12 research outputs found
Unraveling the sperm transcriptome by next generation sequencing and the global epigenetic landscape in infertile men
LâinfertilitĂ© masculine est actuellement considĂ©rĂ©e comme un problĂšme majeur qui pose une situation alarmante sur la santĂ© publique. Lâoligozoospermie, lâasthĂ©nozoospermie et la tĂ©ratozoospermie sont les trois anomalies les plus connues des spermatozoĂŻdes. Elles affectent, respectivement, la densitĂ©, la motilitĂ© et la morphologie des spermatozoĂŻdes. Un spermatozoĂŻde anormal est trĂšs souvent corrĂ©lĂ© Ă des altĂ©rations gĂ©nĂ©tiques et Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tiques qui peuvent affecter considĂ©rablement le transcriptome. Dans ce sens, le sĂ©quençage alĂ©atoire du transcriptome entier des spermatozoĂŻdes ou RNA-seq constitue un outil puissant pour caractĂ©riser ces maladies. JusquâĂ prĂ©sent, il nâexiste aucune Ă©tude exploitant des donnĂ©es RNA-seq chez des hommes prĂ©sentant de telles anomalies spermatiques. Lâobjectif principal de notre Ă©tude fĂ»t dâidentifier des profils distincts des modifications du transcriptome de chaque phĂ©notype dâinfertilitĂ© pour ainsi rĂ©vĂ©ler des gĂšnes-signatures qui tamponnent une spermatogenĂšse pathologiquePour ce faire, les transcriptomes des spermatozoĂŻdes de 60 sujets infertiles atteints soit dâoligozoospermie, dâasthĂ©nozoospermie ou de tĂ©ratozoospermie ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s Ă ceux de 20 patients fertiles. Ces analyses supervisĂ©es nous ont conduit Ă identifier: (i) les gĂšnes clĂ©s spĂ©cifiques aux diffĂ©rentes anomalies des spermatozoĂŻdes (ii) les voies de signalisation associĂ©es, (ii) les diffĂ©rents longs ARNs non codants dĂ©rĂ©gulĂ©s dans ces anomalies. Au niveau de lâoligozoospermie, les transcrits de spermatozoĂŻdes dĂ©rĂ©gulĂ©s Ă©taient associĂ©es Ă divers stades de la spermatogenĂšse, y compris le cycle cellulaire mĂ©iotique, lâassemblage du complexe synaptonĂ©mal, la cohĂ©sion des chromatides sĆurs, les processus mĂ©taboliques de piRNA, le processus catabolique protĂ©ique dĂ©pendant de la voie de lâubiquitine, Ă la rĂ©ponse aux dommages de l'ADN et particuliĂšrement le processus de fĂ©condation. Quant Ă lâasthenozoospermia, la spermatogenĂšse, lâassemblage du cil, des voies mĂ©taboliques reliĂ©es Ă la spermatogenĂšse, la chimiotaxie et la physiologie des cellules immunitaires ont Ă©tĂ© significativement dĂ©rĂ©gulĂ©s. De plus, ce qui nous a intĂ©ressĂ© au plus Ă©tait lâanalyse des transcrits sous-exprimĂ©s qui a permis lâidentification de nombreux transcrits associĂ©es aux modifications des histones. Nous avons aussi mis en Ă©vidence une sous expression des gĂšnes diffĂ©rentiellement exprimĂ©s qui dĂ©finit la tĂ©ratozoospermie. Cette sous expression est associĂ©e au systĂšme ubiquitine-protĂ©asome, Ă lâorganisation du cytosquelette, au cycle cellulaire, Ă la SUMOylation en rĂ©ponse aux dommages de l'ADN et aux protĂ©ines de rĂ©paration ainsi quâĂ de nombreux modulateurs Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tiques. Les gĂšnes signature de l'oligozoospermie ont Ă©tĂ© liĂ©s au processus de fĂ©condation et les composants de la matrice extracellulaire, tandis que ceux de la tĂ©ratozoospermie sont liĂ©s Ă la spermatogenĂšse et la morphogenĂšse cellulaire, alors que les gĂšnes signature de l'asthĂ©nozoospermie sont impliquĂ©s dans l'assemblage du ribosome et du flagelle. En complĂ©ment de cette Ă©tude, nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude trĂšs globale du paysage Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tique du sperme des hommes infertiles. Nous avons, ainsi comparĂ© les niveaux des espĂšces rĂ©actives de lâoxygĂšne (ERO), de mĂ©thylation de lâADN, ainsi que lâintĂ©gritĂ© de la chromatine dans les spermatozoĂŻdes de 30 individus infertiles avec ceux de 33 individus fertiles. Nos analyses montrent des niveaux Ă©levĂ©s dâERO chez les individus infertiles. Ces niveaux sont dâune part nĂ©gativement corrĂ©lĂ©s avec les niveaux de mĂ©thylation globale de lâADN et dâautre part nĂ©gativement corrĂ©lĂ©s avec ceux de la 5-hydroxymĂ©thylcytosine et de la 5-formylcytosine (intermĂ©diaire dans le processus de dĂ©mĂ©thylation active). Ces derniers suggĂšrent quâune infertilitĂ© associĂ©e au stress oxydatif conditionne lâĂ©pigĂ©nome du sperme. En conclusion, lâensemble de notre travail apporte des ressources prĂ©cieuses et originales dans la comprĂ©hension des pathologies de sperme.Male infertility is actually considered as a public alarming health problem. The sperm pathologies spectrum ranges between different phenotypes including oligozoospermia, asthenozoospermia and teratozoospermia depending on the sperm conventional parameters abnormalities. Abnormal sperm is characterized by genetic alterations and epigenetic alterations which can affect the transcriptome extensively. These alterations in RNA profiles are retrospectively indicative of aberrant spermatogenic events. RNA-seq is a powerful tool for comprehensive characterization of whole transcriptome. To date, RNA-seq analysis of sperm from infertile men has not been reported. Our objectives are: (i) recognize key clusters, key pathways and specific gene transcripts for different sperm abnormalities; (ii) catalog the spermatozoal lncRNAs in different sperm pathologies; (iii) identify signature genes which are mechanistically important in the cascade of events driving a pathological spermatogenesis; (iii) portray the global epigenetic landscape in sperm from infertile men. Expression data from 60 sperm samples from 3 groups of infertile men (oligozoospermia, asthenozoospermia, and teratozoospermia) were generated on Illumina HiSeq platform, compared to 20 fertiles, and the resulting gene expression patterns were analyzed for functional enrichment. Our supervised analyses identified numerous differentially expressed genes between fertile and infertile men. In oligozoospermia, the deregulated spermatozoal transcripts were associated with various stages of spermatogenesis including meiotic cell cycle, synaptonemal complex assembly, sister chromatid cohesion, piRNA metabolic process, ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process, cellular response to DNA damage stimulus and interestingly fertilization. As for asthenozoospermia, spermatogenesis, cilium assembly, metabolic-related pathways, chemotaxis and immune cell physiology were most significantly differentially expressed. Interestingly, numerous transcripts associated with histone modifications were highly down-regulated. With regards to teratozoospermia, we evidenced sperm-specific differentially expressed genes which are involved in the ubiquitin-proteasome, cytoskeleton organization, the cell cycle pathway, SUMOylation of DNA damage response and repair proteins, as well as many putative epigenetic modulators of gene expression.. We also attempted to identify distinct patterns of gene expression changes that were definite to the different abnormal sperm phenotypes in infertile men relative to controls. Signature genes of oligozoospermia were over-enriched by genes involved in fertilization and extracellular matrix components, while signature genes of teratozoospermia were enriched by genes involved in spermatogenesis and cellular components involved in morphogenesis, whilst signature genes of asthenozoospermia were enriched by genes implicated in ribosome and cilium assembly.We complemented this work by a parallel epigenetic analysis of the global epigenetic landscape in infertile men. We compared the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), DNA integrity and global epigenetic parameters in sperm from 33 infertile subjects with abnormal semen parameters compared to fertile individuals. We pointed out that infertile men are characterized by strikingly high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which were in part negatively correlated with the global DNA methylation, and positively correlated with the levels of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine and 5-formylcytosine (active demethylation intermediates). These findings suggest that male infertility associated with oxidative stress shapes the sperm epigenetic landscape. In summary, this original work yielded a transcriptional portrait of sperm abnormalities and provided valuable resources that would further elucidate sperm pathologies
Exploration du transcriptome spermatique par le sĂ©quençage nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration et le portrait Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tique de lâinfertilitĂ© masculine
Male infertility is actually considered as a public alarming health problem. The sperm pathologies spectrum ranges between different phenotypes including oligozoospermia, asthenozoospermia and teratozoospermia depending on the sperm conventional parameters abnormalities. Abnormal sperm is characterized by genetic alterations and epigenetic alterations which can affect the transcriptome extensively. These alterations in RNA profiles are retrospectively indicative of aberrant spermatogenic events. RNA-seq is a powerful tool for comprehensive characterization of whole transcriptome. To date, RNA-seq analysis of sperm from infertile men has not been reported. Our objectives are: (i) recognize key clusters, key pathways and specific gene transcripts for different sperm abnormalities; (ii) catalog the spermatozoal lncRNAs in different sperm pathologies; (iii) identify signature genes which are mechanistically important in the cascade of events driving a pathological spermatogenesis; (iii) portray the global epigenetic landscape in sperm from infertile men. Expression data from 60 sperm samples from 3 groups of infertile men (oligozoospermia, asthenozoospermia, and teratozoospermia) were generated on Illumina HiSeq platform, compared to 20 fertiles, and the resulting gene expression patterns were analyzed for functional enrichment. Our supervised analyses identified numerous differentially expressed genes between fertile and infertile men. In oligozoospermia, the deregulated spermatozoal transcripts were associated with various stages of spermatogenesis including meiotic cell cycle, synaptonemal complex assembly, sister chromatid cohesion, piRNA metabolic process, ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process, cellular response to DNA damage stimulus and interestingly fertilization. As for asthenozoospermia, spermatogenesis, cilium assembly, metabolic-related pathways, chemotaxis and immune cell physiology were most significantly differentially expressed. Interestingly, numerous transcripts associated with histone modifications were highly down-regulated. With regards to teratozoospermia, we evidenced sperm-specific differentially expressed genes which are involved in the ubiquitin-proteasome, cytoskeleton organization, the cell cycle pathway, SUMOylation of DNA damage response and repair proteins, as well as many putative epigenetic modulators of gene expression.. We also attempted to identify distinct patterns of gene expression changes that were definite to the different abnormal sperm phenotypes in infertile men relative to controls. Signature genes of oligozoospermia were over-enriched by genes involved in fertilization and extracellular matrix components, while signature genes of teratozoospermia were enriched by genes involved in spermatogenesis and cellular components involved in morphogenesis, whilst signature genes of asthenozoospermia were enriched by genes implicated in ribosome and cilium assembly.We complemented this work by a parallel epigenetic analysis of the global epigenetic landscape in infertile men. We compared the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), DNA integrity and global epigenetic parameters in sperm from 33 infertile subjects with abnormal semen parameters compared to fertile individuals. We pointed out that infertile men are characterized by strikingly high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which were in part negatively correlated with the global DNA methylation, and positively correlated with the levels of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine and 5-formylcytosine (active demethylation intermediates). These findings suggest that male infertility associated with oxidative stress shapes the sperm epigenetic landscape. In summary, this original work yielded a transcriptional portrait of sperm abnormalities and provided valuable resources that would further elucidate sperm pathologies.LâinfertilitĂ© masculine est actuellement considĂ©rĂ©e comme un problĂšme majeur qui pose une situation alarmante sur la santĂ© publique. Lâoligozoospermie, lâasthĂ©nozoospermie et la tĂ©ratozoospermie sont les trois anomalies les plus connues des spermatozoĂŻdes. Elles affectent, respectivement, la densitĂ©, la motilitĂ© et la morphologie des spermatozoĂŻdes. Un spermatozoĂŻde anormal est trĂšs souvent corrĂ©lĂ© Ă des altĂ©rations gĂ©nĂ©tiques et Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tiques qui peuvent affecter considĂ©rablement le transcriptome. Dans ce sens, le sĂ©quençage alĂ©atoire du transcriptome entier des spermatozoĂŻdes ou RNA-seq constitue un outil puissant pour caractĂ©riser ces maladies. JusquâĂ prĂ©sent, il nâexiste aucune Ă©tude exploitant des donnĂ©es RNA-seq chez des hommes prĂ©sentant de telles anomalies spermatiques. Lâobjectif principal de notre Ă©tude fĂ»t dâidentifier des profils distincts des modifications du transcriptome de chaque phĂ©notype dâinfertilitĂ© pour ainsi rĂ©vĂ©ler des gĂšnes-signatures qui tamponnent une spermatogenĂšse pathologiquePour ce faire, les transcriptomes des spermatozoĂŻdes de 60 sujets infertiles atteints soit dâoligozoospermie, dâasthĂ©nozoospermie ou de tĂ©ratozoospermie ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s Ă ceux de 20 patients fertiles. Ces analyses supervisĂ©es nous ont conduit Ă identifier: (i) les gĂšnes clĂ©s spĂ©cifiques aux diffĂ©rentes anomalies des spermatozoĂŻdes (ii) les voies de signalisation associĂ©es, (ii) les diffĂ©rents longs ARNs non codants dĂ©rĂ©gulĂ©s dans ces anomalies. Au niveau de lâoligozoospermie, les transcrits de spermatozoĂŻdes dĂ©rĂ©gulĂ©s Ă©taient associĂ©es Ă divers stades de la spermatogenĂšse, y compris le cycle cellulaire mĂ©iotique, lâassemblage du complexe synaptonĂ©mal, la cohĂ©sion des chromatides sĆurs, les processus mĂ©taboliques de piRNA, le processus catabolique protĂ©ique dĂ©pendant de la voie de lâubiquitine, Ă la rĂ©ponse aux dommages de l'ADN et particuliĂšrement le processus de fĂ©condation. Quant Ă lâasthenozoospermia, la spermatogenĂšse, lâassemblage du cil, des voies mĂ©taboliques reliĂ©es Ă la spermatogenĂšse, la chimiotaxie et la physiologie des cellules immunitaires ont Ă©tĂ© significativement dĂ©rĂ©gulĂ©s. De plus, ce qui nous a intĂ©ressĂ© au plus Ă©tait lâanalyse des transcrits sous-exprimĂ©s qui a permis lâidentification de nombreux transcrits associĂ©es aux modifications des histones. Nous avons aussi mis en Ă©vidence une sous expression des gĂšnes diffĂ©rentiellement exprimĂ©s qui dĂ©finit la tĂ©ratozoospermie. Cette sous expression est associĂ©e au systĂšme ubiquitine-protĂ©asome, Ă lâorganisation du cytosquelette, au cycle cellulaire, Ă la SUMOylation en rĂ©ponse aux dommages de l'ADN et aux protĂ©ines de rĂ©paration ainsi quâĂ de nombreux modulateurs Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tiques. Les gĂšnes signature de l'oligozoospermie ont Ă©tĂ© liĂ©s au processus de fĂ©condation et les composants de la matrice extracellulaire, tandis que ceux de la tĂ©ratozoospermie sont liĂ©s Ă la spermatogenĂšse et la morphogenĂšse cellulaire, alors que les gĂšnes signature de l'asthĂ©nozoospermie sont impliquĂ©s dans l'assemblage du ribosome et du flagelle. En complĂ©ment de cette Ă©tude, nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude trĂšs globale du paysage Ă©pigĂ©nĂ©tique du sperme des hommes infertiles. Nous avons, ainsi comparĂ© les niveaux des espĂšces rĂ©actives de lâoxygĂšne (ERO), de mĂ©thylation de lâADN, ainsi que lâintĂ©gritĂ© de la chromatine dans les spermatozoĂŻdes de 30 individus infertiles avec ceux de 33 individus fertiles. Nos analyses montrent des niveaux Ă©levĂ©s dâERO chez les individus infertiles. Ces niveaux sont dâune part nĂ©gativement corrĂ©lĂ©s avec les niveaux de mĂ©thylation globale de lâADN et dâautre part nĂ©gativement corrĂ©lĂ©s avec ceux de la 5-hydroxymĂ©thylcytosine et de la 5-formylcytosine (intermĂ©diaire dans le processus de dĂ©mĂ©thylation active). Ces derniers suggĂšrent quâune infertilitĂ© associĂ©e au stress oxydatif conditionne lâĂ©pigĂ©nome du sperme. En conclusion, lâensemble de notre travail apporte des ressources prĂ©cieuses et originales dans la comprĂ©hension des pathologies de sperme
The STAR format journal club: An equation for evidence-based education and empowerment of allied health professionals
A journal club is an effective way to promote the evaluation of scientific literature and the adoption of evidence-based practices. We developed a STAR format journal club (JC) for allied health professionals. This format is based on inviting a âstarâ author to present his group's article. Participants will evaluate the paper using the STAR (Study design validity, Tackling the methodology, Analysis of the results, Reflecting the results into practice) concise critical appraisal checklist. The STAR format JC will help participants develop an efficient and consistent means to appraise evidence, stay abreast of the latest clinical research, network directly with researchers, and be empowered to stimulate change. Alternatively, the participation of authors in an educational activity may broaden the impact of their research, increase the level of engagement for participants, and influence practice decisions
The value of the modern embryologist to a successful IVF system: Revisiting an age-old question
The embryology laboratory remains the major factor influencing the overall performance of the IVF clinic. Clinical embryology, however, has undergone a significant change and development over the last decade. The changes and development have been science and technology-driven, in both practice and education.
Main body
The changes in clinical embryology practice have created a significant challenge for both the profession and the embryologist. Often under-valued in the eyes of the clinicâs leadership, IVF clinic leaders must understand that embryologists have a significant impact on clinical outcomes and patient retention. They also enable many services that are significant revenue generators and may add prestige to the clinic. This framework will serve as the flagship document to extract value from the embryologist role as an intellectual intangible asset for the clinic.
To fully leverage a modern embryologist's skill set, significant investment is required from the IVF clinicsâ leadership that is, however, associated with a substantial return on the investment. From their side, embryologists should be prepared for further developments and innovations and adapt themselves to survive practicing clinical embryology. The profession needs also to prepare itself for the future to properly train high-caliber embryologists
Clinical impact of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy in patients with recurrent implantation failure in Vitro fertilization cycles. A retrospective study.
Hypothesis and aims
We hypothesize that adverse reproductive history such as infertile couple with RIF associated with low embryo euploidy rate and hence poor outcome in IVF treatment compared to infertile couples with non-RIF and fertile couples with a normal implantation potential.
Participants: Patients undergoing IVF treatment using preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A).
Exposure: RIF diagnosed patients (three previous failed IVF attempts)
Comparison: (a) Non-RIF and (b) fertile couple undergoing PGT-A eg. For family inherited disease.
Outcome: Euploidy rate, Implantation rates (sac/embryo transferred), sustained implantation rates (fetal cardiac activity at 8 weeks/embryo transferred), ongoing pregnancy rates (PRs) (beyond 8 weeks), and live birth rate per ET
A comprehensive IVF laboratory COVID-19 pandemic response plan
The potential of a severe pandemic necessitates the development of an organized, rational plan for the operation of embryology/andrology laboratories without the compromise of the safety of personnel and gametes/embryos. A comprehensive pandemic response plan was proposed for embryology and andrology laboratories for prepandemic preparedness, reduction or hibernation of procedures and return to normal function. Preparation involves many plans and logistics before a pandemic risk rises. Many operational changes can be considered based on the severity and duration of the pandemic. This plan includes logistical arrangements, reducing labor needs, conserving supplies, protective measures for embryologists and biological materials
Antioxidants modulation of sperm genome and epigenome damage: Fact or fad? Converging evidence from animal and human studies
Increasing evidence suggests that oxidative stress plays a major role in the pathogenesis of sperm DNA damage. Oxidative stress was also recently found to modulate the epigenetic make up of sperm. Along these lines, a growing body of evidence in both experimental and clinical studies has implicated several regimens of antioxidants, by oral administration or in vitro supplementation to sperm-preparation media, in improving various sperm parameters namely DNA damage. While these studies exhibited heterogeneity in treatment regimens, and variability in methodology, there remains a lack of quality evidence on the association between micronutrients and sperm DNA integrity. Another ancillary effect of antioxidants administration on sperm is the shaping of the epigenome. It is beginning to surface that micronutrients function as potent modulators of the sperm epigenome-regulated gene expression through regulation of mainly DNA methylation in humans and experimental models. However, the few promising experimental studies on mice supported the notion that epigenetic marks in spermatogenesis are dynamic and can be modulated by nutritional exposure. More so, the sperm epigenome was proposed to transfer a so-called epigenomic map to the offspring which can influence their development. Here, we review and summarize the current evidence in human and animal models research regarding the link between genome and epigenomeâŻĂâŻmicronutrients environment interactions on the sperm nuclear damage. Unfortunately, our conclusion is not very conclusive, rather, it opens an avenue to investigate the fortifying effect of antioxidants on sperm cells. Hopefully, further genome and epigenome-wide studies focusing on the prenatal environment, will serve as a promising route for embodying the possibility of ânormalizationâ and restoration of some offspring health cues. Keywords: Sperm, Antioxidants, Micronutrients, Reactive oxygen species, Genome, Epigenom
Are urologists underrepresented on fertility clinic websites? A web-based analysis
Infertile couples frequently utilize the Internet to find various reproductive clinics and research their alternatives. Patients are increasingly using self-referral because of online information on health-care providers. The objective is to compare the image of infertility specialists to other team members on the websites of reproductive clinics.
Information was gathered during November and December 2022 from two publicly accessible online registries which include the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority located in the United Kingdom and the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology located in the United States. We looked over every website that was accessible, paying close attention to how each team member was portrayed online.
We examined a total of 447 clinic websites. Only 8% of the profiles of male infertility doctors were included. Contrarily, most websites (96%), which specialize in reproductive endocrinology and infertility, feature the profiles of female infertility experts. Male infertility professionals also had significantly lower representation than other clinic employees, such as nurses (55.7%, P < 0.0001), directors of embryology laboratories (46.5%, P < 0.0001), office personnel (39.6%, P < 0.0001), and embryology specialists (29.7%, P < 0.0001).
Although male factor infertility explains the existence of over half of all cases of infertility, urologists who specialize in male infertility are glaringly understated on websites for fertility clinics. By improving this issue, fertility clinics can draw in more patients by making all members of the care team more visible