92 research outputs found

    A night airglow study of the hydroxyl (OH) rotational-vibrational molecular spectra in the (8,3) sequence and its diurnal temperature and intensity variation.

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, 1968.Bibliography: leaves 54-59.M.S

    Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Padi Pada Sawah Irigasi Di Kecamatan Junrejo Kota Batu

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    Kecamatan Junrejo merupakan sentra utama penanaman padi (sawah irigasi) di Kota Batu. Luas lahan sawah irigasi di Kecamatan Junrejo mencapai 290 ha dengan total produksi mencapai 1740 ton (6 ton/ha pada tahun 2015). Kecamatan Junrejo terbagi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu: bagian barat (Desa Tlekung, Junrejo, dan Beji) dan bagian timur (Desa Pendem, Torongrejo, Dadaprejo, dan Mojorejo) dengan rata-rata produksi 4.5 ton/ha (bagian barat) dan 6 ton/ha (bagian timur). Adanya variasi produksi di Kecamatan Junrejo, sehingga perlu dilakukan evaluasi kesesuaian lahan untuk menilai potensi atau kelas kesesuaiaan lahan untuk tujuan penggunaan lahan tersebut. Evaluasi lahan pada penelitian ini mengambil dari kriteria syarat tumbuh menurut Djaenuddin et al., 2003, tetapi pada kenyataannya ditemukan ketidak sesuaian dengan fakta produksi di lapangan, sehingga perlu dilakukan modifikasi syarat tumbuh tanaman menggunakan persamaan Boundary Line dan hasil produksi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, yaitu: 1Mengetahui kualitas lahan padi sawah irigasi di Kecamatan Junrejo, Batu. 2Mengetahui kelas kesesuaian lahan padi sawah berdasarkan faktor pembatas yang ditemui. 3Menyusun persyaratan tumbuh tanaman padi varietas Mentik Wangi yang merupakan hasil modifikasi dari kriteria yang ada. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Junrejo, Kota Batu pada bulan Maret -Juli 2017. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei dengan acunan satuan peta lahan (SPL). SPL dibuat untuk menentuan titik pengamatan berdasarkan dari overlay peta lereng, geologi, wujud lahan dan penggunaan lahan (ditemukan 13 SPL). Karakteristik lahan yang diukur adalah pH, C-organik, Ntotal, P-tersedia, K-dd, KTK, dan KB (kimia tanah) serta tekstur (fisika tanah). Karakteristik lahan yang telah dianalisis kemudian dilakukan matching (ALES) dengan persyaratan penggunaan lahan Djaenuddin et al., (2003). Modifikasi persyaratan tumbuh tanaman menggunakan persamaan Boundary Line dan hasil produksi. Hasil matching persyaratan penggunaan lahan menurut Djaenuddin et al., (2003) dengan karakteristik lahan (aktual) menghasilkan kualitas lahan dengan kelas kesesuaian lahan cukup sesuai (S2) pada SPL 1 dan sesuai marginal (S3) pada SPL 2 - SPL13. Faktor pembatas yang ditemukan, yaitu: C-Organik, N-total, P-tersedia, K-dd dan KB. Persyaratan syarat tumbuh tanamna menurut Djaenuddin et al., (2003) tidak sesuai dengan produksi aktual, sehingga perlu dilakukan modifikasi persyaratan tumbuh tanaman menggunakan persamaan Boundary Line dan hasil produksi. Modifikasi persamaan Boundary Line dapat dilakukan apabila parameter yang ada mempunyai hubungan koefisien korelasi (r) < 0,5 dan koefisien determinasi (R2) <0,5, sehingga parameter yang dapat di modifikasi adalah N-total, P-tersedia, dan K-dd. Modifikasi hasil produksi bisa dilakukan apabila kelas kesesuaiaan lahan (KKL) tidak sesuai dengan kelas kesesuaian produksi aktual di lapangan (setelah dilakukan modifikasi persamaan Boundary Line) sehingga parameter yang dapat dimodifikasi adalah C-organik, KB, N-total, K-dd (menggunakan syarat tumbuh Djaenuddin et al., 2003) dan Ptersedia menggunakan persamaan Boundary Lin

    Estudo da qualidade de vida em portadores de Orbitopatia de Graves e diagnóstico de olho seco

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    Introdução: a orbitopatia de Graves (OG) é frequentemente associada à doença do olho seco (DED), sendo a principal causa de desconforto ocular; é multifatorial, provoca alterações na superfície ocular, aumento da fenda palpebral, maior exposição da superfície ocular, instabilidade do filme lacrimal, aumento da evaporação e osmolaridade. O diagnóstico pode ser feito em testes de rotina; a gravidade e impacto na qualidade de vida podem ser avaliados através de questionários, como o ocular surface disease index (OSDI); é uma ferramenta para avaliar sintomas subjetivos, com pontuação de 0 a 100; com 12 questões, preenchido durante consulta ambulatorial. Objetivo: analisar o impacto da DED na qualidade de vida de pacientes com OG, em fases ativa e inativa, acompanhados no Serviço de Oftalmologia do HUPES/UFBA. Metodologia: trata-se de estudo caso-controle, transversal, prospectivo, observacional e analítico. Os pacientes foram submetidos a anamnese e exame oftalmológico e, posteriormente, a testes diagnósticos para DED e ao questionário OSDI. Resultados: Participaram 29 pacientes com OG, idade média 48,7 anos, 19 do sexo feminino (65,51%); 79,31% estavam na fase inativa (CAS &lt; 3) e 20,68% na fase ativa da doença (CAS ≥ 3). Todos tiveram testes diagnósticos de DED positivos. No OSDI, 51,72% apresentaram pontuação para DED. Entretanto, pacientes com doença clinicamente inativa tiveram pontuação superior àqueles na fase ativa (24 x 12). Conclusão. este estudo analisou o impacto subjetivo da DED em pacientes com OG, tentando elucidar possíveis associações clínico-patológicas, contribuindo, assim para a terapia e melhoria na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. &nbsp

    Lees and Moonshine: Remembering Richard III, 1485-1635

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    Published version of article deposited in accordance with Sherpa Romeo guidelines. © University of Chicago Press, 2010publication-status: AcceptedNot long after Shakespeare’s birth (1564) the last witnesses to the reign of Richard III (1483-85) would have reached the end of their lives. Richard III (c. 1592) occupies a distinctive historical moment in relation to its subject – a period after the extinction of living memory, but still within the horizon of communicative memory, the period in which stories and recollections may be transmitted across multiple generations. This essay explores how memories and “postmemories” of Richard’s reign were preserved, transmitted and transformed over the course of the sixteenth century and into the seventeenth. Whilst reflecting the powerful influence of emerging contexts including the Reformation and, ultimately, Shakespeare’s play, these memories remained distinct from and sometimes at odds with textual history. They survived because they offered their bearers a resource for interpreting and resisting the predicaments of the present, from the problem of tyranny to the legacies of the Reformation

    Revisiting the utility of identifying nuclear grooves as unique nuclear changes by an object detector model

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    Background Among other structures, nuclear grooves are vastly found in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). Considering that the application of artificial intelligence in thyroid cytology has potential for diagnostic routine, our goal was to develop a new supervised convolutional neural network capable of identifying nuclear grooves in Diff-Quik stained whole-slide images (WSI) obtained from thyroid fineneedle aspiration. Methods We selected 22 Diff-Quik stained cytological slides with cytological diagnosis of PTC and concordant histological diagnosis. Each of the slides was scanned, forming a WSI. Images that contained the region of interest were obtained, followed by pre-formatting, annotation of the nuclear grooves and data augmentation techniques. The final dataset was divided into training and validation groups in a 7:3 ratio. Results This is the first artificial intelligence model based on object detection applied to nuclear structures in thyroid cytopathology. A total of 7,255 images were obtained from 22 WSI, totaling 7,242 annotated nuclear grooves. The best model was obtained after it was submitted 15 times with the train dataset (14th epoch), with 67% true positives, 49.8% for sensitivity and 43.1% for predictive positive value. Conclusions The model was able to develop a structure predictor rule, indicating that the application of an artificial intelligence model based on object detection in the identification of nuclear grooves is feasible. Associated with a reduction in interobserver variability and in time per slide, this demonstrates that nuclear evaluation constitutes one of the possibilities for refining the diagnosis through computational models

    Lawson criterion for ignition exceeded in an inertial fusion experiment

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    For more than half a century, researchers around the world have been engaged in attempts to achieve fusion ignition as a proof of principle of various fusion concepts. Following the Lawson criterion, an ignited plasma is one where the fusion heating power is high enough to overcome all the physical processes that cool the fusion plasma, creating a positive thermodynamic feedback loop with rapidly increasing temperature. In inertially confined fusion, ignition is a state where the fusion plasma can begin "burn propagation" into surrounding cold fuel, enabling the possibility of high energy gain. While "scientific breakeven" (i.e., unity target gain) has not yet been achieved (here target gain is 0.72, 1.37 MJ of fusion for 1.92 MJ of laser energy), this Letter reports the first controlled fusion experiment, using laser indirect drive, on the National Ignition Facility to produce capsule gain (here 5.8) and reach ignition by nine different formulations of the Lawson criterion

    Lawson Criterion for Ignition Exceeded in an Inertial Fusion Experiment

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    Demonstration of Ignition Radiation Temperatures in Indirect-Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion Hohlraums

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