72 research outputs found

    The primary structure of the flavoprotein D-aspartate oxidase from beef kidney.

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    The complete primary structure of the peroxisomal flavoenzyme D-aspartate oxidase from beef kidney has been determined by analyses of the peptides obtained through fragmentation of the carboxymethylated protein with trypsin, CNBr, heptafluorobutyric acid/CNBr and Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease. The protein consists of a single polypeptide of 338 residues, accounting for a M(r) of 37,305 for the apoprotein. A form of the enzyme lacking Lys-338 and therefore ending with Pro-337 has been detected. The N-terminal residue is blocked. Seven cysteines and no disulfide bridges are present. Residue 228 can be either Ile or Val. Thus, D-aspartate oxidase presents two types of heterogeneity in the polypeptide chain in addition to the one already described concerning the possible content of FAD or 6-hydroxyflavin adenine dinucleotide. Comparison of the primary structure of D-aspartate oxidase with other known sequences reveals that D-aspartate oxidase is homologous with D-amino acid oxidase (another flavo-oxidase) and does not present significant sequence similarities with any other protein, including flavoenzymes

    Overproduction and Characterization of the Bacillus subtilis Anti-sigma Factor FlgM

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    FlgM is an anti-sigma factor of the flagellar-specific sigma (sigma) subunit of RNA polymerase in Bacillus subtilis, and it is responsible of the coupling of late flagellar gene expression to the completion of the hook-basal body structure. We have overproduced the protein in soluble form and characterized it. FlgM forms dimers as shown by gel exclusion chromatography and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and interacts in vitro with the cognate sigmaD factor. The FlgM.sigmaD complex is a stable heterodimer as demonstrated by gel exclusion chromatography, chemical cross-linking, native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and isoelectric focusing. sigmaD belongs to the group of sigma factors able to bind to the promoter sequence even in the absence of core RNA polymerase. The FlgM.sigmaD complex gave a shift in a DNA mobility shift assay with a probe containing a sigmaD-dependent promoter sequence. Limited proteolysis studies indicate the presence of two structural motifs, corresponding to the N- and C-terminal regions, respectively

    Expression Analysis of MicroRNAs in FFPE samples of canine cutaneous and oral melanoma by RT-qPCR

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    MicroRNA (miRNA), a class of small, non-coding RNA - regulating post-transcriptionally protein expression - are emerging as clinical biomarkers in many pathologies, including cancer [1]. Since miRNA are supposed to represent fundamental key regulators, better understanding of melanoma biology is essential to improve staging and therapy. The aim of the study was to investigate whether miRNA expression can vary in canine melanoma samples derived from formalin-fixed-paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues. Experimental design of the study included three groups, each one composed of 7 animals: i) control healthy skin group ii) oral melanoma group iii) skin melanoma group. The histhopatology and immunoistochemistry details of dogs included in the study are previously reported  [2]. Two tissue slides were used for miRNA extraction. The expression levels of seven miRNA - miR-145, miR-146a, miR-425-5p, miR-223, miR-365, miR-155 and miR-134 - were detected and assessed by qPCR using TaqMan® probes [3-5]. Five miRNA were significantly up-(n=3) or down-(n=2) regulated. In details, miR-146a and miR-155 abundance was increased as compared with control in both oral and skin melanoma (Fig 1 B,E) (p = 0.004 and 0.014 and p = 0.043 and 0.035 respectively), while the levels of miR-145 and miR-365 were lower (Fig 1 A,D) (p = 0.018 and 0.008 and p = 0.01 and 0.028, respectively). MiR-425-5p was upregulated (p = 0.039) only in skin melanoma (Fig. 1 C). Furthermore, functional analysis, carried out using miRNet web-based tool, showed that 76 genes related to cancer-associated pathways were possible target of these five microRNA (p = 6.95E-9); in particular, 21 target genes were associated with melanoma (p = 1.47E-5), including BRAF and CDK, E2F, FGF and PIK3 families. In conclusion, miR-145, miR-146a, miR-425-5p, miR-365 and miR-155 are differentially expressed in melanoma and healthy FFPE samples, suggesting that they may play a role in canine melanoma pathogenesis and/or progression

    Evaluation of quantity and purity of miRNAs extracted from different matrices collected from dogs with Mast Cell Tumours.

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of short non-coding RNA, which interact with the 3’ UTR region of complementary mRNA to decrease or inhibit the translation of proteins (Lai, 2002). MiRNAs regulate pathways in various pathophysiological status, and are regarded as biomarkers for early diagnosis of several diseases, including cancer (Di Leva et al., 2014).The study aims to evaluate the quality and purity of miRNAs extracted from a) 11 archival Formalin Fixed and Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) samples of Mast Cell Tumour (MCT) at stage I, II, III and IV, and 8 intra-patient healthy controls; b) samples collected during surgery, including 6 samples of saliva, primary tumour biopsy and serum/plasma. The quality of miRNA largely influence the downstream experiments, and must be carefully evaluated before performing for examples, the sequencing reaction. MiRNA extraction was carried out using commercial kits (Qiagen) and quantify using Small RNA Kit (Agilent) on Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. The results showed that the concentration of miRNAs from FFPE, saliva,  primary tumor biopsy and serum was acceptable with a Median (Me)= 56,91 ng/ml, Me=10,30 ng/ml, Me=3,44 ng/ml and  Me=0,71 ng/ml, and a miRNA/Small RNA ratio of 48%, 61%, 17% and 76%, respectively. The concentration of miRNAs from plasma was not detectable. Studies reveal that plasma ranks as the first choice source for diagnostic purpose, much more than serum (Aung et al., 2014), but the debate remains open and subsequent analyses are needed.The concentration of miRNAs from FFPE and saliva samples is higher than that from other matrices. Possible explanations include a) different quantity and quality of starting materials; b) nucleic acids fragmentation, due to the formalin fixation and paraffin embedded procedure; c) presence of nucleases in saliva, which produce small fragments recognized as miRNAs or smallRNAs.In conclusion, the quantity and the purity of miRNAs, obtained using Qiagen commercial kits, are reliable for further NGS analysis

    MicroARNs como biomarcadores de salud y bienestar animal en cerdos

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    Los microARNs (miARNs) son pequeñas moléculas de ARN no codificante muy conservadas que intervienen en una amplia gama de procesos biológicos mediante la regulación postranscripcional de la expresión génica. Un aspecto intrigante en la identificación de estas moléculas como biomarcadores se deriva de su papel en la comunicación entre células, su secreción activa desde las células al medio extracelular, su alta estabilidad en los fluidos corporales y su facilidad de obtención.Todas estas características confieren a los miARNs el potencial para convertirse en una herramienta no invasiva que permita evaluar el bienestar animal en condiciones de estrés metabólico, ambiental y de manejo. Esta revisión ofrece una visión general de los conocimientos actuales sobre el uso potencial de miARNs tisulares y/o circulantes como biomarcadores para la evaluación del estado de salud y bienestar en el porcino

    Widespread extrahepatic expression of acute-phase proteins in chicken (Gallus gallus) tissues

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    Acute Phase Proteins (APP) are plasma proteins that can modify their expression in response toinflammation caused by tissue injury, infections, immunological disorders, or stress. Although APP areproduced mainly in liver, extrahepatic production has been described (Marques et al., 2016; Lecchi etal., 2012). The aim of this work was to study the extrahepatic gene expression of five APP, namely α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), Serum amyloid A (SAA), Haptoglobin-like protein (PIT54), C-rective protein(CRP) and Ovotransferrin (OVT) (O'Reilly and Eckersall, 2014) in different healthy chicken (Gallus gallus)tissues by quantitative real time PCR (qPCR) and immunohistochemistry to detect the precise locationof the proteins.APP gene expression was higher in liver compared with other tissues. mRNA coding for CRP, OVT andSAA was detected in all tissues involved in this study with a higher expression in gastrointestinal tract,respiratory system and lymphatic system. SAA expression was particularly high in cecal tonsil, lung,spleen and meckel’s diverticulum, whereas OVT showed a high expression in lung, bursa of Fabricius,pancreas, brain and adipose tissue. AGP and PIT54 was also detected in pericardial adipose tissue,spleen, kidney, lung, mucosa of proventriculus, mucosa of gizzard and pancreas but, oppositely to SAA,their mRNA was not detected in meckel’s diverticulum, cecal tonsil and bursa of Fabricius. These resultssuggest that each tissue is able to express different amount of APP even in healthy conditions andmount a local acute phase reaction. Immunohistochemistry to detect the precise location for AGP, OVTand SAA using available antibodies is ongoing

    The prevalence and risk factors of subclinical mastitis in water buffalo (Bubalis bubalis) in Bangladesh

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    Subclinical mastitis (SCM) in water buffalo is responsible for reduced milk yield and quality. This cross-sectional study was carried out to a) estimate the prevalence of SCM, b) identify risk factors associated with SCM, and c) identify farm-level risk factors associated with bulk milk somatic cell count (BMSCC). The buffalo farms included in this study represented five rearing systems: free-range, semi-free-range, household, semi-intensive, and intensive, providing a total of 3491 functional quarters of 880 lactating buffalo on 248 farms. The California mastitis test score was used to identify SCM. Bulk milk samples (n = 242) were used for farm-level BMSCC. Quarter and buffalo-level risk factors for SCM were measured using questionnaires and observations. The overall SCM prevalence was high at 27.9% at the quarter-level (25th and 75th percentiles: 8.3% and 41.7%) and 51.5% at buffalo-level (25th and 75th percentiles: 33.3% and 66.7%). The geometric mean BMSCC was 217,000 cells/mL of milk (ranging from 36,000-1,213,000 cells/mL), which is low on average, but some farms could improve substantially. The buffalo rearing system, udder location (left versus right), teat shape, udder asymmetry, number of milkers, and having a quarantine facility were associated with buffalo udder health. Our findings suggest that mainly using free-range rearing systems may help decrease the prevalence of SCM primarily by employing buffalo breeding and better farm biosecurity, and udder health control strategies can be designed based on our findings

    Serum miRNA disregulation during transport-related stress in turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small 21-25 nucleotide regulatory non-coding RNAs that modulate gene expression in eukaryotic organisms. miRNAs are complementary to the 3′-untranslated regions of mRNA and act as post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression, exhibiting remarkable stability in extracellular fluids such as blood. Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) farming is a species economically relevant but the lack of efficient protocols for the evaluation of commercial turkeys prevents to measure the impact of industry practices on birds productivity and welfare. In order to identify potential molecular biomarkers for monitoring stress in turkey’s handling, we investigated by TaqMan qPCR the abundance of five circulating miRNA, namely miR-22, miR-155, miR-181a, miR-204 and miR-365, previously demonstrated to be involved in stress in chicken due to feed deprivation. Road transportation related procedures were selected as stressful model for this study. The serum of twenty healthy animals was collected before and after 2h transportation. Our results demonstrated that miR-22, miR-155 and miR-365 are statistically more expressed after road transportation. Receiver-operator characteristics (ROC) analysis was used to estimate the diagnostic value of these miRNAs to evaluate the stress in animals. The serum level of miR-22, miR-155 and miR-365 can discriminate stressed from non-stressed animals with an AUC=0.763, 0.710 and 0.704, respectively, and the average expression of their combination has the same specificity (AUC=0.745). miR-22, miR-155 and miR-365 are stress-specific markers and can be considered as suitable biomarkers to identify turkeys stressed by road transportation

    Short communication:Intra- and inter-individual milk microbiota variability in healthy and infected water buffalo udder quarters

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    The concept that ruminant mammary gland quarters are anatomically and physiologically unrelated has been recently challenged by immunological evidence. How this interdependence reflects on individual quarter milk microbiota is unknown. The aim of the present study was to cover this gap by investigating the interdependence of quarters among the same mammary gland at the milk microbiota level using next-generation sequencing of the V4\u201316S rRNA gene. A total of 52 samples were included in this study and classified as healthy or affected by subclinical mastitis. Extraction of DNA, amplification of the V4\u201316S rRNA gene, and sequencing using Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) were carried out. We found that the intra-individual variability was lower than the inter-individual one. The present findings further support at milk microbiota level the hypothesis of the interdependence of quarters, as previously demonstrated following immunological studies, suggesting that individual factors (e.g., immunity, genetics) may have a role in modulating milk microbiota

    Factors influencing somatic cell counts and bacterial contamination in unpasteurized milk obtained from water buffalo in Bangladesh

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    Little has been published on the factors influencing the safety and quality of milk derived from water buffalo in Bangladesh. This study aims to describe the milk hygiene parameters and milk chain characteristics of unpasteurized raw milk sold to consumers in order to improve milk hygiene. A quantitative study design evaluated somatic cell counts, total bacterial counts, and specific gram-negative (Enterobacteria) and gram-positive (staphylococci) pathogens in 377 aseptically collected milk samples. Samples were collected at multiple nodes along the buffalo milk value chain: 122 bulk tank milk samples were collected at the farm level, 109 milk samples at the middlemen level, and 111 milk samples at the milk collection centers. In addition, 35 samples were taken from various milk products at the retail level. It was found that progressively increasing somatic cell counts and bacterial counts, including potential pathogens, occurred along the milk chain. A seasonal increase in spring was found, varying based on the farming system (semi-intensive versus intensive). Other factors included water purity and cleanliness of containers, mixing buffalo and cow's milk, and the location of the water buffalo milk producer (coastal or river basin). This study demonstrated how improving udder health and milk hygiene along the water buffalo milk value chain would increase the safety and quality of water buffalo milk in the study area
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