37 research outputs found
Renormalized masses of heavy Kaluza-Klein states
Several ways of computing the radiative corrections to the heavy boson masses
in Kaluza-Klein theory are discussed. It is argued that only an intrinsically
higher dimensional approach embodies all the desired physical properties.Comment: LaTeX, 22 pages. Fully rewritten and streamlined. Five and six
dimensional cases treated separatelly. References adde
Ultraviolet divergences in Higher-Dimensional Field Theories
Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Física Teórica. Fecha de lectura: 18-06-0
Monopoles and confinement in three dimensions from holography
We study the phase diagram of a confining three-dimensional
supersymmetric theory with holographic dual
corresponding to a known string theory solution. The theory possesses a global
symmetry under which magnetic monopoles are charged. We introduce
both temperature and an external magnetic field for monopoles and find that
there are deconfinement phase transitions as any of the two is increased,
supporting monopole condensation as the possible mechanism for confinement. We
find that the transition as the magnetic field is increased is second order,
providing the first example in holographic duals of a deconfinement transition
which is not first order. We also uncover a rich structure in the phase
diagram, with a triple point and a critical point where a line of first order
transitions end.Comment: 27 pages + appendices, 11 figures. Expansions available at
Towards a holographic quark matter crystal
We construct the gravity dual of d = 4, N=4N=4 , SU(Nc) super Yang-Mills theory, coupled to Nf flavors of dynamical quarks, at non-zero temperature T and nonzero quark density Nq. The supergravity solutions possess a regular horizon if T > 0 and include the backreaction of Nc color D3-branes and Nf flavor D7-branes with Nq units of electric flux on their worldvolume. At zero temperature the solutions interpolate between a Landau pole singularity in the ultraviolet and a Lifshitz geometry in the infrared. At high temperature the thermodynamics is directly sensitive to the Landau pole, whereas at low temperature it is not, as expected from effective field theory. At low temperature and sufficiently high charge density we find thermodynamic and dynamic instabilities towards the spontaneous breaking of translation invariance
Unimodular cosmology and the weight of energy
Some models are presented in which the strength of the gravitational coupling
of the potential energy relative to the same coupling for the kinetic energy
is, in a precise sense, adjustable. The gauge symmetry of these models consists
of those coordinate changes with unit jacobian.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, conclusions expanded. Two paragraphs and a new
reference adde
Three-dimensional super Yang-Mills with compressible quark matter
We construct the gravity dual of three-dimensional, SU(Nc) super Yang-Mills theory with Nf flavors of dynamical quarks in the presence of a non-zero quark density Nq. The supergravity solutions include the backreaction of Nc color D2-branes and Nf flavor D6-branes with Nq units of electric flux on their worldvolume. For massless quarks, the solutions depend non-trivially only on the dimensionless combination ρ = Nc2Nq/λ2Nf4, with λ = gYM2Nc the ’t Hooft coupling, and describe renormalization group flows between the super Yang-Mills theory in the ultraviolet and a non-relativistic theory in the infrared. The latter is dual to a hyperscaling-violating, Lifshitz-like geometry with dynamical and hyperscaling-violating exponents z = 5 and θ = 1, respectively. If ρ ≪ 1 then at intermediate energies there is also an approximate AdS4 region, dual to a conformal Chern-Simons-Matter theory, in which the flow exhibits quasi-conformal dynamics. At zero temperature we compute the chemical potential and the equation of state and extract the speed of sound. At low temperature we compute the entropy density and extract the number of low-energy degrees of freedom. For quarks of non-zero mass Mq the physics depends non-trivially on ρ and MqNc/λNf
(Super)Yang-Mills at Finite Heavy-Quark Density
We study the gravitational duals of d-dimensional Yang-Mills theories with d ≤ 6 in the presence of an O(N2) density of heavy quarks, with N the number of colors. For concreteness we focus on maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills, but our results apply to a larger class of theories with or without supersymmetry. The gravitational solutions describe renormalization group flows towards infrared scaling geometries characterized by fixed dynamical and hyperscaling-violating exponents. The special case d = 5 yields an AdS3×R4×S4 geometry upon uplifting to M-theory. We discuss the multitude of physical scales that separate different dynamical regimes along the flows, as well as the validity of the supergravity description. We also present exact black brane solutions that encode the low-temperature thermodynamics
Phase transitions in a three-dimensional analogue of Klebanov-Strassler
We use top-down holography to study the thermodynamics of a one-parameter family of three-dimensional, strongly coupled Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theories with M-theory duals. For generic values of the parameter, the theories exhibit a mass gap but no confinement, meaning no linear quark-antiquark potential. For two specific values of the parameter they flow to an infrared fixed point or to a confining vacuum, respectively. As in the Klebanov-Strassler solution, on the gravity side the mass gap is generated by the smooth collapse to zero size of a cycle in the internal geometry. We uncover a rich phase diagram with thermal phase transitions of first and second order, a triple point and a critical point
Holographic Complex Conformal Field Theories
The loss of criticality in the form of weak first-order transitions or the end of the conformal window in gauge theories can be described as the merging of two fixed points that move to complex values of the couplings. When the complex fixed points are close to the real axis, the system typically exhibits walking behavior with Miransky (or Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless) scaling. We present a novel realization of these phenomena at strong coupling by means of the gauge/gravity duality, and give evidence for the conjectured existence of complex conformal field theories at the fixed points
Three-dimensional super Yang-Mills with compressible quark matter
We construct the gravity dual of three-dimensional, SU(N c) super Yang-Mills theory with N f flavors of dynamical quarks in the presence of a non-zero quark density N q. The supergravity solutions include the backreaction of N c color D2-branes and N f flavor D6-branes with N q units of electric flux on their worldvolume. For massless quarks, the solutions depend non-trivially only on the dimensionless combination ρ = N c 2 N q/λ 2 N f 4 , with λ = g YM 2 N c the 't Hooft coupling, and describe renormalization group flows between the super Yang-Mills theory in the ultraviolet and a non-relativistic theory in the infrared. The latter is dual to a hyperscaling-violating, Lifshitz-like geometry with dynamical and hyperscaling-violating exponents z = 5 and θ = 1, respectively. If ρ ≪ 1 then at intermediate energies there is also an approximate AdS4 region, dual to a conformal Chern-Simons-Matter theory, in which the flow exhibits quasi-conformal dynamics. At zero temperature we compute the chemical potential and the equation of state and extract the speed of sound. At low temperature we compute the entropy density and extract the number of low-energy degrees of freedom. For quarks of non-zero mass M q the physics depends non-trivially on ρ and M q N c /λN f