8 research outputs found

    Potential impacts of climate change on the primary production of regional seas: A comparative analysis of five European seas

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    Regional seas are potentially highly vulnerable to climate change, yet are the most directly societally important regions of the marine environment. The combination of widely varying conditions of mixing, forcing, geography (coastline and bathymetry) and exposure to the open-ocean makes these seas subject to a wide range of physical processes that mediates how large scale climate change impacts on these seas’ ecosystems. In this paper we explore the response of five regional sea areas to potential future climate change, acting via atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial vectors. These include the Barents Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, North Sea, Celtic Seas, and are contrasted with a region of the Northeast Atlantic. Our aim is to elucidate the controlling dynamical processes and how these vary between and within these seas. We focus on primary production and consider the potential climatic impacts on: long term changes in elemental budgets, seasonal and mesoscale processes that control phytoplankton’s exposure to light and nutrients, and briefly direct temperature response. We draw examples from the MEECE FP7 project and five regional model systems each using a common global Earth System Model as forcing. We consider a common analysis approach, and additional sensitivity experiments. Comparing projections for the end of the 21st century with mean present day conditions, these simulations generally show an increase in seasonal and permanent stratification (where present). However, the first order (low- and mid-latitude) effect in the open ocean projections of increased permanent stratification leading to reduced nutrient levels, and so to reduced primary production, is largely absent, except in the NE Atlantic. Even in the two highly stratified, deep water seas we consider (Black and Baltic Seas) the increase in stratification is not seen as a first order control on primary production. Instead, results show a highly heterogeneous picture of positive and negative change arising from complex combinations of multiple physical drivers, including changes in mixing, circulation and temperature, which act both locally and non-locally through advection

    Human Disease Associated with Clostridium perfringens Enterotoxin

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    Physiology of Euphausia superba

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    Since the 1920s, E. superba is one of the best studied species in the Southern Ocean in terms of their general biology. The main driver for this research focus has been the fisheries’ requirements for stock forecasting and conservation measures. Nowadays this is joined by concerns over climate change effects and the requirement to take a more holistic over view to understand food web structures. So far, however, we do not have a clear understanding of the physiological response of krill and hence their adaptability to cope with ongoing environmental changes, caused by the anthropogenic carbon emissions. This is due to the extreme lack of intense studies on krill physiology, especially of their larval stages in relation to their seasonal environment. A major aim of this book chapter is on the one hand to summaries how physiological functions such as lipid accumulation and utilisation, metabolic activity and growth change with ontogeny and season and to demonstrate which environmental factors are the main drivers for seasonal variability of these functions in adult and larval krill. On the other hand, we draw the attention to the importance of photoperiod (day length) as an entrainment cue for endogenous rhythms and clocks in the life cycle of krill. Furthermore, we give an overview of the current knowledge on the impact of elevated seawater temperature and ocean acidification on krill

    Antarctica’s ecological isolation will be broken by storm-driven dispersal and warming

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    Antarctica has long been considered biologically isolated1. Global warming will make parts of Antarctica more habitable for invasive taxa, yet presumed barriers to dispersal—especially the Southern Ocean’s strong, circumpolar winds, ocean currents and fronts—have been thought to protect the region from non-anthropogenic colonizations from the north1,2. We combine molecular and oceanographic tools to directly test for biological dispersal across the Southern Ocean. Genomic analyses reveal that rafting keystone kelps recently travelled >20,000 km and crossed several ocean-front ‘barriers’ to reach Antarctica from mid-latitude source populations. High-resolution ocean circulation models, incorporating both mesoscale eddies and wave-driven Stokes drift, indicate that such Antarctic incursions are remarkably frequent and rapid. Our results demonstrate that storm-forced surface waves and ocean eddies can dramatically enhance oceanographic connectivity for drift particles in surface layers, and show that Antarctica is not biologically isolated. We infer that Antarctica’s long-standing ecological differences have been the result of environmental extremes that have precluded the establishment of temperate-adapted taxa, but that such taxa nonetheless frequently disperse to the region. Global warming thus has the potential to allow the establishment of diverse new species—including keystone kelps that would drastically alter ecosystem dynamics—even without anthropogenic introductions