180 research outputs found

    Large Deviations for Random Spectral Measures and Sum Rules

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    We prove a Large Deviation Principle for the random spec- tral measure associated to the pair (HN;e)(H_N; e) where HNH_N is sampled in the GUE(N) and e is a fixed unit vector (and more generally in the ÎČ\beta- extension of this model). The rate function consists of two parts. The contribution of the absolutely continuous part of the measure is the reversed Kullback information with respect to the semicircle distribution and the contribution of the singular part is connected to the rate function of the extreme eigenvalue in the GUE. This method is also applied to the Laguerre and Jacobi ensembles, but in thoses cases the expression of the rate function is not so explicit

    Exact Reconstruction using Beurling Minimal Extrapolation

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    We show that measures with finite support on the real line are the unique solution to an algorithm, named generalized minimal extrapolation, involving only a finite number of generalized moments (which encompass the standard moments, the Laplace transform, the Stieltjes transformation, etc). Generalized minimal extrapolation shares related geometric properties with basis pursuit of Chen, Donoho and Saunders [CDS98]. Indeed we also extend some standard results of compressed sensing (the dual polynomial, the nullspace property) to the signed measure framework. We express exact reconstruction in terms of a simple interpolation problem. We prove that every nonnegative measure, supported by a set containing s points,can be exactly recovered from only 2s + 1 generalized moments. This result leads to a new construction of deterministic sensing matrices for compressed sensing.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures version 2 : minor changes and new titl

    Efficient Estimation of Sensitivity Indices

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    In this paper we address the problem of efficient estimation of Sobol sensitivy indices. First, we focus on general functional integrals of conditional moments of the form \E(\psi(\E(\varphi(Y)|X))) where (X,Y)(X,Y) is a random vector with joint density ff and ψ\psi and φ\varphi are functions that are differentiable enough. In particular, we show that asymptotical efficient estimation of this functional boils down to the estimation of crossed quadratic functionals. An efficient estimate of first-order sensitivity indices is then derived as a special case. We investigate its properties on several analytical functions and illustrate its interest on a reservoir engineering case.Comment: 41 page

    Generalized Hoeffding-Sobol Decomposition for Dependent Variables -Application to Sensitivity Analysis

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    In this paper, we consider a regression model built on dependent variables. This regression modelizes an input output relationship. Under boundedness assumptions on the joint distribution function of the input variables, we show that a generalized Hoeffding-Sobol decomposition is available. This leads to new indices measuring the sensitivity of the output with respect to the input variables. We also study and discuss the estimation of these new indices

    Sum rules and large deviations for spectral matrix measures

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    A sum rule relative to a reference measure on R is a relationship between the reversed Kullback-Leibler divergence of a positive measure on R and some non-linear functional built on spectral elements related to this measure (see for example Killip and Simon 2003). In this paper, using only probabilistic tools of large deviations, we extend the sum rules obtained in Gamboa, Nagel and Rouault (2015) to the case of Hermitian matrix-valued measures. We recover the earlier result of Damanik, Killip and Simon (2010) when the reference measure is the (matrix-valued) semicircle law and obtain a new sum rule when the reference measure is the (matrix-valued) Marchenko-Pastur law

    Estimation of Translation, Rotation, and Scaling between Noisy Images Using the Fourier–Mellin Transform

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    In this paper we focus on extended Euclidean registration of a set of noisy images. We provide an appropriate statistical model for this kind of registration problems, and a new criterion based on Fourier-type transforms is proposed to estimate the translation, rotation and scaling parameters to align a set of images. This criterion is a two step procedure which does not require the use of a reference template onto which aligning all the images. Our approach is based on M-estimation and we prove the consistency of the resulting estimators. A small scale simulation study and real examples are used to illustrate the numerical performances of our procedure

    Large Deviations for Random Power Moment Problem

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    We consider the set M_n of all n-truncated power moment sequences of probability measures on [0,1]. We endow this set with the uniform probability. Picking randomly a point in M_n, we show that the upper canonical measure associated with this point satisfies a large deviation principle. Moderate deviation are also studied completing earlier results on asymptotic normality given by \citeauthorChKS93 [Ann. Probab. 21 (1993) 1295-1309]. Surprisingly, our large deviations results allow us to compute explicitly the (n+1)th moment range size of the set of all probability measures having the same n first moments. The main tool to obtain these results is the representation of M_n on canonical moments [see the book of \citeauthorDS97].Comment: Published by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org) in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/00911790400000055
