4 research outputs found

    Efeito larvicida de Ricinus communis L.

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    Effective larvicides in low concentrations, and is easily obtained in the region, are intensely sought by public health agencies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the potential larvicide leaf extract and oil of the fruit of Ricinus communis on the larvae of Aedes aegypti. The results showed that seed and leaf extracts promoted total mortality of the larvae, and this effect is independent of concentration. Therefore, indicates the use of R. communis in endemic regions to control larvae.A busca por larvicidas eficientes em baixas concentrações, e que seja facilmente obtidos na região, são intensamente procurados por órgãos de saúde pública. Por isso, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial larvicida do extrato da folha e do óleo do fruto de Ricinus communis sobre as larvas de Aedes aegypti. Os resultados mostraram que extratos de folha e sementes promoveram a mortalidade total das larvas, e este efeito independe da concentração. Portanto, indica-se o uso de R. communis em regiões endêmicas para controle de larvas

    Produção de sabonetes sólidos com óleo usado e essência de cravo-da-índia

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    The objective of this study was to promote the reuse of waste oil for the production of solid soap with the essence of as indian clove, putting into practice the sustainability and preservation of the environment, and one of the major factors that contribute to the pollution of the environment is the inadequate disposal of organic waste. Large parts of the population and establishments pour the oil directly in the kitchen sink and put the fat in pet bottle going to the dumps, there is still no ideal disposal, but there are alternative ways to dispose of it, and one of these means is reuse of the oil soaps. The pH measurement was carried out using the technique Adolfo Lutz (1976) in 10g of sample diluted in distilled water. Cooking oil used to manufacture soap had satisfactory results no caustic soda (ph = 7.11).O objetivo destetrabalho foi promover a reutilização do resíduo de óleo para a produção desabonete sólido com a essência do cravo-da-índia, colocando em prática asustentabilidade e a preservação do meio ambiente, sendo que um dos grandesfatores que contribuem para a poluição do meio ambiente é o despejo inadequadodo lixo orgânico. Grandes partes da população e de estabelecimentos despejam oóleo diretamente na pia da cozinha ou colocam a gordura em garrafa pet que vãopara os depósitos de lixo, ainda não há um descarte ideal, mas existem meiosalternativos para esse descarte, e um desses meios é a reutilização do óleopara sabonetes. A medição de ph foirealizada por meio da técnica Adolfo Lutz (1976), em 10g da amostra diluída emágua destilada. No estudo de utilização de óleo de cozinha para fabricação desabonete obteve resultado satisfatório sem o uso de soda cáustica ph = 7,11

    Impact of safety-related dose reductions or discontinuations on sustained virologic response in HCV-infected patients: Results from the GUARD-C Cohort

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    Background: Despite the introduction of direct-acting antiviral agents for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, peginterferon alfa/ribavirin remains relevant in many resource-constrained settings. The non-randomized GUARD-C cohort investigated baseline predictors of safety-related dose reductions or discontinuations (sr-RD) and their impact on sustained virologic response (SVR) in patients receiving peginterferon alfa/ribavirin in routine practice. Methods: A total of 3181 HCV-mono-infected treatment-naive patients were assigned to 24 or 48 weeks of peginterferon alfa/ribavirin by their physician. Patients were categorized by time-to-first sr-RD (Week 4/12). Detailed analyses of the impact of sr-RD on SVR24 (HCV RNA <50 IU/mL) were conducted in 951 Caucasian, noncirrhotic genotype (G)1 patients assigned to peginterferon alfa-2a/ribavirin for 48 weeks. The probability of SVR24 was identified by a baseline scoring system (range: 0-9 points) on which scores of 5 to 9 and <5 represent high and low probability of SVR24, respectively. Results: SVR24 rates were 46.1 % (754/1634), 77.1% (279/362), 68.0% (514/756), and 51.3% (203/396), respectively, in G1,2, 3, and 4 patients. Overall, 16.9% and 21.8% patients experienced ≥1 sr-RD for peginterferon alfa and ribavirin, respectively. Among Caucasian noncirrhotic G1 patients: female sex, lower body mass index, pre-existing cardiovascular/pulmonary disease, and low hematological indices were prognostic factors of sr-RD; SVR24 was lower in patients with ≥1 vs. no sr-RD by Week 4 (37.9% vs. 54.4%; P = 0.0046) and Week 12 (41.7% vs. 55.3%; P = 0.0016); sr-RD by Week 4/12 significantly reduced SVR24 in patients with scores <5 but not ≥5. Conclusions: In conclusion, sr-RD to peginterferon alfa-2a/ribavirin significantly impacts on SVR24 rates in treatment-naive G1 noncirrhotic Caucasian patients. Baseline characteristics can help select patients with a high probability of SVR24 and a low probability of sr-RD with peginter-feron alfa-2a/ribavirin

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition)

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