209 research outputs found

    Domestic violence in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus

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    Gender-based violence is an issue that has become a part of modern society, cutting across cultures, race, ethnicity and status. In Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus, gender-based violence manifests in the form of domestic violence, projected through the Eugene Achike family around whom the story, set in the eastern part of Nigeria, revolves. Clearly, the domination of women is the most fundamental form of female subjugation in the African society. This is largely due to cultural influences for, the patriarchal culture, inherent in the African society, encourages prejudices against women, and accepts the battery of wives (and, by extension, children) by husbands as normal. Domestic violence is therefore a regular feature in many African homes, a situation which is portrayed by Adichie in her debut novel, Purple Hibiscus, as she advocates change in the attitude of society to this anomaly. The success of her advocacy is the focus of this article

    Feminist consciousness and assertiveness in Ifeoma Okoye’s Behind the Clouds and Chimere

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    In recent years, African women writers, among them Ifeoma Okoye, have focused on representing the lives and experiences of women in the African society in their literary works. Okoye is an African feminist who advocates feminist consciousness as a concept through which women can be enlightened for consciousness-raising, empowerment and assertiveness in her novels, Behind the Clouds and Chimere, while emphasizing education, economic independence and sisterhood as avenues for feminist consciousness-raising and actualization. This paper will, therefore, adopt the feminist approach in analyzing these works with a view to evaluating the impact of feminist consciousness on the lives of Okoye’s female characters and how effectively they utilize education, economic independence and sisterhood to strategize, redefine themselves, challenge the status quo and attain their goals

    Women, protest and social change in Julie Okoh’s Edewede

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    The 21st century African society is rife with oppressive and retrogressive customs and values that oppress and subjugate women. As a result, African women writers have embraced literary forms and subjects that highlight these issues and advocate for their elimination from society. Among these writers is Julie Okoh, a playwright, who projects her concerns about the dangers of female circumcision in her play, Edewede. Using feminism as a theoretical framework, this article interrogates Okoh’s adoption of the principles of two opposing feminist perspectives─African and radical feminism─with a view to revealing their impact in rousing her female characters from subservience, ignorance and passivity, to revolt against their oppression through social protest. It is discovered that education, consciousness-raising, sisterhood, female solidarity and resilience are powerful tools for women’s empowerment in the play. It is recommended that women should not be context bound in their choice and expression of feminist perspectives, strategies or weapons in the fight against gender inequality, oppression and exploitation; they should be open to contemporary avenues and progressive choices that will pave the way to their emancipation and social change

    When Enough is Enough: Breaking Free from Intimate Partner Violence in YejideKilanko’s Chasing Butterflies

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    Gender-based violence has become a common feature in gender relations globally, with women as the main victims. However, despite the fact that violence against women has been recognized as a violation of their human rights, the African society, in particular, is still plagued by gendered violence particularly in families. Adopting postmodern feminism as a theoretical framework, this article examines Kilanko’s portrayal of the devastating impact of gender-based violence, particularly intimate partner violence, on the female protagonist in Chasing Butterflies. In so doing, it establishes that dominant gendered norms and unequal power relations between men and women in the African society are the root causes of violence against women in intimate partner relationships such as marriage. The article, therefore, explores avenues of awareness-raising in the novel, as well as options and resources through which women can be effectively empowered to confront and surmount their status as victims leading to the realization of their rights and freedom

    Feminism in Africa and African Women’s Writing

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    Feminism developed out of the discontents of women in the West. Although African women, over the ages, have always been sensitive to all forms of discrimination within the African society, the emergence of feminism and feminist consciousness-raising awakened in them a new awareness of their oppression through the inequalities in society, reinforced by patriarchal tradition and culture. Many African women have aligned themselves with feminism and the feminist cause and, despite all odds have made remarkable progress in their lives and society and gained respectable acceptance and recognition from even the most stubborn reluctance of male domination. This trend has been captured by African women writers in their literary works which reflect the progress African women have made in transitioning from the margin to the centre and their contributions to social change. Key Words: Feminism, Africa, patriarchy, African women, consciousness-raising, chang

    The impact of women on the growth and development of the Niger Delta, Nigeria

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    Although women play very significant roles in various spheres of the Niger Delta region in Nigeria, their contributions to the growth of the region are, often, not acknowledged or encouraged.The objective of this paper, therefore, is to highlight their roles and areas where they have positively impacted the development of the Niger Delta, as well as the avenues through which they can raise the bar in their developmental efforts in the region. The following are, therefore, identified as key areas where women have excelled and, if granted more opportunities, could greatly impact further advancement in the Niger Delta and Nigeria as a whole: the family, the educational sector, the economic sector, the political sector, women groups, non governmental organizations and activists, and the creative industry.Keywords: Niger Delta, women, gender equality, development, empowermen

    Studying Phase And Morphology Of Hydrocarbon Petrochemicals In Inorganic And Organic Microdroplets Using An Electrodynamic Balance

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    Wastewater from the petroleum industry contains large amounts of inorganic salts, hydrocarbons, mercaptans, oil and grease, phenols, and other organic chemicals. All these compounds can be found in highly complex solutions in the petroleum industry’s discharged water, and there is no common treatment method, which precludes reuse paths in other sectors such as irrigation of farmland. In order to reuse produced water, the water must be treated and these harmful chemicals must be removed. To treat and potentially reuse oily waste outside the energy sector, researchers typically use membrane technology, photocatalytic degradation, oxidation processes, electrochemical catalysis, and other methods. The goal of this project is to introduce a novel method to measure chemical thermodynamic properties, such as water activities, of produced water. I demonstrate that the electrodynamic balance (EDB) technology is beneficial for exploring properties of produced water that can be applied to treatment and reuse in the future

    Tinjauan Perpajakan atas Transaksi Pemanfaatan Musik pada Lembaga Manajemen Kolektif

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    Music is a work of intellectual property and art that can become a national potential that must be protected. As technology develops, bush communities are close to music in their daily lives for entertainment, industry, commercial and education. And also makes music or songs more quickly known in the ears of listeners thereby increasing its utilization. The creator or owner of the right to use the music has the right attached to it to get compensation for the use of copyright and / or related rights or commonly known as royalties. The creator or right owner must be a member of the Collective Management Institute (LMK) to be able to obtain economic rights in the form of royalties so that only LMK, the representative of the creator or right owner, collect and distribute royalties. LMK as a non-profit entity receives income in the form of fees or commissions for the total income received from the beneficiaries. Of course, income from the use of music has been deducted by income tax article 23 and can be used as a tax credit with annual income tax payable. The question arises as to who exactly the income is attributed to and who is entitled to the tax credit, as well as how the taxation aspects of the distribution of royalties to the creator or right holder so that in an effort to support effective tax administration and on the basis of justice. Keywords:  Royalty Income Tax, Collective Management Institute, Music Utilizatio

    Comparison of Antioxidant Activity of Ethanolic, Methanolic, n-Hexan, and Aqueous Extract of Parkia speciosa Peel based on Half -Maximal Inhibitory Concentration Through Free Radical Inhibition

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    The objectives of this study was to determine the half maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50) from four types of Parkia speciosa peel extracts (ethanol, methanol, n-hexane, and aqueous)  through DPPH free radical inhibition. First Parkia’s peel extract made by drying the Parkia’s peel that has been sorted, then crushed and mashed with a blender. Parkia’s powder then macerated for 3 replication using each type of solvent and then solvent evaporation was carried out using a rotary vacuum evaporator. The evaporated extract produced then tested for antioxidant activity using the IC50 method and phytochemical screening was performed to analyze the potential content of functional compounds. The results showed that all types of solvents dissolve alkaloid compounds (except water extract), flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and phenols. IC50 values produced from the four types of petai bark extract using methanol, ethanol, water, and n-hexane solvents sequentially were 76.92; 111; 136; and 201 ppm. Methanol extract had the lowest IC50 value of 76.92 ppm which resulted that the methanol extract of petai skin had a strong (active) antioxidant strength compared to others.Keywords: Antioxidant, Exctract, Parkia’s peel, IC5
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