98 research outputs found

    Perspective Studies on the Adoration of the Magi by Leonardo da Vinci

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    This paper aims to unravel the perspective construction used by Leonardo da Vinci for his iconic and celebrated unfinished painting the Adoration of the Magi. This study is the final step of years-long research brought forward by our department focused on the study of the perspective construction used by Leonardo in the preparatory drawings of his masterpiece. The first two published studies demonstrate how Leonardo re-interpreted the Albertian rules of perspective construction and used them in a non-rigorous way to draw the architectural elements of the preparatory drawings. Starting from these discoveries, this contribution aspires to complete the analysis by investigating if the same aberrations and formal errors are also present in the final painting. By inverse construction and comparison with the preparatory drawings, we observed probable perspective aberrations analogous to those observed in Uffizi’s preparatory drawing

    A design framework for Smart Cultural Objects

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    none3openMarco, Gaiani; Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio; Berta, MartiniMarco, Gaiani; Fabrizio Ivan, Apollonio; Martini, Bert

    Systematizing Virtual Reconstructionof Lost or Never Built Architectures

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    European Architectural Cultural Heritage is immense. Yet part of this Heritage is invisible: churches, synagogues, mosques that have either been destroyed or never been built. Now the digital world offers the possibility to bring these artefacts to a new life, through 3D reconstruction. This way of studying and representing the past has become increasingly important in the academic world and the domain of digital entertainment. These applications make use of the so-called ‘virtual 3D reconstructions’, which are 3D models based on figurative/textual sources or ruins of artefacts that no longer exist or have never been built.This paper aims to present ‘CoVHer’ (Computer-based Visualisation of Architectural Cultural Heritage), an Erasmus Plus Project that deals with this vast theme and involves five universities and two private companies from five European countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland and Germany). The main objective of CoVHer is to define applicable/practice guidelines and operational methodologies aimed at the study, implementation, visualization and critical evaluation of the 3D models. Some of the ongoing theoretical studies developed in the project will be presented. In particular, this paper will focus on the systematization of the reconstruction process. It defines and classifies different aspects of 3D digital modelling; and other aspects concerning visualization in the field of architectural hypothetical reconstruction

    A estrutura do design para Objetos Culturais Inteligentes

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    Nowadays cities, as well as Cultural Heritage, are facing new challenges due to the public financial straits and the increasing need to deliver innovative service to manage a wide heritage. Great expectations are in put the Smart City paradigm relying on the capability of the city to realize and scale up intangible infrastructures based on new typologies of partnerships for the development of services. The paper presents a design framework aimed to transform Cultural Items in Smart Cultural Objects (SCO), meant as sources and recipients of advanced information applied on ‘Widespread Built Cultural Heritage’. The aim has been not just to enhance the artifacts with their own quality, but their unique social, communal, anthropological and urban-infrastructural meaning. The ability to manage efficiently heterogeneous data and the levels of global connectivity, as well as the real-time interaction, perception, localization, communication, and identification, made possible by cloud computing and Internet of Things, to allow the changeover from Cultural Objects to SCO. The framework, here exposed, aims to provide an extensive and robust theoretical support to design and to manage the processes of Cultural Objects and Cultural bins, implementing a methodological system and an advanced environment based on ICT technologies for recording, storage, processing, access and presentation of Cultural Heritage (CH) data in a Smart Management environment. The framework has been applied in two projects for a prototypical case study of widespread urban CH.Keywords: cultural heritage, human smart city, co-design, internet of things, heritage management and communication.Atualmente, cidades, bem como o patrimônio cultural, estão enfrentando novos desafios devido às dificuldades financeiras públicas e à crescente necessidade de oferecer um serviço inovador para gerenciar uma grande herança. Grandes expectativas utilizam o modelo Smart City contando com a capacidade de a cidade realizar e ampliar as infraestruturas intangíveis baseadas em novas tipologias de parcerias para o desenvolvimento de serviços. O artigo apresenta uma estrutura de projeto com o objetivo de transformar os itens culturais em Objetos Culturais Inteligentes (OCIs), destinado a fontes e destinatários da informação avançada aplicada sobre “Património Cultural construída generalizada”. O objetivo é não apenas melhorar os artefatos com a sua própria qualidade, mas também o seu significado social, comunal, antropológico e urbano-de infraestrutura única. A capacidade de gerenciar de forma eficiente dados heterogêneos e os níveis de conectividade global, bem como a interação em tempo real, percepção, localização, comunicação e identificação, possibilitadas pela computação em nuvem e Internet das Coisas, permite a passagem de bens culturais para OCIs. A estrutura, aqui exposta, visa proporcionar um extenso e robusto suporte teórico para projetar e gerenciar os processos de bens culturais e caixas Culturais, implementando um sistema metodológico e um ambiente avançado com base em TIC para gravação, armazenamento, tratamento, acesso e apresentação do Patrimônio Cultural (PC) de dados em um ambiente de Gestão Inteligente. A estrutura foi aplicada em dois projetos para um estudo de caso prototípico de PC urbano generalizado.Palavras-chave: patrimônio cultural, Smart City humanizada, co-design, internet das coisas, gestão de patrimônio e comunicação

    A estrutura do design para Objetos Culturais Inteligentes

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    Nowadays cities, as well as Cultural Heritage, are facing new challenges due to the public financial straits and the increasing need to deliver innovative service to manage a wide heritage. Great expectations are in put the Smart City paradigm relying on the capability of the city to realize and scale up intangible infrastructures based on new typologies of partnerships for the development of services. The paper presents a design framework aimed to transform Cultural Items in Smart Cultural Objects (SCO), meant as sources and recipients of advanced information applied on ‘Widespread Built Cultural Heritage’. The aim has been not just to enhance the artifacts with their own quality, but their unique social, communal, anthropological and urban-infrastructural meaning. The ability to manage efficiently heterogeneous data and the levels of global connectivity, as well as the real-time interaction, perception, localization, communication, and identification, made possible by cloud computing and Internet of Things, to allow the changeover from Cultural Objects to SCO. The framework, here exposed, aims to provide an extensive and robust theoretical support to design and to manage the processes of Cultural Objects and Cultural bins, implementing a methodological system and an advanced environment based on ICT technologies for recording, storage, processing, access and presentation of Cultural Heritage (CH) data in a Smart Management environment. The framework has been applied in two projects for a prototypical case study of widespread urban CH.Keywords: cultural heritage, human smart city, co-design, internet of things, heritage management and communication.Atualmente, cidades, bem como o patrimônio cultural, estão enfrentando novos desafios devido às dificuldades financeiras públicas e à crescente necessidade de oferecer um serviço inovador para gerenciar uma grande herança. Grandes expectativas utilizam o modelo Smart City contando com a capacidade de a cidade realizar e ampliar as infraestruturas intangíveis baseadas em novas tipologias de parcerias para o desenvolvimento de serviços. O artigo apresenta uma estrutura de projeto com o objetivo de transformar os itens culturais em Objetos Culturais Inteligentes (OCIs), destinado a fontes e destinatários da informação avançada aplicada sobre “Património Cultural construída generalizada”. O objetivo é não apenas melhorar os artefatos com a sua própria qualidade, mas também o seu significado social, comunal, antropológico e urbano-de infraestrutura única. A capacidade de gerenciar de forma eficiente dados heterogêneos e os níveis de conectividade global, bem como a interação em tempo real, percepção, localização, comunicação e identificação, possibilitadas pela computação em nuvem e Internet das Coisas, permite a passagem de bens culturais para OCIs. A estrutura, aqui exposta, visa proporcionar um extenso e robusto suporte teórico para projetar e gerenciar os processos de bens culturais e caixas Culturais, implementando um sistema metodológico e um ambiente avançado com base em TIC para gravação, armazenamento, tratamento, acesso e apresentação do Patrimônio Cultural (PC) de dados em um ambiente de Gestão Inteligente. A estrutura foi aplicada em dois projetos para um estudo de caso prototípico de PC urbano generalizado.Palavras-chave: patrimônio cultural, Smart City humanizada, co-design, internet das coisas, gestão de patrimônio e comunicação

    Una metodología inteligente para la digitalización de colecciones museísticas

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    [ES] El documento describe una metodología que cubre los procedimientos de levantamiento y las aplicaciones informáticas con el objetivo de convertir herramientas generalistas (teléfonos inteligentes) en dispositivos de adquisición rigurosa de BIC almacenados en los museos. Dos problemas diferentes se enfrentan: a) como las caracteristicas de dichos objetos a escala micro/meso afectan su documentación; b) desarrollo de una solución multipropósito para una adquisición de bajo costo y fácil de usar para digitalizar y visualizar artefactos BIC. Se presenta un procedimiento basado en un kit de adquisición digital destinado a lograr modelos y texturas confiables, así como representaciones de color precisas. Se han seleccionado varios objetos para probar la coherencia y flexibilidad de los métodos y técnicas propuestos, y los resultados se comparan con los de las técnicas de adquisición estándar.[EN] The paper describes methods and techniques covering both surveying procedures and computer applications aiming to convert widespread tools as smartphones into reliable ranging devices in the field of Cultural Heritage (CH) museums small object. Two different issues are faced: a) how different features affect the documentation of micro-/meso-scale objects displayed in exhibitions; b) development of a multipurpose solution for a lowcost and easy-to-use acquisition to digitize and visualize these objects. A procedure based on a surveying kit aimed at achieving reliable models and textures, as well as accurate color renderings is presented. Several objects have been selected to test the consistency and flexibility of the proposed methods and techniques and results are compared with those from standard acquisition techniques.Gaiani, M.; Apollonio, FI.; Fantini, F. (2020). A comprehensive smart methodology for museum collection digitization. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 25(38):170-181. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2020.12281OJS1701812538APOLLONIO, F.I., GAIANI, M., BASILISSI, W., RIVAROLI, L., 2017. Photogrammetry driven tools to support the restoration of open-air bronze surfaces of sculptures: an integrated solution starting from the experience of the Neptune Fountain in Bologna. ISPRS, XLII-2/W3, pp. 47-54. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W3-47-2017BERTOLLINI, M., CARAMIS, A., D'ELIA, M., PRISCO, M.R., TALICE, S., 2018. La valorizzazione del patrimonio museale: i percorsi museali 2015. https://www.slideshare.net/slideistat/ (10 March 2019).CABEZOS BERNAL, P., ROSSI, A., 2017. Técnicas de musealización virtual. Los capiteles del Monasterio de San Cugat. EGA, 29, pp. 48-57. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2017.7340GAIANI, M., BALLABENI, A., 2018. SHAFT (SAT & HUE Adaptive Fine Tuning), a new automated solution for target-based colour correction. Colour and Colorimetry. Multidisciplinary Contributions, XIVB, pp. 69-80.GAIANI, M. (ed.), 2015. I portici di Bologna Architettura, Modelli 3D e ricerche tecnologiche, Bologna.GARCIA‐CODOÑER, A., LLOPIS VERDÚ, J., TORRES BARCHINO, A., VILLAPLANA GUILLÉN, R., SERRA LLUCH, J., 2009. Colour as a Structural Variable of Historical Urban Form. Color Research and Application, 34, pp. 253-265. https://doi.org/10.1002/col.20491GARCÍA-LEÓN, J., SÁNCHEZ-ALLEGUE, P., PEÑA-VELASCO, C., CIPRIANI, L., FANTINI, F., 2018. Interactive dissemination of the 3D model of a baroque altarpiece: a pipeline from digital survey to game engines. SCIRES-IT, 8(2), pp. 59-76.HABEKOST, M., 2013. Which colour differencing equation should be used?. International Circular of Graphic Education and Research, 6, pp. 20-33.ISO/CIE 11664-6 (2014). Colourimetry - Part 6: CIEDE2000 Colour-Difference Formula.LOWE, D.G., 2004, Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints". International Journal of Computer Vision, 60 (2), pp. 91-110. https://doi.org/10.1023/B:VISI.0000029664.99615.94MOKRZYCKI, W.S., TATOL, M., 2011. Colour difference Delta E - A survey. Machine graphics and vision, 20(4), 383-412.NOCERINO, E., LAGO, F., MORABITO, D., REMONDINO, F., PORZI, L., POIESI, F., ROTA BULO, S., CHIPPENDALE, P., LOCHER, A., HAVLENA, M., VAN GOOL, L., EDER, M., FÖTSCHL, A., HILSMANN, A., KAUSCH, L., EISERT, P., 2017. A smartphone-based 3D pipeline for the creative industry - The REPLICATE EU Project. ISPRS, XLII-2/W3, 535-541. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W3-535-2017OTTANI CAVINA, A. (ed.), 1988. Palazzo Poggi da dimora aristocratica a sede dell'Università di Bologna Bologna: Nuova Alfa.REINHARD, E., KHAN, E.A., AKYUZ, A.O., JOHNSON, G., 2008. Colour Imaging: Fundamentals and Applications. New York: A K Peters. https://doi.org/10.1201/b10637RODRIGUEZ NAVARRO, P., 2012. La fotogrametría digital automatizada frente a los sistemas basados en sensores 3d activos. EGA, 20, pp. 100-111. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2012.1408RUSSO, M., 2012. Integrated Reverse Modeling Techniques for the Survey of Complex Shapes in Industrial Design. In J. Apolinar Munoz Rodriguez (ed.), Laser Scanner Technology. Shanghai. https://doi.org/10.5772/35140SHARMA, G., WU, W., DALAL, E.N., 2005. The CIEDE2000 Color-difference formula: implementation notes, supplementary test data and mathematical observations. Color Research and Application, 30(1), pp. 21-30. https://doi.org/10.1002/col.2007

    Colour measurement and documentation in historical buildings: the case study of the Kirna Manor House in Estonia

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    Historical buildings and their decorative apparatus have a key role in the transmission of national and local traditions, requiring careful conservation of these structures and their overlapping decorative layers, mostly made up of stuccos and coatings. Unfortunately, the procedures and methodologies for both documenting and preserving such cultural heritage are not clearly standardised in Estonia, where most historic manor houses are managed by private owners who have no precise guidelines to follow during the restoration of such complex structures. To amend this issue, the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) organised an international workshop on “Colour Measurement and Documentation in Architectural Paint Research” with the aim to bring together several experts, techniques and tools from different countries in order to define, optimise and modernise the methodologies employed for the identification, documentation and preservation of historical painted interiors and colours. In addition to a theoretical session, the workshop held in October 2019 entailed practical work at the Kirna Manor House, analysing the entrance hall of the building. The paper presents the results of the research and the discussion between international experts

    The reconstruction of drawn architecture

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    Among the many cases concerning the process of digital hypothetical 3D reconstruction a particular case is constituted by never realized projects and plans. They constitute projects designed and remained on paper that, albeit documented by technical drawings, they pose the typical problems that are common to all other cases. From 3D reconstructions of transformed architectures, to destroyed/lost buildings and part of towns. This case studies start from original old drawings which has to be implemented by different kind of documentary sources, able to provide - by means evidence, induction, deduction, analogy - information characterized by different level of uncertainty and related to different level of accuracy. All methods adopted in a digital hypothetical 3D reconstruction process show us that the goal of all researchers is to be able to make explicit, or at least intelligible, through a graphical system a synthetic/communicative level representative or the value of the reconstructive process that is behind a particular result. The result of a reconstructive process acts in the definition of three areas intimately related one each other which concur to define the digital consistency of the artifact object of study: Shape (geometry, size, spatial position); Appearance (surface features); Constitutive elements (physical form, stratification of building/manufacturing systems) The paper, within a general framework aimed to use 3D models as a means to document and communicate the shape and appearance of never built architecture, as well as to depict temporal correspondence and allow the traceability of uncertainty and accuracy that characterizes each reconstructed element.  

    SACHER Project: A Cloud Platform and Integrated Services for Cultural Heritage and for Restoration

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    The SACHER project provides a distributed, open source and federated cloud platform able to support the life-cycle management of various kinds of data concerning tangible Cultural Heritage. The paper describes the SACHER platform and, in particular, among the various integrated service prototypes, the most important ones to support restoration processes and cultural asset management: (i) 3D Life Cycle Management for Cultural Heritage (SACHER 3D CH), based on 3D digital models of architecture and dedicated to the management of Cultural Heritage and to the storage of the numerous data generated by the team of professionals involved in the restoration process; (ii) Multidimensional Search Engine for Cultural Heritage (SACHER MuSE CH), an advanced multi-level search system designed to manage Heritage data from heterogeneous sources

    Search for CP Violation in the Decay Z -> b (b bar) g

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    About three million hadronic decays of the Z collected by ALEPH in the years 1991-1994 are used to search for anomalous CP violation beyond the Standard Model in the decay Z -> b \bar{b} g. The study is performed by analyzing angular correlations between the two quarks and the gluon in three-jet events and by measuring the differential two-jet rate. No signal of CP violation is found. For the combinations of anomalous CP violating couplings, h^b=h^AbgVbh^VbgAb{\hat{h}}_b = {\hat{h}}_{Ab}g_{Vb}-{\hat{h}}_{Vb}g_{Ab} and hb=h^Vb2+h^Ab2h^{\ast}_b = \sqrt{\hat{h}_{Vb}^{2}+\hat{h}_{Ab}^{2}}, limits of \hat{h}_b < 0.59and and h^{\ast}_{b} < 3.02$ are given at 95\% CL.Comment: 8 pages, 1 postscript figure, uses here.sty, epsfig.st