16 research outputs found

    Flyplassarbeidet i Trøndelag under andre verdenskrig

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    Denne masteroppgaven undersøker byggearbeidet tre entreprenørbedrifter fra Trondheim utførte for okkupasjonsmakten i Norge under andre verdenskrig. Under okkupasjonen utførte direktørene Nils Christensen, A/S Cementstøberi & Entreprenørforretning; Egil Larssen, A/S Jernbeton; og Ingolf Stiegler og Roar Mauring, A/S Betongbygg en rekke byggeprosjekter for Tyskland, først gjennom de nevnte selskapene og senere gjennom såkalte arbeidsfellesskaper. Disse var A/S Trondheimsentreprenørenes Felleskontor og A/S Centralbygg. Under rettsoppgjøret ble direktørene særlig etterforsket for arbeidet de hadde utført ved flyplassene Værnes og Lade fra april 1940. Denne oppgaven drøfter hvorfor direktørene utførte tyskerarbeid, og hvordan arbeidet utviklet seg over tid. Gjennom en dokumentanalyse av rettsmaterialet fra den økonomiske landssviksaken vil oppgaven vise at direktørene ikke begynte arbeidet ved flyplassene frivillig, men som følge av press av tyske myndigheter og til dels av lokale myndigheter. Videre vil oppgaven vise at direktørene utførte tyskerarbeid gjennom hele okkupasjonen, og at over halvparten av arbeidsfellesskapenes omsetningen fra arbeidet stammet fra byggeprosjektene på flyplassene. Oppgaven vil vise at arbeidsforholdet til de tyske oppdragsgiverne ikke var statisk, og at dette må forstås ut ifra de ulike byggeprosjektenes krigsviktighet og tidspunkt, og ikke som et resultat av frivillighet. Oppgaven vil også undersøke fortjenesten fra arbeidet, og funnene indikerer at arbeidet ga en relativt lav fortjeneste

    Mer samstämmiga laboratorieresultat efter övergången till INR. Skillnaderna mellan sjukhus- och primärvårdslaboratorier utjämnade

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    In 1999 a new and simplified procedure for calibration of the Owren prothrombin time (Owren PT) assay was introduced in Sweden by the national external quality assessment scheme (Equalis). The new protocol allowed local calibration by means of lyophilised national plasma calibrators and expression of results as an international normalised ratio (INR). A two-year follow-up involving analysis of data from all laboratories that have returned results to Equalis is reported. There was a significant reduction in both between-laboratory and within-laboratory variation after the introduction of the new calibration procedure. For the larger hospital laboratories analysing external controls with INR>2, the mean coefficient of variation (CV) was reduced from 9.1% to 5.6% (P<0.0001). The corresponding results from smaller laboratories in the primary health care units showed a similar decrease in CV from 8.8% to 6.3% (P<0.0001). This study shows that the Owren PT assay is well suited for INR calibration employing calibrant plasmas

    Effects of the oral, direct factor Xa inhibitor edoxaban on routine coagulation assays, lupus anticoagulant and anti-Xa assays

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    Edoxaban is an oral direct factor Xa inhibitor for prophylaxis and treatment of thromboembolic disorders. The effects on common coagulation assays are clinically valuable information and in certain clinical situations a quick assessment of the anticoagulant is wanted. Our aim was to investigate the effect of edoxaban on routine coagulation methods and evaluate anti-Xa assays, commonly used for other direct factor Xa inhibitors, for estimation of the drug concentration. Edoxaban was spiked to plasma samples from healthy subjects in the concentration range 0–742 µg/L and analyzed using different reagents for activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and prothrombin time (PT). Assays for antithrombin, activated protein C resistance, lupus anticoagulant (LA) and chromogenic anti-Xa assays were also included. Edoxaban displayed similar effects in vitro to other oral direct Xa inhibitors. The concentration needed to double the coagulation time varied between assays and reagents; 539–758 µg/L for the APTT and between 329 and 2505 µg/L for the PT. Edoxaban gave false high antithrombin activities in assays based on Xa-inhibition. Two integrated assays for LA, both based on activation with dilute Russell’s viper venom, displayed different results. Chromogenic anti-Xa assays displayed linear dose-response curves with edoxaban up to approximately 500 µg/L. In conclusion, therapeutic concentrations of edoxaban variably affect different coagulation assays, and even different reagents within an assay group. In comparison with other oral Xa-inhibitors, the in vitro effects of edoxaban were more similar to rivaroxaban than apixaban. For measurement of edoxaban concentration in plasma, it is possible to use the chromogenic anti-Xa assays

    Calibration services in the frame of accredited coagulation EQA schemes - Meeting the IVD directive

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    Organisers of external quality assurance programmes may, for various reasons, also manufacture in vitro diagnostic medical devices, or provide calibration services. This paper describes measures taken by a Swedish organiser to meet the requirements of the European Commission's directive 98/79/EC for a national calibration of prothrombin time. Quality management system requirements and interactions with coagulation experts are summarised

    "Amoralle" Brand Development Strategy in the International Market

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    Maģistra darba „Amoralle zīmola attīstības stratēģija starptautiskajā tirgū” mērķis ir pētot starptautiskā mārketinga un preču virzīšanas tirgū metodes, kā arī luksusa zīmola nozīmes uzņēmumā teorētisko pamatojumu, izanalizēt „Amoralle” darbību Latvijā un izstrādāt uzņēmuma attīstības plānu starptautiskajā tirgū. Darbā tika apskatīts zīmola jēdziens, patērētāju uzvedība luksusa zīmola izvēlē, luksusa zīmols, starptautiskais zīmols un sadarbības zīmols. Autore apkopoja Latvijas uzņēmēju interviju rezultātus un darba beigās izstrādāja uzņēmuma attīstības plānu starptautiskajā tirgū. Maģistra darba beigās veikti secinājumi un izstrādāti priekšlikumi uzņēmuma darbības uzlabošanai un attīstībai. Darbs sastāv no 90 lapaspusēm, 10 tabulām, 18 attēliem un 12 pielikumiem. Atslēgvārdi: starptautiskais mārketings, interneta mārketings, luksusa zīmols.Master's Thesis "Amoralle brand development strategy for the international market" is studying international marketing and trade promotion in the market methods, as well as the luxury brand company meanings theoretical basis, to analyze "Amoralle" Latvian functioning and development of the company's development plan for the international market. The study looked brand concept, consumer behavior luxury brand of choice, luxury brand, international brand and brand cooperation. The author summarized the results of the interviews of Latvian businesses and the end of work developed by the company's development plan for the international market. Master's Thesis at the end made conclusions and proposals to improve the company's operations and development. The work consists of 90 pages, 10 tables, 18 images and 12 annexes. Keywords: international marketing, internet marketing, luxury brand

    Effects of the oral, direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran on five common coagulation assays

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    Dabigatran is an oral, reversible thrombin inhibitor that has shown promising results in large clinical trials. Laboratory monitoring is not needed but the effects on common coagulation assays are incompletely known. Dabigatran was added to plasma from healthy subjects in the concentration range 0-1,000 mu g/l and analysed using several reagents for activated thromboplastin time (APTT), prothrombin time (PT), fibrinogen, antithrombin, and activated protein C resistance. Typical trough concentrations are about 50 mu g/l, peak concentrations 100-300 mu g/l. At 100 mu g/l all APTT-results were prolonged. The concentration required to double APTT ranged between 227 and 286 mu g/l, the responses for all five reagents were similar. PT-reagents were much less affected with almost no samples above INR 1.2 at 100 mu g/l. The effect was sample dilution dependent with PT Quick type more sensitive than PT Owren type methods. If a patient on dabigatran has prolonged APTT, andgt; 90 seconds, and Quick PT INR andgt; 2 or Owren PT INR andgt; 1.5 over-dosing or accumulation of dabigatran should be considered. Two of four fibrinogen reagents underestimated the fibrinogen concentration considerably at expected peak concentration. Methods based on inhibition of thrombin over-estimated the antithrombin concentration, but not Xa-based. The APC-resistance methods over-estimated the APC-ratio, which may lead to miss-classification of factory Leiden patients as being normal. Different coagulation assays, and even different reagents within an assay group, display variable effects at therapeutic concentrations of dabigatran. Some of these assay variations are of clinical importance, thus knowledge is needed for a correct interpretation of results.This article is not an exact copy of the original published article in THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS. The definitive publisher-authenticated version is available:: Tomas Lindahl, Fariba Baghaei, Inger Fagerberg Blixter, Kerstin Gustafsson, Lennart Stigendal, Margareta Sten-Linder, Karin Strandberg and Andreas Hillarp, Effects of the oral, direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran on five common coagulation assays, 2011, THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS, (105), 2, 371-378. http://dx.doi.org/10.1160/TH10-06-034