1,249 research outputs found

    RAM-Efficient External Memory Sorting

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    In recent years a large number of problems have been considered in external memory models of computation, where the complexity measure is the number of blocks of data that are moved between slow external memory and fast internal memory (also called I/Os). In practice, however, internal memory time often dominates the total running time once I/O-efficiency has been obtained. In this paper we study algorithms for fundamental problems that are simultaneously I/O-efficient and internal memory efficient in the RAM model of computation.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of ISAAC 2013, getting the Best Paper Awar

    Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum Esculentum Mill.) pada Pemberian Berbagai Jenis Mulsa

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    This research was conducted in Bulupountu Dusun Jaya, District Sigi Biromaru, Sigi in June to October 2015. This study was conducted to compare the effect of various mulch types (organic and inorganic) on the growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill). This study uses a randomized block design consisted of five treatments, A0 = without mulch, A1= black plastic mulch, A2=silver plastic mulch, A3 = johar leaf mulch, A4 = rice straw mulch. Each treatment was repeated five times so that there are 25 experimental units. Mulching can increase growth and yield of tomato plants. Type silver plastic mulch provides the best growth and yield of tomato plants, especially on fruit weight parameters

    Tectono-stratigraphic correlations between Northern Evvoia, Skopelos and Alonnisos, and the postulated collision of the Pelagonian carbonate platform with the Paikon forearc basin (Pelagonian–Vardar zones, Internal Hellenides, Greece)

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    The Pelagonian stratigraphy of the Internal Hellenides consists of a Permo-Triassic basement and an Upper Triassic and Jurassic carbonate platform formation that has been overthrust by the Eohellenic ophiolite sheet during the Early Cretaceous. Intensive erosion, during the Cretaceous, removed most of the ophiolite and parts of the Jurassic formation. It is hypothesised that uplift and erosion of eastern Pelagonia was triggered by the break-off of the subducted oceanic leading edge of the Pelagonian plate. An investigation of the rocks that succeed the erosional unconformity shows that they constitute a shear-zone that is tectonically overlain by Cretaceous platform carbonates. Geochemical analyses of the shear-zone rocks substantiate that they are of mid-oceanic ridge and island arc provenience. Eastern Pelagonia collided with a Cretaceous carbonate platform, probably the Paikon forearc basin, as the Almopias ocean crust subducted beneath that island–arc complex. The Cretaceous platform, together with a substrate of sheared-off ocean floor mélange, overthrust eastern Pelagonia as subduction continued, and the substrate was dynamically metamorphosed into cataclastic rocks, mylonite, phyllonite and interpreted pseudotachylite. This complex of Cretaceous platform rocks and a brittle-ductile shear-zone-substrate constitute the here named Paikon–Palouki nappe, which was emplaced during Early Palaeocene. The Paikon–Palouki nappe did not reach Evvoia. Seismic tomographic models of the Aegean region apparently depict images of two broken-off ocean-plate-slabs, interpreted as Almopias-lithosphere-slabs. It is concluded that the western Almopias slab began to sink during the Early Cretaceous, while the eastern Almopias slab broke off and sank after the Paikon–Palouki nappe was emplaced in the Early Palaeocene

    Heaps and heapsort on secondary storage

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    AbstractA heap structure designed for secondary storage is suggested that tries to make the best use of the available buffer space in primary memory. The heap is a complete multi-way tree, with multi-page blocks of records as nodes, satisfying a generalized heap property. A special feature of the tree is that the nodes may be partially filled, as in B-trees. The structure is complemented with priority-queue operations insert and delete-max. When handling a sequence of S operations, the number of page transfers performed is shown to be O(∑i = 1S(1P) log(MP)(NiP)), where P denotes the number of records fitting into a page, M the capacity of the buffer space in records, and Ni, the number of records in the heap prior to the ith operation (assuming P ⩾ 1 and S > M ⩾ c · P, where c is a small positive constant). The number of comparisons required when handling the sequence is O(∑i = 1S log2 Ni). Using the suggested data structure we obtain an optimal external heapsort that performs O((NP) log(MP)(NP)) page transfers and O(N log2 N) comparisons in the worst case when sorting N records

    Orexin A-induced enhancement of attentional processing in rats: role of basal forebrain neurons

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    Orexins are neuropeptides released in multiple brain regions from neurons that originate within the lateral hypothalamus and contiguous perfornical area. The basal forebrain, a structure implicated in attentional processing, receives orexinergic inputs. Our previous work demonstrated that administration of an orexin-1 receptor antagonist, SB-334867, systemically or via infusion directly into the basal forebrain, can disrupt performance in a task that places explicit demands on attentional processing. Given that the orexin-1 receptor binds orexin A with high affinity, we tested whether orexin A could enhance attention in rats. Attentional performance was assessed using a task that required discrimination of variable duration visual signals from trials when no signal was presented. We also tested whether infusions of orexin A into the lateral ventricle could attenuate deficits following lesions of medial prefrontal cortical cholinergic projections that arise from the basal forebrain. Infusions of orexin A into the basal forebrain attenuated distracter-induced decreases in attentional performance. Orexin A attenuated deficits in lesioned animals when a visual distracter was presented. The present results support the view that orexin A can enhance attentional performance via actions in the basal forebrain and may be beneficial for some conditions characterized by attentional dysfunction due to disruption of cortical cholinergic inputs

    Effect of Adding Lycopene to the Ration on Some Blood Serum Biochemical Traits of Broiler Ross 308

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    This study was conducted at Poultry Farm of Animal Resources Dept., College of Agriculture, University of AL-Qasim Green to investigate the effect of adding Lycopene to the ration on some blood serum biochemical traits of broiler Ross 308 . Use the 90 broiler chicks Ross 308 day-old were randomly assigned to three treatments (by 3 replicates per treatment 10 chicks per replicate),  and treatments were as follows : control group without adding lycopene to the diet, add lycopene by 250 mg / kg feed ( first treatment)  and add  lycopene by 500 mg / kg feed ( second treatment) . The experiment included a study of the following characteristics: concentrations of glucose , protein , cholesterol and triglycerides . The results indicated that the addition of lycopene by 250  and 500 mg / kg feed to broiler diet led to a significant improvement in blood serum biochemical traits of broiler  . Keywords : lycopene , blood serum biochemical traits , broile

    Guidelines for Sustainable Construction Methods to Build Over Difficult Topographies

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    Sustainable construction development is a recent term that is required to create an eco-friendly built environment using renewable and recyclable resources and to reduce energy consumption and waste within protecting the natural environment. This term means such an improvement that pleases the current requirements without limitation of the prospect of sustaining requirements in future. Many problems face builders while executing projects, especially these projects were decided to be built over difficult topographies, such as rivers, falls, inclinations, caves, ridges, cliffs, and mountains. Construction challenges to build a project over a difficult topography are diverse starting by executing piles, retaining walls, conserving stability, and choosing the proper sustainable materials that can withstand the natural environmental factors. This paper sheds the light on the potential of any site\u27s certain criteria; mostly its topography and slope on the provision of sustainable and ecological buildings. It seeks to recognize the sustainable and ecological variables of site topography, consuming a set of characteristics for each building type. The main aim of this research is to propose guidelines of sustainable construction methods that can be used to enable builders to build over difficult topographies, particularly on mountains. The research therefore depended on a scientific methodology through analyzing a sort of literature sources to structure a theoretical base, and then certain parameters were concluded. These parameters were used to analyze a concentrated case study on a site attaching (Beaufort Castle-Chkif), located in Arnoun South of Lebanon. Data of this field-work was conducted by site-visits, capturing photos, interviews, and questionnaire. This site is envisioned to be tested for building projects over sloped contour lines of Chkif Mountain. The paper provides an application for the development of the guidelines for passive and sustainable capability on favorite orientations on the buildings in difficult sloped areas with respect to the climatic local data, Application of the idea of the sustainable and ecological development in the building construction will be an origin of engineering and scientific inspiration for many coming years. One of the conclusion points is the preferable typology of projects to be built over mountains is touristic and entertainment activity to attract people. The sloped contour lines may be employed to be a potential not threat

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Menggunakan Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Problem Based Learning Pada Materi Fluida Statis Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika

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    This study aims to determine the effect of using student worksheet based problem based learning on static fluid material to physics learning outcomes and to improve physics study result.The subjects of this study are students of class XI IPA 6 and 5 SMAN 16 Bandarlampung as many as 64 students. The research design used is Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The test result of independent sample t-test obtained tcount>ttable (9.965> 1.670) and significance (0.000≤0.05) mean that there is influence of learning result between experiment class and control class. The average N-gain value in the experimental class is 0.570, while 0.298 for the control class. This means a larger increase when viewed from the difference in average N-gain learning outcomes of experimental class physics with control classes.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan lembar kerja siswa berbasis problem based learning pada materi fluida statis terhadap hasil belajar fisika dan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar fisika. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPA 6 dan 5 SMAN 16 Bandarlampung sebanyak 64 siswa. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Hasil uji independent sample t-test didapatkan nilai thitung>ttabel (9,965>1,670) dan signifikansi (0,000≤0,05) artinya terdapat pengaruh hasil belajar antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Rata-rata nilai N-gain pada kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,570, sedangkan 0,298 untuk kelas kontrol. Artinya terjadi peningkatan yang lebih besar jika dilihat dari perbedaan rata-rata N-gain hasil belajar fisika kelas eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol
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