7 research outputs found

    Influence of thresholding in mass and entropy dimension of 3-D soil images

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    With the advent of modern non-destructive tomography techniques, there have been many attempts to analyze 3-D pore space features mainly concentrating on soil structure. This analysis opens a challenging opportunity to develop techniques for quantifying and describe pore space properties, one of them being fractal analysis. Undisturbed soil samples were collected from four horizons of Brazilian soil and 3-D images at 45μm resolution. Four different threshold criteria were used to transform computed tomography (CT) grey-scale imagery into binary imagery (pore/solid) to estimate their mass fractal dimension (Dm) and entropy dimension (D1). Each threshold criteria had a direct influence on the porosity obtained, varying from 8 to 24% in one of the samples, and on the fractal dimensions. Linear scaling was observed over all the cube sizes, however depending on the range of cube sizes used in the analysis, Dm could vary from 3.00 to 2.20, realizing that the threshold influenced mainly the scaling in the smallest cubes (length of size from 1 to 16 voxels). Dm and D1 showed a logarithmic relation with the apparent porosity in the image, however, the increase of both values respect to porosity defined a characteristic feature for each horizon that can be related to soil texture and depth

    Experiencias hechas en métodos de enseñanza de matemáticas

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    Habiendo impartido Matemáticas en dicha Escuela de Agrónomos los autores buscan referencias para posibles desarrollos. Recientemente se ha impartido en grupos separados, repartiendo documentación y problemas, tras esquemas básicos expuestos en pizarra. El alumno se adapta y es guiado por los modos de exámen esperados. El modelo de primer curso es “sin libros”, se ha de restringir la materia, y su aplicación al no usarse manuales u ordenadores. En asignaturas optativas se han presentado puntos importantes haciendo de ellos pruebas “con libros” de ciertos esquemas adoptados, junto con el pedir trabajo redactado, teniendo ello buena aceptación y resultado, a adaptar a mayor número de alumnos. Se detalla en experiencias sobre Teoría Matemática de la Decisión, que tiene punto de vista matemático y de consultor analista de decisón. En ello se enseñaron enfoques como el bayesiano y el multicriterio discreto, y se valoraba por clases, trabajo y prueba con libros

    Estilo cognitivo hacia la innovación de los estudiantes: un estudio piloto en la ETSIDI-UPM

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    (SPA)Realizamos un estudio de los estilos cognitivos de nuestros estudiantes para entender su forma de innovar y colaborar para alcanzar dicha innovación. Para ello, primero, resumimos el inventario de la Teoría de Kirton Adaptador- Innovador (KM), y segundo, se lo aplicamos a nuestros estudiantes (más innovador o adaptador) en UPM. Aquí presentamos un estudio piloto llevado a cabo en ETSIDI (Escuela Técnica Superior Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial). (ENG)We study of the cognitive styles of our students to understand their process of collaboration and innovation. First, we summarize the inventory of the Kirton's adaptor-innovator Theory (KM), and second, we apply our test, to our students at UPM. In this work, we present a pilot study carried out at ETSIDI (School of Engineering and Industrial Design)

    Estilo cognitivo hacia la innovación de los estudiantes: un estudio piloto en la ETSIDI-UPM

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    (SPA)Realizamos un estudio de los estilos cognitivos de nuestros estudiantes para entender su forma de innovar y colaborar para alcanzar dicha innovación. Para ello, primero, resumimos el inventario de la Teoría de Kirton Adaptador- Innovador (KM), y segundo, se lo aplicamos a nuestros estudiantes (más innovador o adaptador) en UPM. Aquí presentamos un estudio piloto llevado a cabo en ETSIDI (Escuela Técnica Superior Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial). (ENG)We study of the cognitive styles of our students to understand their process of collaboration and innovation. First, we summarize the inventory of the Kirton's adaptor-innovator Theory (KM), and second, we apply our test, to our students at UPM. In this work, we present a pilot study carried out at ETSIDI (School of Engineering and Industrial Design)

    Individual's problem solving: adaptation vs. innovation. An study in UPM

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    Mauelshagen et al. reveal that the intellectual capital required for effective environmental policy making is particular diverse and encourage the development of models than can understand the profile of individuals and teams when dealing with collaboration, knowledge transfer and innovation. Furthermore, stakeholders frequently kill novel ideas when those ideas do not fit with the organization?s identity, i.e. organizational actors' enduring sense of who the organization is and what it stands for. The challenges of radical innovation requires architectures that embrace and augment, "hot" cognitive processes and the underlying mechanisms of interactions and innovation is still limited. The objective of our work is to understand the cognitive style of our students when finding solutions as agents of changes, as could be climate change following Kirton Adaptation-Innovation Theory (KAI)

    Experiential Learning in the UPM Engineering

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    The implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) raises the need for teaching based on individual characteristics, and in order to meet this requirement it is necessary for students to have flexible and individualized forms of learning, which promotes learning styles (LS) should be taken into consideration. It can not be forgotten that students? EE preferences are linked to performance and satisfaction with the study

    Experiential Learning in the UPM Engineering

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    The implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) raises the need for teaching based on individual characteristics, and in order to meet this requirement it is necessary for students to have flexible and individualized forms of learning, which promotes learning styles (LS) should be taken into consideration. It can not be forgotten that students? EE preferences are linked to performance and satisfaction with the study