is dammed if is uses LLMs for evaluation and dammed if it doesn't

    Sensibilidad de indicadores biológicos edáficos en un Argiudol de la Región Pampeana Argentina

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    Mantener la calidad de los suelos y la productividad de los cultivos es un desafío importante para la agricultura moderna. Prácticas de manejo que tiendan a incrementar el contenido de carbono del suelo y a la vez favorecer la supervivencia y actividad microbiana podrían contribuir a la sustentabilidad de los sistemas agrícolas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar los cambios producidos por diferentes prácticas de manejo (sistemas de labranza e inclusión de cultivo de cobertura) sobre parámetros biológicos, con el fin de determinar su capacidad como indicadores sensibles de calidad del suelo. En un ensayo ubicado en EEA-INTA Marcos Juárez (Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina), sobre muestras compuestas de suelo (profundidad de muestreo entre 0-7,5 cm) se evaluó: el carbono orgánico del suelo (CO), el carbono de la biomasa microbiana (CBM), el cociente metabólico (qCO2 ) y las actividades enzimáticas (fosfatasa ácida, ureasa y deshidrogenasa) durante seis fechas de muestreo. Los tratamientos fueron: labranza combinada (LC); siembra directa (SD) y siembra directa con cultivo de cobertura (SDCC). Se muestreó además un pastizal antiguo que no ha recibido laboreo desde el inicio del ensayo (año 1993), considerado como Suelo de Referencia (R). Las parcelas bajo cultivo presentaron diferencias significativas (p < 0,05) con respecto a R para el CO, el CBM, el qCO2 y las tres enzimas evaluadas. Las pérdidas de CO en los tratamientos LC, SD y SDCC con respecto a R fluctuaron entre 39,2%, 35,1% y 29,1%, respectivamente. Comparando los sistemas de manejo a lo largo de los seis muestreos, LC presentó menor CBM, con valores que oscilaron entre 50% y 67% de lo hallado en SDCC. La eficiencia metabólica en SDCC fue mayor con respecto a LC, debido a que presentó valores significativamente menores de qCO2 (en promedio 32%). Asimismo, LC presentó una menor actividad enzimática (fosfatasa ácida, ureasa y deshidrogenasa), con respecto a SDCC (p < 0,05). Se halló una correlación positiva entre actividades enzimáticas y CBM, y entre CBM y CO. A través de técnicas de análisis multivariado se pudieron diferenciar agrupamientos y obtener una variable resumen que podría interpretarse como un índice simple de calidad del suelo. El CO no resultó ser un indicador sensible para diferenciar los sistemas de manejo, pero no obstante fue sensible para separar el Suelo de Referencia del resto de los tratamientos. En cambio, las variables biológicas permitieron diferenciar el efecto de los distintos manejos, identificándose al sistema de SDCC como el que más aportó a la sustentabilidad y conservación biológica del suelo. Se propone al CBM como un indicador sensible, que además puede integrar diversas funciones edáficas puesto que presentó elevada correlación con la actividad enzimática y con el carbono orgánico del suelo. Asimismo, el cociente metabólico resultó ser un indicador apropiado puesto que determina la eficiencia metabólica de la población microbiana a través de su actividad respiratoria por unidad de carbono microbiano.The maintenance of soil quality and crop productivity is an important goal for modern agriculture. Soil tillage systems that improve the soil organic carbon and also favor the survival and activity of soil microorganisms could contribute to the sustainability of agricultural systems. The aim of the work was to assess the changes produced by different management practices (tillage systems and cover crop) on soil biological parameters in order to evaluate their capacity as sensitive soil quality indicators. The trial was carried out at the Agriculture Experimental Station INTA Marcos Juárez (Province of Cordoba-Argentina), with different soil management techniques. Soil organic carbon (OC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), soil enzyme activities (acid phosphatase, dehydrogenase and urease) and metabolic quotient (qCO2) were determined on soil samples (0-7.5 cm sampling depth) at six sampling times. The management techniques were: combined tillage (CL), no-tillage (NT) and no-tillage with cover crop (NTCC). An old pasture that has not been tilled since 1993 was also sampled as a reference (R). Soil organic carbon, MBC and soil enzyme activities were higher in the undisturbed soil (R) than in the cropped plots (p < 0.05), while the qCO2 was significantly lower. The OC decrease was 39.2%, 35.1% and 29.1% for CL, NT and NTCC, respectively. The CL treatment showed lower MCB values (between 50% and 67%) than those found in NTCC. Metabolic efficiency was significantly higher in NTCC than in CL (qCO2 was 32% lower). A lower enzymatic activity (acid phosphatase, urease and dehydrogenase) was found in CL with respect to NTCC (p < 0.05). Soil enzymes were positively correlated with MBC, and OC with MBC. Multivariate data analysis allowed group treatments and a summary variable was obtained that could be interpreted as a simple index of soil quality. The OC was not a sensitive indicator to differentiate management systems. However, it was sensitive enough to detect changes between R with respect the other treatments. Instead, biological parameters allowed for differentiation of effect of different management, identifying the system NTCC as the greatest contributor to the sustainability and biological soil conservation. Microbial biomass carbon is suggested as a sensitive indicator since it is related to various soil functions. Also, the metabolic quotient (qCO2) has proved to be a suitable indicator because it determines the metabolic efficiency of the microbial population through the relation between basal respiration per unit of MBC.Manter a qualidade dos solos e a produtividade das culturas é um importante desafío para a agricultura moderna. As práticas de gestão que tendam a aumentar o conteúdo de carbono do solo e por sua vez favoreçam a sobrevivência e a atividade microbiana são suscetíveis de contribuir para a sustentabilidade dos sistemas agrícolas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações produzidas por diferentes práticas de gestão (sistemas de plantio incluindo as culturas de cobertura) sobre parâmetros biológicos com o objetivo de determinar a sua capacidade como indicadores sensíveis da qualidade do solo. Num ensaio levado a cabo em EEA-INTA Marcos Juárez (Provincia de Córdoba Argentina), usando amostras de solo compostas (profundidade de amostragem 0-7,5 cm) avaliou-se: o carbono orgânico do solo (CO), o carbono da biomassa microbiana (CBM), o quociente metabólico (qCO2 ) e as atividades enzimáticas (fosfatase ácida, urease e deshidrogenase) durante seis datas de amostragem. Os tratamentos efetuados foram: plantio combinado (PC); sementeira direta (SD) e sementeira direta com cultura de cobertura (SDCC). Para além disso, amostrou-se uma pastagem antiga que não tinha sido intervencionada desde o inicio do ensaio (ano 1993), considerado como Solo de Referência (R). As parcelas cultivadas apresentaram diferenças significativas (p < 0,05) relativamente a R para o CO, CBM, qCO2 e para as três enzimas avaliadas. As perdas de CO nos tratamentos PC, SD e SDCC relativamente a R flutuaram entre 39,2%, 35,1% e 29,1%, respetivamente. Comparando os sistemas de gestão ao longo das seis amostragens, PC apresentou menor CBM com valores que oscilaram entre 50% e 67% do encontrado em SDCC. A eficiencia metabólica em SDCC foi maior para PC, devido a ter apresentado valores significativamente menores de qCO2 (em média 32%). Mesmo assim, PC apresentou uma menor atividade enzimática (fosfatase ácida, urease e deshidrogenase), relativamente a SDCC (p < 0,05). Encontrou-se uma correlação positiva entre as atividades enzimáticas e CBM; e entre CBM e CO. Recorrendo a técnicas de análise multivariada foi possível diferenciar agrupamentos e obter uma variável resumo que poderá interpretar-se como um índice simples de qualidade do solo. O CO não se mostrou como um indicador sensível para diferenciar os sistemas de gestão, não obstante tenha sido sensível para separar o Solo de Referencia dos restantes tratamentos. Pelo contrário, as variáveis biológicas permitiram diferenciar o efeito das distintas técnicas de gestão, identificando o sistema de SDCC como o que mais contribuiu para a sustentabilidade e conservação biológica do solo. Propõe-se o CBM como um indicador sensível, que para além disso pode integrar diversas funções edáficas já que apresentou elevada correlação com a atividade enzimática e com o carbono orgânico do solo. O quociente metabólico surge como um indicador apropriado uma vez que determina a eficiencia metabólica da população microbiana através da sua atividade respiratoria por unidade de carbono microbiano.EEA Marcos JuárezFil: Ferreras, Laura Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Toresani, Silvia María Inés. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Faggioli, Valeria Soledad. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Marcos Juárez; ArgentinaFil: Galarza, Carlos Martin. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Marcos Juárez; Argentin

    Guideline on carotid surgery for stroke prevention: updates from the Italian Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. A trend towards personalized medicine

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    Background: This guideline (GL) on carotid surgery as updating of "Stroke: Italian guidelines for Prevention and Treatment" of the ISO-SPREAD Italian Stroke Organization-Group, has recently been published in the National Guideline System and shared with the Italian Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (SICVE) and other Scientific Societies and Patient's Association. Methods: GRADE-SIGN version, AGREE quality of reporting checklist. Clinical questions formulated according to the PICO model. Recommendations developed based on clinical questions by a multidisciplinary experts' panel and patients' representatives. Systematic reviews performed for each PICO question. Considered judgements filled by assessing the evidence level, direction, and strength of the recommendations. Results: The panel provided indications and recommendations for appropriate, comprehensive, and individualized management of patients with carotid stenosis. Diagnostic and therapeutic processes of the best medical therapy, carotid endarterectomy (CEA), carotid stenting (CAS) according to the evidences and the judged opinions were included. Symptomatic carotid stenosis in elective and emergency, asymptomatic carotid stenosis, association with ischemic heart disease, preoperative diagnostics, types of anesthesia, monitoring in case of CEA, CEA techniques, comparison between CEA and CAS, post-surgical carotid restenosis, and medical therapy are the main topics, even with analysis of uncertainty areas for risk-benefit assessments in the individual patient (personalized medicine [PM]). Conclusions: This GL updates on the main recommendations for the most appropriate diagnostic and medical-surgical management of patients with atherosclerotic carotid artery stenosis to prevent ischemic stroke. This GL also provides useful elements for the application of PM in good clinical practice

    Guidelines for improving statistical analyses of validation datasets for plant pest diagnostic tests

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    peer reviewedAppropriate statistical analysis of the validation data for diagnostic tests facilitates the evaluation of the performance criteria and increases the confidence in the conclusions drawn from these data. A comprehensive approach to analysing and reporting data from validation studies and inter-laboratory comparisons such as test performance studies is described. The proposed methods, including statistical analyses, presentation and interpretation of the data, are illustrated using a real dataset generated during a test performance study conducted in the framework of the European project, VALITEST. This analytical approach uses, wherever possible and whenever applicable, statistical analyses recommended by international standards illustrating their application to plant health diagnostic tests. The present work is addressed to plant health diagnosticians and researchers interested and/or involved in the validation of plant diagnostic tests, and also aims to convey the necessary information to those without a statistical background. Detailed statistical explanations are provided in the Appendices