2,145 research outputs found

    The first search for variable stars in the open cluster NGC 6253 and its surrounding field

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    This work presents the first high-precision variability survey in the field of the intermediate-age, metal--rich open cluster NGC 6253. Clusters of this type are benchmarks for stellar evolution models. Continuous photometric monitoring of the cluster and its surrounding field was performed over a time span of ten nights using the Wide Field Imager mounted at the ESO-MPI 2.2m telescope. High-quality timeseries, each composed of about 800 datapoints, were obtained for 250,000 stars using ISIS and DAOPHOT packages. Candidate members were selected by using the colour-magnitude diagrams and period-luminosity-colour relations. Membership probabilities based on the proper motions were also used. The membership of all the variables discovered within a radius of 8 arcmin from the centre is discussed by comparing the incidence of the classes in the cluster direction and in the surrounding field. We discovered 595 variables and we also characterized most of them providing their variability classes, periods, and amplitudes. The sample is complete for short periods: we classified 20 pulsating variables, 225 contact systems, 99 eclipsing systems (22 Beta Lyr type, 59 Beta Per type, 18 RS CVn type), and 77 rotational variables. The time-baseline hampered the precise characterization of 173 variables with periods longer than 4-5 days. Moreover, we found a cataclysmic system undergoing an outburst of about 2.5 mag. We propose a list of 35 variable stars (8 contact systems, 2 eclipsing systems, 15 rotational variables, 9 long-period variables and the cataclysmic variable) as probable members of NGC 6253.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press. Extended version with tables and light curve

    Improvement or worsening of human contrast sensitivity due to blue light attenuation at 450 nm

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    Purpose: The work was aimed at comparing contrast sensitivity performance in an indoor environment with two filters, which differ only in the presence of a band at 450±20 nm in the transmittance spectrum. Patients and Methods: Thirty-nine subjects participated. The filters were the Standard (ST) and Professional (PRO) Drive lenses (Hoya, Japan), the latter showing the attenuation band at 450 nm. Photopic contrast sensitivity (CS) was measured at different spatial frequencies from 1.5 to 18 cpd through Functional Acuity Contrast Test with both lenses (LogCS ST and LogCS PRO, respectively). The areas under the curves of LogCS ST and LogCS PRO as a function of the spatial frequency were also considered. Results: In the range of the measured values of LogCS ST for the thirty-nine participants, at each spatial frequency and also for the areas, the difference Δ = LogCS PRO - LogCS ST was found to decrease and change sign from positive to negative as a function of LogCS ST, thus allowing to deduce a threshold (LogCS threshold) for LogCS ST corresponding to Δ=0. Significant CS worsening was found with the PRO compared to the ST lens for the subjects showing LogCS ST > LogCS threshold. Vice versa, CS improvement was found when LogCS ST < LogCS threshold. Conclusion: In the choice of a blue-filtering lens, practitioners should take into consideration that the attenuation of light in the range 420-470 nm is expected to produce a CS worsening in subjects showing a relatively high initial CS (higher than a threshold CS). For these subjects, the general reduction of transmitted light intensity prevails on possible advantages. On the contrary, subjects showing a relatively low initial CS are expected to show a CS improvement because the attenuation of light in the range 420-470 nm is expected to reduce intraocular scattering and to mimic the effect as an optical filter of the human macular pigment, advantages which prevail on the reduction of the transmitted light intensity

    Hypnotizability and Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) polymorphysms in Italians

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    Higher brain dopamine content depending on lower activity of Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) in subjects with high hypnotizability scores (highs) has been considered responsible for their attentional characteristics. However, the results of the previous genetic studies on association between hypnotizability and the COMT single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs4680 (Val(158)Met) were inconsistent. Here, we used a selective genotyping approach to re-evaluate the association between hypnotizability and COMT in the context of a two-SNP haplotype analysis, considering not only the Val(158)Met polymorphism, but also the closely located rs4818 SNP. An Italian sample of 53 highs, 49 low hypnotizable subjects (lows), and 57 controls, were genotyped for a segment of 805 bp of the COMT gene, including Val(158)Met and the closely located rs4818 SNP. Our selective genotyping approach had 97.1% power to detect the previously reported strongest association at the significance level of 5%. We found no evidence of association at the SNP, haplotype, and diplotype levels. Thus, our results challenge the dopamine-based theory of hypnosis and indirectly support recent neuropsychological and neurophysiological findings reporting the lack of any association between hypnotizability and focused attention abilities

    Efectos sobre el desempeño visual de dos filtros Longpass

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    Purpose: This study compared visual performance and optical properties of three filters. Method: Two groups of twenty adults were recruited: wearers of progressive addition lenses (PAL, 46–73 years) and wearers of single vision lenses (SVL, 26–55 years). Three spectacle filters (Hoya, Japan) were compared: clear control, Standard Drive (STD), and Professional Drive (PRO) lenses. Optical transmittance was measured by a Jasco V-650 spectrophotometer. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was measured in photopic (BCVAphotopic) and mesopic (BCVAmesopic) conditions and under glare (BCVAglare). Photopic contrast sensitivity (CS) was also measured. Results: The three longpass filters show cutoff at 426 ± 2 nm (STD/PRO) and 405 ± 2 nm (clear lens). BCVAglare improved with Drive filters compared to the clear one (p < 0.05) from 0.03 to -0.02 (STD) and to -0.01 (PRO) for PAL and from -0.08 to -0.12 (STD and PRO) for SVL. For PAL, BCVAmesopic improved from 0.15 to 0.12 (STD, p < 0.05) and 0.13 (PRO), while no substantial difference was observed for SVL. CS showed some improvements with Drive lenses at some angular frequencies between 6 and 18 cycles/deg, mainly for the PAL group. No BCVAphotopic differences were found. After testing all filters, each for two weeks, 79% (PAL) and 60% (SVL) of participants preferred Drive lenses. Conclusions: Drive lenses are found to maintain or improve some visual functions compared to the clear lens. The improvement of mesopic visual acuity, visual acuity under glare, and contrast sensitivity is mainly attributed to the reduction of intraocular light scattering as a consequence of the total light attenuation in the spectral range below the cutoff

    Mouse dendritic cells in the steady state: Hypoxia, autophagy, and stem cell factor

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are innate immune cells with a central role in immunity and tolerance. Under steady-state, DCs are scattered in tissues as resting cells. Upon infection or injury, DCs get activated and acquire the full capacity to prime antigen-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, thus bridging innate and adaptive immunity. By secreting different sets of cytokines and chemokines, DCs orchestrate diverse types of immune responses, from a classical proinflammatory to an alternative pro-repair one. DCs are highly heterogeneous, and physiological differences in tissue microenvironments greatly contribute to variations in DC phenotype. Oxygen tension is normally low in some lymphoid areas, including bone marrow (BM) hematopoietic niches; nevertheless, the possible impact of tissue hypoxia on DC physiology has been poorly investigated. We assessed whether DCs are hypoxic in BM and spleen, by staining for hypoxia-inducible-factor-1 alpha subunit (HIF-1 alpha), the master regulator of hypoxia-induced response, and pimonidazole (PIM), a hypoxic marker, and by flow cytometric analysis. Indeed, we observed that mouse DCs have a hypoxic phenotype in spleen and BM, and showed some remarkable differences between DC subsets. Notably, DCs expressing membrane c-kit, the receptor for stem cell factor (SCF), had a higher PIM median fluorescence intensity (MFI) than c-kit(-) DCs, both in the spleen and in the BM. To determine whether SCF (a.k.a. kit ligand) has a role in DC hypoxia, we evaluated molecular pathways activated by SCF in c-kit(+) BM-derived DCs cultured in hypoxic conditions. Gene expression microarrays and gene set enrichment analysis supported the hypothesis that SCF had an impact on hypoxia response and inhibited autophagy-related gene sets. Our results suggest that hypoxic response and autophagy, and their modulation by SCF, can play a role in DC homeostasis at the steady state, in agreement with our previous findings on SCF's role in DC survival

    Interplanetary CubeSats system for space weather evaluations and technology demonstration

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    The paper deals with the mission analysis and conceptual design of an interplanetary 6U CubeSats system to be implemented in the L1 Earth-Sun Lagrangian Point mission for solar observation and in-situ space weather measurements. Interplanetary CubeSats could be an interesting alternative to big missions, to fulfill both scientific and technological tasks in deep space, as proved by the growing interest in this kind of application in the scientific community and most of all at NASA. Such systems allow less costly missions, due to their reduced sizes and volumes, and consequently less demanding launches requirements. The CubeSats mission presented in this paper is aimed at supporting measurements of space weather. The mission envisages the deployment of a 6U CubeSats system in the L1 Earth-Sun Lagrangian Point, where solar observations for in situ measurements of space weather to provide additional warning time to Earth can be carried out. The proposed mission is also intended as a technology validation mission, giving the chance to test advanced technologies, such as telecommunications and solar sails, envisaged as propulsion system. Furthermore, traveling outside the Van Allen belts, the 6U CubeSats system gives the opportunity to further investigate the space radiation environment: radiation dosimeters and advanced materials are envisaged to be imple- mented, in order to test their response to the harsh space environment, even in view of future implementation on other spacecrafts (e.g. manned spacecrafts). The main issue related to CubeSats is how to fit big science within a small package - namely power, mass, volume, and data limitations. One of the objectives of the work is therefore to identify and size the required subsystems and equipment, needed to accomplish specific mission objectives, and to investigate the most suitable configuration, in order to be compatible with the typical CubeSats (multi units) standards
